
Ivory Ridge



08-30-2016, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2017, 08:57 AM by Nyx.)
Ivory Ridge

"The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience" -Frank Herbert Dune

Nestled in the rugged mountains that house the Singing Caverns and form Fenrir's Maw, the Ivory Ridge pack is a pack used to the harsh temperament and unrivaled beauty of mother nature.  The rough and treacherous territory is meant to build strong and enduring wolves in addition to fostering a healthy respect for the earth and the treasures and risks it provides.  The Ivory Ridge pack is a pack of wolves with close ties to the land and trade is an important part of daily life.  In addition to a close connection with the land which provides the basis for their survival the Ivory Ridge pack has close ties among it's members.  They seek to look out for one another and the pack's well-being always comes before that of the individual and before that of other packs.  The Ivory Ridge Pack is a neutral pack.  Relationships with other packs are key, particularly in the establishing of trade routes, but this pack is not one to stick it's neck out blindly or form confining alliances.  Resources are precious and the Ivory Ridge pack intends to protect what is theirs.  Enemies and trespassers can expect to be treated with ferocity gleaned from mother nature herself.

Pack color: #3F6B8F
Claimed territories: Fenrir's Maw and Stone Steppe
Former leaders: None

Plotting Page: Here



08-30-2016, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2017, 10:51 PM by Karabela.)
Pack Roster

-Mountain Man/Woman
-Medicine Walker

Inactive chars:  Tonrar, Nia



08-30-2016, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2018, 05:05 PM by Ashiel.)
Pack Ranks

Tier 1
Chieftain (1) (aka the Grand Muckaluck) - The ruler of Ivory Ridge and the highest authority in the pack.  The Chieftan's word is law.  This wolf is in charge of making the most important decisions in the pack such as determining alliances, dealing out punishments, and promoting and demoting members within the pack.  The Chieftan gets the final say on which wolves will be allowed to join Ivory Ridge and which ones will be turned away.  At the moment this rank belongs to only one wolf, Karabela, but it may be expanded to another in a future to help share the Chieftan's duties.
Docent (1) The Chieftan-in-training, the Docent may be a child of the Chieftan or no relation at all, they may be older than the Chieftan or younger.  The role of this wolf is to learn the in's and out's of ruling Ivory Ridge and also to act as an understudy of sorts.  If something should happen to the Chieftan the Docent is expected to step up and handle matters.
Tier 2
Sage (2) Ivory Ridge can have up to two Sages at any time.  These wolves are the second-in-command and will assist the Chieftan in carrying out pack duties, meeting with prospective members, and organizing events.  These wolves are the Chieftan's most trusted advisors whose wisdom is a valuable asset to Ivory Ridge.  In addition to being consulted on major decisions they are also in charge of keeping up pack spirit and morale.
Ambassador (1) Trading is a crucial part of the fabric of the Ivory Ridge pack and the Ambassador is charged with helping to establish and maintain trade routes.  They are expected to have a varied and eclectic knowledge of items that can be traded as well as a spark of creativity to find new venues and items for trade.  The Ambassador is also expected to manage the traders and work with the hunters and healers to assure the packs trading stores are well furnished with a variety of goods.  They can hold meetings for traders, hunters, healers or any combination of the three.  Note that the Ambassador will be expected to be registered in the Trading & Merchants Guild and hold gatherings at least once a season.
Tier 3
Paladin (1) The most respected fighter in the pack the Paladin is in charge of the Defenders of the pack.  This wolf is expected to hold at least bi-annual training sessions and to work out the best training methods to keep the defenders skills sharp and the pack at the top of it's game.  In addition the Paladin is also in charge of making sure the borders of Ivory Ridge are secure and patrols and escorts are organized and running efficiently.
Mountain Man/Woman (1) A skilled tracker and formidable hunter the Mountain Man/Woman rank takes part of it's name from the mountains in which the Ivory Ridge pack makes it's home.  At one with nature this wolf is expected to know the pack's territory like the back of their paws.  The most skilled hunter in the pack this wolf is in charge of holding hunts at least bi-annually and making sure the pack is not only well fed but that an ample supply of skins, bones, and meat is available to be traded.  The Mountain Man/Woman will also work closely with the Ambassador to manage trade stocks.
Medicine Walker (1) Wise and patient the Medicine Walker is a talented healer with a wide and thorough knowledge of plants used not only to heal but as well as to harm. This wolf is also expected to have an astute understanding of wolven anatomy and of the common ailments and injuries that his or her pack mates may experience. This wolf is expected to hold healing sessions at least bi-annually to ensure that the Menders of the pack are keeping their skills sharp and that the herb stores are well stocked. This wolf is also expected to work closely with the Ambassador to manage trade stocks.
Tier 4
Traders (∞) Traders are the backbone of Ivory Ridge's external economy.  They are expected to gather all sorts of items whether on their own or from packmates and to attend various caravans and trade opportunities.  These wolves work under the Ambassador.  In addition these wolves may also be called upon to act as messengers and participate in diplomatic roles.
Defenders (∞) The warriors of Ivory Ridge these wolves are tough as nails and twice as sharp.  They are expected to answer the call of the Paladin and attend all training sessions that wolf calls.  The Defenders of the Ivory Ridge Pack must learn to fight on a variety of terrain from the flat fields of the battlefield to the treacherous rocky terrain of their home.  Defenders must be vigilant as part of their primary responsibility to the pack is to defend the borders as well as any pack members who may be traveling and wish for extra protection while out trading, gathering herbs, etc.  On rare occasions they may also be asked to escort criminals and prisoners to trading meetings to be sold.
Trappers (∞) The hunters of Ivory Ridge these wolves are observant and clever.  They are expected to answer the Mountain Man/Woman whenever that wolf calls together hunts and to make sure the pack is well supplied with fresh meat.  More than just regular hunters the Trappers of Ivory Ridge are expected to have a wide and even intimate knowledge of their prey and how to prepare the unconsumed parts of their victims, such as furs and bones, for trading.  Hunting in the rugged terrain of the mountains can be a challenge and the Trappers are well known for their stamina and indomitable will.
Menders (∞) The healers of Ivory Ridge these wolves are calm and enduring.  They are expected to answer the Medicine Walker whenever that wolf calls together healing meetings or gatherings and to make sure their pack mates are in good health.  Scouring the lands for herbs not only to use but also to trade the Menders are expected to be constantly learning about plants and their uses as well as how to preserve, store, and transport their gathers.
Tier 5
Apprentices (∞) Young wolves or those wishing to learn a new trade these wolves are eager to learn and will be assigned a mentor in the field of their interest.  Pups may choose to apprentice with an older wolf when they are 9 months old.  When apprentencies feel they are ready they may test to see if they can assume a Tier 4 rank.
Elders (∞) Get off my lawn!  Just kidding!  The Elders are older wolves who are ready to retire and live out their final days in some peace.  With few duties to tend to the Elders only expectation is to provide wisdom and advice to the younger members of the pack.
Commonfolk (∞) Wolves who have just joined or who are still determining a path for themselves these wolves are expected to help with any tasks higher tiers ask of them.  All Commonfolk will be asked to attend each hunt and should someone remain in this rank to long they may risk the Chieftan choosing a path for them.  The rank of Commonfolk is meant to be a temporary step on the way to a more purposeful life.
Pups (∞) The young of the pack and the packs future pups are to be well-cared for and tended to.  They will be encouraged to learn, explore and get a feel for what they would like to be when they are ready to apprentice.  
Tier 6
Criminals (∞) These are wolves who have broken the laws of Ivory Ridge or who have gone against the pack in some way.  From trespassers to threats Criminals, like Commonfolk, are a temporary rank.  Ivory Ridge is a resource-conscious pack and has no intention of wasting resources on those who are not actively contributing to the pack.  Criminals, depending on the severity of their crimes, may be punished and set to the Commonfolk rank and then re-assimilated into the pack when their trust has been regained or, as is more often the case, traded off to other packs in return for supplies and goods. 



08-30-2016, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 10:07 AM by Karabela.)
Pack Rules, Culture, & History

1. Loyalty  - A close-knit pack, loyalty is of great importance to the wolves of Ivory Ridge and members of the pack are expected to watch each others backs.  Putting the needs of the many above the individual is key.  Wolves of Ivory Ridge are expected to be in for the long haul though the pack is not a prison and wolves may leave with permission but woe to those who disappear without a word.  Outright betrayal is a severe crime.  In addition actions that put the pack as a whole in danger are also considered acts of betrayal.

2. Respect & Humility - "There is no respect for others without humility in one's self - Henri Amiel"  You can't have one without the other.  Respect and humility go hand and hand in Ivory Ridge and both are important qualities if you wish to be a strong and trustworthy member of the pack, earning the Chieftain's favor.  Respect those that rank higher than you and be sure to attend the meetings they call.  Be patient.  Listen and learn.  While confidence in oneself is important it must never cause one to look down their nose at others.  They say the nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down. The Chieftan has no time for show-offs or the self-righteous and those that can't learn to humble themselves may find themselves at the mercy of an irate Karabela.

3. Hardwork - Hard work is a founding principal of Ivory Ridge.  If you want to get anywhere in the ranks and earn the admiration of your fellows work hard to better yourself and your skills.  Nothing is handed out.  Ivory Ridge is a pack for those of a strong backbone or those looking to strengthen theirs.  Bloody paws and sweat-stained brows are the badges these wolves wear and laze-abouts can expect to be cast swiftly from the pack.

4. Common Sense - Don't be a dingbat and think before you act.  Ivory Ridge will not stick it's neck out for members that compromise the safety of their pack.  If you antagonize other packs by trespassing or taunting them you can expect to be swiftly punished.  Likewise in dealing with the land and the weather be careful and sensible.  Wolves of Ivory Ridge are expected to explore and learn about the land they call home and the dangers that come with living there.  

5. Crimes -  Speaking of punishment wolves that break the wolves of Ivory Ridge or the rules of other packs will be demoted to the rank of Criminal.  Those that have been convicted of heinous crimes against another packs members will be turned over to that pack for punishment.  Those that commit crimes against members of Ivory Ridge will likely face maiming equivalent to the severity of the crime.  For example rapists will likely be castrated, fully blinded, or even killed.  Victims that refuse to describe or out their abusers may be cast out of the pack as the abuser could be a threat to the whole pack and any potential litter.  The Chieftain will not take kindly to the withholding of information in general that pertains to the security of the pack.

Other punishments include banishment and being traded as slaves to other packs, sometimes a combination of both.  The Chieftan may also reserve the right to be creative with punishments that may range from punting criminals off a cliff or pushing them into uncharted caverns and wells in Fenrir's Maw to serve their allotted time.

Note that trespassers, particularly adults, will be met with aggression and tenacity and can expect to be attacked on sight.  Again, resources are key to Ivory Ridge and the wealth of their parklands and their fellow members are fiercely guarded.

6. Internal Strife - Disagreements and fights between members are bound to happen and the wolves involved are expected to work it out w hether verbally or through dominance challenges.  If a dispute can't be readily settled between those involved they are expected to bring it to the Chieftain or the Sages as pack harmony is part of their job.  The higher-ups will then do their best to help find a peaceful solution to the problem.

7. Relationships - Ivory Ridge is ever aware of the law of scarcity and thus the population is carefully watched.  Couples must tell the Chieftan that they're planning on a litter and, should the pack fill quickly, require permission to breed.  Adult wolves are welcome to form any relationships they like with other adults within the pack.  Relationships started with wolves of other packs or loners will result in either the lover joining Ivory Ridge or the member leaving Ivory Ridge for the lover's pack.  There will be no relationships split between packs.  Adults are forbidden from having relationships with wolves under 2.  Also underage litters will not be permitted.

8. OOC Requirements - At the moment there are no OOC requirements but activity will play a strong part in climbing up the ranks and requirements may be added later though I honestly hate to.  You can look in the rank descriptions for the suggested minimum activity for certain ranks.  Also note that Ivory Ridge isn't meant to be a siege-loving pack and when it starts to reach full membership those that are lacking in activity will be the first to be booted out from the pack.


(More will be added in the future)

Being a pack with a heavy focus in trade and resources, Ivory Ridge will send representatives to all caravans and festivals and markets may be held to celebrate caravan arrivals and spread the goods among pack members.

Pack History:
  • [Summer Year 8] - Burdened with the sacrifice of her family Karabela founds Ivory Ridge to start anew and to build from the price paid for her future.



08-30-2016, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2017, 04:47 PM by Karabela.)


Abaven — Trading partners, on good terms, the alpha may cross Ivory Ridge's borders when needed
Celestial — Unknown
Fiori —  Trading partners, on good terms
Lirim — Lirim alphess is visiting Ivory Ridge, plans are underway for joint hunting/training
Talis — Unknown

Planned Events:

Early Summer | Inter-Pack Hunt » Karabela has made a deal with Faite of Celestial for members of each of their packs to join together in a joint buffalo hunt (hunt on delay due to pack challenge)
Late Summer | Surprise Event! » Misfortune strikes a member of Ivory Ridge  [more details to come]

Pack News:

Winter Year 8 | 11-19-16 » The wolves of Ivory Ridge gather for winter fun and sledding
Autumn Year 8 | 9-1-16 » Karabela claims the Stone Steppe for Ivory Ridge
Summer Year 8 | 9-1-16 » Karabela sends out the first summons of Ivory Ridge
Summer Year 8 | 8-20-16 » Karabela claims Yfir's vacant spot


The wolves of Ivory Ridge have a close bond with the lands in which the live.  The resources the land provides are the life's blood of the pack and the sweetness and terror of nature provides the fuel for the packs spirit.  Members of Ivory Ridge are encouraged to explore and connect with the packlands.  Below are a few compilations of images as I imagine the lands to look to help spark your imagination. I will replace these with better graphics and more images later.  

[Image: oQygjAz.jpg]
[Image: GG10OTD.jpg]