
A Simple Thank You



7 Years
08-26-2013, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2013, 01:05 AM by Tahlia.)

Walk | Talk | Think

Bliss. She could not remember feeling such a strong sense of happiness, of hope, as she did now, even in slumber. It was wonderful, magical even. She had a husband again, one that she had been able to be completely up front with about her past and it had not driven him away. If anything, it had perhaps drawn them closer. He was the same. Just as her, he had had a mate once, a wife he had devoted himself to that he had lost because of the cruelties of fate. Together they had taken solace in one another, making vows and promises to be faithful, to be true, to live each of their days fulfilling their combined wishes and intending to carry those wishes beyond the realm of breath and life. It had been everything Tahlia had wished for and more, nothing like the ceremonies of her first marriage but better for their simplicity. What did it matter if the whole pack was in the dark about their union? They both knew, and that was more important than anything.

Such a feeling of contentedness was settled over her as she lay curled up loosely upon her side, back pressed into the warm chest of Bane as his leg pillowed her cheek. Not even the feel of Bane's breath upon her side stirred her, her slumber, for the moment, too deep to be disrupted by something so soft and soothing. But eventually, some time after Bane had fallen back asleep, she had stirred. It was slow at first, merely a flicker of her eyelids, consciousness drawing notices about her surroundings. Like the warmth of the body pressed close to hers. Or the feel of fur on the paw beneath her cheek. The weight of the head resting on her shoulder.

With a sleepy slowness, she opened her eyes and shifted her head, observing that perhaps hours had passed since she had fallen asleep there within the shrubbery that Bane had chosen for their following of tradition. And oh how wonderful that had been. She had not realized how much she had missed feeling wanted in that way, how much she had wanted someone to want her that way. Not to mention the fact that when her season came around again, there was now a high probability of pups being part of her future. Our future, she corrected herself, lifting her head from Bane's leg to look into his sleeping face, so peaceful and so content. Caring little if she disturbed him, she leaned close and licked his muzzle, once across his nose and then a few more across his lips, gentle caresses to satisfy the need in her to show her growing affection for him. With a smile, she settled her head back upon the male's outstretched paw and sighed. Excited about the next day, and all the days to follow, Tahlia slipped back into unconsciousness and slumbered beside her mate and husband.

-Exit Tahlia through sleep-