
Good Terms



9 Years
Extra large
05-19-2013, 11:52 AM

Autumn was almost over with and Winter would be here in no time, covering the lands in snow, making finding food harder for the animals who did not migrate. Zanire had been fine, these lands supplied her with enough food, packing on pounds so that she could hibernate through this difficult season. She was glad that she stumbled upon this place, had she been anywhere else she would surely be having a hard time trying to gain weight, most likely having to be up looking for food when she should be hibernating.

The real question though, why was this bear heading straight towards a wolf pack and its claimed lands?

It was simple, she wanted to let their leader know of her presence so that he or she may let their pack know and not try running her out. Zanire was a laid back person, not one to start trouble for no reason, just going with the flow around her. And she hoped the wolves here would know that, allow her to stay in these nice lands until Winter was over with.

And so she came to a stop at the wolves border, nose twitching as she took in the scent of the creatures. She shook her head the smell overwhelming and somewhat nauseating. It had been quite some time since she had been around the scent of so many. She pushed this aside though, she was here for a reason. So she cleared her throat, lifted her head and finally released a low rumbling roar into the pack's lands.

It was not aggressive, just a calling, looking for a high ranking wolf to come answer her call. With that she plopped herself down on her rear, legs to the side with her front legs holding her large body up, shoulders hunched and head held low. Waiting.


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Gargoyle I


05-21-2013, 12:19 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


The massive wolf that ruled the terra, lifted his head slowly from the bloodied remains of a recent kill. His yellow eyes gleamed in pale, blank venom. What maddness was this? That was without doubt the call of a bear - a grizzly if he had to wager a guess - and yet it's tone... it was almost that of a wolf's call for attention. Surely he must be mistaken. It must be some mother calling for her cubs or male seeking a mate late in the season.

Regardless of the why, it was here. And that was reason enough to shoo it off. Gargoyle was perfectly aware that Glaciem was an oasis there in the Artic regions, but that didn't mean it was open for all predators. Usually the wolves could get along with the occasional migratory bear, and there would always be the snow leopards up in the mountains, but late autumn meant den searching and the last thing he wanted was some she-bear making herself a home in his territory.

The kill that he waited so long to make was forsaken. Gargoyle launched himself into a run, plowing through the snow like a black whirlwind. The recent threats lent energy and sharpness to his movements. Among them was Midnight's recent attack by a bear just south of his borders, for all he knew this could be the same one. If he saw that this one had a blind eye - it probably was.

But the creature that greeted his yellow laconic eyes, was not a dark furred, scarred monster, but a honey and brown hued creature. Gargoyle, with his portions to rival the legendary Dire wolves of old, was himself taller than the average black bear, and had no qualms about walking, stiff legged, hackles raised, past the mark of ten yards between them. - What in hellfire..? - The bear was... just standing there. Waiting by the border like a wolf.

He could've attacked right then - or at least howled and brought a patrol's worth of keen fanged wolves down to his side. But he just stood and waited. Gargoyle knew well all the stories of wolves vs bears that had been a part of his family's history, but he also knew the value of not rushing too quickly to action in such situations.

So the Alpha stood and waiting - a picture of dangerous, lupine dominance - wanting to see what this creature would do next.




9 Years
Extra large
05-21-2013, 03:14 PM

In no time somebody had come to answer her call. Violet eyes fell upon a wolf approaching, stiff legged and hackles raised. Of course it would react in such a manner. Bears were not to be brushed off as if they were no big deal, they were dangerous and should be feared. Unlike most though Zanire did not see to cause trouble with the canines, being helped and raised with them she had a higher respect for the animals and whenever possible she tried to let them know she was a friend, not foe.

The wolf had stopped a few yards from her, waiting for her to speak. She noted his size, quite large for a wolf, bigger than mot she has seen in her lifetime. Yet it didn't bother her in any way, she did not fear him. So clearing her throat the beast pushed herself up, standing on all fours with her gaze on the male. Greetings wolf. I Zanire, I friend of wolf. I come to speak to leader, are you leader of this pack? Her speech was choppy, still not used to talking in wolf tongue but was able to speak in a way that they could understand her.


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Gargoyle I


05-21-2013, 05:41 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


Every movement this creature made, displayed it for a monster - a living, breathing predator of a size that few in nature could match. It put all of Gargoyle's warrior's senses on overdrive - picking her apart for targets and danger zones, sending his mind back through it's catalog of techniques and experiences, searching for every shred of story and advise he'd ever come upon concerning bear fights. He'd fought and killed many a wolf, many a large game animal, even a wild boar once - and only a few weeks back he'd tangled with a wild cat. But this was the first she-grizzly to ever cross his path.

One way or the other, this was going to be fun.

That was when she spoke, in deep, awkward tones, rather how Gargoyle might've expected one of the Bear Tribe to speak - had he ever bothered to think they would. "I friend of wolf." she said, and that was nearly shock enough to make him muddle through the rest of her halting speech. But he got through it and heard all that this bear had to say.

"I am the leader." He rumbled. "I am Gargoyle, Chief of the Glaciem pack." If there was a stern strength marring his usual lack of tone, it was due to his pride in his family, and all that they had accomplished. Even the mention of them lent an added power to his strength and speech. The Timber cross faced the Grizzly as an equal in the class of nature's northern predators. "What have you to say to me?"




9 Years
Extra large
05-21-2013, 07:09 PM
ooc: Perhaps she could help them with the other scarred bear. ;D Eh? -nudge nudge-


She watched the male curiously, wondering what was going on in his head. She had a few ideas of what he was thinking. Should I run it out of here? Why the hell is a bear at my border? Should I call for backup? What the hell should I do? That was all she could come up with though, nothing else seemed to give her more ideas for her stood there like a statue, frozen.

When he finally spoke the beast gave a nod of her head as he informed her that he was the leader, Gargoyle, Chief of the Glaciem pack. That was good, she got lucky with him being there when she wanted instead of having to wait for a wolf to call their leader then having to wait for him or her to make it there. This leader held himself a certain way, and something about him told her he had encountered her kind before, possibly not in a good way. She would have to show him that she was here on good terms, and not looking for trouble.

What have you to say to me? She lifted her head, giving a small nod before clearing her throat. I come to speak about me hibernation. She began, brow raising slightly as she watched the male. She already figured he would not like the sound of that, but she would try to convince him it would only be for this winter. I ask that you tell you wolves no attack me, I just here dis Winter. Me no harm you wolves. She continued on, hopefully he would let her since she found a pretty good spot nearby.


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Gargoyle I


05-24-2013, 10:46 AM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


She was asking... for shelter? This grizzly was seeking a peaceful arrangement? A bear asking permission to hibernate in a wolf's territory... It was a novel idea. Gargoyle had never heard of such a deal going down, but then he'd never heard of a bear with the good sense to try.

Gargoyle's demeanor relaxed slightly. No signs of suprise, be they brow wrinkle or eyes widening showed on his stoney set of features, but to the subtle eye it was clear that he was coming off the defensive slightly. He believed that this bear did not mean harm. But that belief alone was surprising.

Gargoyle voiced his thoughts: "There is prey enough in Glaciem to support many creatures... but we have had trouble with bears in the past - from grizzlies to polars to, just recently, a half blind black bear. We're a warrior pack: we kill those who endanger our family... but if you truly do come in peace and you do not lay a paw on any wolf or their hunting spoils..." Gargoyle couldn't believe he was saying this, but truth was there was nothing against it, "...then yes you have my permission to hibernate here. If the arrangement works perhaps we could even make a habit out of it."




9 Years
Extra large
05-24-2013, 11:38 AM

Zanire stood in a completely relaxed posture, then again, why should she be worried or aggressive? Even though he held himself in a way to show he was high ranked and wanted to show her he was tough, he was also respectful with his approach and stance. She was glad this wolf had not attacked or ran her off on first sight, holding himself together and allowing her to speak on why she was here. He even seemed to relax slightly when she told him she was here to make her presence known and wasn't here to harm his wolves.

An ear flicked forward when he began to speak, giving a nod of her head as she listened. There is prey enough in Glaciem to support many creatures... but we have had trouble with bears in the past - from grizzlies to polars to, just recently, a half blind black bear. We're a warrior pack: we kill those who endanger our family... but if you truly do come in peace and you do not lay a paw on any wolf or their hunting spoils... then yes you have my permission to hibernate here. If the arrangement works perhaps we could even make a habit out of it.

She listened closely to the males words, givng a nod of her head every few moments. Her head tilted to the side though when he mentioned problems with bears in the past, with polars and grizzlies and even a black bear recently. Immediately she thought he would not allow her here because of those problems but was surprised when he said she had permission to hibernate here as long as she didn't lay a paw on his pack.

Kind you are, I appreciate dis. Danke you Gargoyle. She dipped her head to him with a smile, but when she lifted it to look at him once again she had on a more serious face and even serious tone. You say problem with half blind black bear... he hurt your wolves? She asked curiously. Zanire did not pay much attention to those of her kind, but she did notice a black bear with a scar on one of his eyes. She could hear him sometimes lumbering through a forest, not caring about marked lands. And when she ran into another grizzly the older bear said to steer clear of that black bear, he was trouble.

Perhaps she would follow the male, try steering him away from the pack if she got the chance to. It would be a good way to get the pack to trust her.


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Gargoyle I


05-31-2013, 02:33 PM


Gargoyle could be elegant of speech when he wished, but it was more in his natural to say less than he meant. The she-bear?s gratitude was met only with a calm, stately blink. ?You?re welcome? was a bit too vulgar a phrase for such a moment. He had said she was welcome in the land, but he would not accept thanks for this until he had had time to see what became of it.

Gargoyle had never thought he?d ever have anything to say to a bear, but now he?d held a good minute or two?s conversation with one. That was miracle enough for one day. When she commented upon the bear, Gargoyle?s reply was laconic and cultured as usual:

?Yes the bear has been rather bothersome, and it seems that his scent has been found skirting our borders, but my wolves are on alert, and, on that note, I must take my departure and inform the pack of your accepted presence, otherwise, there will most likely follow confrontations with we should all prefer to do without.? The Chief leveled his yellow gaze, dipped his head, and then turned to walk off. What would come of this agreement? Only time would tell.





9 Years
Extra large
06-03-2013, 10:04 AM

Zanire gave a nod of her head, ear twitching at his words. So the bear was going along their borders, she would watch from a distance, see if this guy came back and caused further harm to this pack. It wasn't in her nature to go after another bear for messing with another species, especially if it was a male bigger than her. She would not bring that up though, she just remained quiet and when he said he should go inform his wolves of her, she only gave a dip of her head. With a deep breath she pushed herself up, body turning, and headed off to the den she had spotted earlier.

