
I can't do this on my own


05-30-2013, 03:17 PM

She had found her mother! Of all the things in the world she was most thankful for, it was her mother and her brother Iniko, her only remaining family in the world. When she'd first stumbled into Alacritis and gotten lost, her hope of finding her family had been small. How could she, when this new place was bigger than any place she had ever been in before? It had only been by fate's good graces that she had managed to stumble into momma and Iniko. The future didn't look so bleak anymore. She'd been afraid that maybe she would have to start her new life in this place on her own and she might probably never see her family ever again. But that wasn't the case anymore. She was back with her family and things were going to be okay again.

Since returning with Momma and Niko, Seraphiel had discovered that they had somewhat become part of a pack, which explained the strangeness to their once familiar scents. As her mother had explained more in depth, they were being sheltered by the pack called Glaciem, one that lived in a really cold place where this white stuff called snow stuck to the ground. Momma had talked about a man named Gargoyle, the chief as she had referred to him. He was the one who had allowed her mother and brother to take residence in his pack for the time being. They were sheltered, whatever that meant. He didn't sound like a bad guy and Sera was curious. She wanted to meet this chief man and see if maybe she could be in his pack with her mother and brother.

It was a difficult thing for the young russet girl to do, with her not being acquainted with the territory of this new place, but she managed to find the pack where her family was residing in; Glaciem. Not without the help of her mother of course, since she was still rather hesitant and unsure of her new surroundings. It was a big place, just like the rest of the land. She wasn't exactly sure what she was looking at, given that she had never been in a landscape like this one before. There were trees obviously. Those were like everywhere. Big rock formations outlined the horizon and she assumed those to be mountains, her mother had referenced them before. As far as how to oriente herself, Seraphiel was lost. She allowed her nose to guide her as she reached what she assumed to be the pack border, the strangeness that coated her family's scent becoming more prominent. Russet and onyx stained frame came to a halt, sapphire gems gazing out into the unfamiliar territory. This had to be it right? Her nose couldn't be wrong. At least she hoped it wasn't. That could be bad. She turned back to glance at her mother and brother, whom she had left behind in her rush to reach the borders. Momma, Niko, c'mon! she urged, wanting them to catch up already.

Russet dome was tipped towards the skies, lips curling together as she released a beckoning howl into the atmosphere, calling to the chief Gargoyle or any other authority figure in the area. She dropped her call after a moment, gaze resuming its scan of the terrain. Seraphiel could only wonder as she stood at the border of Glaciem, awaiting the arrival of someone. A rustling at her side caught her attention, causing her to turn away from Glaciem to glance at her small family. Finally, momma and Niko had caught up. A gentle push was given to her mother's side before she turned to Niko, swatting him playfully with her dark tail, glad that she was with them again.

OOC: Seraphiel's family will post first please, and then either Gargie or Oceana, or both if you guys want c:

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06-03-2013, 11:52 PM
ooc: So I was thinking, this is where Seraphiel and Iniko meet their uncle Oxia. Sperare found Seraphiel a few days after joining which was when she found out her brother was alive. And takes place before the bear hunt.

The small family was almost whole. Sperare had found her brother, Oxia, in the pack that was sheltering her, and she had found her missing child, Seraphiel. The only thing left now was to have the children meet their uncle, then at least, they could be a whole family. This excited Sperare, she finally had a reason to wear a genuine smile, to be happy without having to force it. Glaciem was taking them in, giving them food and shelter. The bad luck she believed she had, seemed to have been replaced with good, and the light colored wolf was grateful for it.

Here they were, making their way towards the borders. Sperare could feel her legs tremble in anxiety, unsure of what would happen. All she did not was that it would be nothing bad, they Gargoyle would allow Seraphiel to join Glaciem and be sheltered with her mother and brother. Her blue gaze fell to Iniko beside her, smiling at him for a moment before lifting her head, watching her daughter track the smell of their coats to the borders of the pack. Finally, we are together. She thought with a heavy sigh, ears perking up at the howl from up ahead, Seraphiel calling for the Chief before yelling at her mother and brother to hurry.

We're coming, we're coming. She chuckled lightly, quickening her pace to catch up but then slowing down and coming to a stop to stand beside her daughter. She lifted her own head to the sky, releasing a long and smooth howl, letting Gargoyle know she was here. Hopefully it would give him good reason to hurry over, or at least trust who the other voice came from.



06-04-2013, 07:01 AM

Oxia was patrolling the boarders when the sound of a small call hit his ears. They snapped up and foreword, in the direction of the sound. He went into a slight faster walk, and soon found himself in front of his sister and two pups. A smile came across his maw as he came closer to them. "Well i herd a small call." He said as he looked down upon the two pups.

He lowered his head so that he would be eye level to Seraphiel, his deep blue eyes sparkled with delight. Hello there Seraphiel, and Iniko. It is nice to meet you both." Oxia lifted his head and continued to talk.I am your Uncle Oxia."He was so happy that his tail swayed gently.

Oxia turned to his sister and nuzzled her, his ears laid down a bit as the sound of a rabbit came to him. He soon forgot about the prey creature, and his attention was back on his family. "They are wonderful Sperare." He was happy, and he knew that some day he might have kids of his own, but that would be in the future.




06-05-2013, 09:41 PM

The male chased after his sibling but remained beside his momma for a moment. He smiled back at her and wagged his tail excitedly before running ahead towards his sister. Finally he caught up to her and slid to her side. The russet girl swatted him with her tail and he patted at her playfully with his paw before his attention was reverted to an odd looking brute. A quizzical look was given as a russet colored woof, just like his sister, with black legs and face and white stripped strode up to them. Iniko just stared at him like he was an alien until he was introduced. Even then the yearling's mouth was agape.

"Ya look funny. Are ya really our uncle?"

He then began to circle the male sniffing him and studying him. And he thought he looked weird! This male was one of the oddest looking wolves he had ever seen. Was he really related to him?



06-11-2013, 08:35 PM

The howl that summoned her to the boarders came when Ocena had left her youngsters in the care of the two other mothers who had brought children into the world inside Glaciem's borders. Keki and Crusade could look after her darlings for a short while, during which Ocena would stretch her legs, maybe go for a run. She adored her children, but sometimes getting out of the cave was nice. They were getting old enough that they were beginning to explore Glaciem's territory, meaning that Ocena figured they'd be okay in the care of Keki and Crusade for a while.

She had been padding through Glaciem's territory, no particular destination in mind, simply enjoying the comfort of exploring her own home for once, when a piping howl echoed over the horizon. It sounded young, almost, leading Ocena to twitch her ears in amusement as she padded off in search of the source. As she moved, however, a stronger, familiar sounding howl took up the cry, again calling for a higher ranked wolf to come to the borders. Ocena picked up her pace, beginning to lope across the ground.

It didn't take her too long to locate it. Perhaps it was good that her wanderings had carried her near to the edge of Glaciem's territory. There were clear hints of confidence in her strides, which were no longer as hesitant as they had once been. Gargoyle had truly done wonders for the half-blind female, who no longer thought of herself as less than whole because of her eye, especially now that her children showed no signs of having ended up like her.

Coming to a stop daintily before a familiar golden colored wolf, Ocena felt a smile spreading across her features. "Sperare! Oxia!" An enthusiastic greeting escaped the female as she gazed at her pack's beta and one of its sheltered members. She had never been very close to Oxia, but she appreciated everything that he had done for the pack and for Gargoyle, helping in ways that she could not. And Sperare? Well, she liked the female. She had passion. "What brings you three . . . four? To the border today?" As her gaze came to rest upon the wolf that had summoned her in the first place, Ocena started slightly, recovering as best as she could as she eyed the russet pup, wondering if the pup would speak for herself or if Sperare (her mother, perhaps? or perhaps Oxia was the father? Or maybe this was just a random pup they had found?) would speak for the youngster.



06-16-2013, 12:16 PM
ooc: If you don't mind this. I would like the posting order to go Sperare, Seraphiel, Iniko, Oxia then Ocena. That way the mom can speak/react, then the kids, Oxia and the Ocena. By the way, Shrap is on leave, so I guess we skip Iniko until she is back.

Sperare smiled as her brother arrived not long after their calls, walking forward and brushing her face against his cheek before pulling away and turning to her children. He greeted his nephew and niece, telling them he was their uncle, even though they would already know from earlier when they found Seraphiel. They are wonderful Sperare. He beamed, causing the young woman to look to them with love, yes, they were very wonderful. Even though she was forced mated, she still loved them very much, and wouldn't want to trade them in for others.

Iniko's reaction to Oxia was amusing, and the mother's tail wagged behind her when he told Oxia that he looked funny and asked if he was really their uncle. Iniko, Seraphiel. Oxia is my brother, I have not seen him in a very long time. He is your uncle, and great one too. She turned to him with that smile, she had missed him so much while she was gone. \

Her nose twitched as a familiar scent reached her nose, turning her head to see a black and white wolf heading towards them. Instantly an image popped into her head, of when she first ran into her and Gargoyle. She still felt bad about that day, her reaction was uncalled for. But the woman had greeted her and Oxia as if they were buddies, and asked what brought them to the border today.

Miss Ocena. As you know, Gargoye has been very kind and allowed me and my son Iniko to stay here till we regained our strength and found my missing daughter. She turned so that she could face them all motioning towards her black and russet colored son. Well, we are still regaining our strength, but, we have finally found my daughter. Seraphiel. Her ears lifted up off her head as she looked to her daughter, tail wagging slowly behind her.

She turned back to the woman, holding her head high but respectful. I wished to inform you guys, and to ask permission for her to be sheltered along side the rest of her family.



06-16-2013, 04:02 PM

Their calls echoed out into the territory of what momma called Glaciem. Her sapphire blue eyes scanned the white territory, looking for signs that anyone who lived in this pack was coming to greet them. She expected some kind of howl or something to alert them that they were coming, but there was nothing. Seraphiel was beginning to think that maybe no one was going to come greet them when suddenly a new scent hit her nostrils. The yearling turned her russet head in the direction of the smell, noticing how another darker russet wolf was coming their way, his limbs and head painted black and adorned with white stripes. He was certainly an odd color, with very interesting looking markings. The girl focused her attention on the man as he approached, his demeanor friendly as he approached she and her brother, leveling his gaze with them as he spoke, introducing himself as her uncle. Uncle Oxia. This was momma's brother, the one she had been telling them about yesterday? He was a big man.

Plume swayed gently as she took a moment to take in the fact that she had an uncle. If she had an uncle, did her uncle have a wife? And if he did, did he have kids too? Did she have cousins? It was too early to tell, but she supposed she would find out later on. Hello Uncle Oxia. the russet girl spoke, a small smile curling her lips. Not moments after her uncle had arrived, another wolf came onto the sight. Her scent gave her away as female, the way she walked telling the girl that this new woman was important. She'd never met an alpha before, but this lady seemed pretty nice. She was small, still a little bigger than Seraphiel, but smaller than her uncle. Her eyes were pretty, blue and red. She already liked this woman. The woman she assumed was alpha greeted her mother and uncle happily, asking what exactly they were doing at the border. Seraphiel would've answered had momma not spoken up first. She held her tongue, letting her mother speak, introducing her and explaining how they had just been reunited the day before and were now here to include her into the pack.

The yearling listened intently as her mother spoke, calling the pretty woman miss Oceana. Was that her name? She waited until her mom was done talking before piping up. You're very pretty miss Oceana and like my mom said, I would be so happy if you could let me stay here with my family. She inclined her russet head, a bow of sorts to Oceana as she fixed her azure gaze on the dual pelted woman, waiting to see what her reaction would be.

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