
Brightly Wound



01-12-2014, 02:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As far as the pack and her duties within it went, adjustments were being made rather well. Her main goal once they had arrived had been to begin on the cache of available food for the pack since they had left their old one behind. The island, having been isolated as it was, held plenty of new sources of food for the Valhallan wolves, and Ashtoreth had been focusing a majority of her time toward learning their ways, observing as much as hunting, so that she might be more successful when she finally started a charge for them. It was tiring work, and she would have loved to retreat back to a cozy, comfy den and rest up after a long day of scouting and hunting.

However, her adjustment period regarding her sleep cycle was taking a hard hit. As much as she was becoming familiar with the island, she was still learning to let her guard down within it, and most of the sleep she was getting was stolen hours when she could hardly keep her eyes open any longer. It helped having Leon close, and often she would seek him out to curl up beside and bury her face in his fur, losing herself in his scent and pretending they were safe back in the Plains in his old den. It was a huge comfort having him there when she woke too, knowing he would keep the dangers at bay, but at the same time it made her feel rather guilty. He was a strong, sturdy wolf; surely his talents would have been better put to use elsewhere.

It crossed her mind again as he woke her with a quiet whisper and a gentle nudge, letting her know of the meeting that had been called to order. Very quietly she groaned; sleep sounded so much nicer. But her respect for Chrysanthe and an underlying curiosity to know why they were being called together that was slowly growing by the second made the small, slim grey wolf drag herself to her paws and trot along after her mate, still waking herself up along the way.

By the time she arrived Ash was feeling considerably more alert, and she roamed her gold and purple eyes across the faces of her pack mates. She smiled at those familiar, saving a special tail wag for Meili who she counted as her best friend beside Leon, and hung back as he made to greet their leader as family could. With only thoughts of work filling her mind, she hardly felt as if she had anything of importance to share, and gave Leon a moment with her alone until he came back and took a seat within the gathered mass of wolves with her at his side. She leaned into him as much as he leaned against her, and unbidden a sudden yawn stole over her to hint at what she had been doing before arriving.


01-12-2014, 02:33 PM

The pack was widely spread, more so than she was used to, the island just not providing as much room as the pack would like. Now they were both islander and mainlanders, or maybe they were just oceaners. She really didn't know.

The she-wolf ambled toward the meeting, limping slightly. She had twisted a paw after slipping off of a wet log and was still having a hard time putting her whole weight on it. Still, the positive she-wolf kept her head up and didn't complain. When she reached the meeting place, she was not surprised that there were so many wolves already there.

Soleil would never complain about Chryanthe's choices for the pack but it was obvious she was having a tough time with the new land. She shared the joys of her family, however, and was more than thrilled to see her children thriving. Azalea especially seemed to be back to her old self. Blue eyes stopped her fiery daughter now, sitting with a pup on either side. Her grandchildren.

The pale mam took a seat at the back of the meeting, never one to bother the others by trying to get closer to Chrys. Her eyes surveyed the pack, doing a check of general health and well being.

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01-12-2014, 02:55 PM

Her weight would shift evenly upon all four paws with each stride she took towards the alpha's call. After being moved to a different location the adravendi was still getting used to the new surroundings; its not everyday wolves move to make an island there home. Her honey optics would survey the area, calculating just how many members had gathered. " 1, 2, 3... 20." Guinevere had already reached one years of age since being birthed, and even with a whole 365 days it still felt like only yesterday that Soleil worried about her offspring venturing of alone. The crown would raise slightly, eyeing the adopted daughter of Chrysanthe's before strolling towards her mother. During the space of time guin had to wonder, Was the alphess incapable of having children? or was she just waiting for the right time like a wise woman should. The question would shrug of her shoulders as a smile would brighten upon her lips, greeting her mother with an affectionate nudge at her right side.

Guinevere currently stood at 32" high, inheriting and even balance between her mother and father. " Hello mother, how do you find this place, its very different dont you think?" Its been to long since being in the company of her famlily, and it felt like it was time to catch up, to be cacooned in there precense. " Wheres father?" She'd murmur under her breath, wondering how he was adjusting towards his new role as an alpha. Where was Solaine? Its been a while since they both took the time to explore. The youth would come to a sit by her mothers side, golden gaze falling upon her sister and pups. She has been doing well, as a single mother of two. They are growing to be handsome, just like all the Adravendi's grew up to be.

talking to you



9 Years
01-12-2014, 03:20 PM

The boy hadn't been very social since his return. The man called Luke was no where to be found, so he couldn't tell him what the peppered woman had asked him to. He hadn't seen his father since the war, and his mother had disappeared, hell he wasn't even sure were his siblings were...yet he remained within Valhalla.

When Chrysanthe called for her pack members, Ravine didn't hesitate to answer. He left hid den immediately and made his way to her at a trot. The only one he could recall the name of was the alpha herself. He still hadn't been brave enough to approach the huge black animal. Truth be told it still frightened him even though it was part of the pack.

On any other occasion he might have been more playful toward the other wolves of the pack, especially the pups. But this was a pack meeting and his blood family wasn't there. He made a mental note to become more aquatinted with the other members of Valhalla, even if it meant he wasn't looking for his family.

Silently he bowed to Chrysanthe with a smile before taking his place in the back of the group. He had no rank as he had not yet requested one...or even had and actual conversation with the alpha over the subject yet, though he was sure he would be given one.



01-12-2014, 07:37 PM

Alone in her den at the outskirts of their home. Ookami had thought about simply giving up, perhaps let the ocean take her away during the crossing. Her memory had yet to fully return, and what she did remember disappeared. Thane had vanished. Whether it was to heal on his own from the injuries of the war, or some other unsaid thing...she wished she had told her. Or at least one of their children he said they had together. She couldn't yet quite remember who they were, but when she slept she would dream. Figures resembling her or Thane would appear, vivid as if they were real. Their coats black and white, calling her mother and laubing as they played. Would she recognize them if she saw them? She hoped so...she hated waking up for fear of forever losing her children...

Upon hearing the call by some miracle through her depression, she thought about not going. But for some reason, she was pulled onto her feet, like an unseen force wanted her to get up and go. And yet, the presence felt comforting...familiar. Was it Thane? She didn't know. But she would go nonetheless. Swiftly she made her way towards the meeting, the grounds she had not yet bothered to explore making it a little difficult, but eventually she made it. Many scents mingled in the air, many of whom she did not know...then again, due to her memory loss she couldn't remember anyone except for her Alpha. And then, there was one other form...vaguely familiar but could not place a name on him.

It wasn't until she quietly slunk forward towards him, that she would slowly begin to feel they had some kind of connection. Uncertainty was reflected in her eyes as she neared him, but the presence from before wrapped itself around her. Comforting her. She would come to a stop on the boys right side, gazing at him with green eyes of recognition. "Ravine..." She would whisper his name, her tail wagging and eyes stinging. She wasn't sure how she remembered his name, and she hoped that with some time...she hoped more of her memory would return.

Rune I


5 Years
01-13-2014, 04:31 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Getting used to the island was proving to be just the challenge he had expected it to be. The new terrain made him somewhat on edge because of its strangeness though it was not for himself that he worried. He was large and strong, capable of handling himself if it came to it. No, it was his little mate that he thought of, her and their unborn children that she carried. She was a tiny thing to start with and now on top of that she was hampered even more by her condition, even more exposed than usual. He could not bare the thought of harm befalling her or their children, could not allow such things to happen, and so he had been working toward familiarizing himself with his new home, wanting to know of all the dangers before they found Alamea.

He heard the call to meet and at first reacted in the most minimalistic way, acknowledging it with a flicker of an ear as he continued along about his business. But it crossed his mind a moment late that it was none other than Chrysanthe, the russet and white woman who had welcomed him into Valhalla to stand beside Alamea. Good impression he would make if he ignored her call and kept looking around.

It was strange being in a pack and answering to others again.

Wasting no more time, the burly grey wolf made toward the call and arrived well after the majority of the pack already had. His frosty blue eyes traveled the length of the gathered, expression set sternly. Sure is a lot of them, he mused, hanging back until he caught sight of the spring pink eyes of Alamea. Expression softening ever so slightly, he wound his way through the Valhallan wolves to her side, head lowered and posture neutral. With a quiet, chuffing noise in greeting, he gave her a inconspicuous nuzzle against her cheek and seated himself protectively at her side, gaze continuing to wander about and gauge what he could about those others who called Valhalla home.



01-13-2014, 06:14 AM

The brute was nowhere near the summons when it went out. Cursing himself, he raced through the foliage towards Chrysanthe's call. He hoped he wasn't late, he didn't want to be late again. Although this time, there was no grave digging that he had to do. Swiftly, he moved through brush and foliage, taking the narrow paths that were slowly being created the more the pack wolves moved about on the island. After several long drawn minutes, he had arrived. Some of his family were there, though some were not. Alsander, Erani, Claire, and his father were not present. And he was worrying about them.

For now however, he put his worries aside as he took up a seat near Cael and Imena, nodding a greeting towards Chrysanthe as he nosed his brother and his sister in law a greeting. A smile on his face at the couple. Soon, he would be an uncle! And oh how the thought excited him!




01-15-2014, 01:46 AM
Sephiroth was the first to show - and she would watch the male approach and meet his greeting with a nod of her head. She was glad that he had decided to stay after the war - it seemed that he was being tugged between different places for a while there. For now, it would seem that he had found his home in Valhalla. The next gentleman to show was Flamesong - a newer face, but one she was happy to see. He had made the move from the plains, and looked to be doing well. "Good evening gentlemen." She would greet them both before her attention would be pulled toward Seraphine - the girl didn't look too pleased about being here... perhaps she would be happier if she freed her? Yet she should know Valhalla was not the type of pack to keep lupine against their will if they have done no wrong...

Her gaze would be pulled toward Sarak though, and her lips would pull into a frown as he asked where Erani was. "I haven't seen her." She had assumed that her mother had made the move alongside the rest of the pack, but if that wasn't the case she definitely had a trip to the plains to make. "But I will have a healer look after you in a moment." He seemed to be alright enough to make it to the end of the meeting.

When Surreal stepped into the clearing, she would watch the girl straight up until she sat beside her, and leaned over to listen to what she had to say. "Go back as soon as this meeting is over, I will send a few others with you." Hell, she might wind up going along herself. "Thank you for taking care of her - and for telling me." The search for the healer would have ended up being a panicked one if not for Surreal's information. In the end though, it would seem that things would be alright. At the introduction of the bird, she would look up at him, surprised that Surreal was a bird whisperer. The only other she had met had been Thane. "Hello to you too. Take good care of my sister." It was a friendly request, one that she was sure the avian would carry out regardless of her asking.

Gael and Demonio would step forward next, and she would note the somber expression on the ivory brute's face. She had to speak to him - Serephine was miserable and perhaps what she needed most was her father's presence to make her feel a bit less singled out here. "Demonio, it's good to see you." The alpha would call out to him despite him not looking her way. With a small sigh she would look down, only to be nuzzled by her daughter.

Odette had an uncanny ability to lift her spirits. "You're right on time, Odette." She would say, her words surprisingly warm. It was good to have her there beside her, and she would watch her greet Surreal before settling down beside her. When she nudged her, she would give her a somewhat harsh glance - this was a meeting, she had to pay attention... and then proceeded to nudge her back, a small smirk on her face. "When this is over, we're going to pay a visit to Erani with Surreal." She wanted to see her mother.

Ardel was next to show - and Chrysanthe would nod back to the other female. The young huntress seemed to be doing well. Azalea was next to show, and she would smile back at her niece. She had been through so much, but it was good to have her here. And her boys weren't too far away from her either. Kismet and Soren were growing quickly. "Hello boys." She would say, hoping that the pair would settle next to their mother and settle into the pack. Meetings weren't something that they needed to ever feel nervous about.

Wolves would continue to quietly pile in, up until Leon came to her and nudged her. She would nudge him back and smile - before her visage fell into a look of curiosity. What was he up to? Yet she would give him time to make his announcement as soon as she got business matters out of the way. "I'll give you the floor then." Ravine's little bow reminded the alpha much of his father - but she hadn't seen hide nor hair of Thane since the siege. Thankfully his mother was there, but there was something different about Ookami. What it was, she would have to check in with them to find out.

It was soon after Caerul settled in that Chrysanthe would start the meeting, an inhale, an exhale, and she would curl her tail around her feet and greet the pack. "Valhalla - you are all looking well." It was nice to see that most of them had made the trip and had gathered here before her. "There are some new faces in the crowd, please welcome Flamesong and Rune to our ranks. They are of now, two of our newest gamma." she hoped that they would find their places here and settle in quickly.

"I have a few announcements to make. Collision will no longer be alpha beside me - but as he's missing, I want you all to keep an eye out for him." She was afraid that the act of taking a life had weighed too heavy on him - had left him lost enough to avoid Valhalla despite his family being there. "My brother is strong, but I want him found."

"Erani, thankfully, is not missing. Surreal has informed me that she is still in Veronica Plains. Feel free to visit her, but keep in mind that she's been ill." The healer was important to the pack, she doubted that she was the only one that worried for the theta. "Our pack is large - and because I don't want to upset the balance of prey on Nephilim, I think it would be a good idea to claim hunting grounds on the mainland nearby. They should be good safe places to train our younger members on how to hunt outside of our paradise here. " There would be bigger game that they needed to be acquainted with that would only be found on the mainland. "Rogues should never make it past those borders without running into one of us. Nephilim Island is for Valhallans only."

"I want to add another beta to the ranks, and have decided that Sephiroth should be tested for the job." She had faith in the male, and should he have any questions he had she and Surreal to speak with about it. "Imena - I want you to be one of our Theta." Preston had fallen through, and disappeared despite his promises to her to help here. Should he return, he would have a mouthful on her part - she didn't like being lied to. Imena had stayed vigilant and proven herself to be a loyal member of Valhalla even after being placed as omega by Syrinx for a good amount of time. "Vahva, I want you to work with caerul as a Digamma." She was somewhat new to Valhalla, but she had passion, and claimed to be skilled. If she slacked in her duties or proved that her words were all talk somehow she would lose the rank - but the alpha wouldn't have promoted her if she didn't have hope in her. "Meili, I want you to join Ashtoreth as a Psi." Chrysanthe believed that she would do well with the rank - and Ashtoreth would have someone to lean on to help get their hunters into gear.

"But with these new ranks there will be new responsibilities. I want all our Sigma to gather together and hunt at least once a season and the two of you will be in charge." Even if she joined them, she would not take the reigns unless the two of them needed her to. They were her lead hunters - they would hunt and train others to hone their senses and do the same. "Our Digamma, will train our gamma and any epsilon with fighting duties. In the case of another siege or even something smaller I want everyone to be prepared."

"There will be a tournament for our soldiers come summer, and a feast this winter. I want Valhalla to band together more often, no matter how large a pack we are." They should all be close - she didn't want them to fall into the mindset of being solely numbers. These should be fun occasions - and she would be sure that each was as exciting of an event as she could make it. For now, she had prizes to decide on. "We are a family, afterall." And they were at their strongest when they were together.

"Now, I believe Leon has something to announce as well." She would look to her cousin, before dipping her head. 'The floor's all yours'

Leon I


11 Years
01-15-2014, 04:04 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2014, 04:07 AM by Leon I.)

Leon waited patiently for the rest of the pack to arrive, and as soon as the last Valhallan did so, Chrysanthe would begin to speak. He was eager to find out what was new, as well as for her speech to be over. He was hardly listening as he thought about what to say. Chrysanthe would give him the floor in a matter of minutes, and he could feel the nervousness beginning to pile up. Though at the same time, the pride and happiness he had for his new announcement. There was nobody he would want at his side but Ashtoreth, and he would make it known loud and proud. He waited patiently for the meeting to finish, though he could not deny the glances and smiles he'd give to those being given ranks. He flashed a smile at Meile, whom he knew to be Ashtoreth's friend. Now, she could have a partner to hunt with. And the thought would cross his mind that maybe he could aid her on her hunts from time to time as well. He would then gaze at Sephiroth, the male seeming to glow with his new status of Beta. Leon liked Sephiroth, he had fought bravely in the war and had even gone on standby when Chrysanthe went to try and get their warriors back. That males loyalty was unquestioned, for Leon knew that he would do everything in his power to keep the pack safe.

Head perked forward to attention as she mentioned Collision no longer being Alpha. He wondered perhaps who would fill that position, or if Chrysanthe would do it alone. More information, this time about Erani. Leon hoped she was alright, after all, Erani was a long standing member of Valhalla. She had been here as long as he could remember, and she was family. Perhaps later he would go on his own private search for her...the news of tournaments brought his attention back, it would surely be exciting to do that! He had to get back into the game with training, and would perhaps seek out Sephiroth for that. After all, the male came from a pack that was militaristic in nature and was a fully trained soldier. Surely Leon could learn a thing or two from him.

And then, it would be his turn. Chrysanthe had announced that he had something to say. And although he was nervous, he would put on a brave display as he stood and strode forward to stand near her. A grateful glance was cast her way, and then returning to the pack. Dozens of pairs of eyes were upon him, and he'd take a deep breath to calm himself. His blue gaze would fall to Ashtoreth, her presence giving him courage as well as the butterflies that swarmed in his stomach. It was time. "Thank you, Chrysanthe."

Taking another breath to steady his nerves, he'd begin. "Hello everyone, I have news for you all, and it concerns a special someone in my life that I have had the pleasure to get to know for many seasons past. For a while now, my feelings for her have grown stronger over the years, and recently...I have let known, my feelings for her." Turning his gaze to focus upon her, he stared for a few moments, taking in her beauty. She was indeed a sight, her dual toned eyes incredibly breathtaking. Without removing his gaze from her, he would announce, "I have taken a very special and beautiful woman into my heart, without her, I probably would not have made it out of the war. It is because of her, that I have chosen a new path in life to devote myself to. I cannot deny my feelings for her, and everyday spent together I find that I am falling in love more and more every single day...Ashtoreth...You have become an integral part of my life. Day in, and day out you have been there. You've put up with my oblivious mind, my lack of common sense at not being able to realize this sooner. You've always been there for me when I need you, and you've always been caring, kind, and compassionate towards me...I would not know what to do without you...I love you, with all my heart and everything that I am. That, I cannot deny. You've unknowingly stolen my heart, and you've kept it close and safe...and for that, I thank you. " Nervous excitement began to tug at him, his tongue peeking out to wet lips that would suddenly become dry. Swallowing back the lump that would begin to rise in his throat, he uttered the last few words before his voice decided to fail him. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...Ashtoreth, will you marry me?"



01-17-2014, 05:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Others joined in and found their places and before long Chrysanthe was addressing the lot of them. Ashtoreth watched and listened as her Alpha spoke to them, first in greeting and then to inform them of their newest additions. Curiously the grey wolf turned her head to peer at each of the newcomers in turn, both of decent sizes and likely bringing more skills to Valhalla's arsenal. That was good. Not that she thought the island to be overly dangerous but while they still settled in any help was welcome. "Funny that even after we've moved to get away others are still finding us," she muttered in a whisper directed at Leon, a quirked smile pulling at one side of her mouth.

Having been caught up in her own dealings she had failed to notice the absence of their second Alpha, always seeing Chrysanthe as their true leader. But where had he gone? When exactly had he gone missing? It puzzled her that Collision had managed to slip away so quietly, but perhaps there was a reason. And at least Erani had been found. She had not noticed her absence either but considering her skills and importance to the pack her presence was very strongly felt and with her extensive family it was likely she was noticed as gone rather quickly. Hopefully she's doing okay.

New lands were going to be claimed along the mainland - a fact that made Ashtoreth groan slightly into Leon's shoulder. Mainland territory meant trips across the water again. And here I was hoping we were done with that. But what Chrys said after, the promotions she wished to implement, brought a bit of that anxiety down. "Meili," she said to herself, lifting away from Leon enough to turn and look at her friend excitedly. She was now a Psi too! What a relief! Of all of her hunters, she had a great amount of trust for the other smaller wolf, which no doubt stemmed from the fast friendship they had developed within those first weeks of her arrival. She would be a great help, and undoubtedly a good mentor for those who wished for more training in the hunting craft. And I'll have someone to bounce ideas off of now. Ash could hardly wait to speak to her, especially with a hunt being ordered.

Other orders were given and suddenly Chrysanthe was passing command of the meeting to her cousin, the brown mottled wolf quietly leaving Ash's side to join her at the front if their group. Confused, Ash only managed to question at a whisper, "Leon, what-?" before he was too far away to hear her, and from his manner it seemed clear enough to her that he had no intention of telling her early; she was going to hear it with everyone else. With a sigh she twitched her tail and listened, and as soon as she realized what and who he was speaking of she felt a sudden surge of embarrassment. I can't believe this. Was this really so important that he needed to speak of their relationship in front of the entire pack?

She shook her head in disbelief though it was impossible for her not to smile and feel some flattery that he was bold enough to do this. Compared to everything else that had been announced their sudden relationship seemed trivial and insignificant. And it certainly was not something that involved the whole of the pack. But as he continued she felt her smile softening, her heart warming as he continued to profess his love for her before everyone, embarrassment giving way to her own affection. Silly and pointless as it was, she loved him even so, and only realized the full intent behind his speech when the final question had been asked. Oh.

Suddenly it all made sense. His secrecy, his making public his feelings, announcing their relationship. He was proposing. Why had she failed to consider that? And now they were waiting, not just him but the entire pack. Just had to do things the traditional way. Ashtoreth laughed, heart lifting and racing as her tail began to wag excitedly while her eyes filled with unshed tears. She was quick to her paws and rushing those few feet to him to stop roughly against his chest and, as she nuzzled him, said loud enough for it to be heard, "Yes. Yes, I will." Pressing into him, she kissed his cheek and muzzle and buried her face into his shoulder, murmuring quietly just for him, "I love you."



9 Years
01-20-2014, 01:34 PM

The boy hadn't noticed his mother until she spoke his name as he had been watching Chrysanthe while he waited to hear what she had to say. His name fell from his mother's mouth as if she were asking him a whispered question. He knew the moment her voice reached him who it was.

Aqua blue orbs fell upon her and a smile plastered itself to his features. White ears would perk up and his ivory tipped tail thumped softly on the ground and for a moment he had forgotten his father and siblings had also gone awol. But it was only for a second and then even the memory of Thane telling him that Ookami remembered only Thane.

His first impulse was to yell mom and tackle her as if he were still a small chilled and she had just returned from a hunt or a long day away from them, but he refrained himself. He settled for a an excited but soft greeting "Mom!" and he moved to nuzzle her but stopped just before his nose touched her cheek. "You remember me...but I said you didn't remember....

His attention was too soon called back to their alpha. He hadn't known that Collision was missing, but now that he knew he would be sure to keep an eye out for the man. The news of Erani was somewhat pleasing, yet bitter all in one. Ranks were handed out to a few of the members and a tournament was announced. Ravine thought a tournament sounded like fun.

Just as the black and white boy thought the meeting was nearing an end the floor was handed to a man called Leon. Ravine didn't know him but he still gave him respect. He was speaking to everyone...and then it was just one he was speaking to. A woman by the name of Ashtoreth, another wolf he did not know. He definitely needed to spend more time with the members of Valhalla.



01-21-2014, 07:51 AM

If it was one thing she was not expecting it would be a promotion so soon. As soon as her name left the alphess' lips. Her eyes widened slightly with surprise, though all the same her demeanor of calmness and clarity remained as it was. Tail twitching slightly in response to the position given to her. Digamma, well, at least perhaps it'd be easier to connect with the pack now, since before barely anyone would talk to her without worrying about her being a spy or otherwise one of those northern pack wolves. This was her birth pack, and she wouldn't let it vanish without a fight. Her protection instincts were high on the charts anyway, as a small smile slipped her maw and she dipped her head. Grateful, Chrysanthe didn't have to do that, but Vahva would make sure to make use of her time. After all, if she let Valhalla down then her stories of being an alphess would simply be bluffs in the wind in which they weren't. So she would use her strength to keep that from happening. The blue maned female watched as a man then took the stage.
He made a very public announcement of a proposal, it made the woman shift under the gazes of the others. How extravagant, what would he had done if his loved one refused him. Though only the thought made her giggle slightly. Turning her body around, it didn't look like anyone needed her here at the moment. After all, it was no longer her job to look after the members of her pack whom she then would marry after they told her what was going on. The shaman who was a healer, a fighter, a consoler all the same. The thought made her give a little sigh, how she had wished to have felt the same amount of love. Only in the end her litter of pups weren't even one she was consented with. Non the less she had loved them. Vahva however did mutter a light hearted 'congratulations' to the couple before dipping her head. She would try to remove herself from the crow unless stopped, to clear her head. To think, and prepare herself for the position that she had been given.
