
Legion of One


3 Years
11-07-2013, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2013, 06:22 PM by Aeron.)
He cared nothing for the kitten or the pets that he had come to claim. His size, demeanor, nor did his demands intimidate the male - with little interest his eyes would flick to the feline and his lackey, before settling on Syrinx once again. The male didn't seem to care who went with him and who stayed - but the boy had seen it. That brief flicker of acknowledgement, the unfamiliar feeling of acceptance. His head would tilt somewhat, and the boy would look down, not sure whether he should follow the bone king blindly. What would his sister think? How he craved her silence, it was different than that of which he lived in while on his own. Briefly he would scent her, flitting beneath his nose, teasing him with the possible appearance of the only lupine that he knew he felt something for.

Her approach was sudden, but comforting. A silent greeting was shared between the siblings, and Aeron would sigh, a release of breath and unlabeled emotion as he turned into her touch. He would move so that her head was pressed just beneath his chin, and breathe in the girl's scent. She was incredibly warm, despite the cold that they were surrounded by - and he reveled in it. It was with that realization that he also knew that he was glad that she had come. "Syrinx a pris Amenti." He would explain to her simply, motioning toward the red male that was slowly leaving the area. "Nous pourrions ?tre plus en s?curit? avec lui." His words were spoken quietly, for her ears only - but it mattered not if someone overheard them. There were very few wolves within these lands that spoke their tongue.

They two of them had managed survived the cold once, when they were youngest, most vulnerable and alone - but he would not let Silana go through that again."Venez avec moi." And yet if she did not want to follow, he would not force her to do so. If she preferred the two of them stick together alone, he would leave this pack and the man that had noticed him behind. A glance was not worth that of his own family - Silana mattered ten folds in comparison to the wolves gathered here. It was simply the way things were.



2 Years
11-08-2013, 12:04 PM

Slowly- wolves would be pulled forward within the gathering; there scents mingling into her nose all in one. There was no denying that Meinx found that rather unpleasant- so many strangers can make a girl a bit wary of saftey. Especially with a big cat trying to snatch away some women from a 'deal' from a queen who miserably failed. Blue gaze would fixate upon two siblings- Silana and Aeron, how they seemed to share a bond that not even the dark pearl would understand. Simple things in life- such as witnessing that can make Meinx admire, it always seemed to be the little things that made a big difference in a wolfs life.

Shaking the small tiara slightly the young dame would look upon sevan nudging upon her, and just like that meinx would simply blink before giving a simple, perhaps meaningless smile. " Sevan." After acknowledging her sister the girl would raise to all four paws and glide into the direction that her father would lead. Hoping that his choice was wise, never would Meinx doubt- after all he's never failed them, yet.

Talk like this

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



11-13-2013, 07:28 PM

Oh how these mutts loved to retaliate. It was funny really, how they all seemed to look up to one king or queen, yet when he came around he denied his offer. How irritating. As each one would protest he would not pay them too much mind- he was far too busy studying each and everyone one of their faces. One way or another he would have them, challenge or not. All it would take was time. As the crowd started to quiet down he would turn away from the large male and toward the entire group as a whole. He could feel the presense of his right hand lady and it gave him confidence. She may be a mutt, but she was by far the most trusted one. She was his little minion. "Very well mutts. As you have seen with the Glaciem king, all things can be taken by force. You may stay, or you may come with me, then come back again- but let me warn you. If you do not come with me first, you will receive a bounty over your head." His words would end with a body cringing snarl. If they wanted to play the hard way then fine, he would play. After all he was a cat, and they loved their toys, no? With that he would begin to turn from them all, making it apparent that he was aiming to exit this meeting. Those who followed would receive an easy way out, but those who didn't would be hunted down- which was fine with him. He did not prefer the thrill of the catch, but the thrill of the hunt. "Oh, and one more thing. Do not solely look for me in the night coming for your head. I have many accomplices who could be watching you as we speak." And with that he would exit. "Speech"



11-30-2013, 12:53 AM

He felt so good, so solid? So grounded, like everything that she had gone though since that had last been together melted away, so it seemed that only when she was with him things were real. This was real. He wrapped himself around her and she pressed her face into his throat. He was so warm. His words washed over her but for the moment she ignored them, letting this moment stay untarnished by sudden decisions. But more words washed around them, others speaking around them. Decisions needed to be made, yes, they needed to be made. She let out a soft sigh before pulling back and staring at him with soft blue eyes. They would be safe with this male? She cast a thoughtful look at the skull faced male before looking back at Aeron. She was pushing her forehead into his shoulder again before his last words escaped. Her eyes closed and her ears pinned to her skull. There was really no thinking about it, no debating over if she would follow him or not.

She pulled her head back and stood before nodding to him. It was that simple, he was her family, he was her everything. He was all she had left and if he believed that they would be safer with this male then she would follow him. She would follow the male, and so with that she turned and made her way after the bone faced male though she didn't go very far ahead of Aeron, not wanting to be far apart from him.

-exit Silana-
