
The Kid I Used To Know




Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
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Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-28-2024, 08:26 PM

It had been done. Her sister had passed the pack over to her, and she would do everything in her power to keep it safe. The young bear decided that she ought to let Corbie know that her advice had been taken to heart, and she mulled over who else should know. Frowning, she should've thought to ask her sister before she had left, so she slowed her roll and stopped at the black sand beach the Raiders used to own before they moved. She wondered if there was anything they had left behind. Perhaps material she could use to make something for the alphas she might have to meet. Looking back the way she came, she thought about heading back, suddenly unsure of what she should do and who she should talk to. Haydee would know who...or their mother. Sighing, she slowly ambled across the sand, eyes sharp as she opted to see what she could find while she was here.

Alot had happened in such a short amount of time. She felt like she had gone from a wayward child to a grown up pretty quick. She loved her family, after all, and a child could not protect her family. To her own kind, she was still considered a cub. Had her mother still been around, she would still be with her and learning from her. At least, that's what her companions had said. But she was raised with wolves, and the rules were different. Were she a wolf, she'd have struck out on her own naturally, but in this case...well she kinda had no choice, did she? She learned from the wolves, and was barely learning how to be like her own kind from her companions. The two species were vastly different, but even with all she was learning, the only thing she wasn't quite chasing was the North lands no matter how much her instincts sometimes screamed at her do so.




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (225)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
04-28-2024, 08:58 PM
With the responsibility of a pack now resting on his shoulders, the young man had decided to set out and get a better feel for the lands of Boreas. Enki cannot remember the last time he had done this, just set off on his own with no other intention than to explore. With the help of Tazzy and Insomnia, the pink male has found himself once more and he is eternally grateful for that. A dark sanded beach calls to him today, pulling him toward it with the allure of knowledge and the unknown.

The sun is slowly climbing toward its zenith, its warm rays fighting against the cold that tries to seep into the day from winter’s approach. Pale paws finally touch the dark sands that coat this stretch of coast and he marvels at the way the granules seem to absorb all the sunlight that touches them as if the ocean itself is now black and endless. Bright blue eyes scan the area as he goes, watching the way the waves roll in to spill their frothy heads across the abyss-like sand.

It is nearing midday when he spies a gigantic white form standing against the dark backdrop and he slows as he takes them in. It a huge polar bear, still young by their species standards, ambling slowly along as they search for… something. Blue paint adorns their white fur and Enki finds himself suddenly curious to find out if they can talk. With a soft ‘woof’ of alert, he pads slowly toward them, keeping his stance open and relaxed as he crosses the space between them.

The granules of this sand feel different from the golden beaches he has walked across in his life and he makes a mental note of that fact while offering them a friendly smile as he goes. Gently he says, “Uh… hello there.” If the polar bear turns hostile, Enki will defend himself but, for now, he takes a risk and attempts to talk with them.

"Enki Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
05-03-2024, 12:00 AM

The young ice bear shuffled through the sand, absentmindedly unearthing things that lay hidden in the sand. Shells, bits of glass, old sand dollars...then a thought occurs to her. What if she made a gift for her mother? Her sister? Her lips tug up in a small grin as she starts to gently sweep aside the sand, uncovering more shells for her project. And it seemed, this beach lived up to its name, too. She found a number of obsidian shiny black obsidian pieces, and imagined how well they would look in a nice piece. All she had to do was get some of this back home and get to work.

As she places what she's found so far into her companions saddlebag, a soft "woof" alerts her to the approach of a wolf. She looks up to find a stranger approaching him, but he doesn't appear to be hostile. His greeting is hesitant, of course, but she always expects it. "Hello, stranger. We won't hurt you, we're just...taking a walk." Or something like that. She wasn't totally sure what she was doing, but she'd figure it out.




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (225)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-06-2024, 08:29 PM
Enki’s hunch to talk to the huge polar bear pays off as she speaks up for her and the two, smaller ones. What tension had been in his frame melts away as he calmly stops near them, enjoying the way the pulverized granules of obsidian feel underneath his pads. With a friendly smile, he dips his head in greeting and motions a paw out toward where the sunlight glitters off the rippling surface of the ocean; the huge body of water is alive with movement and sound as it continues its eternal push-pull of waves.

Warmly, he says, “I am just here to enjoy the beautiful sights that this beach has to offer.” Pale paw drops back to the sand as he introduces himself, “My name is Enki Klein and I am the Wraith of Insomnia.” A respectful bow is offered to the female bear before he straightens up and asks, “Have you ever seen anything so… breathtaking?” Bright blue eyes leave the polar bear, roaming over the dark sand as the sun climbs toward noon, a hidden spectacle approaching the unsuspecting pair as they converse.

Larger chunks of obsidian, catch his eye and the pale pink man considers taking a few back to Insomnia so that they might use them to craft.

"Enki Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
05-06-2024, 08:57 PM

Luckily, the wolf that found her is nice. Though even if he hadn't been, she was sure she'd be able to handle herself just fine. While she is young in bear standards, she is stronger compared to the wolf. Or at least, she is still learning her own strength and so far, she's been fully capable of knocking one around when she needed to. "I'm doing the same, it seems to have plenty to offer in the way of material." She replied, unearthing yet another shell and a thin slate of black obsidian. While some of the pieces appeared to be pretty fragile, she was sure she'd still find a use for it.

The young male introduces himself as Enki Klein, Wraith of Insomnia. Oh! Was that one of the packs her mother had warned them about all that time ago? The name sounded vaguely familiar, but she didn't think she had ever met someone from there...not that she could recall, anyway. Regardless of her mothers warning once upon a time, she didn't feel the need to be on guard with this boy. He seemed relatively peaceful, not savage. "Saga Kedieo, Chief of Ethne! Or Polaris," She shrugged, she didn't care what others chose to call it. It would always be Ethne in her heart.

Turning her gaze to the water, she softly smiles at the sight of it. She often liked to watch the sun rise over the Shimmer Shore, but there was something about the way it reflected off the black sand beach that made it very different. "It is beautiful! It's different than the beach back home."




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (225)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-13-2024, 05:26 PM
As Enki talks with the huge polar bear, he cannot seem to be able to take his eyes off the beautiful beach that surrounds them. It is truly picturesque here and the sounds only seem to add to the beauty. The waves continue their movement, the rush and pound as they slam into the beach and the gentler sound of them pulling back out. Gulls circle overhead, crying out their hunger to those gathered below. Even the subtle shifting of the granules as large paws shift side the sand does not go unnoticed by him.

Yes, it truly is striking.

The bear’s voice pulls Enki’s bright blue eyes up to her and he nods in agreement with her assessment of there being plenty of material in the area and he offers he another smile. Looking at the shell and thin slate of obsidian that she earths, the young man curiously asks, “Are you a crafter by trade?” While he, himself isn’t, the pale pink man has always been amazed by the creations that others can make out of almost anything.

Introductions are exchanged and his smile grows as she gives her name, rank, and pack and his head takes on a slight tilt of interest as he says, “Ethne? Polaris? These names are unfamiliar to me. May I ask where exactly you call home?” Enki’s world had been limited to Habari, Ashen, and Insomnia and, now that he has his life back, he wishes to expand his horizons and see everything in the world that he has missed.

Not wishing to ask information without offering some in exchange, he says, “Insomnia is located to the west in the lands called Dancefloor of the Gods and Whisperer’s Gorge.” With a content sigh, his gaze slides out over the dark beach as he continues to enjoy the warm autumn day around them. He hums appreciatively at her words about the beauty of this place and he opens his mouth to reply when the sun reaches its zenith.

The words on his lips die as the beach comes alive with the sun’s rays as the obsidian that creates this beach sudden seems to glow. Jaw falls open in awe as he looks out the beach, toward the rolling waves that now seem to sparkle as they spill across the once dark beach. For a moment, it is disorientating because, where seconds before had stood a dark, endless abyss, now is bright and warm.

It is as if thousands upon thousands of diamonds had been embedded in the dark soil, hidden from their sight until the perfect moment when they could share their beauty. Sheer awe paints Enki features as watches the wonderful phenomena and he suddenly wonders what this place looks like during a lightning storm. With a soft, breathy, “Wow.” Enki turns his attention back to the polar bear who is no longer the only marvel on this beach and asks in a soft, wonder-filled voice, “Have you ever seen anything like this?”

Bright blue eyes are filled with the amazement of a child seeing something for the very first time.

"Enki Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
05-13-2024, 11:52 PM

Her head tilts at his question, considering it for a moment. She picked up another shell, this one a small conch looking one as she thoughtfully played with it in her paw. She had crafted a few things, but had never truly considered herself a crafter. Nonetheless her pieces came out relatively nice, so maybe she was? "I never really considered myself as one, but now that I think about it, I suppose I am. I've made a few things, including my own armor and weapons. I'm not half bad at it if I do say so myself," She offered a smile, of course she had help from her companions, but all in all, she did enjoy making things when she had the time to do it.

When she mentioned the names of the pack she is from, he made it clear he wasn't familiar with them. Oop, she supposed she ought to be more clear about it, eh? "Ethne is a pack down in Auster. That's where all of my family is. I've recently stepped up to help my sister, so for now I am Ethne's alpha. I've renamed it to Polaris for the time being, in the hope of-" Okay, maybe she shouldn't be sharing the packs private matters. Or at least, not yet. She didn't know this wolf well enough yet. And although packs like Avalon and the Hallows knew what all was going on, they were allies, so it made sense that they'd know, no? "Guiding some of the members and a pack in a new direction. We're located by the shimmering shore, close to the Hallows pack." She finished. But she was well aware the pack would eventually return to its original name and whatnot someday, should they choose.

She listened as he mentioned in Insomnia and where they were located. The name sounded vaguely familiar, but all she had heard really were rumors about Insomnia and its alphess. "I don't know much about Insomnia...truthfully, I heard rumors growing up that the wolf that stole the pack was a bad wolf, and took the former alpha's family as hostages or something..." She was wary with her words, unsure if the rumors were true and if he was a part of all of that or not. "Sorry, I don't mean to offend or anything, I've only heard bad rumors about that pack. But you don't seem bad at all," She observed, of course. What sort of bad wolf would be so awed by the sights of nature around them the way he was?

As they talked, the sun would hit the beach in such a way that it seemed to bring the beach to life in a dazzling display. She herself was awed by it too. She didn't know that Obsidian could be so beautiful, nor what light could do to it when it reflected in such a way. She had to agree with Enki though, it really was beautiful. "It really is! And I'd love to make something with the obsidian for my mother, I think it would make a really nice piece." She hummed in thought as she took a few steps closer to the water, letting it wash over her feet as she gently dug out some bigger obsidian pieces. If she was going to make something, she might as well find the best pieces she could to use!
