
What A Beautiful Mess


10-28-2014, 11:51 PM

And those final words that fell from his lips would knock the wind out of her. All of sudden, gravity no longer held her here, but Quelt did. He was her gravity now. A sort of warmth flooded her body and all the sounds of the night seemingly faded into nothingness. Tear filled eyes would back away from the man's embrace so that she could meet his gaze fully. You love me? Words were spoken in a soft timbre laced in awe. It was a good feeling to be loved and it was the first time she got to actually experience it. Robbed of parental and sibling love, robbed of love from pack mates. Oh how things have changed in the past few days. It was like her own personal world had been reborn into a new universe - his universe.

I love you too. It came so easy, without even thinking. It was like her heart did all the work for her. So, this is what it felt like to love somebody. Heart fluttered against her chest as if it belonged to a bird. A tingling sensation filled her entire soul. But he would be worth fighting for, he would be worth overcoming this welcome addiction. To retrain her mind and body into that gods would be proud of, that her Quelt would be proud of. And how she wanted to make him proud! I will try so hard for you and our children. I cannot promise I will be perfect, but I can promise that my efforts will be all that I have. Sometimes even warriors need a hero. You are mine. And for the first time, a smile from pure happiness would paint her face. The two of them would create a galaxy of their own. He the sun, she the planet, and their children their moons.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 07:57 AM

He would watch Venus carefully, a sense of bubbling victory grew into him with her words. She gave him all the strength that the world could offer. Trying would be enough for him, no wolf was perfect that was why their expectations of the world were scewed. Naturally he wanted to be with her, and it made the event of children send shivers down his spine even more. Who would they grow up to be? Would he fail to be a good father again? He never sai he wa a good father after all. Perhaps it would be different with his own.
Quelt smiled and looked towards the stars. "They kinda look funny don't they" He noted as he settled down. Now all that had been said and done they could sit and talk watch the stars together. For once in his life he ha found temporary peace whic was nice once in a while. As of now he finally felt like the gods were not laughing at him. He would do Venus his best, to care for her even of he was flawed.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


10-29-2014, 08:28 PM

A sort of relief overcame her afterwards, one she did not quite understand.
Quelt would make a comment about the stars appearing "funny." Stars could be quite funny in their own way. Each one seemingly envious of its neighbor, always trying to outshine one another. Though, none could ever outshine the sun. Perhaps, it could be a resemblance of dreams long loss. Or maybe even dreams never given up on, because in the end - the stars try, until death, to burn more vividly than the colossal daylight star. And even in death the particles never really vanish, simply changing into a different form. A black hole that would consume all that was in its path. Maybe the stars grew weak of trying to be the most radiant and burst in anger from failure, allowing the darkness to consume its once precious light. To be reborn again? One never really heard of that. Once darkness had taken over, light never made its way back in, did it? It was a terrifying though of what was to come. Changing now would mean proving nature wrong, or it seemed that way.

Starlit face would look at the flecks of fire that clung to the canvas overhead. Maybe that is why the gods painted her face in stars. A curse. A beautiful curse. It was to be expected from such humorous gods. And at this point, she felt as if she were their most cherished joke. I cannot imagine anything more complex and beautiful. Floating masses of fire swirling in complete nothingness. With no destination, no real journey. Seems like a simple life. She would sigh at the thought. A simple life would be welcoming. Flashes of light would pass across the heavens in continuous waves of light. A shower of falling stars that would ignite the purple sky. It was a new moon on this night, creating the perfect time for star gazing. Fireflies would mock the heavens as they danced about their forms in streams of light. It was truly a dance of stars.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 08:53 PM

Quelt would raise a brow to the girl, she seemed to be a lot more poetic than she figured she was. After all, such an in-sight about stars seemed to thought through. Not even he had a very creative mind like that. He was no poet or story teller, maybe that part of him made him a little boring. As he watched the stars in their shape, then looked at Venus' face. Just like the night sky, shining brightly through, she was like that. Her eyes too. His face softened a little, muscles relaxing as he watched the fire flies, the beauty of the night.
"Seems like we stayed long enough to see the wonders of the world come out." he mused as his nose became illuminated with a green glow. Quelt took in a deep breath and let it out. "I wonder if they're trying to be something they're not, like I was." he noted softly. The fire flies mocking the stars, it seemed like a sad desperate attempt to be something that they were not.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


10-29-2014, 09:09 PM

The land was thick with the insects, casting a golden glow over the land that intertwined so beautifully from the stars' silver light. Marbled eyes resembled the galaxy's precious gases. Swirling forms of air that made mixtures of colors that painters would envy. And, at this moment, she felt like she completely belonged. Like this planet, this life, was worth living and that she no longer had to search for a reason to feel attached. Wonders? Everything in life is wonder. It's like the stars. A canvas of specks that don't really connect when we look forward. But looking back, after drawing life's path, it makes an image we can understand.

She would look at the man, eyes seemingly ignited with a true happiness, a sparkle of joy making them glow radiantly. No. I think they are completely happy with who they are. We never really change overtime. You will always be who you have always been. We simply become more of who we are. And you hiding, disguising yourself, it was you. It's what makes up your personality. The tenderness to hide your inner being. It wasn't ever really a mask if you think about it. She was unsure if he would understand, it was a complicated thought. But, one she believed in, nonetheless.

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7 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 09:21 PM

Just listening to the crickets, listening to Venus, made everything sound so perfect. Her voice drew him closer with every breath, the fact she was living, breathing, even existing made him happy. His black tail curling over his back before dropping to its original position. The world around him melted, and it was like he was in one dark, large room with Venus just lit up by the colors of the natural world. Something that he would show his children in due time, if she though she wouldn't be a good mother she was wrong. She may have had her tough spots, but there was that tenderness there that he felt with every beat of his heart that continued on.
"People change, it may not be the change that you or I see. But one event or another could turn anyone good or bad, whether it is discovering who you are again, it is still change. And the gods embrace that change, as long as we stay true to the goals we want, what our hearts desire. Even if that be killing, murdering, they love each and every single one." Quelt wasn't the most poetic, but he knew change when he saw it. Maybe they did become more of who they were, but that was still change in it's definition, going from one form to another.
"But change, can be a beautiful thing, the same as it is fearful." he looked over at her as he stepped forward and nuzzled her cheek. Would she ever know how much he would love her? How much he cared for her in those moments. Even if they weren't entirely perfect. "I am perfectly flawed." he chuckled lightly.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


10-30-2014, 05:29 PM

All sense of time had been lost and seemed frozen in place. A night in which started with anger had evolved into love and comfort. A twisted mess that was beautiful in its own way. The world around them was filled with soft cries of owls and the lullabies of crickets. It was like their own personal song. Even though the man believed wolves were capable of change, she did not quite agree. We only become more fully who we are. And life's events mold us into that, in the end - its fate. Though, she respected the man's opinion and would nod her head gently at his words. That is what made us all interesting, our different ways to view the world.

A smile would cross her maw at his final sentence. We all were perfectly flawed. What a boring world it would be without its flaws. She gathered fallen leaves beneath her paws and tossed them playfully toward Quelt, aiming to send a wave of them at his face. She would chuckle and pin her ears back in a playful fashion. Body lowering in a pouncing position as she wiggled with excitement. Tail swayed with her body - an invitation for him to play with her. And if time was indeed frozen, let the world be embraced with its eternal night. This was a night she would never release.

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7 Years
Extra large
11-01-2014, 03:45 PM

The leaves thrown at him almost made him flinch, blinking a small bit before he noticed Venus hopping around. Her body moving into a play bow, trying to process it in his head. Since when had he ever played? He was an adult man at the age of four, no doubt Venus was around the same age as well. Though it skipped his mind, he rose his eyes for a moment and then lowered himself raising his lips as he let a small growl rise in his throat. His black tail flicked back and forth as he rose a paw and swatted at Venus.
He didn't entirely know how to play, he spent his life training, guess now was a nice time to learn since he was going to have kids soon. He raised his paws and hoped to reach Venus in a hug. Plafully nuzzle the side of her neck, though she could obviously run off in a game of tag. Something he wouldn't mind. He was bigger than her, but with most women he was.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


11-04-2014, 08:37 PM

A soft laugh would break the silence at the man's reaction. He seemed to hesitate. Perhaps he too had been deprived of such simple enjoyments. But it was never too late to learn, to appreciate the simple things and life and to remember life was not always serious. That relaxation was possible even though it seemed so impossible. His paw would strike her softly against her chest, talons seemed to cling in her thick pelt for a moment as his paw retreated. A playful yip would encourage the man to continue, to embrace this moment.

He would rear up to catch her in a hug, and she would welcome it. She took her right paw and scratched playfully at his thick mane around his neck. After he nuzzled her, she would slither from underneath the man and bounce to-and-fro like a pup in front of him. All the while she barked at him cheerfully. Occasionally she would lash out with her fangs to grab his fur gently. A soft growl would pour through her lips as she would prance to his side and, rearing, would place both paws on his left side and push on him before her feet fell to the earth once more. She half hoped the man would run so she could chase him down as if she were a lioness after an antelope.

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7 Years
Extra large
11-08-2014, 11:41 PM

Quelt hadn't felt like this ever in his life. Not around anyone, not around anything. That was a fact he was willing to face regardless of anything. Now he just wanted to give to Venus he didn't care if he didn't get anything back. Give and grow, just anything in that turn. As she played with him he let out a stiffed growl. He wasn't the best at being playful that was obvious but as she bounced off he stood there for a moment. Not knowing what to do.
A right paw would raise curiously, before hopping towards her. He tapped her on the shoulder before running off in the other direction. Quelt was big and bulky, not the best of a runner. But tag was probably the only game he could play other than sparring and fighting. That was out of the question at the moment though. His unborn children were within this woman, he'd protect her even if it meant his death.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]