



7 Years
06-18-2014, 09:20 PM

The claimed one remained silent when everyone showed up, although she couldn't help but tuck behind Sibelle slightly when so many strangers surrounded her. It wasn't hard for her small form to vanish behind Sibelle's russet one, but all the wolves seemed to form a circle around them. Biting her lip she didn't let go of the whine that dared to sound, staying quiet even when some strong voices spoke out. There was a few faces that she knew, but not much at all. And then they came, the small ones. Ekko's whole body froze, feeling as if someone had dunked her into a ice cold river. Why was there so many of them? There was no stopping the whine now, it sounded as her ears fell flat onto her rusty red skull. Her short tail tucked between her legs as fear scent rolled off her tiny bodice. No, there was way too many of them. She needed to shut off the images that threatened to render her a useless beast. How could she pay attention to her lady if she was rolled into a little fear ball? She needed to get a hold of herself. She squeezed her pale blue eyes closed, shutting everything out. It wasn't hard with only one hearing ear.

Sibelle's voice shattered her barrier, one single eye peeking open to see that she was going over the ranks. She already knew what she was, she was claimed by the very lady who commanded everyone's attention. She didn't need to speak up, plus no one had even talked to her yet. Allowing both eyes to open she risked a glance over the crowd, wondering if some would walk away without giving her their loyalty. She wouldn't put it past some of them, it was hard to follow someone when you still longed for your old leader. By the sounds of it, no one even knew that she had vanished. She knew the tale, she knew the whole thing. Sibelle had told her after she claimed Ekko, but she remained quiet on the reason why. If she was asked to tell, she would. But for now, she didn't let a single word pass her ebon lips. Everyone else needed to state if they were coming or going, either way Ekko had no choice. She was bound to Sibelle now, pack or not.

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


06-19-2014, 11:08 AM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

Her name was called, and it was a familiar sound - Senka stirred, amethyst gaze scanning the area until it settled on . . . Sora. Her tail thumped at the earth, a conscious effort on Senka's part to greet her brother, and she leaned slightly into his touch. "Sora," She breathed a greeting as his gaze settled on the ground. Like Senka, Sora was cool and calm, despite the fact that they now seemed to have been abandoned by their mother. Still, Senka was sure that the russet female would explain what had happened to Cataleya. The woman could take care of herself, and Senka would have heard if there had been a battle. She would not have missed a wolf summoning her mother to the battlefield.

Senka stood silently as the other began to speak, introducing herself as Sibelle and explaining that Cataleya was gone. Senka hesitated for a moment, glancing at Sora. Would he choose to stay? Senka wasn't sure what she ought to do - she had come back to Alacritia to find her mother, after all. Cataleya had been the only wolf that Senka felt much attachment to, and even that hadn't been much, considering how long she had been away from her mother, under the care of only Ignis. And yet, Senka didn't want to abandon Sora. If Cataleya had left, she would probably have taken Basanti, Senka figured, as she was the only one of Cataleya's children who could not take care of herself. Sora and Senka herself could all handle themselves - and Senka had proved this by returning in one piece.

Turning towards Sora, Senka leaned closer to her brother, voice a soft whisper when she spoke, "I hope you will choose to stay with me." She murmured into his ear, before turning her gaze towards the russet Clandestine. "My name is Senka, and I held the rank of Princess. I suppose that I am of an age where I could only be considered for the rank of Juvenile." Though it smarted slightly, Senka knew that it would take time for wolves to take her seriously. She was only a yearling, and it would serve her well to take some time to learn the pack and its members and workings before she chose to set her sights any higher. The rank of Lieutenant was tempting, to say the least, and with Senka's training over the months with Ignis, it didn't seem unreasonable that she would be able to hold the rank when she was older. For now, however, it seemed that she would be nothing but a juvenile in the eyes of this Sibelle. Ah well. It would only be for a year, and then Senka would have gathered support and made connections within the pack.

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-23-2014, 02:26 AM

He would watch as others came in, dislike for the one called Neios pouring from his eyes as he questioned about Cataleya. He always knew the creature had a strange fascination for Cataleya, his mother. And it disgusted him. He nearly stood to confront the insanity, but a touch from his sister would keep him in place. Soon, Sibelle would speak. And Sora would listen to the new changes coming. Ears would stand erect, and wondered what his place would be here. What about his half siblings? Would they get priority since they were more close to her? She was his aunt too, he had been with them on the island. With Maija, with the other kids, with Taurig...his father. Where the hell had he gone off to? Where the hell was he? It was him that Sora wanted to follow, but the cobalt coward had disappeared...Again. His sisters voice would find him again, asking him to stay. With a nod, he would confirm. Of course he would stay with her, he had no intentions of leaving her alone. Just after his sister spoke, Sora too would speak. "It's good to see you again, Sibelle. I held the title of Prince, both under my father and under my mother. Although like Senka said...I'm pretty sure I fall under the Juvenile rank, if i'm not mistaken." The thought would cause a spike in his mind, for he had only known the title of prince when his father ruled, and when his mother ruled. It was strange to be anything else, and he hoped that at some point, wherever Sibelle chose to place him, he would be able to attain a rank better then what might be given to him. He knew at some point, he wanted to strive for Regent. Or even Commander. He was sure that with the rest of his family here now, he would be able to attain such desires.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


06-23-2014, 01:33 PM

Wolves would begin to file into the meeting, some with bones to pick with the apparently new queen. She didn't see the male that she had helped in the scrap yard, nor did she see anyone she knew. If she stayed it would certainly be interesting to see how she fit into this pack. Tensions seemed high for some. Others, like herself, didn't seem to care much and were here for information. Libra simply sat quietly and waited for the information to be given to her so that she could make her decision.

The new queen introduced herself as Sibelle and gave an ultimatum to the wolves concerned with the disappearance of their former queen. Libra didn't much care about this 'Cataleya' they spoke of. As far as she was concerned she simply needed a home and didn't care much who ruled it. Sibelle went on to explain more about the pack, finally, giving them the ranks she intended to have along with feel of the pack. It all sounded fine and good to her so after two younger wolves spoke their piece she lifted her voice to speak as well. "I have never been a part of this pack, but in my last home I was a high ranking warrior. An equivalent to your Commander, perhaps? I would be happy to challenge for that rank if need be." She fell silent once more, giving Sibelle a small smile and waiting to see if anyone would take up her offer of a challenge.




5 Years
06-24-2014, 09:09 PM

D?gmar stared coldy at the gold bitch and the whelps she'd drug in. Eyes lingering just for a moment on their pretty little necks. It seemed this new femme had a string of her own recruits already. Well, it would soon be time to hear this fae's story and the details that surronded it. Had Cat been defeated? Had she handed the pack over? Perhaps there'd been an accident? No.. D?gmar was not naive enough to simply assume the situation. And so she would wait and watch. Eyes taking in every strange, new form, lighting up slightly at the sight of her former pack mates.

Emerald eyes narrowed slightly at the approach of the red fae. The Queen of Covari. Now this was an odd sight? the alpha of another pack showing up to another packs meeting. It was a deep strike against Sibelle and a sign of her greatest fear, that Arcanum was merely going to be a puppet of this red queen. Sibelle, no more than a pawn. No this would not do. She would serve under and strong and independent leader. Alliances were fine but this? this arrangement stunk of suspicion. And yet when Sibelle would ask them to leave if they chose, D?gmar lingered. She would not be denied further information on this pack and a chance to question Sibelle. To see if there was still a chance that she might keep her hope here. The temptation to fight the colorful new fae for the rank of Marquis or? Commander, was very tantalizing. It had been awhile since she'd fought a high ranking warrior of another pack. But she would have to curb her battle lust for now. Sibelle intended to run a neutral pack. D?gmar didn't really do neutral. She wanted to be somewhere where conflict and violence were all but expected.

"I am D?gmar Thyre, former Marquis of Arcanum and I would most gladly challenge for my rank. I know that battle is fluid, the student readily becomes the master and the master the student. If I've something yet to learn I will gladly step aside and learn it. However? I'm afraid I have not yet come to a decision if I will remain. You've given me a lot to think about but what I must know is this. Are you your own Queen? Do you intend to rule this pack as it's own separate existence or are we to be constantly at the beck and call of the Queen of Covari?" She focused intently on the other woman, all too aware that her comments could easily ruffle the fur of those around her but she wanted to hear from Sibelle's lips how she viewed her relationship with the crimson queen.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-30-2014, 09:40 PM
Ooc: Totally late and possibly pointless depending on the outcome of the challenge but... here you go.

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
The woman's words did nothing to calm the fury seething through Hati's belly. Not even Akemi's presence cooled it, though guilt that she would be here, that he would undoubtedly be the cause of anguish and fear in her, curled through the anger. The woman who sought to replace Cat spoke matter of factly about the changing of the ranks, the reordering and renaming.

His ears flicked flat against his skull. He didn't care.

She asked what their ranks were, that she could sort them, and Hati's head came up, his gold eyes narrowing. But Daegmar beat him to it.

He let her speak, because she was Daegmar and he trusted her and her cleverness in a way he had never trusted Loki's cleverness. She said much of what he felt, voiced many of his concerns, but she did not speak the most important thing to him. She was willing to hear an explanation - he was not.

His deep, grating voice rose on the heels of hers.

"I am Hati Hroovitnisson. I held the rank of Marquis under Cataleya. But I will not be a part of this. You think we do not see this, your 'friend' here to manipulate and control?" His fangs shown; if there was one thing Hati hated about all else it was to be manipulated and pushed where he did not want to go. "If this pack is not capable of standing on its own four paws instead of being carried around by this red woman's pack like a mother with her cub, I will not be a part of it. I will not shed my blood on the whims of a woman not even of this pack. No." His gaze gleamed across the group before he stalked away from them, his spiked pelt bristling with the strength of his fury. He would leave now before he got caught up in this foolishness. Daegmar could make her own way and her own decisions; she always did. Akemi could leave or stay; that was up to her. He would not stay to play pawn for a Covari queen's puppet.

He would not be controlled.

-exit Hati unless stopped-

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-01-2014, 09:23 PM

The girl would listen to others, waiting for Hati, and then, as he spoke, voicing some of his own thoughts and wishes, the girl would turn, though her gaze shifted to the woman. She was not at all impressed either, and not just because of Hati?s choice, though his leaving guaranteed the girl would leave this place behind as well. ?Perhaps Cataleya may have left, though you do not stand here alone. You stand with the Covari Queen, watching over you just as my brother has said. You claim this pack will be neutral, and take in the good and bad, however I do not doubt that any wish the Covari Queen might have you will answer.? The small woman spoke the words coldly, and she lifted her head, sharpness in her eyes.

?I am Akemi Miu Hroovitnisdottir, and I once held the rank of lead hunter in this pack. I fought and proved my worth, shedding my blood to get into this pack. A pack you just had handed to you. For the rest of your members sake I can pray that you will in time prove your own worth. I, however, will not be staying here. Good day to you all.? The girl could smell that something dark was brewing, and she would not remain to be part of it, especially not if Hati wasn?t there with her. Words spoken, the girl would trot after Hati, leaving Arcanum behind.

{{Ooc:: Exit Akemi unless stopped.}}

talk, think


07-06-2014, 03:45 PM
I am so sorry and I know this is late and with the assumption that she isn't there anymore but I didn't realize the new round had started so here is a post?

The words were welcomed to her and shocked filled her face when it was announced that Cat had just left. The woman proclaimed herself as an heir and Aaliyah nodded. She would remain in Arcanum where she belonged. "I will remain. I am Aaliyah Olympia and I was a healer under the rule of the former queen. I pledge the same services to you. I would request the rank of medic." She said respectfully to the female with a small smile. She was eager to get started once more and she knew what it was. She had pledged herself to Arcanum, not just the queen who had once ruled there. Nothing would ever change that.