
Klein Adoptables



8 Years
07-03-2019, 01:18 PM
There are still a few Klein's open for adoption!!
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-03-2019, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2019, 03:49 PM by Yurei.)
OOC Name: CloudyNight
Character Name: Hela "Crow" Klein (Hamiclar x Iber 2nd litter)
Nickname: Crow
Gender: female (2 years)
[Image: klein-adopt-17.jpg]

Thick and clean, her coat is a mix of black and ashes, one that won't her the nickname of The crow, this blackness upon her makes it clear from which lineage she hails from, none but the Klein. She is tall with 36in and heavy consistency. Not as big as the rest but nothing that would make her feel less. Her eyes are pinkish, like the petals of a cherry blossom flower. Those eyes are tied to an always cold expression, piercing if stared for long. Her walk is confident, lacking insecurities. A distinguish scent of lilac and ash baths her pelt if you get close enough, this comes from the times she rolls in said fragrances in order to mask her scent.

Personality: Chaotic neutral x lawful evil
Those who had met her questions her ways, ways who some could call heartless, lacking any morals. Well, they couldn't be less right with those assumptions, in fact, Crow is a female who acts putting her desires over others excepting her family. In order to win something she is capable of tricking, cheating or even killing if necessary. She doesn't hold any shame for what she does to others, she will play with someone's feelings if that's what has to be done for reaching her goals.

But, she doesn't act without a plan, she is tactical always creating plans. She isn't a mindless creature, she isn't a brutish being. She prefers putting some head to the diverse situations she can come by, she is clever, she is always thinking about the potential outcomes, risks and ways forgetting something. And when she enters in a manipulative stage, she speaks to others smartly always hiding her true colors to those who meet her.

She is loyal to the house of Klein. Family forever and always, she is more than capable of killing for them, of bringing calamities to those who dare to threaten them. Wrong them once, and she will kill you twice. She won't place someone's wellbeing over her family's, they come first and if letting die for them will be done without question.  In other aspects, she can be a bit hedonistic. She enjoys pleasure but not all the time. When she is in need of some mental relief she can seek for a one-night stance, and when it's needed she can force others to do so, either by threats or the actual harm if they refuse. When she is around many people, she acts collected hiding her devilish core under a cold mask, a mask that could trick others. She can pretend to be a pacific fellow but those who seek further will find her real self.

RP Sample:

The morning was young, the sun's buns were soft giving the skies hues of pink.

A woman wrapped in dark watched the outside world from the entrance of the burrow she claimed for herself. Her expression was cold, lacking any emotions, an expression that adorned her facade always. Hela's plans were big, big as she was going to start a journey, a journey she hopped could drive her to where the rest of her family may be at. She was loyal to the death, her family was all for her, they were her treasure, a treasure she was capable to kill for. After expending half-day and one night in this land, she managed to collect some of her energy back. She was hungry, needy of satisfying her appetite. And with a big yawn, she was ready to start her day, a day she hopped could mark the end of her search. Stands up and with the confidence she always had, she walked, using her nose to detect any food source. Anything was welcomed, from rodents to deer, carcass, and fish. She wasn't picky.

After minutes of searching a strong noise reached her ears, calmly she would approach and when her head poked out of a bush an agonizing fawn appeared upon her eyes. The fawn was tended on the ground, with what seemed to be a broken leg. It cried in pain, but nothing made the Ashed wolf from approaching, passing her tongue over her lips. The young deer tried to move away but her broken limb stopped them from stand up, and as time passed it became a torturous wait. And soon, all was over. Hela took the creature's life, and yet her expression was cold, like if anything special had passed.

Plots/Ideas: She is more likely to stick with Hannibal and the rest who lives in Boreas. She is more than ready to help them, and if trouble arises she will be there to spill blood if necessary.

Extras: ill give her the intellectual and fight skills.
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-04-2019, 01:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2019, 01:18 PM by Eris.)
OOC Name: Xarae
Character Name: Lucretia Maxima Klein (Luce, Max)
Gender: Female (Hamiclar and Iber's second litter)
Design: this one, i love
Appearance: Medium height, Light build
Luce has a base coat of pale grey, like a fine new snow the day after it has fallen. Marbled on top of the grey are fierce strokes of black and white. The colorless girl has sharp yellow eyes, often narrowed in frustration or disbelief. She is on the smaller side for a Klein standing at 33". Due to her difficulties with disordered eating since the the spoiled food and famine in her homeland, Luce has plenty of trouble putting on weight. It is rare to not see her ribs, but she is on the slimmer side of light and it isn't usually obvious on her smaller frame. During downward spirals, her build slips into emaciated. It's easier to conceal in the winter due her full, thick coat. Summertime comes with its own trials: Luce is allergic to plenty of naturally occurring substances; her eyes often stream and paws itch during the spring and summer months (some symptoms may or may not be psychosomatic). She has near-permanent tear stains on her face from these allergies.

While she may look a bit scrappy due to her allergies and poor nutrition, the body beneath all of her idiosyncrasies is well-crafted Klein machine. Her claws are unnaturally long for a wolf and she often has to spend time filing them down - as such, they are far sharper than your average canine nails. Her tail is long and regal, and she has a shapely dished face that was once considered second only to some of her older sisters' features in beauty.
Personality: True Neutral/Chaotic Neutral

The results of the famine and resulting spoiled food in the former Klein empire has had a lasting and severe psychological effect on the girl. Since she was so young when it happened, it has defined the rest of her life. Luce refuses to eat anything that hasn't hunted and killed herself, and she is obsessed with healing. She has been known to go on "herb cleanses" after she believes she has eaten "bad meat." Summertime is difficult for her. She is much more likely to lose weight in the summer due to extrapolating her symptoms, fearing she has consumed something bad, and then refusing to eat. Disease/sickness petrify her. Although she is a practiced healer, she has several cleansing rituals that she participates in religiously after treating a patient. Even then, she is sometimes "off" for days after (refusing to eat meat, drinking water to excess to 'purge' the 'illness,' etc).

Self-Sufficient (aka Stubborn)
No one knows what's good for Luce except Luce. She considers herself an exceptionally capable creature - it's everyone else that's foolish, eating whatever they can grab wherever they can get it. Luce firmly believes this sort of careless idiocy is what brought the downfall of her ancestral home. This hot-headed stubbornness has led to her to be an incredibly skilled hunter and healer, but also an absolute pigheaded nightmare. Once she sets her mind to something, it's very difficult to change it. Fellow Kleins have a better shot than others at convincing her, but she'll always go down fighting. Luce is a famously sore loser.

Dedicated to Teaching (aka Proselytizing
Because she believes herself to always be right, Luce loves to share this knowledge with others. In fact, she takes a deep, almost carnal pleasure in arguments. If you want to get her going, just begin what you think is a polite disagreement and watch her go from mild-mannered Klein Princess to slavering, raging contrarian. Luce's opinion is the correct one, second only to a few respected elders (and even then, she has a tendency to be irreverent and rude behind the backs of those who don't agree with her).

For the few who have Luce's sworn fealty, she would swiftly and eagerly lay down her life for them. These individuals range across a handful of her siblings - she has always looked up to Hannibal's bastard children, especially for remaining strong in the face of adversity. Her older siblings, regardless of parentage, have all earned her admiration and respect. Luce is still scrappy and ornery with her own littermates.

RP Sample: Her eyes were gummy and itchy from all of the new pollen in the air. It seemed no matter how far she got from the ashes of the empire, they were still gunking up her eyes. Luce grumbled to herself, scrubbing at each eye with a paw. She was careful not to get too close to her corneas with her claws - she'd made that mistake before and had been half-blinded for the better part of a week. In the hazy aftermath of the famine (and disease and death and rot and sick - her pulse quickened at the memory), she had tracked Deathbelle's scent out of the territory.

Once Luce had arrived in Boreas, the trail she'd been following had gone stale. Here and there she caught snatches of Klein, but they always seemed to be stale. Her family were here, but where? And where was here? The female sneezed and sighed, having cleared up her streaming eyes a bit. No matter. If she did her due diligence, they would be reunited soon enough. The Kleins would rise again from the ashes as sure as the sun would keep rising and setting. It was inevitable.

She hadn't eaten in about a week now, and her sunken stomach showed it. Although she had ignored the pain so far, it was a stabbing reprisal today that would not be put to rest until she ate something. How could she trust the food in this new place? She was no fool. Prey animals carried sick and parasites. The thought haunted her, even as she found herself almost unconsciously slipping into a hunting crouch. There - a rabbit was breathing, slowed by the summer eat. It was old. Old means stringy. Poor nutrition. Disease. Trying to force the invasive thoughts out, Luce tracked it with her eyes.

Patience, patience, patience... and she pounced, tearing madly into the creatures flesh. Luce practically ate the thing alive. Her stomach rioted at the new presence of food, and so much - too much - at once. Moments after she finished eating and licked her lips, a combination of mental anguish at having eaten strange food and the unfortunate side effects of gorging herself caused her to vomit everything she'd eaten back up. I knew it, she thought, her stomach clenching as bile poured out of her throat, this whole place is dirty.
Plots/Ideas: Join up with Deathbelle, eradicate all illness from the world, come up with a method for removing bacteria from meat, have lots of good arguments, snidely prove everyone in the universe wrong. I want her to be a big component of the Ashen pack.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years
07-04-2019, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2019, 08:19 PM by Rain.)
OOC Name: FenBen
Character Name: Rosemary Horatio Klein (Hamiclar  x Yvonne )
Gender: Male
Design: Link
Appearance:  Rosemary spent most of his young life believing he was a girl and being raised accordingly it wasn't until his juvenile year when he reached sexual maturity that his genitalia developed noticeably masculine and his voice began to deepen. Despite this Rose has always looked very effeminate with narrow pointed features and gently swaying curves on his body.

The majority of his body is black with a tan blend to his fur noticeable in the sunlight that can be best seen on a wing-like pattern on his front legs and over his muzzle. Shocks of white strike through his lower back and culminate in a stark white tail. His ears are tipped with white ends and a single blaze of white cuts down his forehead drawing the viewer's attention to his peach-colored eyes, often hooded in a sultry stare.    
At a glance Rose can be very intimidating between his pointed stare and tall stature. He is meticulous and calculating, often appearing serious and overly formal. He prefers to keep the traditions of his family and holds traditional values dear. He is overall calm quiet and reserved, and carries himself with authority. He is very level headed and honest with his suspicions however his emotions themselves are often kept to himself.

No one can accuse Rosemary of being lazy, the man works toward being a healer every day; gathering herbs, testing remedies, and collecting cures from other wolves. He can be very outgoing when his interests are peaked and often explores new possibilities with each new finding. He focuses on concrete facts and data and can be incredibly thorough in his experimentation with different herbs or while collecting information.

Rosemary is exceptionally loyal to his family and their cause and wants nothing more than to serve the empire loyally. He is organized and strategic in his methods and often direct when confronting others regardless of whether or not they’re of his blood. He is committed to serving his older brother however his stance is questionable among his other siblings, particularly the younger litter. He will question loyalty when he finds it questionable and will not hesitate to accuse others of not pulling their own weight.

Often drained emotionally by prolonged exposure to others Rosemary prefers to keep to himself. He is quiet, reserved and self sufficient and prefers to process his thoughts internally. He is ruled by his head rather than his heart and finds the slavish dealings of his siblings and others to be reprehensible. He excels at developing plans and strategies on his own and doesn’t like the uncertainty that comes with interacting with others outside his family.

RP Sample: Ana.
Dear sweet Ana. How he missed her at times like these. As he battled his way through the storm, limbs reeling and kicking in the tide he found his thoughts lingering on the smallest of his litter. How she had died even smaller than she normally was, skin stretched taught over bones and fur made thin with malnutrition. He could have saved her had she been more spirited and less weak willed, but she had always fallen short on that regard.

He battled the grey and white sea, brine filling his nose and mouth as he swam harder through the crashing waves, with no end in sight, his limbs burning with effort and his lungs on fire; buffeted by the rough salt air. He swam and swam, letting his body be lifted and tossed around by the wqaves, he had always been large and imposing, but now he felt small, miniscule even, a single flea clinging to life within a raging pack of wolves as they stormed in pursuit of prey.

Lightning crashed overhead and in the distance, he glimpsed the snowy peak of a mountain. Land. He paddled faster and harder; all his effort put into chasing the faint outline as it was swallowed by the darkness of the night. A wave picked him up and dashed him against a stony shore, all the wind leaving his lungs in an instant as his body touched land for the first time in what seemed like an eternity. Water. He needed water. He scrambled up the slope of the shoreline, his claws biting into loose stones while his body swill swayed with the motion of the sea. He had made it. He had survived.

Plots/Ideas: I'd like this to be Deathbelle's litter mate and I'm going to be tossing him in Ashen



8 Years
07-05-2019, 10:00 AM
Fen's Rosemary, Xarae's Lucretia, and Cloudynight's Hela are all accepted! Im adding them to the family tree now.
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years
07-28-2019, 06:32 PM
Updated with a few more designs and current family tree info! Feel free to make cousins, pack mates, servants, etc. Also, there is only one sibling left for adoption!
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.