


07-28-2014, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 09:46 AM by Shay.)
Shay had been wandering a bit further south, trying to find the rogue who had been teaching him. The druid seemed to have vanished, though, and no one he'd asked had known who he was. Strange. So he'd been in the process of returning back to Tortuga, without the increased knowledge he'd left for, when he heard his alpha's call to the pack. By the time he'd gotten within hearing distance at his ambling pace, the pack had been gathered and Roman was speaking. The one-eyed healer paid little heed until she spoke of war with a pack called Covari, and he glanced up quizzically. Had he heard that right?

But already Roman had finished her speech and thrown back her head to call for someone or another, Shay hadn't quite caught that part. Whoever it was must have been waiting for a signal because there was a sudden surge of wolves around him as strangers flowed into Tortuga's pack meeting. He blinked at them, managing to get out a quick "oh hello there," when one bumped into him, but he was ignored. Oh well. Maybe that hadn't been what he'd supposed to say after all.

Finally the healer seated himself among the combined packs and looked around with a sort of blank curiosity. "I don't mean to interrupt. You all look like you're so excited. But... you did say Covari right?" His single silver eye caught Roman's gaze. His usual emotionlessness seemed nearly a benevolent calm next to the rising emotions of those around him, a fact that was, as always, completely lost on him. "Covari is no more. I was recently traveling that area and to the best of my knowledge approximately the whole pack are rogues now. I believe their leaders simply left? How are you to fight them if they are no longer a pack? That... is what a war is isn't it? One pack fighting another?" He glanced around once again, that same faintly curious, mostly blank expression remaining in place, unaware of how important the news was he carried.


07-29-2014, 11:45 AM

And as if she was the angel blaring the trumpet of rapture, the allies would come forth.

They came from the shadows, almost as if everyone had been on precipices awaiting her call- awaiting her to sound the drums of war. Her own wolves began pledging themselves to her cause as the allies swarmed among them. Leading her own, was Artemis- and Roman would incline her head ever so slightly in greeting to the tyrant of Elysium. Then Vereux would arrive, the King- and her half brother leading the warriors of Glaciem. Pride bubbles in her veins- who would dare to stand against them? A slight smirk grows on her inky lips as she nodded to her brother. Her father arrives, and she feels him against her side, his salmon tongue, as it traces her, an eerie calm in the storm that wreaks havoc on her mind. His word drag a dark low chuckle from her, and she turns her violet gaze on him, but says nothing- merely showing her adoration in that gaze.

More and more wolves arrive and her mind is overwhelmed with their pledges of loyalty. Though she doesn't miss the form of Esperanaza leaving- nor that of Kangi and Talon. Elli speaks, and Roman nods thoughtfully, trying to think of who to assign to that task. She notes the absence of several wolves- though it doesn't wound her, she knows they wouldn't miss the war. What does slightly bother her are the wolves of her own that do not speak- those who don't pledge loyalty to her. Those names aren't ones that she will soon forget, not with tensions running so high- not with such a threat on the horizon.

She notes Shay as he enters, but when he speaks suddenly, she stills her violet gaze locked upon him. His news is disastrous, and immediate fury consumes her. She can feel her own body quiver with the might of it. The Queen remains silent, her gaze locked on the healer, her heartbeat the only calm noise in her roaring mind. She glances among her, at the Queen's and Kings who have gathered to aide them in war, though she remains silent- careful not to rampage. A few moments pass, and finally she speaks, choosing her words carefully. "Covari has disbanded?" She questions, but does not wait for an answer. "Perhaps they took wind of our war, and the cowards thought it best to flee rather then be eradicated?" She muses aloud, her tones quiet. Oh how she had craved to decimate the lesser Queen's pride. Alas, her wish had been denied her, for now. Covari had been a threat, and the siege would have done well to eradicate it, but Roman's real purpose was to cause the pain, and harm to it's queen, Viridiana- that she so deserved. Did the russet queen think she had escaped justice?

She turns towards her allies, their leaders primarily. Her words are quiet, meant for their ears alone. They're nearly a joke, laced with annoyed sarcasm. "Unless someone else has another type of justice to bestow, it seems our siege is over before it begins." And it is not a victory. Roman didn't want Covari disbanded- she wanted Viridiana humiliated by loss. Destroyed by emotional turmoil, even. Roman Armada wasn't simple. She was vindictive- and she sought revenge. Revenge she would one day have.

She turned to face her pack. "Those of you prepared to show your devotion to your home, even when it was not demanded, I thank you. It seems our enemy flees rather than face us, and that this meeting here is done." She pauses. "And to our allies, I thank you for your loyalty." Those words hold promise. If you ever call upon us, we will fight to preserve you. She knows the thought of war had stirred the excitement and blood-lust of many wolves present, and she only hopes that they can exist without too much disappointment. They'll get another chance, she's sure of it.

However it seems, that this meeting is concluded that their purpose is done.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



8 Years
07-29-2014, 12:04 PM

Qanik's brow knotted in worry and confusion at Roman's low-voiced words to her, but did not press further. More of their packmates appeared, some of whom Qanik had not yet met and she watched them with interest. But finally, Roman began the meeting.

She introduced some of the newer members, including welcoming back (back? Qanik wondered, for she had never yet seen this wolf) a wolf she introduced as her sister Satis... the new legionary. Qanik sent an intensely questioning glance at her alpha - this was certainly the first she was hearing of this, and while it was by no means necessary for her to sign off on rankings since she was only the secondary it still bothered her a little to know that she had not even been informed until now, a wolf being brought in from outside the pack to be put over the members. There was still some lingering worry from Roman's own installation as alpha despite her never having been in the pack, and it was sparked back to life by the possibility of nepotism. Still she would hold her tongue - she would not question the alpha in front of the pack, for leadership must appear undivided no matter the personal feelings of the lesser of the pair.

It was Roman's next words that would rock her back on her heels. Poison? Trespassing? War? Gossamir had definitively said that the disease was not poison, that the cure they had been brought had not been poison. They had needed to force the herbs on the paranoid Roman long after they'd already treated the other wolves. How could she still be convinced that the red woman had poisoned them? More, how could she take the pack to war on such paranoid ramblings?

Her shocked gaze swept over the other wolves as many offered their support for the war. How could they be so easily convinced? Her eyes stopped on Flamesong and her breath caught. Gods above, the man looked like he was barely alive. What... had it been her rejection of him that had brought him to such dire straits?

Distracted by the sight, by the pain that held her chest in a vise, she almost didn't realize Roman had howled until suddenly the area was filling with strangers. Rough looking, sneering types some of them. Some obviously related to Roman, probably from their allied pack. Her hackles rose in alarm as more crowded into Tortuga, these two packs come to pledge their support to this war. They offered words of blood and death and darkness and mixed emotions raced like electricity through her blood. Tears of frustration prickled at her eyes and she couldn't help the shudder that shook her. It wasn't supposed to be this way, your pack was supposed to mean everything, not be pushed into unjust wars and shunted aside in favor of... of hooligans.

It was one of their own wolves - Shay, the strange one-eyed healer - who broke into the rising tumult of emotion with his unusual vocal patterns. In that peculiar way he had of somehow showing none of the emotions his words and contrived motions suggested, he spoke of how Covari had been dissolved and how were they going to war with a pack that was not a pack? Qanik seized on his words with gratitude, relief nearly washing her eyes in true tears, particularly when Roman spoke, calling off the war... if rather angrily. Her words chilled Qanik, who had not seen her so vindictive before.

Roman spoke dismissively to them, and Qanik stood mechanically, dipping her head to the alpha without speaking before turning tail and fleeing the meeting. She was afraid that words would set off this torrent she was holding back by a bare claw. A woman her age, a warrior her whole life, barely keeping herself from bawling. Ridiculous, really. This whole thing... ridiculous.
