
Hello Again



4 Years
05-18-2014, 11:28 AM

A breeze drifted through carrying the scent of juniper with it. She breathed in deeply, enjoying the clear, sharp scent. Warja held her breath, letting the seconds tick by and the slightly bitter feel of juniper settle on the back of her tongue as she thought of a response. Her natural inclination was to burst, sending out scattered, frenzied energy in every direction for a solution to the hinted at problem. Perhaps her efforts to contain herself were a sign that she was beginning to mature, but for now it was all effort and no real progress. At least Warja recognized that the moment she stopped holding her breath their brief dance around his captivity would be over.

She was beginning to get dizzy. Spots appeared in the corners of her vision and her lungs ached, her body threatening her with unconsciousness to restore its oxygen balance. Before it could get that far, Warja's breath left her in an explosive gust and she launched into a reply. Her vision was hazy, but she ignored it. "You know it doesn't have to be that way. You could stay with me and we could rescue Soren." They could put together a rescue party or something. Isardis had to have loads of enemies; some of which might jump at the chance to tear into his kingdom.

Tail flicking like a cat's, Warja turned a pointed gaze up at her friend. Of course they'd go back to this topic. What else could they talk about? It was the elephant in the room, far too big to ignore. All roads led back to it. Their brief conversation about other things was riddled with mentions of it. So why not keep talking about it? It was there and dying to be mentioned. They may as well get it over with.




3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2014, 02:11 PM

A silence would stretch on once more and if Kismet knew of the thoughts that were starting to enter Warja's mind once more he perhaps would have found it a little more of an awkward pause. Most importantly however, he would have tried harder to drive the topic far away from the subject of Glaciem again, though it was indeed something that even the Adravendi boy himself would admit wasn't an overly easy task. Instead however his own mind remained at peace, eager to forget about his prison for the time being and focus instead upon this moment with Warja. Their reunion had been tainted enough by the awful topic and each time it reappeared he simply felt guilty for not having tried harder to hide it.

Suddenly though the silence and the peace would both be broken from a comment swiftly spilling from Warja's lips. A soft smile would grace his features, she just didn't give up. It would fade swiftly though, the words had brought back that guilt and sadness again. It was an unbelievably tempting idea, one he fought with even himself to find a real excuse to say no. "As lovely as that sounds I can't Warja." It certainly wasn't keeping her out of danger, in fact it'd only put her in more danger for being with him in the first place. "Couldn't leave Soren thinking I'd left him as well, and I really don't think he'd cope in Glaciem alone." His words would grow serious again now.

"As much as I want to stay with you, I don't want that stay to be for you getting yourself imprisoned to." He didn't dare voice the alternative to that, for the idea of her being hurt or even worse terrified and sickened him. "Just wait and I promise I'll come back to you." Whether it was in complete freedom or simply the next chance he got to wander, one way or another he would find Warja again, keep reassuring her he was ok and most importantly reassure himself that she was. Her safety would come first though and whilst being permanently together would keep them both reassured, in the long run it'd potentially only make things worse for the both of them.