
--the way i die.

The Judge


11-24-2014, 11:17 PM

Cataleya v Qanik for Pup

Round 1

9 for clarity- -2 how is she moving to the right to line them up? is she twisting? when she moves to the right is she still attacking straight on or is she at angle?
10 for powerplaying. none seen    
10 for defenses.   +1 for each seen    
10 for attack. +3 shoulder slam (point not given for maim attempt as they're starting to close for Cat to work up enough momentum to realistically dislocate the shoulder) +3 bite +1 maim +2 paw slam +1 maim attempt
10 for injuries.   first round  

Round one Total: 48/50

9 for clarity--1 which right paw is she lifting?
10 for powerplaying.none seen
10 for defenses.+1 for each seen
7 for attack.+2 paw attack +1 breaking balance to two legs +1 shoulder push [full points not given for the shoulder being wounded and the close quarters limiting momentum and force] +3 bite [point for maim not given as its unlikely she could keep her shoulder pushing against cat and still reach the intended target, particularly with a grip on her scruff]
10 for injuries.first round

Round one Total: 46/50

Round 2

4 for clarity--2 where on her side did Qanik's bite land?  -2 Which side did the attack land on? left or right? -2 How is Cat positioning herself to force her weight "onto her opponents neck".  It reads like a chest slam to me but you seem to be hinting at her putting her weight over Qanik to push her to the ground.
10 for powerplaying.none seen
9 for defenses.+1 for each seen -2 make sure to mention that you've redistributed your balance when she shifts to her back legs.
4 for attack.+3 maintain hold and rip scruff +1 forcing weight on Qanik [minus 1 for clarity]
6 for injuries.-2 moderate bruising to shoulder -2 bite wound to chest, judges deduction [I find it really unlikely that Cat could shift out of range and get only a few scratches from Qanik's attack with one of her paws in the air and Qanik's head practically between her front legs due to the scruff hold before the attack could be completed]

Round two Total: 33/50

2 for clarity--2 was it Cat's chest that landed on Qanik's shoulders?  you have to state I can't assume -1 adjusted her weight how?-1 which right paw is she pulling up? -2 where on Cat's belly is she trying to tickle? -2 what angle is her paw moving?  between Cat's forelegs?  around the side? very very important in trying to figure out how the jaw attack will happen. -2 how is she conducting the jaw attack?  Is she moving underneath or around Qanik?
10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses. +1 each seen
5 for attack.+2 shove +1 tickle [-1 for clarity but +1 for creativity, I can't believe I just read that] +2 bite [points deducted for clarity, if her paw is between cat's forelegs it's unlikely she could lunge simultaneously for the hind leg]
6 for injuries. -2 moderate wound to scruff  -1 bruising to shoulders

Round two Total: 33/50

Round Three

6 for clarity--2 what part of her body is she trying to press into Qanik's head and neck -2 where on Qanik's head, neck and shoulders is she trying to put the weight?  You need to specific especially as Qanik's head is tilted to bite.
5 for powerplaying.-5 Qanik stated Cat's attack landed on her shoulders not her neck.  Even if you disagree with the positioning you have to roll with it.
10 for defenses.+1 each seen
6 for attack.+2 trying to grasp Qanik's chest +3 bite to spine +1 weight attack [-1 for clarity]
7 for injuries. -1 bruising to sternum -2 bite wound

Round Three Total: 34/50

6 for clarity--2 what does Qanik hope to accomplish by jerking her head back?  Is she trying to worsen the bite or is this part of trying to put cat off balance? maybe both? -2 which direction is she extending her left legs
4 for powerplaying.-2 you need to attempt to jerk your head back, especially if this is part of an attack to increase damage. -2 you have two shoulder attacks in the same post, make sure you give your opponent room to respond to both of them -2 there was a lot of movement in this post her head is moving back then it's moving up to Cat's belly.  I feel like there was just a lot to try and process in this post in particular.
8 for defenses. +1 for each seen -2 no redistribution of balance
8 for attack.+1 pulling jaw back [-1 for clarity] +2 shoulder push +1 push weight into Cat's hind leg [-1 powerplay] +2 paw wrap +2 bite [point deducted for pp]
7 for injuries.-2 moderate bite -1 strained muscles 

Round Three Total: 33/50


Cataleya: 115/150
NAME: 112/150

And the winner is...

Cataleya! Qanik must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.  Qanik and Cairus now belong to Arcanum.


Cataleya:  moderate bruising to shoulder (3 ooc days)   bite wounds (5 ooc days) bruised sternum (1 ooc day)

Qanik:  bite wounds (5 ooc days)  bruising to shoulder (3 ooc days) strained muscles(1 ooc day)


Holy close fight Batman, I was on the edge of my seat judging this one.  The first round for both of you were excellent and very clear but after that things got progressively more difficult to decipher and I admit I really struggled with some aspects and had to go a lot with my own interpretation so I apologize if that ruffles any feathers.  

Tea, for you in particular I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading your attacks, fights tend to get pretty formulaic so I appreciate you shaking things up to make for a more engaging fight.  Just be sure to add in the same specifics as you would any other attack so you don't shoot yourself in the foot.

Umm…. that's all I have.  Yea.  xD  Lunar had a long week, lol.  <3  Also I apologize if the judging for is a bit wonky.  We'll likely need to tweak it to fit more with the new layout. 

- By [lunarcat7]



11-24-2014, 11:47 PM

He would sit calmly, carefully collected just beyond the edge of battle, lips curling back in disgust as he watched the white witch battle his love. He barely took not of the tribal marked woman as she approached him, would only turn acidic gaze to her once she had seated herself beside him and spoken. Her words were soft, careful and easy as if she intended to make polite chit chat while blood splattered the ground before them. Green eyes were hard as he fixated on her, massive skull turning to regard this woman before narrowing slightly. ”Ideed… I don’t believe we have met..?” She seemed to know him at least in part so he would not give his name, would not offer her that simple tidbit of information. He did not know her relation to Cat, did not know who she was in the least so he would offer her nothing.

Unless she would carry on with the conversation he would turn his attention back to Cat, that is, until Valentine showed up. Immediately verdant eyes would slither over to the massive blue male, regarding him with curiosity. He didn’t miss the glance that he offered the green girl, and Kylar would quirk a brow in curiosity. The battle would rage on and slowly Kylar would lift himself, massive beast raising from the ground with languid ease before shaking out his coat. ”Grab the kid. We’re going home…” He would tell Empyrea, gaze cold. He would rip the child from her when they got home, until then he intended to help his wife. Beast would glide forward with lethal ease, watching the roll and withering mass of bodies. He would slip behind the white woman, would move to stand behind her so she could not escape Cataleya. What an odd position… He would look to lock his gaze with his wife’s looking for instruction.




8 Years
11-25-2014, 06:22 PM

In the process of attempting to extricate herself from the tangle the silver queen had put her in, Qanik was suddenly distracted by the barest glimpse of movement swinging behind her and she faltered midmotion, suddenly very concerned with the whereabouts of the silver queen's hulking bodyguard and cursing herself for assuming Cat's attempt to claim her would be fair. The hesitation between steps, the contortion of her body as she subconsciously tried to turn her head to follow the movement left her unbalanced and she felt Cat's grip tighten around her waist a moment before the queen's entire weight was dropped on Qanik's head as Cat sat down on her.

The white warrior's face was shoved nose-first into the ground, the sensitive appendage smacking into cold blood-stained dirt. Qanik flailed but her opponent's weight remained firmly in place. Muzzle forced shut by the weight and nose pressed into the dirt she could not draw breath. Stars exploded in her vision - already darkened by Cat's bulk - and she suddenly went limp. Not dead, not unconscious, simply surrendering to the inevitable. Giving up. If she refused to surrender she would die. She had children - she couldn't die. She had to keep hope that she'd free herself and go back to her sons.

She forced herself to stop her movement, to simply close her eyes and lay there while her lungs burned and her nose ached.


11-25-2014, 11:30 PM

Blood continued to tease her tongue as her legs kept the woman beneath her. And as her haunches lowered, her opponent fumbled. The queen was attuned to her husbands presence, so when he crept closer, she paid him no mind. Her opponent, however, seemed to grow uncertain. Her single moment of uncertainty was her downfall. Silver haunches lower, successfully pinning the woman face to the ground. It was rather comical really. Muscle remained tensed and ready until she felt her opponent go limp beneath her. Lips curled back in a wicked grin of victory, eyes lighting up as she now had yet another Solstice member within her grasp. She would stand, releasing her forelegs from the woman side, and lifting her hind end. The last to be released was her jaws, unwillingly she would let the woman go, pivoting to that stood at a cross like angle. Her head would tip towards the woman, bloodied jaws gaping.

I told you to go home. She would purr, tail flipping dominantly over her lips. The dying pup now belonged to her and so did this woman. A wickedly thoughtful look slide over her face as she peered down at her fallen opponent. Perhaps you will listen this time. Go home, and tell Crucifix I said hi. Saliva dripped from her jaws, malice evident in her silver features. Finally she would allow the woman to stand. Backing away, she would take note of the crowd that had gathered. Valentine was there, along with Roman. Both would be issued a smile and a dip of her crown. Empryea had listened and remained curled around the child. Her gaze finally slide to the green woman, half expecting her to issue a challenge herself. But would she really be so foolish as to challenge her Kings mother?

Empyrea. She would snap impatiently. She was more than ready to leave this crowd behind and return home. And now she needed to figure out what to do with this kid. Without another word she would leave the battlefield behind, heading home, moving like she was on a mission.





11-25-2014, 11:54 PM

He was silent, every cautious as he waited like a phantom before his love. He would watch the white woman drop like a sack and a slow smile would twist cruelly over his lips as he watched Cataleya crush the woman's head into the ground. How delightful. But a moment later Cat would stand, releasing the woman rather then suffocating her and telling her to leave. Acidic gaze would narrow, frowning as he studied her but he would speak no protest, would offer no words of opposition simply nod and step back. He would allow her to move away from her victim, another fallen foe, before falling into line beside her. "Going soft in your old age?" His words were soft, barely a rumble for only her ears. He would allow gaze to languidly slide towards Valentine, a nod offered to the blue male and another curious look offered to the green woman before he would turn to follow his mate. He fell into step along her right flank, shoulder to hip as he normally was. What an odd day…
