
Buy The Stars



08-25-2013, 11:39 PM

She could not deny that she felt abit hurt that neither Caerul nor Cael semed to notice her even with her so close. But the silver man near them gave her a greeting nod and she dipped her's in return. There were so many wolves within the pack it surprized her. No wonder there were so many healers too. With a large pack it would be ideal to have many healers as well. She would silently listen to everyone, whole body intuned with the emotions of the pack.

She would be a liar if she said that the mention of war did not panic her.At once her mind raced over all the herbs she would need. With summer comming to a close it was bad enough tat most of her time was spent stocking her supplies. Now it would seem she would need much more. A small gasp slipping from her when Caerul offered his service in the battlefield. She reached over to lightly nip his shoulder, blue eyes pleading. She did not want him to go, and it seemed their Alpha did not either. She tuned her worried gave next to Cael as he too offered to go to be a healer on sight of the battle. Brows creased and she silently made her way next to him. "Cael...please....I..I promise to look after Elva if you go." She whispered to him."Just promise to come home, back to our den in one peice...I'll stay here for the pack." She added and leaned into him. She did not want him to go, to risk lossing such an important wolf in her life. But she understood his intentions. This Isardis had no respect for females from what she gathered. To think a male could claim a female without her consent.

She turned her gaze back to his family, worried and yet proud she knew them. All brave and willing to risk their lives for the pack. Then her gaze found Demoino and an idea struck her. Turing back to the Alpha and beta she stood up, head lowered respectfully. "Alpha if i may...perhaps the pack should all do training together in defense, should anything happen we would all be prepaired. A plan on what to do should..the worse befall on the pack. An exscape plan, a defense plan...for all possiblities.." Her voice was clear and loud enough for everone to hear. A tone she had not used in a long time. It was the old Imena, the protector, the healer, the shield for those younger or weaker than her. She had delt with similar situations before and this would be nothing new to her. Yes it frightened her, but she would refuse to let it show. Her pack needed her more than ever.



08-26-2013, 08:07 AM


Chrysanthe's call rang out loudly over the land, arresting her attention briefly from her task at hand. Crap! She was late ... again. Just as she had been to the last meeting. Though loyalty was engrained deep in her heart, Arella never felt particularly drawn to serving her pack as much as perhaps her sister, Surreal, did. She was somewhat disinterested in the politics of it all. This was why she didn't bother to rush to the meeting, figuring it to be something somewhat tedious and perhaps boring. Happily she continued her quest for food, sniffing about the flat plains of Valhalla intently. As fall drew closer, prey became slightly more scarce, and while she did not necessarily go hungry, she found herself longing for a snack.

However, her search went to no avail, and she finally decided she ought to make her presence known at the meeting. With a quick shake of her jet black pelt, she padded quickly towards the gathering, unbeknownst to the importance and size of the meeting.

However, as the wolves entered her vision, she realized somewhat shamefully that it was not an ordinary meeting. She ought to have arrived much earlier... she heard the somewhat frantic chatter of voices as she drew close, though she had no idea what all the ruckus was about. It certainly didn't seem very positive, that was for sure... blue eyes danced about the crowd, searching for her mother and sisters. Slinking slightly, not particularly thrilled about the possibility of being noticed by any of the other wolves, she slid next to Surreal with a soft huff.

"Didn't mean to be so late," she huffed somewhat absently, frowning a little as she struggled to catch up to what was going on... but she found it impossible. "What the heck's going on?" Arella whispered softly as she leaned toward Surreal's ear, curiosity evident in her lyrics.


08-26-2013, 08:46 AM


It didn't take long for everyone to trickle in and join the meeting. It appeared as though everyone was just as curious as she to know what the cause of this meeting was. Audits stood at attention as her Alpha began speaking. The announcement of her mate brought a smile to the pale womans face. The news of pups was even more exciting, for both Epiphron and Soliel. Next came the announcement of who would be trained as beta. Gaze drifted to Erani and her daughter, she knew the Healer would be so pround, and she didn't doubt that the girl would make a good Beta one day. The meeting seemed to be going on with very little problems and no bad news. It was nice for a change, to hear of nothing but promotions and new life within the pack. It helped lighten the womans mood significantly. But it was short lived.

Chrysanthe spoke of an attack that was all to familiar. Audits flipped back against her skull, memories cascading down on her. She dropped her gaze, only half listening to the training that would be given to those who needed it. The mentioning of Glaciem caused her to look up brief. Last she had heard Eos had taken over, but it didn't seem to have lasted long. As her Alpha continued, she became more and more shocked. Glaciems new Alpha tried to come and claim on their members? A frown marred her face. The talk of fighting and wars didn't sit well, causing her belly to churn nervously. Valhalla was large and could surely handle a war, but the cost that would come with it... The life that would be lost, it would be tragic.

Listening more intently, she awaited directions, taking note of who was attending the battle, who would be staying behind. She hoped no one would come here and attack. They only had a handful of healers, each skilled in their own way but none as talented as Erani. Would they be able to handle a war? Treating warriors before sending them back out into battle? She turned her attention to two of the new healers as they spoke, Cael offering to attend the battle. Next spoke Imena, she spoke with a tone that she didn't know the woman possessed, gaze shifted to Chrysanthe, she had a point that was for sure. Two toned gaze would watch and wait intently, who would have thought that danger could appear on their door step so quickly.


09-01-2013, 01:11 PM

Gideon decided to step up, given that all of them knew his name, and the meeting needed to be dismissed. They had things to tend to and he wanted to be sure it got done. Perhaps trying on a mask of something akin to seriousness would be good, and though he was far from the stoic knight that seemed to be ideal, he was strong enough to be smart with a good decision. The young Heiress spoke up, Azalea, and Gideon looked at her, Leadership. Heh. Not really his thing.

"Cormalin, you'll come with us. Having a warrior there in case he decides to bring his harem is a good idea," Isardis was what Gideon truly was. A polygamist who just wanted more pretty things. Fact of the matter was, Isardis and Gideon were almost perfectly the same. Gideon had just...been swayed. Eyes landed on Erani, and though he didn't like the idea of someone not a part of their family training as though they were...he didn't say anything. Surprisingly enough. A young man (CAERUL) spoke up and Gideon shook his head, "We need warriors here, you'll remain. Help the others if...concerns arise," They couldn't take their whole militia, but breaking that down to them was easier said than done.

Eyes fell over Liberty, the girl causing the problems, and though part of him wanted to shrug his shoulders and tell her to take off so Isardis could have her and conflict would be avoided, it seemed as though the general consensus was that she was just a child. It was pathetic excuse, because while his antics were immature, they weren't potentially costing others' their lives. He didn't like her already. A nuisance.

That guy...he was Chrysanthe's brother, what was his name? Collision? Oh yeah, he was the moron that ended up getting Chrysanthe engaged to his nephew and almost ruined his life. Ass. Oh well, what he spoke was fair enough strategy and he wouldn't divulge in his discontent with the imbecile while things were already tense enough. Instead, his display remained plain and neutral and he nodded to him in understanding. A man with a bird spoke (THANE) and Gideon locked his eyes on him, "Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good idea," even though the prospect of a wolf with a bird freaked him out, it might have worked to their benefit now. He had said he wanted one healer to go, and since she spoke up he took her offer (CAEL) "It's a plan, you'll come with us to the battlefield,"

Eyes passed over Alamea and Gideon offered her a warm smile. She was trying to be present, and though her silence would seem to keep her out of the loop, he noticed her and didn't want her to think otherwise. Gideon cleared his throat and decided to assign that job to a strong "warrior" of the pack....someone that seemed to know what they were "doing'. "Sounds like a good plan, Imena. Collision would probably love to teach you guys enough to at least get out of some rough situations," he seemed like such a giving man, after all.