
Drop on by



6 Years
10-03-2013, 05:14 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2013, 05:15 PM by Anthem.)

Everything was happening so quickly. He had just been lapping happily at Song's face, thrilled at seeing her again! His sister had seemed so happy to see him that it seemed to melt away any other strange feelings he might have had before, replacing them with pure joy. But Howl seemed so upset, and his words were harsh and angry. A soft whimper escape from his throat, an involuntary noise that he had no ability to withhold; his only solace was retreating to Symphony's side, pressing his wet nose into her neck. For as long as he knew, she had always been there for him, comforting him, helping him understand the world around him. Never had she failed him.

It was even more alarming when Song began to cry. It seemed that something Howl had said had upset her. Sometimes he cried, too, and he knew it was no fun -- so he quickly padded back over to her to gently lick the tears away, knowing they would stop eventually if he kept trying. "Sissy, s'okay," he would murmur reassuringly, glancing down at the child on her other side who seemed confused. Was it true? Did she have another child? More family was only better, and he grinned down at the child with joy brimming in his gaze.



10-06-2013, 02:37 AM

Her eyes were pulled away from the pups as Howl finally spoke up. But it would fall to her paws. She knew how he felt, even she felt like that but at the same time she was willing to understand Song too and she did. Now she was catch in her own storm on emotions and thoughts. But she would push them away with a heavy sigh. Legend spoke next, asking, pleading for peace. A cold nose to her next made her frown as she looked at Anthem Her poor brother. She would nuzzle him to soothe him.:Anthem it's ok..but forgive me for what im about to do.." She whispered into his ear for only him to hear. The pup's whine of sensing distress made her ears pin back.

Eyes turned back to her siblings. Fur bristled slightly on the back of her neck and shoulders. It was very very rare for what she was about to do. She was sure only Howl had seen it once, Anthem a few times as she defended him in not being "retarded" to their home pack. A building fire boiled in her chest, eyes like one cold ice fire, the other a a burning of enternal flame. A deep grumble slowly built up in her chest."Enough! Mother is the only one to blame! There shall be no more of this spoken for this moment on! UNDERSTOOD!?" She would let out a ferice commanding snarl. She had never used this voice on her siblings before, and figured it would shock them into silence and listen. After all she had been the lesser dominate one in her litter and never really grew up trying to gain any. Even among her younger siblings, they had only seen her peaceful and caring nature, never the flaming anger.

The force of the snarl had had her standing but once she spoke she sank to the ground on her haunches with a heavy sigh. An appologetic look was cast at Anthem and the pups but not the others. They needed to understand what she said was final. After all, in the end it would always be their mother's fault for tearing such a rift between them.


Howl 1


11-08-2013, 04:08 AM

The man would supress flaring emotions for the sake of Song's children as well as for the sake of Anthem. He would roll his eyes after Symphony's outburst, he was clear and rigig in his decision. He didn't care what their mother had done, for he had decided to bear no ties to her any longer except by blood. In his mind, Song had abandoned them. And that was that. With a huff, he would turn and leave the scene, supressing the anger that threatened to spill over his pores. Though some part of him knew that Legend and Symphony were right, he couldn't bring himself to openly admit it nor accept it. For so long he had held resentment towards many things, how could he let it go? He left the reunited family without another glance back. His tail disappearing through the trees as he ran away from them. Where he would go he had no idea, but perhaps he would secretly keep near his siblings...he could never abandon them entirely. Of that he was sure.


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