
At the corner of the room you've sensed that something's watching you




Intermediate Intellectual (58)

Beginner Navigator (0)

3 Years
12-11-2023, 02:03 AM
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go off and explore on his own. He was certainly old enough to, even if he wasn't very tall for his age. He was beginning to wonder if he would be tiny forever, though that was the last thing on his mind really. Exploring the neighboring gorge sounded like a good idea, but as soon as he got here he realized that he would rather someone be here with him. That didn't stop from from attempting to swallow his fear and take the leap, however. He wanted to prove that he could be useful, whether it was to himself or others... maybe a little bit of both, though.

The deeper he got in the gorge, though, the safer he started to feel. This wasn't so bad! It was dark, sure, but it seemed quiet and otherwise uninhabited. Boy, was he wrong though. As he attempted to navigate the caves and paths, he found himself getting lost. He tried not to panic but it wasn't working. His heart started to pound and his eyes darted around as he searched for an exit into the main part. What if he couldn't find his way out? What if no one ever found him?!

Tazzy screamed and started to run; he would have to find an exit eventually, right!? He turned a corner into what he thought would be another tunnel, but it was a cave. A small cave at that, and since it was so dark, he didn't even see the mass of fur before colliding into it with a surprised yelp. The thing started to stir as he collected himself, rumbling awake with a disgruntled roar that made the young mans eyes widen. The bear moved as it woke, turning in the small den as Tazzy was frozen solid in fear staring at the massive grizzly. The bear could barely stand in the small cave, but that didn't stop it from swiping a paw at his face and slicing him across the nose. That got Tazzy moving, at least, but not without another yelp. Scrambling, he barely made it out of the den as the grizzly swiped again before roaring in anger.

He refused to look back as he ran, tears already welling in his eyes from the fear as blood dripped from his nose. He could hear the bear moving behind him, pulling itself free from it's cave and lumbering through the tunnels after him. He was faster, luckily, but he still didn't know how to get out. He turned left and right, doing his best to lose the bear, but it seemed nothing was working. It felt like he was running around in circles before he took a random turn and found a crack in the wall, large enough for him to squeeze through yet hopefully small enough the bear couldn't reach him.

Cramming himself in the crack, he pushed his back against the interior wall to get as far from the opening as possible as he tried to slow his breathing. Maybe if the bear couldn't find him, it would leave him alone. That made sense, right? Unfortunately for Tazzy, though, the bear was smart. He heard it running as it neared and started to slow, it's heavy breaths searching for him. He couldn't help but whimper, but it only gave him away and the bear was quick to find his hiding place. Doing it's best to shove it's head inside, Tazzy pressed himself as hard as he could against the wall and smacked the bear right on the nose. He probably shouldn't have done that though, since it only seemed to piss it off more.

Pulling it's head free, it reached a massive paw in to try and grab Tazzy. He felt the claws drag lightly across his chest, screaming again hoping that someone, anyone would hear him. Smacking at the bears paw again, he knew it was useless but what else was he supposed to do?! He had trapped himself in this tiny crack in the wall with no where else to go, like a puzzle feeder for this damn bear and it was only a matter of time before it'd get it's prize.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION
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Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
02-13-2024, 04:20 PM
Enki was back in the labyrinth of caves and tunnels, the joy of once again exploring pulling him deeper and deeper into the dark depths. A familiar scent finds his nose and a stupid grin pulls at his lips as thinks about sneaking on Tazzy and surprising him. However, the happiness dies as a roar sends icy spikes of dread ramming into his stomach. Legs are moving before his brain can register anything more that Tazzy and grizzly bear; his body propels him forward as anger and fear flood his body. He spies the bright form of his friend trying desperately to cram into a small space in an attempt to get away from the bear that is attacking him.

The scream that Tazzy releases has Enki’s world turning red and he plows into the grizzly’s side, knocking it away from the space where his friend is hidding. The beast roars its anger and the pale pink man snarls loudly, tail snapping up over his spine in a show of dominance to the predator. They clash, Enki’s teeth finding the side of the bear’s neck as its deadly claws raking his side. A grow rumbles from somewhere deep in his chest as he doesn’t let up, attacking with all the ferocity of someone who’s loved one is in danger. The coppery scent of blood fills the air as the battle rages on.

"Enki Klein"

code & art © skelle 2023

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1. At the corner of the room you've sensed that something's watching you Whisperer's Gorge 02:03 AM, 12-11-2023 04:15 PM, 06-20-2024