
e x t r a t e r r e s t r i a l


05-17-2013, 07:26 PM

The Northern lands of Alacritia were pretty, in a haunting way. This structure, however, was more interesting than haunting or anything. Brown tail swaying easily in the air, Lovatt was exploring the area near the lands that he hoped to join. Lentajin's packlands were near enough to this strange structure that Lovatt figured that it was worth exploring. Large brown paws crunched in the snow as he made his careful way along, ears swivelling wildly as he sniffed cautiously at the air every few steps. However, the air, like the stone, held no clues as to its origins. As far as Lovatt could tell, the structure had probably popped up over night. It seemed to have no purpose, as far as Lovatt could tell, and it stretched to a height far beyond even Lovatt's considerable size.

He had heard legends of creatures that could have built this - and indeed, some of the elders of his pack had 'seen' these creatures, but who was to say that they were not simply pup tales? There was no proof of those creatures. It just seemed that there was these strange structures littering the lands with no apparent origin. And Lovatt was a practical creature. He would never be able to explain what this thing was, or where it came from. That was beyond his understanding.

But what Lovatt could do was see if there was anyone else out there. Tilting his head back, he let a long howl escape him, summoning any who were nearby to him. Perhaps another wolf would have the answer to his . . . dilemma. Or perhaps he would simply meet other wolves who were out and about. If they were this close to Lentajin, they might be worth meeting, if Lovatt was going to be bringing Morgan here. It didn't seem like a good idea to be bringing his family if he did not know anything about his surroundings. Hence the explorations that he had attempted. His explorations hadn't really revealed much about these lands, however. Just a lot of snow and this . . . thing.



05-19-2013, 01:25 AM
She had planned on exploring the new lands without hesitating. What she didn't plan on was the discovery of a majestic wall. The fact that she was surprised made the find very appealing to her blue eyes. 'All the more to admire,' she thought happily. Her dark gray tail swept behind her in a lazy wag, side-to-side with no real reason. As she looked up high enough to the endless height of the structure, her neck cracked and she blinked a few times in more surprise. "Great," she said out loud, her tones containing a slight hint of regret from looking up so fast. Slowly, she attempted to lower her head and with relief, realized nothing had been broken. Her neck muscles slightly ached, but she shook herself all over and they relaxed.
Aeil's dark, stormy gray fur stood out against the settings. Her tracker-like form, medium and lightly-built with toned muscles, could probably cause a wolf to do a double-take. She didn't think of herself like that, so if it happened, she would probably not notice. As she took a few steps down the length of the wall, she admired the depths of the stone and how well they stayed together. After all this time (which was unknown to her, but she assumed long), the rocks stayed together like pieces of a puzzle. Once they fit, they didn't seem to want to leave. She knew that in some places of the wall, this wouldn't be so, but she ignored it and kept on.
Along the way, while being in her own world, she heard the howl. Another wave of surprise swept over her and she blinked a few times to recollect where she was and what had just happened. Ears perked and she turned her head in the direction of the howl. From what she could tell, it was a male and the message it carried wasn't threatening. A smile appeared on her pretty face and she tossed her head back before sending her own howl. From her smooth jowls, a beautiful melody left her body and floated across the air towards the other wolf's ears. She let it stay for a few seconds and then it faded. Aeil gingerly took a few steps forward before she started to walk in the direction of the first howl. Maybe it was someone who could tell her where she was...she hoped so, at least.


05-22-2013, 07:49 PM

There was an answer. Lovatt stirred, brown ears flicking as he sniffed the air, tasting the light scent of wolf. None who had the taste of a pack, as far as Lovatt could tell, but that was nothing new. Perhaps this wolf, like him, was a wanderer, exploring these lands for a potential home. Or perhaps they had darker motives in mind. That thought did not worry Lovatt very much, however. He was a massive creature, dwarfing most wolves who wandered these lands, and that meant that the average wolf likely could take him in a fight. Obviously, if they were warriors, that would be a different story, but Lovatt doubted that any lonely wolves in these lands were warriors.

Stretching slowly, the male padded carefully in the direction that the howl had originated from. A female wolf, one that probably was not much of a threat, had been the one to summon him. And unperturbed, Lovatt extended his legs and began to stride more quickly, each step eating away at the distance between himself and the other until Lovatt found his gaze settling on a gray wolf. Hmm. Nothing too intimidating. "Greetings!" Lovatt called lightly, voice lifted slightly so that it would reach the other wolf. "How are you on this lovely day?" Lovatt asked as he drew closer, coming to a stop about a bodylength away from the female. He didn't want to get too close and make her feel uncomfortable.

Brown tail flicking idly in the air, Lovatt glanced thoughtfully at the strange structure once more. What had built it? He had come no closer to finding answers while dwelling upon this thing than he had been when he'd first spotted it.



05-23-2013, 01:14 AM

It definitely didn't take long for the lone female to meet eyes with him. Aeil's eyes widened when she took notice of the blue eyes that similarly matched hers at first glance. A smile broke across her face when he proceeded to greet her with a friendly salutation. The eagerness of finding someone who was nice in a strange land was obvious on the young lady's facial features. Quietly, Aeil slightly increased her pace and her paws carried her towards the male that spoke first. "Hello to you, as well!" she said in gentle tones. The smile that stayed on her face made her words all the more friendly. "I think I'm doing all right, aside from a sore neck as a result of trying to see the top of this..." she turned her head to look at the wall, "structure. It really is something I have never seen before." She turned her gaze from the wall to Lovatt. "Do you have any idea how this came to be? I wish I knew, but I guess some mysteries are best left alone." Aeil's eyes widened again and she said, "I'm sorry, I meant to ask you...How are you doing today, sir?"



05-24-2013, 10:41 PM

The friendly greeting was pretty nice, Lovatt had to admit. He appreciated seeing a friendly face out here. After all, this wolf could have been something than she seemed to be, thankfully enough. But no, she just seemed to be a friendly female wolf who had been investigating this strange structure, just like Lovatt had. This wasn't so bad, he figured. If all of the wolves in the area were this friendly, he would see no issues with bringing his family here. Or at least most of them; Lovatt knew better than to make generalizations like that.

Tail flicking slightly, the brown male inclined his head in the other's direction. "I honestly do not know how this strange thing was created..." Lovatt spoke thoughtfully, tilting his head back as he examined the structure carefully for a long moment before his gaze fell once more to focus on the black female who stood there. "But there are many things scattered across these lands, and not one wolf can tell me where they came from." His old den had been located in a place with strange, foreign structures like these, and he had heard rumors of other such things from Luke and Morgan as they told him about their travels. Where had they come from? He was rather curious now, though before it had been nothing more than an absent thought that drifted through his mind.

Laughing slightly, Lovatt shook his head as the female spoke again, inclining his head in her direction once more. "I am well enough. The name is Lovatt. What's your's?" He inquired lightly, tail twitching in the air behind him. He was still a little on edge, worried that perhaps this wolfess was more than she seemed to be, but Lovatt was relaxing swiftly as they began to converse more fluidly.



05-25-2013, 01:07 AM

On a normal day for her, Aeil would have been awkward and quiet with a stranger speaking to her. However, it was probably due to the structure next to her and the friendly aura of Lovatt that made her feel more open with being herself. She didn't know why, but the facts that his tones were kind and the way he held himself was non-threatening was a nice change of being alone as she travelled. Her sapphire blue eyes changed to a lighter shade of the blue stone and she spoke again without her usual hesitancy. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lovatt. My name is Aeil..a short name at that, but I prefer it over the longer version most of the time." She was pretty sure she told everyone that when she introduced herself, but she didn't mind. Aeil also hoped he wouldn't mind being left in the dark about her full name. If the time came, she would tell him without worrying.The young fae checked out the different colors that decked out Lovatt's form. She thought the colors were nice and blended together in a lovely pattern. Her gaze went from his face to her own form and she saw the darkness that practically swam over her body. Aeil loved her own unique hide and her self-consciousness swept across her face when she looked up. 'No time to get lost in your thoughts,' she told herself before returning her gaze to the wall nearby. "There are really other structures out there?" she asked curiously. Her gaze moved back to Lovatt's friendly blue eyes and her own widened slightly in disbelief. Surely they aren't as majestic as this one...Then again, whomever made this would have to share the talent around the world." She leaned her head to the side and asked, "I would like to meet a wolf who would know, eventually. That way I could say these unique builds didn't just...appear."



06-01-2013, 12:59 PM

Aeil, huh? It was a bit of a mouthful, but it sounded rather pretty. A kind of airy name, not something solid like his. If that made sense to anyone but him. "The pleasure's all mine, Aeil." Lovatt spoke lightly, tail twitching slightly as he examined the wolf before him curiously. She was an interesting looking wolf, with those bright blue eyes that were close in shade to his. They kind of matched, didn't they?

Laughing internally at the thought, Lovatt glanced towards Aeil once more as she spoke. "Indeed the are," Lovatt spoke in a friendly tone, "For a time, I stayed in lands to the south of these with strange structures that were taller than this, along with an odd structure that was between the height of this thing and the others on those lands. A pack has taken up residence on those lands, however, if I have been informed correctly." Seracia, wasn't it? It was a place that had never held much attraction for him, he had to admit.

Tilting his head slightly, Lovatt mulled his answer over for a moment before speaking. "I think that a wolf who knows how these structures came about would be a very powerful wolf," Lovatt murmured thoughtfully, "I think that it would depend on how they found out. Perhaps they would simply have access to things of a more questionable nature than the average wolf or something." Shrugging slightly, Lovatt tried to explain the prickle that had crawled across his skin at the thought of meeting such a wolf.

It just seemed like these structures had appeared and that was all that the average wolf needed to know, and any wolf that knew any more probably had an ulterior motive for sharing his knowledge to Lovatt.



06-01-2013, 09:34 PM

Her eyes widened at the idea of there being more structures like the wall. She thought that if this a lovely piece of scenery, then the others would be even better! Aeil's tail began to wag behind her in an excited manner as her thoughts started to run with the idea. Her eyes began to have a faraway look until she remembered the conversation with Lovatt. She pulled herself back to the present and looked back to the friendly male in front of her. "Sorry, Lovatt. I didn't mean to space out like that." Her fur became a bit lighter - or darker - when she blushed at her honesty. "I was just wondering about the other structures you were talking they came to be, too." Aeil offered an apologetic smile and reclined to her slender haunches.
"There is a pack there?" she asked curiously, wondering what they thought of the structures they lived nearby. She figured they probably lost the glamour after awhile. Leaning her head to the side, Aeil blinked and said, "I have heard there are a few packs around, but, I have yet to know anything of them." She recalled the meeting she had with Gerhardt, causing her smile to widen and her tail to wag side-to-side. "I wonder how each pack works, Lovatt. I suppose my ignorance is obvious, huh?" She shyly shrugged and wrapped her tail loosely around her hind legs. "You're definitely right about the wolves having power. With knowledge like that, they could probably tell us a thing or two."
The dark gray femme uncoiled her tail and raised a hind paw to scratch behind her right ear. She hit the right spot and after a few scratches, the itch went away. After lowering her foot, she asked, "What has brought you out here today, Lovatt?"



06-07-2013, 10:01 PM

Tilting his head slightly as he watched the female grow more and more distracted, Lovatt mostly kept his maw shut. He remembered the last time that he had run into a strange female; it had been Newt, the Queen of Lentajin, and she had done much the same thing, her mind wandering off some place that Lovatt would not be able to follow her to. Hmm. Perhaps they were both crazy. Not in a bad way, of course; Lovatt had adored Newt. She was an amazing wolf, and her pack was the one that he sought to join, one day. "It's no problem," Lovatt responded almost immediately when Aeil spoke, shaking his head slightly, "It was certainly an interesting thought. I wondered about that for a long while when I first came across those lands," And then a distraction had arrived in the form of Morgan.

Morgan. Oh, Morgan. But he probably shouldn't get distracted by that. Shaking his head slightly, the male twitched his ears and glanced towards Aeil curiously. "I believe that a pack known as Seracia has taken up residence there," Lovatt spoke with a slight nod, "And it is an . . . interesting pack. Not exactly my thing, though. They're all about rules and respect wolves of higher rank and stuff. Not my thing." Lovatt shrugged, shaking his head slightly, "But there's no shame in not knowing things, as long as you try to learn." He meant it. To him, there was no point in being upset about what you didn't know, since that wasn't exactly something that you could help.

Ears twitching, the male wagged his tail pleasantly enough as he glanced at Aeil once more. "What brings me here? Well, the pack that I wish to join is not too far from here, and I wanted to explore these lands before I committed myself to living here. And what about you?" Head tilting slightly, Lovatt examined the female. What had brought her to these deserted, snowy expanses? It was an interesting question.



06-07-2013, 10:42 PM

Aeil's mind couldn't help but wander. For the most part, she wasn't used to the company of others, let alone conversations among those wolves. With practice, however, one would hope that Aeil would improve with her wandering spells and concentrating on the present company at hand. Now, as she sat in front of the friendly Lovatt, she wagged her majestic tail behind her as she listened.
"I suppose a lot of other wolves have done the same, thinking of these structures and pondering their beginnings." She perked her ears when Lovatt mentioned the nearby pack and his opinions that followed tu suite. "Indeed," she said, pondering the overall idea of Seracia, "it sounds as if it would be a great place to go if you preferred such things." Her smile, relaxed and happy, remained on her maw as she continued to listen. "Learning and growing up is what any wolf should do, especially if they want to make something of themselves." Aeil nodded to confirm her statement.
"That, in itself, sounds like the smart thing to do, Lovatt." Aeil's eyes twinkled and she wrapped her long tail around her hind paws again. "As for me? Well...I guess I have been travelling around, trying to see what all there is in Alacritis. I'm still very new to this land and I haven't seen enough of it to form a concrete opinion of where to go next or what I want to do." A light breeze passed the two wolves, running its fingers in her fur and making ripples. "Being a Rogue wolf, I suppose it helps give me endless amounts of time to figure out where I belong..At least you know where you are destined."



06-09-2013, 01:53 PM

The male nodded his head slightly, examining Aeil thoughtfully. "It's very likely that that is true," Lovatt spoke, twitching his tail lightly as the conversation turned towards Seracia. As he had said, it wasn't really his thing. He much preferred the ideals upon which Amenti had been founded. "I suppose so." Lovatt shrugged slightly, "But I have always preferred the concept of a pack being a family rather than a kingdom," Lovatt added with a firm nod.

He paused there, listening to Aeil's next words with ears pricked attentively in her direction, even as his navy gaze wandered. "That's a wise thing to say, Aeil." Lovatt spoke lightly, but there was admiration in his thoughts for such words to spill from such an unimposing female. He had liked her from the start, but this increased his esteem of her.

Ears flicking, he turned his full attention back to the female. "I was a rogue wolf for many years, Aeil, so I understand how you feel. It took me many years to find any sort of home. I've only found a place worth making a home in this past season." Lovatt shook his head slightly, driving away memories of the lonely seasons that had defined his life after his father's death. "These lands are better than most to be wandering, I suppose. There are less dangers here than I have seen in some others." At least he hadn't seen anyone drown here, or the massacre of an entire pack.



06-15-2013, 08:32 PM

Aeil's ears perked when Lovatt said Seracia was like a kingdom. She had never been to a pack where such order was held among the wolves. Eagerly, she thought about what it would be like and how she would fit in. The idea of being surrounded by her kind again, to know that there were others nearby whom she could seek for guidance or just a friendly really made the Rogue life seem lonely at times. "What other pack have you considered joining, Lovatt? The only ones I have heard of are Seracia and Valhalla...but I know nothing of those except for what I was told." Talking about the other packs on the Alacritis continent made her mind open up and broaden in those aspects.
She smiled at the comment Lovatt made to her quote on learning and experiencing new things in life. "That's sweet of you to say, Lovatt. I only speak from past experiences in my life. There may not be many, but you never know what the future holds. I hope to learn more before my time on this earth ends." Aeil spoke like an older female, but she knew that time was too precious and taking hold of other chances were sometimes the best choices to make.
The stormy gray female was happy to hear that Lovatt had found his rightful place in the world. "I bet you are eager to settle down in your new home, too, Lovatt. After so long, a change of pace and scenery can be a good thing for you." She wrapped her fluffy tail around her hind legs and maintained her gaze with his own friendly eyes. So far, she liked Lovatt. He was easy to talk to, didn't seem egotistical, and enjoyed her company. She hoped they could keep in touch, whenever they did go their seperate ways. "Dangers? I hope I steer clear of them, should I explore the rest of this vast land..." Her heart hammered lightly from the mere thoughts and she continued. "So far, I haven't come across anything to threaten my life. Have you?"



06-17-2013, 09:01 PM

Twitching his ears a little, Lovatt cast a measuring glance in Aeil's direction as she mentioned packs. "My mate and I are going to attempt to join Amenti," Lovatt spoke thoughtfully, "I have met its Queen, and she is an interesting wolf, but one who will protect her family at all costs. That's all I need in a pack." Lovatt paused, shrugging slightly. He had gotten more personal with that than he had intended to. This was the first mention of Morgan that he had made since beginning to converse with Aeil. "But there are many more packs than just Seracia and Valhalla in the area. Not too far from here, a pack known as Glaciem makes its home," Lovatt nodded absently, "I think that we would have found ourselves approaching its borders if I had not met Newt when the thought of packs was first occurring to me." Lovatt had been along for long enough that a pack had been a foreign concept for him, but Morgan? Well, she deserved a home, and she deserved the best home he could provide.

She was amused by his comment, it seemed, but Lovatt mostly tuned that out, his ears twitching as he listened to her words. "And that in and of itself is a wise thing to say. Wisdom is a rare thing in the many wolves that I have met, so I do mean it when I say such a thing." How many empty headed wolves had he met while he wandered, seeking a home? How many wolves did not appreciate what they had? He had been one of them, of course, before he'd lost the love of his life and his entire family, save his father. And even his father had been yanked away from him.

A smile crossed the brown male's features and he glanced thoughtfully at the dark sky as she spoke. "I am ready to find peace at last," Lovatt murmured thoughtfully, "For three years I have wandered. I think it's time to find a home." Lovatt spoke absently, shaking his head slightly as he turned his attention back towards Aeil, driving thoughts of his past away from him.

Angeal snorted softly, "I have been lucky in my lifetime, I suppose. I have narrowly missed every lifethreatening event to occur around me. Instead, my friends and my family have suffered and I have been lucky." Did it count as luck when you regretted it for every second that you spent thinking about it? Lovatt figured it did.



06-19-2013, 12:12 AM

Amenti..., she thought. That was definitely a pack she hadn't heard of yet. As he talked about the Queen in charge of the pack and its wolves, she imagined her meeting Lovatt and his love, chatting and getting to know each other. "If you say that it seems like the perfect place to go for you and your mate, then I believe you." She caught onto him saying that he was married and she nodded politely. "I didn't know you were wed. Congratulations, however late my condolences are."
Aeil continued to listen to Lovatt and she nodded in agreement. "Wisdom comes with experience and years that go with it. It may seem like we don't know much, but when it comes to certain situations in our lives, we can even surprise herself." Her own experiences in life had been when she had grown up with her parents, then travelling. It wasn't a glamorous life, but she knew who she was and didn't have to second-guess herself.
"The many other packs in this world..I can't imagine how many there are." She thought of the pack of the North, Glaciem, that Lovatt had mentioned. Images of the ice and snow, living in it year round, made her slightly shiver. Aeil had grown up around the wintery weather climates, but she wasn't a big fan of them. "You deserve to find peace, Lovatt. Three years does sound like a long time, and knowing that you don't have to search anymore...I am sure your mind is at ease now."
The dark fae caught the changes in Lovatt's persona - his tone and the way he side-stepped looking at her. Aeil didn't mind; she figured that he had something on his mind and didn't want to dwelve into it. Only just meeting each other was one of the reasons she didn't think about getting nosy. The only thing she asked was, "Your mate, Lovatt...what is she like? I'm sure married life is a joy that you keep close to your heart."



06-26-2013, 02:22 PM

Ears flicking, Lovatt inclined his head slightly at the congratulations, taking a long moment to answer her. "Thank you," The large male rumbled, "They are not too late," He added a moment later, "We have only recently become mates." It hadn't been long, though it felt like an eternity and like a moment all at once. Was that what love was supposed to be? He had built her up to a pedestal during his years of wandering, but she had fit onto it perfectly, settling with surprising grace upon that pedestal.

Her words were met with another slight nod on Lovatt's part. "I know I've surprised myself several times." He muttered, half to himself. And he had. When he'd thrown himself into the water without thought for his own safety after his father, that had surprised him. And the realization that he would never let something like that happen to a wolf he cared about again had been surprising, but what had shocked him most of all was the thought that honestly, he wouldn't have cared if it was a stranger. Oh, that had been a shock.

Ears twitching, Lovatt shook his head slightly as she began to speak once more. "A great many, I'm sure. Of varying degrees of 'goodness' too, I suppose." Surely some packs were not the kind place in which he'd been raised. And Amenti he knew had darker inclinations, but it was its foundations that he cared about, not the way that it leaned. "My mind is at ease," He agreed absently, "Though I'm less sure about deserving it." He had let his father drown. His pack had died and he hadn't been there. Did he deserve any sort of peace in his life?

But the next topic brought up was an easier one for Lovatt. He seemed to perk up, tension melting from his frame as thoughts of Morgan filled his mind. "She is beautiful, and yet that isn't the most important thing about her. She's kind, she thinks of others first. Despite the hardships that she has endured, she is still strong." Here he paused, twitching his ears as he snorted softly. "But what about you, Aeil? Do you have anyone . . . ah, special? In your life?' Surely a wolf as pretty as her did.

The dark fae caught the changes in Lovatt's persona - his tone and the way he side-stepped looking at her. Aeil didn't mind; she figured that he had something on his mind and didn't want to dwelve into it. Only just meeting each other was one of the reasons she didn't think about getting nosy. The only thing she asked was, "Your mate, Lovatt...what is she like? I'm sure married life is a joy that you keep close to your heart."



07-08-2013, 06:49 PM

She listened with interest as Lovatt spoke of Morgan. The way he described her, the softer tone that he used as he spoke, and the gentle gleam that was in his eyes were all evidence of how he cared for his mate. Aeil hoped that in the future, someone who felt the same way for her would be as endearing and comforted by thoughts of her being. " sounds like she is a wonderful lady and wife to you, Lovatt. I wish you both many more years to enjoy each other."
His inquiry of her own love interest came as an offguard question to her. It had been so long since Aeil had given any thought of acquiring a mate. The fact was that she had never really looked around, intending on having a husband. Maybe it was because the way her parents had ended their marriage spooked her. Another possibility could be because whenever she travelled, she never met anyone who stood out in her mind's eye.
Her answer was honest and she meant every word. "I will be honest, Lovatt..I haven't met anyone in particular yet. So far, I've met some nice males, but they won't go further than friendship with me." Aeil smiled and wagged her tail from remembering her meetings as a Rogue wolf. "I would like to think that the right wolf will come along without me realizing it...and when I do meet him, I will be able to know just from talking with him." She then thought of Dragon, the wolf she met outside of her homelands...a sigh escaped the fae and she couldn't help but wonder how they would turn out. "Fate has a nice way of working out for wolves, I guess."
