
On the Warpath (Bear Hunt)

Gargoyle I


06-26-2013, 06:45 AM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle had gotten out - the bear close on his, well, lack-of tail. He'd seen Odin make his attack and get tossed down. Gargoyle roared, darting in and out, ripping off a peice of the bear's hip fur, drawing it's attention both from Odin - and from Midnight as she came flying back in to make another another rally. Gargoyle attacked at the same time as her. Again darting in and out, this time getting at the hock of the hind leg - right where the cords of tendons and ligaments made a lump over the 'heel' bone. It was clear that Gargoyle knew what he was doing. Whats the way to kill a bear? Not the throat. Not the spine. The legs. You had to disable it long before you could finish it off.

He'd learned that from Crusade.

Well the bear was dealing with three and a half legs now, but it was still coming strong - still able to rise up in anger and give Midnight a clear shot to run between it's hind legs. Gargoyle was gathering himself for another pounce, when Midnight came barreling up to his side with her idea.

He paused in his tracks. It was a good idea. He needed two seconds to figure this out - glancing at his other wolves, twisting to see the ground below... but that was when he saw the second bear hauling itself up the mountain. Zanire... the bear he'd allowed into Glaciem! His first thought was that she was coming to attack them too! Maybe she was the black bear's mate! Maybe she'd tricked him all along! Gargoyle's hackles rose higher than before, he planted himself in front of Midnight, legs splayed, ivories showing.

But Zanire went straight past him - crashing into the black beast with all the power of a hurricane. She was on their side! The Glaciem wolves were getting their backsides saved by another bear.

Who'da thunk?

Gargoyle waited, watching. He was tough, but he wasn't suicidal (at least not on Tuesdays) - no way was he trying to squeeze in between two brawling bears! In the back of his head he was forming a plan for the wolves. He still didn't see Awaken - maybe the wolf was wounded and down, still inside the cave. And as for Odin - well Odin was just fine. The bear had already been short one ear, and now it was earless thanks to the grey and white male. Gargoyle flashed one of his rare grins. But then his eyes were back on the fight - seeing Zanire go down.

The black beast towered over her, growling, raised up on it's hind legs - but Gargoyle could see that the left one, the one he'd attacked as being held gingerly.

"Now Midnight!" Gargoyle roared. He flung himself forward. Two strides and he was there - cannoning into the black bear from behind and to the right. He didn't want a hold, he just wanted to use his speed and weight as a battering ram. He'd push the male to the side and down, hoping to unbalance it and send it skittering down this steep patch of slope, just as Midnight had suggested. He didn't know if Odin was on board with her plan, but they could always use a little help. THe black bear went back to all fours - or all threes, stumbling and sliding in the shale, but he kept trying to turn round, kept trying to hold his own.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-26-2013, 10:27 AM

Awaken let out a snort at Gargoyle's comment. "oh dont worry cheif you said it so i dont have too. HAHA I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO! oh he was going to have a hayday with this for ages! Gargie'd never live it down. And Awaken's be missing is ears. ?He forced himself to stand. His body hurt from that crash i to the ground.?

He jumped when he heard yrt another bear comming from behind. A curse ran through his mind. Not only did they have one raging beast to deal with. Noe they had two. He braced for impact but the bear rushed by, not even touching him. He shot Midnight and Gargoyle a look of confusion before he realized the bear was on their side.

"oh HEEELLLS YEA-owch!" ? she sudden exclaimation of joy hurt his battered ribcage. Yeah he most likely broke something. He noticed Gargoyle ram into the bears side and rushed to do the same, momentarily ignoreing thepain in his ribs. He wasn't big enough to send it over though. It continued to resist. Awaken coughed up come blood and spat it down on the stone beneath him. However he wound up too close to one of the front paws and it managed to clip him in the side. He yelped and focused on that paw. He grabbed it in his jaws and shook in rage. Ripping and tearing as much as he could. The damn thing had thrown him and scratched them. He wanted to make it regret the day it threw Awaken!


06-28-2013, 02:12 PM

Quickly, Midnight jumped to the bear and started attack, as well as Gargoyle. Gargoyle took the attention off Odin and midnight, once again making himself the target. Odin stood back on his legs, watching as the bear swiped at awaken, and his view was then interrupted by another bear! How many bears had taken their stay in Glaciem? As the two bears took attack on each other, seeing that the new one was on their side, he saw as Midnight's maw moved to unspoken words to Gargoyle. A plan maybe since Gargoyle took action after one of the opponents went down.

Only then did Odin look around the cliff, trying to find out what midnight had planned. Awaken was now on a paw, Gargoyle slamming onto the bear, pushing him closer to the edge.

Odin still wasn't quite sure what they were planning, but it sure as hell was stupid, but also really smart. Sure they were going to push the bear down the slope, but he was sure that one of the wolves was to be taken down with them and with that, Odin trotted up to the beast and pounced at him, trying to throw him off balance.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-28-2013, 06:58 PM
Midnight did not recognise Zanire at first as barrelled past them towards the male, but as the two beast clashed snarling and spitting midnight picked up her scent it was hard the smells inn the air jumbled together blood covering it all but she recognised the dame. As the two bears slammed into combat she flinched, she wanted to help but there was nothing she could do she looked at Gargoyle for directions but he to seemed to be just watching. Awaken's comment however almost made her laugh, but a flash of worry ran across her face as she glanced over at him, he wasn't looking to crash hot, she was just about to say something when she heard the bone crunching thud flinching as she spun her attention back to the fight. She had just got her bearings when Gargoyle shouted, and she launched forward only a few seconds behind the behemoth she did not aim for any where just slammed into the nearest part witch happened to be the bears neck, she felt another wolf impact beside her, and another further down there was not time to see witch wolf was witch. The bear began to twist, snarling and roaring, desprate to sink its teeth into the closest beast, it was turning towards her. Midnight lunged again clamping her teeth down on the top of its neck right behind its head, she couldn't let it turn couldn't let it sink its teeth into flesh or it was all over.

The bear let out a roar and reared again dragging her upwards off her feet, it could not reach her with its teeth or claws, though it snapped and snarled, it was unbalanced on its hind legs one leg already taken out of action by gargoyle one more hit could easily send it toppling over the edge, midnight realised this in the few seconds as the bear roared and screamed and she clung to its neck the fur and flesh tearing under her hanging weight. If she let go now and the bear went back to all fours she would be crushed if she clung on and the beast was thrown from the path she would share its fate. Her decision was made for her its blood slicked fur slid from her teeth and she fell.

The ground rose up to meet her and she tried twisting her body to land straight on her feet, reaching for the ground, if she could land on her feet mabey she could get clear, but her left foot hit first and suddenly a white hot pain filled her body. She had landed wrong the bone of her arm popped free of its socket. She went down hard a pained cry tearing from her throat. She knew she was in danger but she couldn't force herself back up, all she could do was curl up as tight as she could her leg sticking out awkwardly and pray.



9 Years
Extra large
06-28-2013, 07:44 PM
ooc: Tad, Soul. I hope you don't mind the slight pp to your wolves. I was going to wait to ask you guys but I got really excited and couldn't wait. xD

[Image: FSxYw0P.png]

Zanire went down like a tree, and instantly felt a sharp pain in her shoulders. Laying there she could feel blood start to come to the surface, seeping into the fur around the claw marks, four on each shoulder. They weren't deep deep but were enough to make a decent amount of blood appear. They already began to sting, and right off the bat she knew they would become infected if she did not get them cleaned. The large male smelled like rotting flesh, and she was sue he never bothered cleaning his claws.

The roars, the barks, the yelling. It all roared in her ears. She could hear Gargoyle, the largest of the wolves yell a name and from the corner of her eyes she could see him fling himself forward. Not only that but the other wolves quickly followed him, a dark male grabbed the bear's paw, was swatted but still went back at him. A light male pounced the beast, trying to push him to the ledge with Gargoyle. Then Midnight. She had jumped onto him and bit into his neck, but within moments her grip slipped and she fell to the ground, hitting it at an awkward position that caused a cry of pain to jump from her jaws.

That was it! Zanire twisted her body to the side, front paws lifting her up enough for her back legs to get under her body. She shifted her weight, lifting herself up onto her hind legs and released a roar more ferocious than before, thunder, threatening the male and letting him know what was to come. He only laughed, and continued assaulting the wolves pushing and biting him.

Violet orbs glared at the male, body dropping to all four with a heavy thud. She would end this, Glaciem would no longer be tormented by this troublesome fool. Move it! She roared to the wolves, just as she threw herself forward. She wasn't far from where they were, but it was enough for her to get enough room to build speed. And once she was within distance, they would be smart to move.

She moved like a train, crushing the stones beneath her massive paws, muscle barreling forward. Within seconds she was upon them, paws quickly readjusting, moving around Gargoyle. Seeing this the male swatted the dark male from his paw, turning his body towards Zanire just in time to have her crash into his midsection, having rose from the ground just in time.

The male let out a roar, taking a step back only for the ledge to grumble beneath his weight. That was when it felt like everything went in slow motion. The male took his step back, body weight shifting to the leg that just went down. His body turned in that direction, his paws swatting at the air, managing to give Zanire a few small scratches across her muscle. She kept ehr weight balanced, leaning back just in time when she got the scratches. She tried to take a step back, her head turning to look to the wolves. Her mistake.

While his arms pawed the air he managed to stretch out his neck, jaws snapping at the air, grabbing Zanire's lower part of her arm.

Then it all sped up.

Zanire went over the ledge with the black bear with a roar of fear and surprise. They hit the rocks hard, dislodging pebbles and even large boulders. He hit it first, Zanire landing on him. Down they went, a rockslide following behind them. They twisted and turned, the male letting go of her arm when a boulder smacked him right in the back. Zanire was not lucky though, just as he let go she went tumbling down beside him, getting hit a few times by some rocks.

By time they reached the bottom the air was full of dust, the last rumbles of the slide dying down. The black bear had been crushed, the only thing to tell you he was dead was his paw sticking out from under the boulder and blood slowly oozing out from under it.

Zanire though, where was she? Trapped. She had not been crushed like the male, but she had been banged up pretty badly. She lay under a few boulders, but none as big as the male, easily movable if the wolves worked together. She was alive, her heartbeat heavy, slowing down. Cuts here and there on her face, legs, body.


Awesome image made by Clash. <3


06-29-2013, 10:36 PM

? Awaken gave a iminous growl as his eyes went blank. He viciously tore into the bears paw, he feared nothing, saw and heard nothing. That is untill he heard Move it.It was bearley able to be heard by the enraged hellhound. ?He turned his head fast enough for him to jump back just as the bear slamed into the beast.

?? Awaken gazed at Gargoyle akwardly, he didn't quite look like himself. Perhaps in shock from the damage he'd taken. The gashes in his shoulder were bleeding and every so often he'd cough up a good amount of blood from his ribcage. ?it got to the point that he wasn't even looking at Gargie anymore. His gaze slowly drifted to look just pasthis alpha.?

His head was in turmoil. Memorys rush him down so hard he couldn't keep track of them all. He remembered images of himself, as if he'd been watching in third person. His fur was strung out and unkepmt. Strands blowing in every witch direction. A crazed look of a killer in his eyes and on the ground was a cracked deerskull, antlers kicked up in every direction with colorfull feathers decorating it. The inside of the skull was hollowed out to fit the exact shape of a wolf's skull. It became obvious that it was used to slaughter chalangers by the king. Memories of goreing wolves to death and laughing as he felt flesh rip from bone. The ground was stained dark crimson and was knee deep with how often quarels tookplace. And there was no such thing as a spar. Someone always died.?

He became horrified. He couldn't stand anymore. Her squeezed his green eyes shut trying to snap out of it. Another immages of an ivory white feline beast tearing apart tresspassers, enemies, and basicly anyone who crossed her path. He began to snarl at his owm memories, as if trying to scare them away. This did him no good. Immages of him standibg on a battlefeild with six large boulders in a circle and the striped beat on the other side of the crimson hell. He blinked once to see himself slamming into the beast side and takibg her down. ENOUGH! He mentaly yelled. He didn't sound like himself. He felt lightheaded and as if he needed to just sleep.

Then, reality snapped back in. All of this had taken place in his head in roughly five seconds. Long enought for him to see Zanire being pulled over the ledge. He barked sharply, eitch faded into a light, barely audible whimper in his broken ribs. ?He bounded off to find a way down to help her. Every sound seemed to echo in his head. Nothing made sense to him anymore. He found a narrow rocky path off the cliff and sprinted to star digging off small rocks and start trying to push the larger ones off. He wasn't strong enough to push the large stones of himself though. This bear had saved theit lives, he was NOT about to let her die here.

Gargoyle I


07-01-2013, 11:09 AM


Gargoyle let out a growl as Awaken tore past with his taunting words. He'd munch on the rookie's ears later - all in goodnatured fun of course. Truth be told, he rather liked the male. Awaken reminded Gargoyle of himself - which was both and endearing and terrifying thought.

Oh well, they could braid eachother's tails later, this was do or die time. Gargoyle narrowly avoided getting clocked by a swinging paw, but the long claws managed to give his chest fur a good shave. Gargoyle didnt' wait for a heartbeat - he snapped at the paw as it went past, drawing blood - and then ducked in and went for the tender legs. Out of the corner of his golden lamps he could see his braves, each of them as brave as lions, charging, biting snapping, all attacking in defiance of the huge monster.

But Gargoyle, when going for a snap at the beast's face, took a blow to the head and went sprawling back up the moutnain - head over heels. He was out of the fight just long enough to see Midnight go down and know that he would be unable to get to her in time. His heart raced, his eyes bulged, his fangs gleamed. He didn't care! Ignoring the trail of blood now streaming down his face, he leapt to his paws.

But that was when the moutnain of honey-gold bear raced past him. "Move it!" he heard Zanire bellow. And the next second the two bears were colliding again - this time much closer to the ledge and steep slope of frail rock and snow below.

Gargoyle rushed to Midnight's side, his gaze searching her for wounds. He was thankful to Zanire of course, but she was a bear - she could take care of herself for the moment. His packmate came first. She was the one he'd half carried, half walked in from the border when she'd been slashed by that bear the first time. He'd kept an eye on her recovery, and now he'd asked her to get involved in tracking that empty-eyed creature down. "Midnight! Midnight, are you alright? Stay with me!" His tones were far from the strained, heartfelt ones that might be expected in such a situation, and truth be told, his instincts reguarding healing were summed up in "Slap some mud on it and git to your paws, you'll be fine." But he was worried and he'd be damned before he let the fae get herself killed on his watch.

He heard the scrambling of rocks, the roaring of the bears. "Awaken - check Zanire-!" the Chief began, but it wasn't neccisary, the rookie was already going. That done, Gargoyle turned his attention back on Midnight.

"We're gonna get you a healer, you'll be fine."



07-01-2013, 11:53 PM
((OOC:sorry its a little short and scatter brained i'm blaming the fact shes hit her head twice))
Midnight huddled in on her self listening to the baying and roars,her head was spinning she felt like she was going to vomit the fear and pain clenching at her guts. She closed her eyes trying to block out the world, as the bear still reared above her gave a cuffing laugh. She herd zanire yell but she couldn't move as she heard the clash of two huge bodies beside her, then the rock crashing and falling shattering as they tumbled down the cliff to crush the monster beneath it. Gargoyles tones filled her ears and she frowned still not moving from her position he sounded strange, slowly she opened her eyes wincing as the light stabbed into her brain as well as dislocating her shoulder she had waked her head in the fall, again. ?its alright I?m ok,? she shifted trying to get to her feet but hissed as she put weight onto her injured leg,?well maybe not fine,? she panted as she managed to struggle upright supporting herself on three legs.

Her black coat was covered in blood some her own some the bears and she momentarily lamented the time it would take to clean it, then she heard gargoyle speaking for a second the words didn't penetrate, Zanire? But she was right ? she looked over tot he spot were she had last seen the bear her eyes widening when she realised the dame wasn't there. She looked to gargoyle then realised what must have happened she limped a step closer to the edge rocks tumbling as her weight shifted them. Bellow she could see the damage, the blood covered pile of stones that blanketed the black behemoth and the smaller pile on which Awaken worked that marked the place where Zanire lay. She had met the bear only once before but midnight counted her as a friend, after all the bear lass had just saved her life. Midnight knew she was injured but she couldn?t just sit by she looked at gargoyle her eyes pleading, ?we have to get her out, I?ll be fine, just please? as if to prove her point she started limping down the track, all she wanted to do was sit down and wait for the dizziness to pass, but that had to wait first she had to dig her friend out.