
[M]Welcome to the freak show

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2017, 10:30 PM

His teeth met her neck and he gave a growl that could almost be mistaken as a purr if it weren't for the deep decibels that rumbled with his ferocity. His body also met hers, his weight pressing into her, though her legs had shifted so it was likely an uncomfortable position. Not that he really cared, she was exactly where he wanted her, beneath him. His eyes were narrowed upon hers from the corner of his eyes, nothing about him was gentle. Her attempts to make him stand were met with him staying put, he wouldn't allow her to try to muscle her way around him, that was his job not her's. Her submissive gestures though earned her the relief of him releasing her neck, tongue emerging in an attempt to swipe away the blood from her fur, as an added bonus he got a taste of her. Her words had him sitting up before standing and moving to be off her and allow her to stand. His eyes still burned with anger at her initial challenge to him, though with her submissive posturing there was a clear air to him that said he was pleased. He voiced himself then, stating how false her words were. None owned him, and none ever would. "Ibi erras Vianni carissime, fateor, sed nemo umquam mihi." He gave her a mere moment to digest that before he continued, proclaiming to her exactly what she was though. "Certi tamen potissimum locum tenes. Quoniam rex omnis indiget reginam, et quod omnino quid sit, nemo plus quam potentia, non erit mihi concedat. Appropinquaverunt uos in hoc mundo mihi sta mecum mansurum quamdiu heredes et vivetis. Non errat, quia etsi ad momentum omne amabo te, nihil animo numquam erit." He figured that much was going to be obvious with the way he treated her. She would be his number one bitch, with no other above her. She would be in charge of every female he allowed to be part of the pack, she would be his blue blood queen. She may need training in being such but he could handle it. Lucifer was no push over when it came to such.

Without another word to her he pressed his chest to her side, giving a rumbling growl. His tail lifted as high as it could above his hips, the tip curling forward as he intended to let her know who was boss right now. His eyes watched her face for a mere moment before he aimed a nip at the base of her tail, in his silent way of commanding that she move it aside, lest she want to lose the thing to him. He intended to show her now just how dominating and possessive he could be of what was rightfully his. He had won her so now she was his, every possessive fiber in him sang to make certain she knew just what she had gotten into. He then, whether or not she moved her tail, aimed to mount her, his fore legs aiming to grip onto her sides once more. His canines aimed to plant a sweet, yet searing kiss upon her scruff, a hold he would not be relinquishing. The beast of a male aimed to take his prize, willingly or not. She was his and no other could have her. He was not aiming to be gentle at all, in fact her punishment for trying to dominate him was to have it rough this time around. Should she behave then perhaps in the future he would be more gentle.

-fade in-

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-09-2017, 01:07 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2017, 01:09 AM by Vianni.)
Laying with her legs folded and pressed against his chest, her body strewn over his paws as he gripped her neck, Vianni felt him and what he could be for her. She laid herself out like a gift and remained still for a moment before he released her. The brutality on his face made her fur stand on end, the sting of his tongue lapping at the crimson life that spilled from her was as pleasant as it was painful. When he sat up and spoke, she responded with a sultry purr and a small, soft growl to her voice. "Videbimus, magna Lucifer. Tempus meum habeo dicere." A moment was all she needed to make her quip, a simple statement that could lead to so many future challenges. She would have him accept that there would be no other, that she was in fact irreplaceable.

His next words were music to her ears and as the top of her head throbbed, and her neck bled, Vianni managed a grin as he spoke. He would make her a queen, his queen, and she looked at him with such disbelief on her face one would have thought he had slapped her. "Mihi faceres audeat adfatu? Dulce lupus verbis dicat se habere cor defuisset. Lux mihi quid te velim. Videbimus corde sanguinem si alicubi esse debet." Despite his rough treatment, he had obviously wanted her for the duration of their match. There were many forms of love, and she had a feeling that to win this male's heart came with new privileges and rights. There had been a beat against her from somewhere within his chest, and she knew exactly where the organ lay within wolf anatomy. If she had to carve it out herself she would.

She did not move far from where he sat, keeping her stance, she rested as the remainder of the adrenaline left her body, and she was finally able to be awed by the male beside her. She had not foreseen just how quickly the encounter with Lucifer would get, but knowing he could not help but take her as his brought a pride to her that saw her tail flick upward just a bit. Vianni made sure to keep herself in check, her eyes meeting his without wavering. There was nothing else said as he moved closer to her, stepping into her side with his chest. The pressure saw her head lower, and her legs to take a more stable stance, though she turned her head to nip at his shoulder. His actions made her nervous, but she had already submitted to him. Growling softly, she turned her dusty rose eyes on him as he bit at her tail, his teeth making her jerk her tail aside. There was nearly a replay of their spar, but Vianni held herself upright rather than flipping onto her back. Her ears laced back on her head and she turned her head to try and look at him just before his fangs found her scruff.

At first she wasn't sure what to expect, but she was thrilled by him. There was a roughness to him that both exhilarated and challenged her inner queen, a danger that fed into hers. Vianni would not want her first time to be gentle, she was not after tenderness, she was after her own heart's security. He was heavy, but she was stronger than she looked. Taking a deep breath, her dusky pink eyes hidden beneath coal colored lids, she steadied herself and anticipated him to dominate her as he had in their spar. She would expect nothing less from her king.

**Fade to black**
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-09-2017, 03:50 AM

-fade in-

As he finished he moved off her, his jaws releasing her probably now bloodied scruff. He had probably ripped her apart inside with his punishment. He didn't much care though so long as she could still be used in the future to produce heirs. Had he known she was a virgin? No, and he probably wouldn't much care either. He didn't even feel bad for abusing her in such ways. He never did when he fucked a female. But unlike other females this one held his interest, she was the first to truly challenge him. She was his no matter how she wanted to look at it. His seed had filled her womb, and no other's ever would.

His eyes turned to her, a searing heat to them as he aimed to place a paw upon her nearest shoulder and push, gently enough to not add harm but firm enough to hopefully force her over. He was panting as he sought to catch his breath but he would not let her be just yet. Should she try to refuse him he would snap his teeth beside her face in a highly dominating way that would tell her immediately he was not to be toyed with right now. He was going to clean her and that was that. He could scent himself on her and such a thing was pleasing to him, to know that there would never be another scent she would carry. Should she lay down then he would immediately set to work with cleaning her. Her skull would be first then the remnants of her meal and his own blood upon her lips and muzzle. Eyes watching her and any time she might try to escape his attentions or snap at him for not letting her be he would simply snarl and lift his tail in his threat of dominating her once more. He was not even an ounce of scared she would defy his will in this moment.

He was set about cleaning everything, and when he finally finished he cast his sharp gaze to Corvus, if the bird was still there. The thing likely was scared of him with for good reason though for now the annoyance would be safe from him. His voice came out a command to the thing as Vianni likely was in no shape to command it. "Go find her something to eat bird." With the command to the bird given he turned back to her, haunches meeting the ground as he watched her with a deadly intensity. She wouldn't be getting the rest of the wolf as the rest of her punishment, and he intended to send her bird off, an attempt to make her alone with him.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-09-2017, 04:13 PM
Keeping herself from snapping and trying not to rip him apart as he truly claimed her had taken all of her concentration. Pain lanced in pleasurable fashion over her body, from his bites and the rough treatment of her. Vianni felt her muscles quaking with fatigue, though she felt a pang of loss when his weight was finally removed. When his eyes met hers, she attempted to wave her tail, her exhaustion and some pain she would not admit kept her from truly making the gesture. Her breaths came heavy and ragged, her head lifted despite the pain it caused in her neck. Her eyes she kept half closed as her mouth gaped and she panted heavily. Rather than fight him, Vianni lay on her right side before he even had the time to raise his paw. With a heavy thud she threw her overheated frame to the cold metal of the ships floor, wincing and growling softly at her wounds.

He had done what no other creature before had been able to do. He had truly dominated her, and in the process had completely exhausted her. To prove this, she simply lay there as he came to clean her. She allowed him to fuss over the state of her appearance, but it was not only because she was too tired to stop him. For a wolf to claim he had no room for affection, she was perceptive enough to know he was being far too concerned with her now for that to be so. He started with the long cuts on her head, his laving tongue making them sting, causing her to hiss in a breath and raise her lips in warning. Wordlessly she told him to gentle himself, she wasn't capable of speech as she watched him. Her relaxed body let Lucifer know it was not a fighting reaction but one born from the scraping of tongue against open wounds, and a plea for some tenderness to find its way into his rough motions. She had given him a perfect queen, the least he could do was use caution when dealing with her wounds.

She was in no condition to stop his rough administrations even if he hadn't gentled himself, she could only endure and allow him to do what he wanted for the moment. The further down her body he went, the more sensitive and acute her pain reactions became. The more sensitive of her wounds made her jump and yelp. Her reaction happened almost instantly, and she twisted up to bite at him. "That hurts!" She said it on an anxious, yipping growl as she snapped her teeth together near his face, even as she smelled the new blood coming from her. Their scents blended and she found a strange comfort in knowing that she would be forever untouchable. There was no other who would be able to topple her giant, but she knew she could. Vianni submitted to him because she wanted to, had she truly wished to resist him, he would not be breathing. Or she would be dead. Vianni let her body fall back to the floor, growling softly in displeasure should he not ease his touch.

Laying on her side, Vianni watched him out of the corner of her eye as her ribs heaved up and down rapidly as she attempted to catch her breath. She was trembling, and her adrenaline left her with the full brunt of the pain. Exhaustion took her, and she rumbled deep in her chest before mumbling incoherently about monsters and demons. His deep, yet sharp commanding voice made her eyes snap open as she turned her head to look at him. Eat? I can't even keep my eyes open, you beast. Rather than voicing her opinion, she groaned and forced herself to try and lean up onto her elbows. She felt as though she had been run over by a band of horses, and the stud had gotten the best of her. Laying her head between her paws, she dozed lightly, waiting for whatever Corvus alerted Lucifer to. "You will have to go get whatever he takes you to. Corvus is really only able to take down a field mouse." Her voice was softer toward him, the lilting tones resonating with contentment and respect. Just how far did his devotion go? Would he fetch the meal himself or give her the now cold meat of the forgotten carcass?

The intensity of his gaze didn't bother her, rather she enjoyed the warmth of awareness that washed over her as he stared down. Corvus looked anxiously at Vianni, but after what had happened to her, he was loathe to defy the male. They had feasted on animals far larger than him, creatures she had killed on her own. To see his wolf-mother submit and to allow a male to do such things to her was a smack in the beak, but the male hadn't killed her. Vianni would have killed him had she not wanted what she got, with another look between the two, Corvus gave a short caw. His blue eyes watched them momentarily before he took off in search of something for them to eat.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-11-2017, 07:27 AM

Her cries of pain did nothing to determine him, if anything it fed his somewhat sadistic nature, causing him to only grow rougher. He wasn't exactly going to be a loving mate, if anything he didn't care so long as she understood the full scale of the beast that now claimed her as his. He was in charge and she would realize it one way or another. If she even wanted an inkling of respect she would need to learn how to please him without causing him to grow angry at her. Very few would blindly submit but the few that did he found so long as they kept their maws shut he could tolerate. Her though, she both infuriated and intrigued him. How could one as small as her not fear something probably twice as capable as herself? Did he think her weak? No but in this moment she could do nothing to stop him from doing as he wanted.

He had exhausted and wounded her. In doing so he had found exactly how much she could take. Her snap at his face was met with an enraged snarl and a bite of his own upon her now tender form in the exact place she had just reacted to. If she would not lay still while he had his way she would learn the true meaning of pain. As soon as she was laying once again he gave her relief, his teeth leaving her skin and a slightly more tender lick given to the spot where his teeth had bit into. His eyes stayed on her a deadly focus, gaze heated from his fiery rage.

The sound of corvus leaving was met with a mere smirk. The bird was either truly stupid or smart enough to realize that defying him would lead to its own death. He had no intention of following it nor of allowing her to have any food as of yet. What good would it do anyways? She wouldn't eat if she had no energy to chew. This was merely a ploy of his to ensure she knew just who controlled what here and that she realized how truly alone she was in this world. A tactic his father had employed to brain wash his mother. Though Lucifer didn't remember much about the bitch, only that when he had weaned she screamed bloody murder and he never saw her again.

He had never felt the tender touch of a mother and everything showed in the way he saw fit to handle Vianni. He knew eventually she would realize that without him she would now be nothing. He would ensure this by keeping her weak, every time she would almost heal he planned to force her to bear his weight once more, meaning she would be forced to be unable to hunt for herself and have to rely upon him. By intending to isolate her he also would be ensuring she grew not only accustomed to him but also attached. It was to ensure her emotions and mind thought nothing but good of him.  

Her words caused him to break his thought train and give her a rather cold look, coupled with a devilish smirk. "I don't think you quite understand exactly who you are speaking to, Vianni. I don't intend to feed you yet, in fact telling me what to do only makes me want to feed you less. Disces mei estis, et ego in uno vel alio crimine regina. he switched between latin and English so flawlessly that none could likely tell which was his first language. Such was his gift. With that said he aimed to merely grab her scruff intending to force her to her paws, if she wouldn't stand he was content to drag her. However she wanted to do this he would then move. His direction was towards the belly of the ship, his nose looking for scent less corridors, should he find one he would take her down it. His red eyes still narrowed in his madness. His head was pounding driving him further into madness. Once he found a room that was void of all light and scents did he force his way in, the room revealed being the captains quarters. His eyes found the bed immediately and there is where he aimed to force her onto. Should he succeed he would leap up to join her immediately, laying next to her with his eyes upon the door.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-12-2017, 10:01 PM
Her ears twitch at the way he said her name, rolling her eyes as he threatened to not feed her. She was too sore to eat anything anyway, besides it would sicken her if she ate while her body was running on reserve energy. The rest of which was spent in dragging herself up off the cool floor as he grabbed the nape of her neck and pulled her with him. Her paws were clumsy in their numb fatigue, but she made herself stay with him, if only because the added degradation of being dragged would be too much. They move further away from the light, and rather than feeling afraid as any other female would, Vianni only felt further excitement. It bloomed in her chest as he forced her with him, watching as their shapes faded into the darkness. Despite her backside still bleeding and her wounds all burning and new blood sprang into the grooves his teeth had left in her flesh, Vianni felt herself come alive enough to find the strength to follow his pushing and leaped onto the bed.

She wasn't sure what to expect, but when the mattress bounced with his weight, she found an apprehension that hadn't been there before. Perhaps it was only because she could barely make out his silhouette. When he lay beside her, she found confusion and an odd need to curl into his side. The male had taken her purity in the harshest manner possible, but she wanted to fawn over him and clean her blood from his lips. Vianni groans as she forces her torn muscles and body to move into a more comfortable position on the bed. Her breaths became panting gasps even with this small exertion. She growled at the pain and curled herself into Lucifer's side, his warmth was oddly comforting despite the fighting that had taken place. He had shaken her to the core with his rough handling, but there was a place within her that screamed this was right. Despite the fact that she hurt in places she had never known existed, Vianni found herself dozing as she basked in his warmth.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2017, 03:23 PM
As she curled into his side he turned his eyes upon her. The rage still reverberated deeply in them and he gave her a growl, the volume of it low, but it was enough to vibrate his chest. His teeth exposed to her and he grinned through the angry look, a true psychopaths look being given to her. His next action was to give her a dark laugh, one that reverberated off the walls of the empty vessel. He was going to make her pain something she would never forget, and something that broke her very knowledge of men. His paw came then aiming to trap her head to the beaten up mattress beneath them. She would be cleaned again and this time he would throw in nips to where he knew she was most sensitive at the moment. His treatment of her would be most cruel but he didn't care if it was, she was his to do with as he pleased. She would need to learn that or he would force her to the rank of a concubine.

He went on grooming her roughly and nipping her for several minutes, until he got bored anyway. His paw was removed and he snapped his teeth beside her face before he settled himself better. A command was issued for her then, his tone biting and harsh. "Sleep." With that he moved his rear so his legs were out to the side that she was on and dropped his head between his forelegs. He was done torturing her for now. His eyes slid shut and he stilled. It didn't take him long and he was asleep. Dreams of death came in his sleep and he was comforted by them even coming so far as to sleep peacefully.

-exit via sleep-
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.