
Part the Waters



07-31-2013, 08:34 AM
Everything happened rather suddenly. In one moment, she felt as though she were truly dying, with large waves of water rushing over her with alarming force. It pushed against her slender body, tossing her about as though she were merely a leaf on the wind. She gasped for air, though suddenly she felt a tugging on the back of her neck. And then she felt cold as the air began to envelop her on all sides. It was cold, as she was thoroughly soaked, but the chilly air was much preferred to being tossed about in the water...

It took a long moment for her to truly grasp that she was safe-- that someone had grabbed her and was carrying her to safety. Was it her dad? She writhed in the man's grasp, trying to turn her head to see him, but failing. It was another few moments longer until they got to safety, and when they did she found herself coughing and flailing a bit too dramatically on the ground. She was oblivious to the danger that others faced, the the other wolves that were lost out in the flood. Eyes squinted as she gazed around, though eventually landed on Gideon, and she frowned for a moment. "Who the heck are you?" She inquired suddenly, though it was more of a demand than a question.



08-17-2013, 01:13 PM
It was hard to keep up with everything, but the alpha would force herself to keep her head. Her eyes darted from the water to the few surrounding trees in the plains, only to focus in on Azalea as she came forward. She seemed to be having trouble, and she was seconds from plunging in after her niece, before she came back up for air. The young girl stumbled forward, and she sighed, seeing her and having her near made some of the panic subside, but there was still an ample amount with much of her pack spread out and possibly in danger. "I'm not sure Azalea - but I'll find them." She would, she had to, not a single lupine would go missing if she had any say in this. Nature could throw what it wanted at this pack, but she would fight best she could against the calamity and chaos.

Surreal's words pulled a small sigh of relief from her. Erani and the rest of her family should be alright - save Gabriel, who was not here, and therefor safe from the flooding. The girl was freezing, and she licked the top of her head as she pressed closer to her older sibling. The woman would stop a few seconds, trying to make some sort of plan when she heard the voice of another. Demaro's howl worried him, and she sent a short call back, telling him that she was alright. "Get to higher ground!" She would ask of him in a bark, ask of everyone. "Head north!" She herself would be heading south, and she looked toward Rayne just before leaving. "Please watch them both, take them somewhere to wait for the flooding to go down." She was trusting the healer to look out not only for herself, but for the lives of two younger lupine.

The woman would respond to the calls of a young female - but she was further off, and her heart hammered in her ears, quickened by panic and fear that she wouldn't get to her on time. "Liberty!" She called back, trying to run, but being forced to wade in her direction. When she finally found the pup, she was with her father, and... and Aislyn - but the woman didn't seem to be moving. Her mentor, no she... couldn't be...

"Liberty!" She would call to the girl, stepping forward, before motioning for the two to follow her. They would be the last that she scouted for until she was sure that they had a place to momentarily rest.