



07-21-2013, 04:37 PM

Somehow within the few seconds of her biting her target, Gerhardt had flipped her over onto her side, which had caused her to release her precious area of release. If she could have dug her fangs further, she could have either killed him, or immobilized him for life. Revenge seeped through ever pore in her body, so she was not beyond killing the man. He was already dead to her. She rolled onto her back protectively, her teeth bared as a vicious snarl vibrated her core. He was on her now, placing his paws on the sides of her neck so she couldn't roll to her side and get up. She was trapped. Her front legs pulled into her sides, her paws laying flat on her chest. She needed to keep her injured paw away from him, it was already hurting from a possible fracture. She would need to find a healer after this. If that was even possible.

His jaws snapped before her face, and she snapped toward his as well. She wasn't going to give in this easy. He may have won, and found a way to put her on her back, but the determination that seethed through her veins wouldn't go to waste. She would never stop fighting. Never. "An apology means nothing to me you bastard. I will never stop haunting you. I will be around every corner, behind every shadow, i'll be inside your mind!" Her back legs kicked up instinctively as she tried to push on his belly, and get him off of her. Her facial expression did not change, no, the snarl on her face shown her hatred more than any words ever could. She would never stop. Never.


07-21-2013, 04:51 PM

It had all happened so fast, but now that he was safely on top of her, paws on either side of her neck to prevent her from wriggling out of his grasp, he felt powerful - strong. As he was bearing down on her, fangs splayed wide in a visual display of his dominance, he knew that he had won. He watched her reel in her paws protectively, especially the injured one. He wondered how badly it pained her, how long it would take to heal before she inevitably came back and gave him a run for his money again. She barked her insane words in his face, snapping at him aggressively despite her position beneath him. "Haunt me if you must, but I'm closing the book on us. I'm moving on, I only pity that you can't seem to do the same." She was nothing but a shell of what she once was, a pitiful, insane shell. She would never be the woman he remembered her to have been, and he would never be the man she'd once seen him as. Things changed, wolves grew, love was lost. It was time to move on, even if she couldn't manage - he would. His life was his for the taking, and he planned on doing just that. Seracia would be placed in capable paws, and he would do just as he'd always dreamed - he would live for himself, one-hundred percent. He remained above her, intent upon being sure she wasn't going to continue this madness any longer. He could feel blood trailing down his back and over the sides of his neck, pooling and caking into the thick plush mane of fur she'd ravaged. He could feel adrenaline pumping through his veins, thick and viscous. Life was about to change for the better - he could taste it. Robin screeched in a nearby tree, jaws clicking viscously. She hated the woman who had shed Gerhardt's blood, and would have continued attacking had it not been for him commanding her otherwise. He felt her paws kick at his underside, but the light pressure wasn't something he couldn't handle. His lip curled up higher and quivered as he spoke again. "I will only get off when you swear to let my comrades and I leave in peace." Ideally he would get off when she passed out from exhaustion, but he had a feeling his patience would run thin before that happened. He didn't have all day to tower over her.




07-21-2013, 05:18 PM

Everything was becoming a blur, both in her vision, and her eyes. The adrenaline she had felt moments before wad vanishing, and the exhaustion and pain from their fight was setting in. But she wouldn't stop. She couldn't. She ignored him at first, letting his words sing into one ear and out the other. Her back paws met his underbelly, and though she wished she could push and claw with all her might she couldn't. She was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of hearing the voices, the taunts, the symphonies. She wanted peace, eternal peace. Not even the sweet taste of his blood has soothed the beast within. She was trapped in her mind until the end of her days, and revenge would only continue to consume her whole. Nothing would be left of the woman; not that there was much now anyways. She was a shell, a broken soul and mirrored image of the woman she used to be. And deep down, past the plots for revenge and pure hatred, she knew that.

Her lips did not release their tension around her fangs, nor did her tongue lay comfortably in her mouth. A low growl still bubbled within her chest, and she used the dwindling strength she had to keep fighting. Her mind ran wild, but her body was exhausted. "Swearing isn't in my vocabulary." She snarled and spat, saliva aiming to smack him straight in the face. "I will never stop Gerhardt. As long as my heart is still beating, the ghost of your past will never stop haunting you!" Her voice cracked toward the end. She was turning into an emotional wreck, and the thoughts frying her mind weren't helping. Then, out of the blue, her mouth clicked shut, and her lips curved into a devilish smile. Without hesitation she threw her head back, placing her skull gently against the earth. Her throat was completely exposed now, and practically danging in front of Gerhardt's fangs. A wicked laughter bubbled from her very core, escaping through the thin cracks in her lips from her smile. "Do it Gerhardt. I'm already dead inside." Her tone was hard to follow. It was a mixture between insanity and desperation. She was tied to the mortal world by the beating of her heart, but her soul was already dead, and had been for some time now. Would he be able to do it? Kill the one he had loved to dearly in pasts time? Would he chose the safety of his kingdom yet again?


07-21-2013, 05:40 PM
O.O PLOT TWIST!? new table cause yes.

He was panting, jaws still splayed but beginning to ache. He slowly closed them, keeping them agape but no longer spread wide. Intimidation was out the window, the woman knew she'd lost. He only wondered if the insane beast inside her could recognize it. Suddenly he grew worried. If he ever did move from on top of her she could easily strike him again, or one of the wolves that had gathered in his honor. He had once felt so safe, his paws on either side of her, jaws spread menacingly. But now, now he was frightened. Fear had never been something he'd worried about, but it became all too real when his pack was in danger. With Adette Mathias alive, they would be in perpetual danger - at least while he was King. His jaw hung slack then, as her growl rumbled deep in her chest. Her saliva hit him full in the face, staining the flesh on his upper muzzle a darker hue than normal. He shook his head, staring down at the vile creature she had become, wondering what had happened to the love that they both shared at one time.

She was beginning to convince him, beginning to get into his skull - his very mind. As long as she lived she would always haunt him. Every call that rang out from the battlefield, he would assume it to be her. Every time he felt like he was being watched, he would think it was her. Dying by her tooth and claw had once been something he'd never even thought of, but now it had become an all too real fear. He loathed the idea of it, would rather die by any other means than an injury she inflicted. Fear gripped his chest, contracting his heart in rapid, frenzied beats. The clicking of her jaws jolted him, his heart skipped a beat in response. HIs jaws drew shut like a vice grip, tightening in worry as a sickening smile drew across her lips. She was winning. He watched as she aligned her skull parallel to the earth, leaving her throat wide open for the taking. A demon in his mind chanted, urging him to just prick one of the arteries keeping her alive. With her death would come his peace - at least that's what the demon assured him of.

She egged him on, urging him to kill her - giving him permission. An anguished groan slipped from his lips as his jaws drew wide. His skull lowered and tilted, bringing his splayed jaws to each side of her neck. tentatively he closed his jaws slowly, just until his canine teeth felt the resistance of her flesh. His heart drummed loudly in his ears, beating out a rhythm that urged him forward, but he could not. His jaws ached from the fighting, ached from the impact of her own fangs colliding with his. He knew he couldn't bring them completely closed. He couldn't rip out her throat. HIs jaws began to quiver, to twitch and jerk involuntarily. Amethyst eyes blinked closed as adrenaline and uncertainty bubbled deep in his chest. In one motion - whether conscious or unconscious he wasn't sure, his jaws drew shut with even, intense pressure on both sides of her throat. He felt momentary resistance, and then there was blood - lots of it. The demons in his mind cheered, but something inside of him died. He drew his jaws away after what felt like a lifetime, but he could not move from where he stood.

He may have won the battle, but she won the war.

ooc; adette should still have time to say something to him if she wants to before she bleeds out.




07-22-2013, 12:21 AM

She was possessed. It was a simple way to put her insanity, her rage, her plot for revenge. Darkness had consumed her very being, and there was no going back. There would never be. What she had become was permanent, or at least until the day her heart stopped beating. And it would, on this day. Fangs pierced both sides of her neck, and instinctively it caused her body to momentarily twitch. Her prime goal in life had been to stay alive, along with everyone else. No one wanted to die, because once they were gone, they would never come back. Her body knew this, and without a command it moved for her. Fighting, kicking, snarling, everything happened at once as she tried to use her last bit of strength on the man. Her back legs shoved forcefully forward, and her front paws rose to push on any part of him she could reach. Even the pain from her sprained paw couldn't hold her involuntary movement back. Her jaws opened and snapped wildly though she knew they would grab nothing. Her brain was screaming to stay alive, but her soul was tired of fighting. Her last bit of sanity wanted this to happen. Her dying from the fangs of her one true love would be the only peaceful way to go in her mind. He had been her everything, then had broken her in two. Now he was finishing the pieces, burning the puzzle so it would never come back together. It was the right thing to do, she had become a ghost of the woman everyone once knew, and if anyone were to send her into eternal peace, it should be Gerhardt.

The air in her lungs was running out. With Gerhardt clenching his jaws around her neck there was pressure on her windpipe, which caused her to bring in almost no air as she gasped. Her tail flicked wildly behind her, and before she knew it tears were streaming down her cheeks. She hadn't intended to cry, the only emotion she wanted to show was pure hatred, but in the darkest times her true self was seeping to the surface again; the sad lonely girl who was a shadow without the one man she loved. The man she claimed as a child, the man she grew up with and looked so fondly up to. The man she loved. Time seemed to stop during this moment. It seemed to be going on forever, and as she fought and gasped for air, the more exhausted she became. In reality it was from the blood and oxygen loss, but she didn't know that. She could feel immense pain around her throat, but she couldn't feel the blood seeping from her wound. Her gasps for air were very raspy now, and instead of one gasp after another, each one took about a 5 second pause. There was almost nothing left in her lungs but blood that had trickled down her esophagus.

She started to choke, and when she tried to cough she barley could. Blood sprayed onto the earth and seeped from her nostrils, and all the fight her brain had sent out was gone. Her body slowly went limp, her back legs falling flat, and her font legs tucking closely against her body. Her injured paw went limp across her chest, but her other paw still barley waved back and forth in one last attempt to push him away. But her paw came no where close. What felt like hours had only happened within a few minutes tops. When Gerhardt released her she instantly tried to suck air in, but all she managed to get was blood. She tried to cough again, but she couldn't. The only noise she made was a low gurgling sound as she choked on the very thing that had kept her alive for so long.

Her head went limp and fell toward her right. Gerhardt was still above her, why she didn't know, but she could see him through her blurred vision. Her fiery pools of blue softened to the look she used to give their children before bed time. The look she had given him so many times before telling him a "hello" or "I love you". She gazed deeply into his amethyst eyes, ignoring her blood that stained his muzzle and lips. She wanted that look to be the last thing she saw; either the horror in his eyes that would be realized when he sees what he has done, or the same soft expression she was trying to give him. Once again, involuntarily, her uninjured paw rose to meet his chest. She wanted to feel the warmth of his touch one more time. Her body was cold, so very cold. She wanted to speak, but the blood and total lack of oxygen kept her from even murmuring something. She was mute and from what she knew immobilized. Then, without warning, the former queens heavy eyes closed shut for the very last time, and her raised paw fell flat against her chest.

Long live the queen.

OOC: wooooo! ais shed a tear over this one x3 I would like to see what Ger's reactions were to her flailing and so forth, so I would like one more Andy reply. Then she promised a proper burial for her, but please, not in the battle field x3


07-22-2013, 11:07 AM

Everything had gone blank. His body had gone into auto-pilot as soon as his fangs felt her flesh. Though he was very much conscious of what was happening, he was not sure how it was happening. He could feel her paws scrambling to push his weight off of her, but Gerhardt Mathias had always outweighed Adette. Besides, with an injured paw she was far too weak to do much damage - much less shove him off. He felt her body slacken then, after momentary pressure on his underside. One paw pressed against his chest - in a last ditch effort to preserve the life she'd just voluntarily given him permission to take. He gazed down at her - blankly - as her features softened to one that he remembered, one he used to know. The insanity was gone, the frenzy was gone - Adette, the Adette he'd known, was here.. and dying. Moments passed and then her blue eyes closed for the last time, her body falling limp against the earth - stained and torn.

Gerhardt backed from her then, only when he was sure it was done. A horrified look crossed his features, as his eyes opened wide. He took another step back, and then another until he was a yard from where she lay, his head swinging in all directions - glancing about wildly as if he feared being attacked by her ghost. Faces of the ones who'd come in his honor came in and out of his vision, but they were blurred and stricken by his own shock. He froze where he was, panting hard and fast as if he'd just run a marathon. Blood dripped from the wound on his neck, trailing down the sides of his neck and down his back. Her own blood caked into the thick fur on his chest, and continued to stain his muzzle and throat a fiery crimson.

He stepped forward, pivoting around her delicately - as if he might wake her from her sleep - until he was at her head. Paws and muzzle worked simultaneously to roll her to her side, where he could grab onto her scruff. Before he took hold of her he muttered to anyone who might be listening. We will bury her in the Kingdom. We, as if he were somehow a part of a team. Gerhardt took a deep breath and snared his fangs into her scruff, beginning to drag her back toward Seracia. The King, very much in shock, was gone - dragging the lifeless body of his ex-wife toward the Kingdom he'd just protected with murder.

Exit Gerhardt unless stopped.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2013, 12:51 PM

The rage that had begun to bubble up within her fiery blue gaze did not cease -- but she did not have to step up and protect the Kingdom of Seracia, though she was very much ready to do so if necessary. The call was heard by many -- she was surprised at Syrinx's arrival to watch the scene unfold. He whispered that he had faith in Gerhardt -- "I do too, my dear brother," she mumbled softly, leaning briefly into him as a sign of affection that she would never contain. Where had he been off to, had he been with Eos? But it was no time for such questions. Kamala joined the gathering quickly, looking rather distraught, as had Gideon. It was then she realized that this woman was not a mere stranger, but Adette.... Gerhardt's ex-wife. Maverick and Kamala's adoptive mother. Her jaws unhinged ever so slightly, her expression fading in its intensity until she merely looked bewildered, confused.

Gerhardt was next to arrive. Adette spat insults at him, calling out his so-called infidelity, spitting and snarling like a mad woman; Epiphron considered her no less. She wanted to fight Gerhardt, to claim him -- and so the battle commenced.

It was not a pretty fight. With interest, and worry alike, the Princess watched on, watching the two battle tooth and nail. Soon blood began to spill, tainting both of their coats, the awful stench filling the air and making the woman feel nauseous. The battle escalated rather quickly, before it happened -- Gerhardt got hold of Adette's throat, the terrible crunch signifying her death echoing through the battlefield.

Death. It was something Epiphron had only experienced a handful of times, but never in this manner. She'd never seen a wolf take the life of another. But she would not blame Gerhardt for his choice. He had not killed her out of spite, but because he needed to protect his family. The Kingdom had been threatened. Not wanting to see anything else, the woman bowed her head, her eyes shutting briefly. She would breath, slow breaths, struggling to keep her limbs from quivering. Only glancing briefly at Gerhardt, she set out, searching for Maverick.

- exit Epiphron -



11 Years
07-22-2013, 10:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2013, 10:54 AM by Bane.)
Bane watched the unfolding fight with bemused interest as Gerhardt and Adette tore at eachother. He took to lying down with a hard anger in his eyes as Gerhardt pinned Adette and ripped her neck, Bane looked down between his trembling paws as the female choked on the blood that was no doubt fulling her lungs. He didn't want to watch. It was too much like him and Rancor after Bane was about to forcefully mate with his chief's female.

Only Rancor didn't kill him... and Bane was thankful. If it was him in his chiefs place perhaps he would have subdued Adette, the she-wolf who'd allowed him into Seracia, and simply choked her until she fell unconscious. Then leave. Bane got up after the death noises Adette were making stopped, his sapphire eyes looking at her closed ones.

When it was done and Gerhardt said that she was to be buried in their Kingdom, Bane made and attempt to help drag the body of the female, but he stopped after a hesitant paw step. Perhaps it was the way Gerhardt rolled the body of his deceased mate over or the way he was trying to drag her that stopped the ex-Talutah. Bane took the King's body language that this task was for him, and only him to do, and the grey wolf let him. A sad rumble echoing in Bane's chest as he gazed over the two wolves that once loved eachother.

A close flanking position on the left side was taken while his King dragged her all the way back to Seracia, Bane not letting the tears coming out of his left eye being seen by anybody.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•