
Egyptian Feather



7 Years
12-29-2018, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2019, 06:40 AM by Nephthys.)
Hear ye, Hear ye,
Since I am back and shaking all this dust off is exciting as hell, I have decided to bring back this old family line. For now, I would like to extend the family; we all know that Ra was a megalomaniac and wanted to create an army of his own kind, reason why he went far and beyond to impregnate women which resulted in a bunch of half siblings for my girl here, Nephthys. It is safe to consider that after a season or two Ra vanished from any of his spawns lives, leaving them to fend for themselves.
  • They must not be below one year of age and past 2 years.
  • I reserve the right to take back the design/character if it goes longer then one month of inactivity. I want Ardent to be infested with egyptian wolves, with culture and stories. They will be legends.
  • These characters and designs cannot be used anywhere else but on Ardent.
  • Personalities may range since these are only half bloods however some things remain the same: They are a tight knit, like thieves, they may hate each other, stab each other in the back but family means everything.
  • All the names must be egyptian and they need to have Ithuriel as their last name.
  • I have some designs below that I have purchased and can be used though you are more than welcome to come up with your own! Those being half siblings, you will have more liberty with the designs but please do keep in mind the appearance of Ra as their patriarchal figure and that Nephthys was the first of his line of illegitimate spawns.


Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

What you will need to do in order to apply:

[b]OOC Name[/b]:
[b]Character Name[/b]:
[b]Appearance[/b]: 150 words
[b]Personality[/b]: 200 words

The Ithuriel's are a malevolent breed of sensual beasts; violent aristocrats of the dying egyptian lineage. They believe they are gods ripped from their celestial chaise, and demand salvation for their family's rite to succession. Their worship is the obsession of immortality in devouring the flesh of their own kind; cannibals. They will be granted no satisfaction in feeding upon the weak or undeserving, and it is an absolute disgrace to do so. Cross them and they will shamelessly take all that you desire and design for you your own private hell. They are death dealers, cruel negotiators, mercenaries of a ravenous kind. A deal made with a Ithuriel is kept or rued, they will come for their rightful reward or rip it from your cold grasp. They are hellhounds. They hunt together. They kill together. Despite their cruel, bloodthirsty demeanors they are sensual and romantic murderers, valorous aristocrats that still value the art of chivalry and loyalty as they are thick as a close knit band of vagrants or thieves that provide an undying admiration for one another, even when disputes arise. They may seemingly loathe each other, threaten one another, exhaust their patience to a warring rivalry, but never betray or abandon that of their own blood. Their love may even border a perverse sense of intimacy that outlines their fierce possession for one another as incest is part of normalcy within their home.


Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were an integral part of ancient Egyptian society. It centered on the Egyptians' interaction with many deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces of nature. Rituals such as prayers and offerings were efforts to provide for the gods and gain their favor. I will make sure to present a list of rituals below.


Fogmoon Festival (Autumn): The Fogmoon Festival is a celebration of the lives you have lived. It is a gathering to honor those who have left an impression on you and who you wish to see again. It is a time for peace and telling of stories. It is believed that during the month of the Fogmoon, all spirits are freer to mingle, that part of you can leave to be reunited with the spirits of friends and family who have passed. It is common practice to erect alters with objects reminiscent of or favored by the spirit one wishes to invoke. Sleep is the conduit for this spiritual encounter, and so, these alters should be set near where one sleeps.

Phaethon Geminids (Meteor Shower Event) (Winter): Is considered the first day of winter, this change in seasons is beckoned in by an annual meteor shower, (known as the geminids in RL). A time for preparing for the coming hardships, this event focuses on bringing the family together and increasing morale and the overall sense of fun and unity.

Rite Of Healing: This Rite may be performed for oneself or others, to help restore the natural youthful health of the body, mind and soul after injury, illness or trauma. (Take note this is not magical, it is an incantation healers/shamans say before they start patching you up with herbs)
Flowers in Chania

Invocation of the Godself: We all "sense" the presence of Amen, the Hidden One (one of their egyptian Gods) living within us.. and all spiritual Paths attempt to connect us consciously with "him" (or "her" or "it!.") This invocation informs Amen that you "know" of him and wish for him to guide you. Used however often one wishes for guidance or luck in life.
Flowers in Chania

Rite Of Blessing: This Rite may be spoken over another person (addressing it to them by name, upon starting) to remind their soul of who they are and encourage self-integration.
Flowers in Chania


Rumored descendents of an ancient gods. Their belief is that strength and skill wills the success of the world, and all that which they deserve will be taken in blood or left in ashes. Feeding upon the strong will grant them strength. Feeding on the weak will bring disease. The full moon is believed to excel vitality, therefore most breeding, hunting and spars are valued during waxing phases, especially a day/night of the full moon. Waning moon phases are regarded with ill fate and conflicts often avoided during that time. They are indifferent to other religion than their own, but worship the force of nature therefore rituals may arise.
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
01-03-2019, 07:30 PM
I have added more available designs!
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Osiris I


4 Years
02-09-2019, 04:30 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2019, 04:35 AM by Osiris I.)
OOC Name: Lyra

Discord: Esperanza#5009

Character Name: Seker (So-kar) Ithuriel

Alignment: True Neutral


A male dusted by various shades of brown as past down from his parents, this large and robust male stands at 36 inches with a large build and frame. He has a healthy form of both fat and muscle, ready for battle if the need arose. A dusty colored coat is the base for every color that is plastered upon him. His legs are coated with a chocolate brown, almost resembling that of stepping into mud and not being able to clean it off. Same goes for his back, as specks of alabaster  surround the brown cape layered upon his back. The same alabaster white surrounds his muzzle and forms a perfect blaze upon the middle of his head while also forming around the tip of his tail and running down his chest and stopping not even close to the middle of his stomach. A light, milky coffee tone surrounds his ears, a lighter shade within his ears and forming small streaks across his tail and encasing his cheeks, as well as the fluff around his haunches. The coffee even envelops his muzzle and face, as a remnant of the coloration is left behind underneath his eyes as well as a dot upon the top of said eyes.


Family-Oriented- Whenever his family needs him, he is there within a moment's notice. He is always there for pups, or even his siblings. To him, family means everything, and he would not hesitate to put his life on the line for anyone within it, even if it meant his own demise. This brute would love children, especially his own, teaching them the ways of his home and everything residing within it.

Attractive- Obviously any male would find themselves attractive, and that would be a word used to describe this brute. Despite having scars upon his throat that prevent him from speaking, love is always in this male's heart and finding any form of girl that he thinks is cute, he wouldn't hesitate to woo her in hopes of possibly continuing his family line, especially if the female welcomes it. But, that doesn't mean he would not set boundaries if the female isn't interested, he would though try again at a later date. But, he also has a romantic side as well to add onto this trait.

Dependable- If his family needs assistance, he can be the wolf for the job. Wanting to make sure that everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, he doesn't have a lazy bone in his body. If herbs need to be gathered, or if he is needed for assistance in fighting or hunting, he wouldn't bat an eye when it comes to helping. Though, the same cannot be said for a non-family member unless he deems them worthy of his help.

Serious- Through way of expression, he can go from happy to immediately serious. If a pup or another wolf is not doing what they are told, his expression would be enough cause them to tuck their tail between his legs. He wants to make sure that everyone is disciplined and working together, unless the time to unwind and playing is called for.

Cautious- Due to his injury, Seker is cautious around new faces and everything around him. This brute doesn't want the same thing happening to someone he cares about, so he will make sure to be around new faces and focus on them as much as he can, that way if they were to attack him or show hostility he will be ready within a moments notice. Though it is safe to say that if he sees you as a threat, even if he receives another scar, he will fight to protect his family and or friends as much as he can.

Deceitful- Willing to use others to get what he wants or for the benefit of the leaders or family, he will sway his 'words' in any way he sees fit. Whether it be he will hunt for someone, help them with a spar, whatever he thinks will benefit him, he will play around with another and take back what he said until a task is completed. Though a man of action and little words, to him, he didn't say it so therefore how should he complete a promise he didn't make?


Born and raised by his mother, Seker was a part of a litter of four, two of which happened to die due to illness a couple days afterward. He was always helpful with his mother and his sister, but, two years before he happened to come into these lands, a rogue happened to take his sister's and mother's life while he was out hunting. Alone and starving he traveled onward in search for possibly any sort of family he may not have known about, meeting new wolves and hearing various stories about an amazing land that had various places and freedom where a wolf could possibly have a family and a life once again with great views and amazing hunting opportunities.

However, he thought those were only stories until only recently. He had traveled by himself for one year, doing rather well for himself. But, of course, all good things would have to come to an end.

He decided to scavenge a kill that another rogue wolf happened to take down. Not wanting to waste his energy on hunting, he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to claim it as his own. But, thing's didn't go as planned. As they were fighting, the wolf that made the kill clamped his jaws around his throat, puncturing his vocal cords and leaving two long gashes within his throat, but, he was able to use enough strength to leave one of the wolf's eyes blinded. No one became the victor that day as he wandered onward with a gaping wound, hoping to find someone who would be able to help him, and, he would be sure to repay their kindness for the rest of his life if he made it through this...



7 Years
02-09-2019, 04:40 AM
Lyra's Seket Ithuriel is approved! I cannot wait to see him in play and thread with him <3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-09-2019, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2019, 02:19 AM by Eulogy.)
OOC Name: Asena
Discord: You know it ;)
Character Name: Rameses Khnurn Ithuriel
Alignment: lawful Evil

1 year | summer | medium build | 40"

Darkness dances across the male in ways it doesn't for others of his kind. He is lithe and built for a life on desert sands. His body is tightly muscled with lengthy legs, making the Egyptian man appear even taller than he actually is. His fur is unlike you would expect for a desert creature though, long and shaggy but not unnaturally so. It's made even more so with the thickness of it, but it is silky when touched, meaning it is constantly tangling. His need for a perfect appearance though has him obsessively detangling it and cleaning it any time he finds a knot in his pelt. His pelt is also surprisingly dark, being an almost pitch black. The inky man is not without exotic and bright markings though. Gold traipses across him in streaks. It tips his tail and each elbow. His nails are also the rich golden color. It edges his ears and Mark's his chin in a squared shape. Across his back is four of the golden stripes, making v shapes close together. Over his left eye is a marking only Egyptians would recognize. An eye of horus is painted permanently as a natural fur marking. But it is his eyes that truly finish the illusion and capture ones imagination. They are dark pools of black, barely lighter than his pupils.
Confidence oozes from every pore of this male. He is royalty and a god, mixed together to create the perfection of this demigod. He believes he is a true god trapped by mortality, cursed to one day fade into the nothing. His only salvation will be to have his own children and to see the godliness of them perfected. The way to do such a thing is to breed with only those who have been marked by gods or even spawn of gods themselves, for surely he is not alone in this world.

Ra has left a mark on the boy by abandoning him, a negative one at that. He has a hatred fro the man, who used his mother and left her to die of a broken heart. Even pharaoh was angry about such but he dared not invoke the God's wrath. Rameses is different though,  curses can be made by him and he cares not if counter curses are made. He already has laid one down upon a man, his own servant's father. Let the man find that no matter where he goes water is blood and his seed ruins wombs. A creative one if he does say so himself, but he's not completely stupid. He knows his power of curses is merely superstitious belief of others but sometimes it is best to invoke them to keep others living in fear.

He is harsh where it counts. His heart closed off to suffering and death. If you suffer than you suffer, yet for the life of him he cannot seem to completely let you suffer. He's been known to maim others that displease or disrespect him. It's no surprise that the boy is like this though. Spoiled by others who believe and worship the boy as a God. Even pharaoh was of the belief that he was a divine entity. He's cruel enough to toy with other's fears and make them fear him, but theres secrets he keeps.

Those secrets are the ones only his closest of servants may notice. He is truly a good man deep down. He can be gentle and caring, kind even. He reserves this for those closest to him, though only one servant has earned this yet. The rest he believes scheme his death and want to use him to their advantage. He would not let them though. Making them try his foods first to ensure if there is poison they die first, and only trusting food brought to him by his personal favorite servant. He is the only one to be trusted, for he swore his service to Rameses and owes a debt to him.
Plots/Ideas: A half brother to the Thys litter, and only child. Born from a Pharaoh's sister and Ra, he is revered as a god, and was treated as such. Ra himself was seen as a god for the short time he stayed. Personally him and Mory will come to Ardent looking for Thys after hearing rumor of an escaped slave woman who bears the mark of a goddess,wanting her as his own without realizing she is his sister. he will eventually build a small harem, maybe have a few litters. his eyes would be on his ultimate prize though, creating a god through incest, since he thinks mortality can be bred out that way.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



10 Years
Extra large
02-10-2019, 12:51 AM

OOC Name: denny

Discord: thatkidDenny#0165

Character Name: Anubis Ithuriel

Alignment: neutral evil


Black sheep, black sheep, have you any soul?

31" - light build - 2 years (summer)

Nearly sickly in appearance, he is so fine and delicate. Fragile bird bones visible across his sleek torso and in the sharp angles of his elbows. Fine china, meant to be admired but not touched. He is serpentine in every sense of the word, from his fluid grace when he moves to the hiss of breath through ebon nostrils. Slender neck and finely crafted features, picturesque elegance in every facet. Like a hand carved gem to be set into grander jewelry, he is delicately formed. Every aspect of him is thin and sharp, from broadly spaced toes to his narrow snout. Auds are thin and tall upon his petite crown, always perked to attention. A dagger taken lupine form, even his smile is sharp enough to draw blood. His coat is thin and sleek, designed to keep the blazing sun from burning his flesh and nothing more. It shines like the finest of polished and tumbled stones.

Dark as the night itself, just like his whore mother. He bore none of the typical Ithuriel gold upon emerging onto the physical plane. As he grew, the gilded hues of divinity began to highlight his elegant features. Just little hints, lightening his elbows and the backs of his thighs, blending the edges of his paws with the pale sand. The most prominent, upon his face. Lining his narrow auds and sliding up the thin bridge of his muzzle. Under his eyes, golden ichor flows like tears down his gaunt cheeks. He weeps the gods divine blood. When his tail flags over his hips, one can see the tip of that sleek banner is emblazoned with rich gold. A pale lavender gemstone was affixed within his left socket, while a rich garnet has been forced into the confines of the right.


though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

.:Aloof: He knows who he is, and he knows what his name invokes. Death. Incarnation of the one thing every living thing fears. Thus, he tends to hold himself with a preternatural ease, and move about the world with a cold look upon his face. Distant, and disinterested. He is not necessarily high and mighty, and bears very little of the typical family "holier-than-thou" attitude. He does, however, rarely lower himself to the level of mortals enough to truly enjoy their company.

.:Mischievous: A trick here, a joke there, it lightens the mood. Lifts the soul. He tends to surprise, what with his immediate demeanour seeming so sour and chilly. The humour and trickery sneaks up on others, unexpected. He tends to sneak in a wry smile every now and again, and has more than once been chased off by someone who didn't take his jokes all that well.

.:Spiritual: He was named knowingly. From a young age, he showed promise at being able to commune with the dead and the local spirits. By use of hallucinogens, he has proven himself to be able to reach through the gate, just as his namesake does. The dead are revered for their knowledge, and he will often reach out to them for advice when necessary. Trances and meditative states are his favoured methods, though he has been known to spill blood in order to read entrails or the patterns in the dirt from spurting fluids.

.:Disdainful: Anubis holds others to high standards. To him, they are a bare minimum of decency amongst mortals and gods alike. However, he is often left disappointed. He can often be seen with a curl to his lip, disgusted by the behaviour of those around him. The next most common would be the classic eye roll- it's withstood the test of time as an appropriate response to foolishness.

.:Manipulative: Mortals, demigods, and the divine are his puppets. He drags them about on their strings, and plucks at their chords as he pleases. The harbinger moves his little puppets about as he sees fit, shuffling them like chess pieces. He will be sickly sweet and affectionate where he needs to be, and the next moment cruel and unfeeling. A veritable chameleon, he is whatever the situation calls for when he so deigns to rise to the occasion.

roam about, figure out where he stands in these lands.
Run into his half siblings, and be immediately shooketh!
Definitely needs to eat at least two people. Probably NPC's though, I'm not a monster
Take some slaves, or thralls maybe? I could see him drawing weaker minds like moths to flame
Maybe join a pack?



3 Years
02-10-2019, 01:32 AM
Congratulations, Denny! You are going away with Anubis Ithuriel. I cannot wait to see this one in play and thread with him!

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.



3 Years
02-10-2019, 02:27 AM
Asena's Rameses Khnurn Ithuriel is approved! Cannot wait to see him in game and have Mory and Thys jump at him.

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.



3 Years
Extra large
03-13-2019, 12:29 AM
OOC Name: Dracarys
Discord: Dracarys
Character Name: Nefertiti "Nef" Ithuriel
Alignment: lawful evil
without accessories:

[Image: unknown.png]

with accessories: [although will be discovered via IC and of course through purchases after discoveries; currently does not have these]

[Image: unknown.png]

Nefertiti is the epitome of beautiful. A goddess plucked from the pillar of time, woven into creation by the hands of the Gods themselves. Egyptian like in her waltz, stature, and physique. She is nothing short of beauty, being doused in overall tan pigmentations with creams and ivories to match. The babe is a goddess you would lay witness to nestled in her throne of bones, with a lean yet muscular build supported by strong and nimble appendages. She is a tall one, her body made for speed and agility rather than brawn and strength to subdue her victims. Athletically built to withstand the harshest of storms, with her thick pelt aiding against bipolar winters. She is made up of simple markings, with aesthetic colors. Ink black is seen for a brief moment on her bodice, starting from the tips of her ears to the outlining of her eyes and snout/muzzle, to the near center of her upper spine and the again mimicked along her tail. Truffs and patches of creams can be seen melting into the overall tanish brown accents, sandy paws, chest and underbelly looking as if she dipped herself in the dunes of Egypt. Her face is a little darker than the rest of her body, which brings out her hypnotizing orbs of pure blue. Dark and adoring they lay gorged in the eye sockets of her skull, like an ocean they reflect cerulean intensity - giving her an overall nostalgic appeal.
"Pretty little liar" - Pretty, no doubt about that. Little, eh, not so much. Liar, oh you have no idea. There is a reason why some people who really know Nefertiti, say not to trust her. She has a tendency to create blisters of little white lies that can sometimes hinder relationships. Although, she never cared much for relationships, let alone impressing potential bachelors - just wasn't her thing. She doesn't need to impress you to make herself known - it comes naturally. A little piece of advice when deciding to either befriend or wed this spitfire, she can and will, shatter your heart with the lies that fall from her tainted lips.

"What makes a killer" - A killer doesn't always have to look the part, in fact, Nef is far from your average killer. She doesn't put on any facade to make herself appear frightening, it comes naturally when she wants to get her point across. She will personally make sure that every time you hear her name you run for the hills because that's when you should really be afraid - because that is when she wants you dead and she will make sure you end up six feet under. Nefertiti isn't a killer by nature, no, she grew into that image by battle. She will not kill the innocent, although she will have a field day with the downtrodden who kill for sport and/or turn savage on kits. She will not hesitate to put you down if it means she's saving the life of an innocent, but do not be fooled - she shows absolutely no mercy when in battle. She looks at it as, 'either I'm going to kill you, or you're going to kill me but one thing is for sure if I'm going to hell.. I'm taking you with me.'

"Nobody is perfect" - Nefertiti is ruthless, aggressive and on the verge of being completely psychotic. Almost nothing can stop her or get in her way. Death doesn't scare her, nor does it make her upset. Nef doesn't feel sadness, instead, she feels anger. This fae has learned to convert all of her emotions into anger and she will never allow others to see something different. Very rarely is she depressed or upset about something? Nef is uncontrollable. She admits it's hard to control her bloodlust, and her bloodline agrees that she is hard to control and order around. Despite her troubles with listening, she is loyal to the end but she will never allow anyone to walk over her, or boss her around like she's their slave. Family is her keepsake, if anyone has seen an entirely different side to this woman it would be her blood, kindred whom fall under the surname Ithuriel - only they, and them alone have seen her more caring nature. Nefertiti has a passion for killing. When she takes a victim, it's not sloppy but rather professional. She knows how to make them suffer without making her seem sloppy or disgusting. Nef won't hesitate to kill a wolf [unless of course, you're a pup]. She has no sympathy or pity for the ones she kills [normally they deserve it]. She is afraid of nothing; not even death. Instead, she welcomes the day of her death, and she will haunt the wolf that ever takes her life unless she dies of natural causes.

"We are all searching for something" - Despite this side of her, she is rather lonely and looking for a mate that's just as ruthless and crazy as she is; though she will never show it. Nef wants to show love and to show that her heart isn't as dark and cold as she says it is, but she has a reputation to keep and she doesn't want to become soft and weak. Sadly, she knows feelings is a sign of weakness and can get you killed. Wolves have always disappointed her- especially males.
Plots/Ideas: Nefertiti suffers from schizophrenia paranoia, part of the reason she is deranged. She hears voices, they come to her in a "hissing" manner. She will be skilled in the craft of healing, although more so on the darker side of things she will practice in poisons and hows to kill with said poisons. her other skill will be fighting, honing her defensive and offensive skills and eventually becoming an in the closet serial killer.



3 Years
03-13-2019, 12:45 AM
Congratulations, Dracarys with Nefertiti !

She is all yours. <3 Cannot wait to see her in play and plot with you two~

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
04-05-2019, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 08:01 AM by Pyralis.)
OOC Name: lunarcat7
Discord: lunarcat7
Character Name: Bastet Natha Ithuriel
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Slender, powerful and elegant, Bastet stands 36" high. She is a creature of angles and sharp edges, cloaked in a sleek, radiant coat. Her ears taper sharply and her face forms an exquisite triangle. True to her name sake her movements seem feline, both graceful and strong at the same time. Though her build is lighter than most wolves it would be foolish to consider her weak or lesser. She is strong for her size and build and because of it she has an added speed, she strikes like a serpent, fast and deadly.

Bastet's coat shifts through a desert gradient. The base coat is a soft, creamy sand color that fades along her points to a deep sable at her muzzle, paws and the tip of her tail. Her velvety ears are covered in the same rich sable. Underneath Bast's throat starts a bloom of rich, snow white that gently covers the rest of her undersides, including her chest and belly. The toes of her front paws are also dipped in this lovely white, almost as if she were poking at something she shouldn't have that had permanently dyed her fur. Flecking in colors varying from sand to sable adorn the top of her body from the base of her head to the first several inches of her tail. Her most striking feature is her bright, emerald green eyes that star starkly out from her shadowed face. They are elegant and almond shaped and there is something about them that seems distinctly feline.

Personality: Bastet is deep and cold like a dark desert night. Quiet and reserved she often appears aloof and indifferent to what is going on around her and while it is true she is far more interested in her needs than anyone else's she is not as cut off as she might appear to be. Bast is a sharp and calculating wolf, always taking in her surroundings and the body language of others. She takes the art of survival seriously and life has left her some what jaded.

Practical and straightforward, Bastet has a realistic and grounded approach to life. She knows how to do things and get things done. Dreams and frivolity mean little to her, what matters is what her senses tell her, what is tangible, what she can see, hear, smell, touch and taste. Bast is secretive. Much like her namesake she keeps her emotions and feelings below the surface and to herself but if all you see when you look at Bastet is sharp fangs and blurred shadows you'll only know a fraction of her.

Underneath her callous shell is a warmth, like a tenuous sunrise that cuts through the long cold night. It's like sunlight shimmering through shivering air, distorted, like a mirage glimpsed in the distance before darkness falls and stills the air once more. As she gets used to others and trust is built she'll relax her chill demeanor and seem almost amiable, but her blades are never sheathed. Beneath the frozen surface is a courageous and daring woman. Bastet is a wolf that will look after her own and shows her caring with tough love, no nonsense and more than a little sarcasm.

Witty and clever, Bastet is an intelligent creature with an unexpected sense of humor. True, it's often dark humor and somewhat dry but those close to her will soon get a taste of her teasing wit and a fair amount of sass and vinegar. Despite the hardships of life she still knows how to smile, especially if it's at another's expense. She is a wolf that is more sour than sweet, more edges than softness, a creature weathered by life and strengthened by struggle.

Plots/Ideas: Her first order of business is tracking down her siblings. She's had enough of wandering on her own. Since leaving their mother and heading north she's seen more of the dark corners of the world than she cared too. If she must suffer she'd rather do it with her siblings at her side. Though I'm not sure if she will be totally honest about these reasons. She may play it off as just 'happening to find them'.

Definitely would love to get her a pair of cat companions. A Caracal and a Serval I'm thinking.

Pretty open at this point to plot ideas. I do see her being more of a warrior. Her skills will be Fighting and I want to say Navigation (still debating on this one).
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



8 Years
04-06-2019, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2019, 06:55 PM by Hannibal.)
OOC Name: karabearrr
Discord: Ysi (Kara)
Character Name: Khnum Ithuriel
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Appearance: 150 words
Personality: 200 words
Plots/Ideas: LOYALTY.

EVENTUALLY, this will be finished <3
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-08-2019, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2019, 03:22 PM by Rhyme I.)
OOC Name: KatG6
Character Name: Thoth ankh Ithuriel
Male - 1 year - autumn - Ra x Hieroglyph
Alignment: neutral

Tall - thin - white - gold - silver/gold eyes
37" - light build
A man of taller than normal height, but he is a slyph in every other aspect. He has long delicate legs that hold up his thin elegant body. His features are long and slim, almost jackal like. His body is reminiscent of a greyhound, an impressive chest with a tiny waist. Large desert dweller ears sprout from his skull, shadowing deep almond eyes.

His base color is a royal ivory that swathes his body, marred only by the most precious metal: gold. All down his regal coat are bright golden hairs that catch the light and shine as though a precious resource. This brilliant dust concentrates in thin stripes along his back, on the top of his tail, and down his left legs. Which almost looks as though molten gold is dribbling down his leg. His face is brushed lightly with this warm color, concentrating in cheetah stripes down his face, nuggets at the back of his eyes, and in a small strip up his nose. The top os his ears boast this delicate gilding as well.

His leg is not the only asymmetrical part of the descended god, upon his left eye the same brilliant gold marring his pelt. Upon his right eye liquid silver pools in his gaze.

Personality: scholarly - natural teacher - calculating - persuasive
Thoth floats through life in somewhat of a daze, he is an incredibly intelligent wolf however. His mind is always going, following the next strand of information. A seeker of knowledge instead of power, for knowledge is power. Like an old magician Thoth often hides himself away in the pursuit of his next lesson. He has an affinity for ruins and the stories they might tell him.

To those he trusts his treasure trove of information is freely given, especially to his family. He loves to teach, though is humble enough when he presents his knowledge that he isn't construed as a know-it-all.

He is both hermit and host, having a tenancy to isolate himself when working. When he is brought away from his distraction he can have quite the silver tongue. He's a charmer, and uses words to get what he wants rather than strength. Though Thoth isn't a manipulator he will use the power of persuasion when he can.

Mostly a live and let live kind of wolf Thoth does hold a sense of justice inside him. He can see the sides of good and evil, and chooses to walk between them.
He is a keeper of secrets and a devout supporter rather than leader.

Plots/Ideas: maybe take up a judge type role? Loyal to the family, tries to take a a neutral look at everything. Has an affinity for hearts? I dunno lots of IC interaction though.

Would love to plot out a sister or love interest named Seshet- in egyptian lore she and Thoth were the keepers of writing. Depending on the text she was sometimes his wife, sometimes his female form. I have designs to use if you want her to be a sister or close relative here.



7 Years
04-09-2019, 05:00 PM
Toth is accepted! Cannot wait to ser gow he evolves and to see him being played by tou <3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



8 Years

04-20-2019, 08:05 AM
Bastet is accepted! You are more than welcome to create her profile and I can barel wait to see her in play and for her to meet all their sibbis!
Evil characters do evil things. Be warned, you thread with a psychopath; anything is possible.



7 Years
05-17-2019, 06:43 AM
shamelessly tempts with new designs
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
Extra large
05-17-2019, 09:28 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2019, 08:06 PM by Dea.)
Sorry, if I wasted time or whatnot, but I will have to wait for this character. I want one, but I don't want to disappoint with my activity :-/

I will apply soonish!!!
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-17-2019, 09:47 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2019, 06:28 PM by Acere.)

OOC Name: Dragon
Discord: Jinxx#4642
Character Name: Isis Hathor Ithuriel
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or True Neutral
This Egyptian goddess believes herself born from the heavens. The sea. The northern winds and the arctic snow. Swathed in silken tendrils of purity, her sleek frame is certainly a sight to behold. Isis is a beautiful creature coated in the purest of blues and silvers. She is a regal creature with a base coat of snowy white and ocean blues with the snowy white being more prominent upon her gorgeous face and along her shoulders, chest, and the back of her forelegs. The darker ocean blue coats the majority of her form, cascading over her bodice like a waterfall from back to toes. A storm of gray lightly saddles the babes back, so light in fact, that the color almost seems to fade away depending on the light, but tends to be more prominent in the dark. The babes ears are also layered with the storm, along with her right forepaw. This stormy gray, however, mingles seamlessly across her form in random strands and yet...she is still beautiful. Her tail, oh the Goddesses tail is her pride. Long and silken fur drapes effortlessly behind her and is painted the most pure and the most beautiful. Arctic blues and silvers blend together to create that most beautiful tail of hers. Likewise, the babes ruff is also her pride, long silken tendrils cascading down her neck and shoulders, framing her beautiful visage. She takes great care of appearance, though she isn't a vain creature, either. The babes eyes reflect the ideas she believes she was born from. Pale cyan eyes that nearly mimic the green and blue hues of the northern lights set in her beautiful face, her eyes are almond shaped, giving her a more exotic appearance.

The babe holds herself high and proud, though not overbearingly so. She takes pride in her looks, and her appearance and the way she presents herself to others is important to her. Long legs carry the babe in a graceful fashion, the drapery behind her swaying to and fro with each step and subtle swing of her hips. She is gorgeous, curves in all the right places and every bit as regal as she looks. Paw pads are reminiscent of lapis lazuli and her nails are painted a lovely shade of turquoise to compliment the rest of her. Her nose is also a delicate and soft shade of grayish blue. Overall, the Egyptian babe has a soft yet regal look, making her one of the most beautiful in the lands.

Isis considers herself a priestess, the bringer of life and guardian of the North, and messenger of the Gods. She is soft spoken, but her words carry strength. She neither pulls for the dark nor the light, but she values law and order. She doesn't particularly care, however, if they're good laws or bad laws. In her mind, there is no such thing as good or evil. She will follow whatever laws are in place at the time, and she has no problem following those who align themselves on one side or the other. To her, consequences of ones actions are what matter most. Loyal to the Gods she worships and the Ithuriel name, the arctic Priestess does her best to guide her family along the path of righteousness because she believes that the Gods will show them the path to glory. While she isn't power driven or ambitious to hold a pack of her own, Isis aims to use her intelligence and wisdom to guide those who do, regardless of who they are.

Isis follows her religion to the letter, and has no tolerance for those who seek to tarnish the names of her Gods. While she may be indifferent to the concept of good and evil, her Gods are the pillars of her heart and mind and she will seek to strike down those who speak ill of her beliefs. She's no fighter, but the babe will not hesitate to use poisons or other methods to get the job done. She meditates and prays frequently, and she believes so strongly that she is sure she can hear the Gods whispers in her ear and sees them in her dreams. She firmly believes herself a messenger of the Gods and even claims to see visions, signs, and omens in the world around her. She knows when the Gods are displeased and knows when they approve just by looking what's around her or hearing their whispers on the wind.

While she is indifferent to others, the snow queen has a certain fondness for children. They are malleable. Gullible. Easy to sway. She considers them the perfect targets for her teachings and will take them in if only to train them in the ways of her Gods and soldiers. She is kind to those less fortunate, but if she considers a child to be "defective" in the eyes of the Gods then she may turn them over to the more darker aligned members of her family for them to do what they will, or cut them loose altogether. She can be patient, but when others drive her patience to the thinnest line then she does what is necessary and has no care about what that may be. Isis may well be the black sheep in the Ithuriel line with her neutral attitude, but that doesn't mean she'll abandon them. As mentioned before, she pulls neither for the dark or the light, and will follow the laws set into place regardless of what they are.

Incredibly intelligent, Isis uses her powers to guide others into going for glory. She acts as a counselor of sorts and will aid those who she believes should sit on a throne. She also claims to be a prophet, and takes great care to ensure she reads her prophecies to the best of her ability. This combined with her innate ability to hear the Gods, along with seeing their signs and visions, makes her a formidable individual. She can be manipulative where she needs to be and has nearly no trouble getting what she wants. She'll tell anyone what they wish to hear in order to achieve what she wants or to get others to walk the path her Gods want them to take. She's incredibly religious and devoted to her gods, offering gifts and sacrifices if need be and does not believe in the idea of other Gods that aren't her beloved own.

Being a Priestess/Prophet, she interprets omens and signs in such a way that influences others in a "power behind the throne" sort of way that it may support those she deems worthy enough to claim a crown of their own. Will take on the healing skill, though she'd be incredibly versed in the way of both healing and poisons to bring down those who might be a threat to her or her blood, and perhaps whoever else she might be loyal to.



7 Years
05-18-2019, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2019, 12:48 AM by Nephthys.)
Congratulations, Dragon with Isis. I love the beautiful and righteouss Priestess and would love for her to go with True Neutral to match all of that wonderful personality. I cannot wait to see her in play and have her meet everyone.

You may change the design if you wish, Bird , and go for someone else?
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together