
Plots, Plots and more Plots (Tero's aewsome Plots)


05-16-2013, 03:30 PM
Ulrike: Age:7 Mate:Fetisha Pack:Tortuga
Personality: Ulrike is what you would like to say to have a vile nature to him if he needs to. He is Charming to those around him when he decides to play that card. With his Charm he i also strong, determined, and open-minded. But with those positive personality qualities, he has some negative ones, being a rash-thinker can cause him to over thing things. To mix this all together he is really serious, and his since of humor is quite unique to him.

Ookami: Age:4 Mate:Thane Pack:Valhalla
Personality: Ookami is a kind gentle wolf who will gladly go out of her way to help those in need. She is very loyal to those who she called family.(the pack she is in)Sometimes she will be caught gazing off in to the stars that reminded her of her family. Even though a year had passed since her family died she still thinks about them each passing day. Despise her kindness she will not hesitate to fight if it is needed but she will try the talk it out method before she would fight. The only thing that will go round her method is if The Alpha of the pack declares war on another pack the all bets are off.

Oxia: Age:4 Mate:None is Single Pack:Glaciem
Personality:Oxi? Velganna is quite kind but can also become very mean if you give him a reason to. He is kind to those who deserve his kindness, to him if you treat him with respect you will get the same treatment back. But The moment you show him unnecessary disrespect he will provide the same treatment to you, he dose not care what rank you are and who you are, if you show him disrespect he will do the same thing back to you.Oxi? Velganna is much kinder to females and pups more than he is to other males. He will tolerate some males but most won't get any where near to his acquaintance bar. Those who are male and do become good friends with him has proven to him quite a deal of times that they are willing to show him that at anytime.

Orion: Age:3 Mate:None is single Pack:Amenti
Personality: Personality is what makes someone who they are, and Orion believes that. He is a deep thinker, who loves to have a conversation with who ever is willing to do so. He is a very kind wolf who will not fight if it is not necessary. Sometimes he will turn evil if you trigger that part of him, which is kinda hard to do. If you are successful you better run for cover. Orion is very loyal to the pack he chooses to join. Once he is apart of that pack he will die there no matter what. Now for family matters, he is always up for a mate, and even puppies. Just don't mess with those he loves, because if you do kiss your rump goodby.

Tikaani: Age:1 Mate:None is Single Pack:Tortuga
Personality:Tikaani you can say has a Personality disorder state to her, After the disappearance of her mother she gave in to Terror, and now is evil. She will not let anyone get close to her. If she feels that you are a threat to her she will not hesitate to sink her teeth in your pelt. She will often be found sitting alone chewing on a freshly killed animal. She dose not like being interrupted from her thoughts, and her kill. She will often lash out at who ever interrupted her. She liked to refer her self as the grim reaper.

Fenris: Age:4 Mate:None is Single Pack:Loaner
Personality:Well my personality is something that i love dearly. See i am kinda of a... how do i put this... a goof ball. I am a jokestr, and love to play pranks on everyone. The pranks are harmless, and i will never do anything to hurt anyone in the process.
*hops around the profile, wearing a funny hat*
Alone with my pranks, i am a bit of a slacker, i don't like to do much work, i prefer to relax all day long and just do nothing. Don't get me wrong though i will help out from time to time again. If there is a think the pack needs my help with i will be there ready to help.
*Acts all mighty and tough. Grrrrrr* *looks up at the hat that i am still wearing, realized it did not make him look tough*
Well sorta tough i guess. hehe. Any way, where was i, oh yes..... I also love to help brighten up others day, to me a happy wolf, is a healthy wolf. Having fun in your life is always the best thing ever!!!