
Family Ties



7 Years
09-14-2015, 11:55 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened as Arian listed off Kreft’s story, nodding slowly. Unfortunately, she knew of wolves who had fallen prey to the perceived glory of having a high rank in the pack, or had begun to shirk their duties. Though she hadn’t yet been born when it had happened, when her mother had been demoted from the rank of leader healer for speaking out against the current alpha, Collision, on several matters, Preston Adravendi, both adoptive son to Cairo and to Erani after Guinevere’s death, as well as being Erani’s pupil in healing had been awarded the rank in Erani’s place. Surreal could distinctly remember the sadness and disappointment in her mother’s voice when she had ever spoken of those two brothers. Preston had, in the short time he had held the rank, shown a sign of having it go to his head. And then, when wolves were injured, or birthing and having complications, Erani had been forced to disobey Collision’s punishment in order to save one of the members from dying in birthing, because Preston had been nowhere to be found.

Preston had returned just after the siege with Glaciem. He had seemed quite nice; jovial and joking. He’d said he wouldn’t vanish again. Well, that hadn’t lasted long. He was gone again soon after. And he hadn’t been seen since. His brother, Neo, however… Preston wasn’t the only wolf who had been lax in their duties after a high rank had been bestowed. The name of Alpine left a bitter taste in her mouth. He had been at her side, rescuing Erion Sovari, and Erani had awarded him the rank of a Digamma. Even though he had broken Lyric’s heart by abruptly changing his mind after asking for permission to court her, and instead running off with Twig Black. The fact that Lyric had still not recovered from the heartbreak the last time Surreal had seen her meant that Alpine would lose his balls if Surreal ever saw his face again.

The fact that both he and Twig had vanished off to an island, and not only had a litter without permission from their alpha but had hardly been around to help guard Valhalla’s borders while the plague had them weakened, still rankled. But Erani had said that Twig at least had visited the borders wanting to help. That redeemed Twig enough that the anger rested only on Alpine’s shoulders. This Kreft sounded like he had a lot of growing up to do, maturity wise. Surreal could understand the need to remove him from a rank where he would be seen as a role model for the younger generation “He sounds like a real pawful.” As Arian laid her plans out before Surreal, Surreal listened closely. She rather liked the layout Arian was intending to switch to.

Finally, she nodded as Arian finished her explanations. She did have some tips regarding the ranks, but other than that, she had little that needed to be offered. So, she smiled, meeting Arian’s eyes. “I do have one suggestions regarding the ranks. When it comes to those of the family that may receive high ranks, be sure they have rightfully earned their place in more ways than just being family, and be sure that the efforts made to earn the high ranks have been witnessed by the rest of the pack. It can cause resentment if the pack feels that someone unworthy is being awarded a high rank, just because they are your family. Pick someone who has made efforts to hold training sessions, for instance. Other than that, I have little to offer to your plans. Your changes look like they will work. Of course, it’s down to the rest of the pack to make sure they will.”

She cocked her head slightly, eyes lifting to the trees above as she thought. Then she looked back to Arian. “I do have some tips to strengthen your speeches, make them even more memorable.” The memory of her mother, sitting on the rocks on the beach of Nephilim Isle and taking control; the elegance of her voice, the way she had locked eyes with each of the wolves present, filled her with a warm feeling, tinged with sadness. “Eye contact is essential. Be sure to lock eyes with each wolf present at the meeting at least once. Speak clearly, with easily followed words. Pause now and then to let them absorb the information you’re giving them, and to take a breath. Sit straight and tall. You are the wolf who needs to show the face of courage to your wolves.” These tips were not only for the benefit of her niece, but for young Riv. You would be surprised at how much a young mind could pick up from merely observing.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
09-17-2015, 10:26 AM

Of course she took in every word that Surreal said. Nodding her head so that the other knew that she was listening. Otherwise it would be rude, Arian herself was just thinking, maybe more deeply than she should have. It almost felt like she was a child again, studying underneath Loccian. Observing others to learn to be the best princess she could be. Where did it get her though, things could go south quickly. However, they had to live their life as if they weren't going to. That was something she had to instill in her children. Growing stronger everyday, she was almost scared when they would lead lives of their own.

Arian would look down after Surreal finished. "I guess I have to be thankful I've been blessed with so much family that is good to me." she would say. "For the longest time I figured the gods resented me and this was why everything was happening to me. Because I was living such a lie." her toes spread into the dirt as she looked up at Surreal seriously, she never wanted to take advantage of those she had grown close to. "I'm promising myself I'll be of some use to my family. Walker and Adravendi alike." her heart beat against her chest. Her testimony was certainly clear with the twinkle in her eyes.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.