


07-30-2014, 08:58 PM

His voice filled her ears like a sweet lullaby. But his words were filled with anger and distaste and she could only smirk. He would rant to the young woman, and nothing he was said was entirely false. The silver woman remained silent, her coral gaze resting easily on her mate, looking slightly amused. When he finally concluded, a girl would speak up, an insignificant little girl. Her gaze would pierce the little whore, lips curling to reveal ivory daggers as friendly words fell from her dark jaws. She would have no issue tearing her limb from limb for speaking out of line. Everyone else's words fell on deaf ears until the new Queen was speaking again. Her crown would swivel so that her gaze could once again rest on the new Queen. When the challenge was opened, her gaze swept the crowd, daring someone to challenge her. The prospect of bloodshed had her practically drooling. When Kylar was addressed, she could practically taste the tension that sizzle between them. Satisfaction rolled down her spine as the woman stated that Kylar would fight that man that had so quickly stepped up to be secondary alpha. Throughout the entire conversation, no one had yet stepped up to challenge her, but there was still time. Toes flexed as claws dug into the earth with anticipation. Her tongue rolled behind its cage of daggers, hackles bristled. But how long would this satisfy her? How long under she craved the power of being queen again? Already she knew that this would not be forever, this was only to fill her time until she decided on her next move. Senses went on high alert as she waited for Kylar to take on his opponent and for someone to stand up and take her on.