
In the land of obscurity



5 Years
10-04-2015, 11:34 PM
Starling seemed to finally get a grip on the world, feeling the dizziness slowly melt away. Yet he didn't want to move. Feeling the warmth seep into his chest and belly, feel his heart beat against his own, it reminded him he was alive and made him He hummed lightly, eyes slowly peeling open as his mind tried to catch up blinking as clarity slowly edged into his eyes. What was that? What? He parted his lips a moment, staring down at Cathaoir, before it finally caught up to him that he had switched over to Italian suddenly. It was his more comfortable language, it made sense. So he smiled softly. "I-it's italian...It's m-my family's language..." He said softly, giggling softly to himself and nodding in affirmation when Cath asked if he could call him Star. Of course, of course! But reality suddenly seemed to crash in on him as his thought process finally stuttered to a start. Blue eyes would widen slightly as he looked down at the boy before he jerked his forepaws onto the ground. "O-oh!" He said quickly, feeling his muscles quiver in protest as he shuffled back, off the man. "I-I'm s-so sorry! I...d-dizzy, oh.." He breathed then, feeling all his blood rush away from his brain as he tried to move, only to have his legs quit on him. And suddenly...oh, he was down again. "D-dizzy, ah, I-I think w-we should s-stay p-put for a s-second." He said with a laugh. Perhaps he had tried getting up too fast, or his air supply couldn't keep up with his pounding heart. Spinning, didn't it just stop spinning. "I-i've n-never d-done an-nything d-dangerous." He laughed then, sadly, weakly as he hid his nose in his paws. "O-of c-course the fi-first time I t-try, I a-almost die." He would open his eyes slowly, knowing he was just embarrasing himself. But he had been scared, so scared, in those moments, that he was about to fall and no one would be able to heal him. The concept of mortality wasn't something Starling thought about often, and it terrified him to know it could all be out in a second. "I-i'm sorry...a-again...o-oh g-goodn-ness..." He whispered, quickly averting his gaze from Cathaoir. He was so weak, it was true. He lay on the floor of their platform, but this time, nothing but cold rested against his racing heart.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



3 Years
Extra large
10-04-2015, 11:57 PM

When he said that the language was Italian, he just nodded. He had never heard of it before, but it had sounded... beautiful. He wanted to hear more, to ask him how he had learned it at all. He was so impressed that he was so well versed in so many different things. But he didn't have time. Starling seemed to realize what was happening, and he stood up. Cath's minty eyes grew wide as he quickly turned over and to his paws, shaking out his coat just as Starling's legs gave out on him. Yelping he jumped forward, trying to help ease the boy down by taking some of the impact off of him. He had stood up way too fast, and he was concerned that he perhaps injured himself anymore. But as he kept speaking, Cathaoir understood it. He had been close to falling, close to very possibly losing his life. The yearling sighed, leaning down and resting his damp nose on his forehead. Letting out a soft whine, he nuzzled himself into his fur a bit more and tried to comfort the boy even more. He couldn't even imagine what it had felt like. But he pulled back, tsking his tongue. "It could happen to anyone. Stop. It's... all okay. I was here." He muttered, taking a step back and pacing a bit in front of Starling. He kept saying that he was sorry, and he shook his head back and forth with vigor. "Don't be. It's fine." He said, his voice a bit more sharp as he eyed Star with slightly narrowed eyes. "You're too hard on yourself."

Letting out a huff, he walked beside Starling and flopped down beside him, curling his form around his smaller one. He wasn't often one for touching, but he didn't like seeing the boy like this. He wanted him to be back to his happy self, and so that they could go and hunt for that herb again. At a loss for what to say, he just leaned over and rested his chin on the back of his neck, draping his head across them. He didn't mind waiting, he would just be able to lay here with him for awhile. He would do anything for Starling, a stranger that he had met only a few hours before hand. But now, not it had all changed.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-05-2015, 06:09 PM
Starling's gentle blue eyes would flicker back to the stronger wolf, long lashes damp. His lips just barely twitched into a small smile before falling again. He wasn't doing very, was he. This was a terrible first impressing... He sighed softly, eyes falling closed. I was here. He was, wasn't he... But what would happen if next time something happened and he wasn't. And for the moment that simple thought entered his spinning mind, he was terrified. Not of something happening, but that he wouldn't be there. And suddenly, something became very clear to him and yet so distant all at the same time. He almost...didn't want him not to be there. He...wanted this boy around...a lot. But he kept that a secret, kept that thought deep down. How insane would he sound, if he suddenly told this boy he didn't want him to leave. They had to part. In sense of time, they could be called acquaintances at best. But something inside Starling told him to bypass all that. Cath...Starling wanted him to be his best friend. His confident. He wanted to hear that rough choppy voice telling him he was too hard on himself (and he snorted at the truth of it). He'd watch Cath pace, a small, tender smile on his lips. His entire world was spinning, but he could see him clear as day. His hero, his rescuer... Oh, he was getting sappy. He'd watch as Cath stepped up to his side before blue eyes grew so wide, blinking as he laid beside him and suddenly...the warmth was back. Every muscle relaxed in unison, a sigh pulling from his lungs and his eyes closing. There was something so special about this boy, he was like a cure Starling couldn't ever find. A beautiful flower. His lungs were suddenly full of his scent again, and he wished he could bottle it up, keep it safe, because...dear god, this had to be the cure to cancer.  "Come è questa la prima volta che abbiamo incontrato..." He murmured into the soft fibres at his muzzle, his head laying down across Cath's paws and his body coiling into the warmth. "Sicuramente sarei imbattuto in qualcosa di così meraviglioso come te..." His voice was tender, soft, filled with emotion he had never had, never thought about. Everything that this boy was strange, but not...absolutely terrifying. He just did't understand it, but he wanted too. Just like he wanted to know everything about healing, he longed to find out what every heart beat, every blush, every thought meant. Was he going insane? ...Probably. "I-I ruined o-our a-adventure.." He whispered, yet there was a smile on his face as he spoke. Wintergreen could wait, he didn't want to move.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



3 Years
Extra large
10-05-2015, 11:16 PM

He felt every single muscle relax as he settled around Starling, a rumble sounding in his throat as the yearling rested his head on his paws. He didn't see his face, but that didn't matter. He could feel the changes in his friend, and even though his own body was stiff with the uncomfortable posture, it made him feel good to see him calm down. He knew that it had been scary, he had been terrified for the boy. And now that he was here on solid ground, he didn't doubt that he wanted to rest for a little bit. Cath was happy to oblige, even put himself in this very... close contact with him. While he used his own body to speak more than his words, it didn't mean that he was used to curling up next to a stranger -- which to anyone else these two were. But they had shared something just then, a moment of panic and fear, of loss and hope. It was intimate, and something that he did not have with anyone else. So yes, they met only today, but in his mind they had made a connection deeper than he had with anyone. It might sound silly, but Cathaoir heard the truth in his own thoughts.

When Starling began to speak in Italian, his ears strained forward, wishing that he understood what he was saying. But Star did not stutter when he spoke the foreign language, and it flew off his tongue with such grace and beauty. It stunned the larger boy, which is why he did not bother asking to know what it was. By the tender notes in his words he knew that he was saying nothing bad about him, but oh how he wished he could understand. He spoke again in English, saying that he had ruined their adventure. The beast's head shook across his white shoulders, a certain vigor in the movement. "No. This is... a different type of adventure." The yearling whispered. This closeness was all new to the adventurer, something that he had very little experience with. But there was something that just felt so... right.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-06-2015, 08:26 PM
Starling had never felt more content in his life, which was...not saying much, but it meant far more. He was almost never content, always itching to do something or keep moving. It often left him exhausted, but the drive was so strong that he just kept going anyways. He almost never felt comfortable, either, never feeling at one with his body or even the ideals for males in their family. But here, in Cathaoir's warmth, he had never felt more comfortable. He sighed softy, feeling his shaking muscles slow and calm, relax. Everything felt perfect. A small smile settled on his lips as he did, feeling Cath's voice drape over him again. A different kind of a way, was. Starling had never really made a friend. Sure, he had Lillianna and Raba, but besides the basic things he barely knew anything about them. He enjoyed their company, but he didn't thirst to know about them as he did with this boy here. Slowly he'd pull away just slightly, still curled against him, but enough that he could face Cathaoir and subtly tell him that he didn't need to rest his chin on his back anymore, if he didn't want too.

He would let his eyes trail over Cathaoir, tracing, again, the lines of muscle that had saved his life, and he couldn't help the sigh that pulled from his lungs. Shaking his head just slightly he'd look for Cathaoir's eyes then, a tender smile on his lips. "W-where are y-you from?" His voice was soft as he spoke, almost not wanting to interrupt what peace they had managed to settle between them and he tilted his head just slightly. "Y-you don't sm-smell m-much of th-this place, o-of the p-packs here.." Oh, Starling knew, he could almost bathe in his scent it was addicting. A strange, almost scary feeling filled him, and he was almost compelled to just bury his nose in Cath's fur again, and breathe it in until he couldn't breathe anymore. But he kept that hidden, stayed put, and just smiled his gentle smile.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



3 Years
Extra large
10-06-2015, 09:48 PM

Starling shifted, causing him to lift his head and blink down at his companion. It would seem that he was trying to get more comfortable, and he just watched with lazy blinks. It wasn't until he stopped moving that he allowed himself to rest more himself, his gray tail curling around his smaller form. He hardly noticed the other boy studying him as his eyes closed, a yawn parting his maw. With all the drama, he felt it in his very bones, the weight of utter exhaustion. His eyes closed for a moment longer, before he forced them open at the words of his friend. Ah, so he could smell the foreign scent on him? "No. Not from here. I grew up outside of this land. On an island." he said in his broken way, humming slightly as he thought of home. It was rather small, not many places to explore there. Perhaps that is why he wanted to see every part of these lands here, to see all that he could see. Minty green eyes were full of wonder as he thought of being able to see everything, to add all those wonderful views to his growing mind.

Shaking his head to focus on Starling again, his heart still beating too fast, he wondered where all these questions were coming from. It wasn't often that those he ran into asked about things like this, it was generally conversations of the lands and what packs were where. But he had also had no interest for others as much as he did for this Starling, to know why he was the way he was. "Just got here. Only been... a week." He said, tail thumping on the ground as he thought. But when he fell back into silence, he couldn't think of anything to ask him. He shifted slightly where he lay, his mind reeling as he tried to place something. But... he was just too tired. Yawning once again he rested his head on Starling's one skull, licking at his lips as he tried to clear his mind. He had been walking all day, and after everything else today, he was more than beat.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-06-2015, 10:16 PM
Starling's oddly attentive eyes noticed the fatigue almost instantly, his smile fading just slightly before he decided it was charming. It wasn't because he was lazy, no...Cath was strong, he certainly liked to explore, it seemed. The heat in his chest blossomed even more, spreading all the way to his toes, and he couldn't help the smile on his face. Ah! So he was very new. A week in. Starling stared at him from his paws, blue eyes catching the shine in Cathaoir's eyes. "I've n-never b-been anyw-where but h-here.." He said softly then, his cheek on his paws. "B-but I've s-seen a lot of i-it...I c-can sh-show y-you the p-prettiest of pl-laces.." He whispered softly, closing his eyes. "W-water that r-reflects the suns-set so p-perfectly, t-trees th-that are al-always red, th-the densest o-of fo-forests teeming w-with life..." He whispered softly before his eyes snapped open in surprise as Cathaoir rested his chin on his skull. Heat rushed across his cheeks before he smiled softly, shifting forward slightly to try and get more comfortable, and nudge his chin to the nape of Starling's neck. Cathaoir was exhausted, but Starling still wanted his why not a rest? This rock seemed safe enough, he hadn't heard any shifting from the rocks above, and he hoped the one before wasn't fortelling a bigger rock slide. But for some reason...he wasn't scared, Cathaoir was here. Even if his smarter mind knew the bigger boy wouldn't be able to save him from a full on rock slide, but he didn't care. He felt safe, comfortable.

"You c-can sleep i-if you'd like..." He breathed then, softly as he closed his eyes. But sleep wouldn't come to him, and for several long minute silence settled around them. Questions circled in his mind, growing louder and louder by the moment. He craved to know more about this strange boy he had miraculously found. He longed to be a master in everything Cathaoir. Finally, he blinked his eyes open. "H-hey Cathaoir..." He whispered softly, wondering if the boy was awake or not. "Wh-why did y-you come to Alac-critis?" He asked softly, closing his eyes again, wondering if perhaps he had fallen asleep after all. But could he sleep with his mind reeling like this?

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



3 Years
Extra large
10-06-2015, 11:21 PM

His ears were pulled forward fully as he listened to Starling, trying his hardest to keep his eyes open. He was so well rehearsed in his studies, that he didn't mind that he hadn't been off Alacritia. Plus there was just so much to see here! When Starling was describing places he hummed deep in his throat, eyes slipping closed as his head coiled around Starling. They were flashing across the back of his eye lids, until he stopped suddenly. Eyes peeked open, looking down at the boy. He didn't want him to stop talking, the pitch and tone of his voice was still soothing, even through his stutter. His eyes closed again as he shuffled closer to the boy, and was about to ask him if he could tell him something else, but he went on to say that he was allowed to rest. Cathaoir rumbled happily as his eyes stayed shut, his larger form leaning more heavily against the boy. Silence fell and he felt himself starting to fall asleep. Until that was once again cut into. He let out an amused chuckle, taking awhile to answer. "I was sleeping." he murmured in a teasing tone. "But. I came to... see if the stories were right. My parents talked about here. And I um, have half siblings. Here. Somewhere..." he muttered, another yawn breaking his jaws apart. "Star? Tell me a story." He asked softly, his eyes slipping closed again as he waited to hear that wonderful voice of his.


Art by endless-adventure



5 Years
10-07-2015, 11:38 AM
Starling's ears lifted slightly when he heard Cathaoir's chuckle, soaking it in and reveling in the sound. Yeah, he was pretty sure he had gone insane, somehow. The seconds would tick on, and for a moment he was afraid that Cathaoir wouldnt respond. He would sigh softly, his eyes closing before he felt the other boy begin to speak. Stories of this place? Strange. But then again Starling had never left this place so he wasnt sure if they were strange, abnormal. It could be, everyone came in a variety, right?  Hed blink slightly at the mention of half siblings, and an odd unwarranted feeling filled him, something that was a mix of jealousy and fear. Wherever his siblings were, he'd want to go there, right? Starling couldnt be away from his own siblings, ever, so he understood it. So why feel thsi way?

Blue eyes would blink open again, not knowing when he had closed them, feeling Cathaoir's next request. A story?? He blinked slightly then, but he couldnt refuse a request spoken in that voice. So he was silent for a moment, searching for stories. He had never really been one for fantasy, always had his head too deep in the dirt too listen to fairy tales. But then….he sighed softly, it would have to be something from memory, wouldnt it? But what did he know was that his life was rather boring. Finally he setted on his first adventure. " W-well, wh-when i was a k-kid, b-before my f-first b-birthday, a l-little fox c-came to Abaven...It w-was weird, s-seeing a fox s-so close t-to the p-pack, and wh-what's more, it called for u-us. I d-don't remember why I w-was near th-the border to b-begin with, b-but the fox t-told me of th-this big h-healer's c-convension th-this wolf I h-had never met w-was hosting." He said softly, closing his eyes as he recounted the story. "I-I know h-him now, h-his name is K-Kassander, an-and he's a great h-healer. H-he's staying i-in Abaven now. B-but at the t-time I d-didn't know him, a-and I had n-never r-really le-left the packland. I w-was always a-afraid too. B-but for s-some reason, I had t-to go. So I did." He smiled softly, it was the bravest moment of his young life. "I-it w-was very f-far and it t-took me m-more than a d-day to g-get there, a-and when I d-did there w-were all th-these wo-wolves I d-didn't k-know. B-but oddly en-enough, I wasn't...scared. I-I'm always s-scared, but i-in the f-face of all th-this knowledge, all I f-felt was h-hungry...s-starved t-too l-learn all th-this I h-had never kn-known. I d-don't r-remember what I l-learned an-anymore...b-but it h-helped me know exactly wh-what I w-want to do...e-even if i-it's not the m-most r-respectful th-thing for a boy t-to do i-in a mercenary pack." He said with a soft laugh. "I-I'm s-sure m-my father w-would h-have b-been happier i-if I w-was a w-warrior, but...I th-think he's proud of me.." He mused softly then, brows pinching together. Bass had said it before, but all of Starling's self doubt made him, perhaps...he wasn't happy with him?

"Wh-when it w-was time to g-go home...I got lost." He said with a soft laugh, nearly a breath. "I-i w-was so sc-scared I'd n-never g-get home. I d-don't even r-remember t-telling anyone I l-left...I was s-so excited i just l-left. So h-how was anyone s-supposed to find me?" He sighed then. "L-luckily th-this girl f-found me, and sh-she helped me g-get home w-with the stars...It t-took a wh-while before I w-went out and t-travelled a-again, b-but n-now I m-make sure I kn-know how t-to get h-home." He said with a soft laugh, his voice quieting as he spoke. His own sleep was threatening to take over him, but he wanted to finish his story for Cathaoir, wondering if he had fallen asleep in the process

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"