
pretend this thread title is the title of an anime opening




Master Healer (250)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

6 Years

07-01-2023, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2023, 01:36 AM by Kiriko. Edited 1 time in total.)

The basics. Kiriko is fairly sure she knows the basics, but then again… it’s hard to tell. She knows there are plenty of things she doesn’t know, and she knows there are plenty of things she does. How could she find gaps in her knowledge on her own? Still, it’s something she can worry about. It’s something that she can dwell on. Having something other than her personal safety and the fact that she’s probably being hunted on her mind was actually… pretty nice. Who was she kidding, worrying about something other than herself was great.

She had a pack to worry about. She had Hattori to worry about. Taking care of all of them, that sounded like it was a pretty good deal. Kiriko worried about their alpha in particular, the upright, well-composed man that he was. It was only after borderline interrogating him that he admitted something was bothering him. She cared about him, perhaps more than she’d let on. There was something about the stoic man that stuck in her head. Something that… no. That was not a path she’d let her head go down. Not in the slightest.

But there were still plenty of things that she needed to think through. Plenty of things that she needed to prepare. Caring for Hattori wasn’t the only thing on her mind. There was also the question of Sedna’s pups. There were so many of them, and Kiriko would do what she could to take the stress off of Tojo-kai’s head healer. She’d do what she could to take strain off of her as a mother, as a healer, and help where she could. Pups were lovely, but they were also so much work. Especially when not all of them were… well, not all of them were quite what Kiriko would call typical. Though she had heard whispers of what they called the long night, and the things that still haunted this place, she didn’t know exactly what it all meant.

Right. The basics. Kiriko could handle the basics. The woman had a feeling she would be handling more scraped knees and bloody elbows, things like that. Thinking through what the first steps to wound care would and should be, the woman carefully removes some witch hazel from the communal stores. It would be good to have some prepared and on hand. Kiriko carefully measures some into a pot of water, covering it so it can come to a boil. Right, the first step to caring for a wound needed to be cleaning it. That would need a chance to boil for far longer, and she was happy to allow it to steep.

Onto the next thought. Once a wound was cleaned, it would need to be dressed. Kiriko wandered to the patch of hemp that she’d begun. It grew fast. Faster than she could have even expected, not that much slower than the bamboo. It was a pleasant surprise. This was different from the medicinal hemp plants, and instead was mostly composed of fibrous stalks. Actually, was it time to pull some down? Kiriko figured as much, taking borrowed tools to begin to lop them down. Carefully, methodically, she’d chop them down and then peel the stalks apart. Peeling them with careful movements, taking care not to nick herself with the knife. Imagine, making an impact like that when she’s trying so hard to be helpful, stay out of the way, and not draw too much attention to herself.

Preparing the fibers and turning them into bandaging would be a whole process, but she was happy to start that now, as well. She’d weave the fibers away from the stalk at the center, freeing them from the stalks. Though it was a rather laborious process, Kiriko was happy for the distraction. Pleased that she could keep her head wrapped up, away from… well, away from anything that would be less than pleasant. A repetitive process. Something that would calm her mind. Yes, she’s more than happy with this.

And with the pile of fibers set by her side, she considers what else would need to be added to them. What else would make them into proper bandaging materials, so she could do proper wound care when needed. The fibers would need to be cleaned first, of course. A second pot of water to boil on the fire, and into it, she dumps the first batch of fiber. Wouldn’t want to overcrowd the pot, that would only lead to difficulty untangling them later on. Keeping each plant’s worth in a large sheet was also important, making sure they were large enough to potentially handle more serious wounds.

Right. Wound care. She’d covered the cleaning, she’d covered the bandaging. There was a question of what herbs Kiriko would want to apply to promote healing and cleanliness as well. Aloe was the first one on her mind, but the cactuses necessary wouldn’t grow particularly well here. Auster was too damp, too soggy. Maybe there would be a way to recreate the environment artificially, but that would be a question for another day. Tinctures made from calendula or chamomile might be helpful, and those were better suited for the climate. Kiriko’s attention turned now to the gardens. At least going over the basics was a good way to stay busy, and to help her pack, right?


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1. pretend this thread title is the title of an anime opening Bamboo Maze 01:36 AM, 07-01-2023 04:40 PM, 02-28-2024