
big cat goes grrr

Strai - large predator fight



Master Hunter (246)

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2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
01-12-2024, 05:35 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2024, 07:26 AM by Araneae. Edited 2 times in total.)

after that disastrous meeting with Hazel and Bas, Spider had needed time to think. which is ironic, really, because it's their lack of thinking that has led them here. at first they'd thought it simply a product of an overactive imagination: a sense of watchfulness, of being followed, of eyes tracking their every move - it's something pups conjure during the early hours of the morning, perceiving every shadow as some terrible threat. but in their misery, they've kind of tumbled through the Eastern territories, carelessly weaving an enticing scent trail for any predator to pick up. and really, they must've seemed the easiest of meals: a lone wolf too caught-up in their own head to watch where they placed their paws. too embroiled in memories of that look on Bas' face, his hurt at their unwillingness to listen. stars, why hadn't they just listened? he'd been trying to talk to them, and they'd just...just...

well, Bas had said it himself, hadn't he? they'd attacked him.

the queasiness in Spider's gut is only half attributable to the cougar staring them down. don't get them wrong, they really don't want to die, but the thought that the last words they exchanged with Bas were words of anger? hot tears prick their eyes as the cougar shuffles closer, and Spider takes a perilous step back, gazing nervously over their shoulder at the sharp drop-off below. really, they feel quite idiotic: they've all but let this creature herd them to the cliff, stepping seamlessly into a trap they really should've seen a mile away. and they have no way to escape, and no real hope of fighting it off themselves. it'd be embarrassing if they weren't so terrified.



Spider has a male raven companion named Doomsday and a female snake companion named Lady Snakeskin. Assume they are present unless stated otherwise.

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1. big cat goes grrr Crystallum Cliffs 05:35 AM, 01-12-2024 05:17 AM, 05-01-2024