
she always tries, truth or lie


10-16-2013, 03:34 AM

It seemed he would mimic her submissive posture, stepping away just as she had hoped he wouldn?t; and yet somehow she knew that he would, it just seemed to be his way. Reluctantly she would sigh, shaking feminine skull faintly for a moment, ?Well then I hope you will at least eat with me, mr manners.? Dainty lips would tweak to the darlingness she had so grown to exude, stepping forward to push snout into the tender flank of the ill-fated being, savour every moment it took to break the skin and reveal the flesh and muscle beneath. Vigilantly, as elegantly as was possible in such a volatile moment, she would swallow her first mouthful; auburn maw now stained to a vibrant crimson as the meat satisfyingly sank down to her eager stomach. Pretty skull would lift ever-so-slightly, pale lashes rising to allow emeralds to rest upon his form, ?Thank you, Conan.? A flutter of emotion would tickle the base of her stomach, perhaps the start of something greater than she had ever expected.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 07:06 PM

She didn't seem so pleased with the fact that he was relinquishing the meal to her, but that's how he was going to do things. He hadn't hunted for himself, but for her, so if anything the whole carcass belonged to her and he didn't deserve to take a single bite from it. Well then I hope you will at least eat with me, mr manners. Mr. Manners. She was quite the little charmer in her own right, gaining a snort from the titan along with a sarcastic eye roll. Despite her urging, Conan would not rise from his position, figuring he would allow her to eat as much as she wanted before he dug in. He wasn't that hungry to begin with anyway.

Lids would fall over ruby gems, ears flattening against his skull, breathing becoming even as he allowed his massive body to relax. Paradise was no threat to him and he hadn't scented anyone close by that could become one, so the behemoth felt comfortable enough to allow himself a moment of respite, the organ in his chest beginning to return to a normal rate as it thumped against his ribcage. The sound of teeth crunching bones and meat was relaxing, until Paradise broke the rhythm when she spoke, thanking him. Lids would pull back slowly, rubies focusing on her emeralds, ears perking forward at her voice. He would study her for a moment, his gaze never wavering from hers before he finally allowed his voice to break the silence. It was my pleasure. Lyrics were a soft rumble, his eyes never leaving hers. There was something surrounding them, he could feel it, but he couldn't discern it. Perhaps he would figure it out at a later date. Or maybe never.

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10-16-2013, 08:16 PM

He would resist her suggestion with an inflexibility that was only becoming apparent now, her maw retracting from the beasts flank to mutter a single word, ?Stubborn.? However it was one of light play, and not something she would have said to a total stranger in fear of offence. She would have liked to presume Conan could handle such a word. If he had been like this all his life then he had probably been told before. Their eye-contact had lingered, buzzing about in the pits of her stomach as his crimson irises would seem to infuse her abdomen with a flutter of something unfamiliar. Reluctantly she would lower her maw again, to continue to eat as her body so craved.

It would be a few minutes later and she had already engorged herself, figuring she may not have had another decent meal for some time. Most of the deer?s thigh and flank had been eradicated, but a good three quarters of the animal or more still remained. As if pleased with herself she would take a step back, and then a careful step towards him, where she would sit and gaze upon him somewhat expectantly; head tilted lightly with an incorruptibility to be marred only by the blood that stained the contours of her porcelain-crafted face.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 08:39 PM

Stubborn. He didn't miss the word that fell from her dual toned lips as he allowed his skull to return to its former position against his forelimbs. His sooty lips would quirk at the sound of it, a sideways glance given to Paradise in response before his lids fell closed over his rubies once more. He took no offense to the word because it was true; he was indeed stubborn. It was extremely hard, nearly impossible to dissuade the titan from doing something once he set his mind to it. Like getting his revenge. The friends he'd made during his travels had tried to dissuade him from pursuing what seemed to be a hopeless journey, but the man could not be dissuaded. He had ignored their advice and continued with his journey and through sheer determination he had been able to accomplish his goal. So yes, now that he was basically ignoring Paradise's urging to eat, he was quite stubborn.

The sound of chewing would resume and the behemoth would find himself relaxing once again to the somewhat soothing sound. To others it probably would've been something annoying and grating, but to Conan it was a sound of comfort; it reminded him of war, something he was familiar with. A few minutes would pass before the sound of crunching and chewing would cease. The sound of pawsteps would be heard and as he allowed his eyes to come back into view, he would be greeted with Paradise's figure situated not too far from him, her emeralds glued to his figure, expectant. He would raise his head, matching her expression, skull tilted at the same angle as hers. Did you enjoy your meal? He would rumble, already figuring she had from the amount of meat that was missing from the carcass, but wanting to hear her say it for the sake of conversation.

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10-16-2013, 09:09 PM

He would again mimic her posture, tilting his skull as he lay, gazing upon her with almost as much implication and suggestion as Paradise seemed to do so to him. Continuously a cherry-pink tongue would lap at bloodied jowls, throat swallowing down any proposition of flavour as she would remain silent for a few moments, distracted by the satisfaction of her swollen stomach. ?I did, thank you for asking,? she paused for a moment, raising a paw as she considered cleansing it of its blood-stains, ?However I would feel much better if you would eat also, surely you are hungry?? with bloodied paw raised she would sit by him, toes pointed almost as if she had purposely placed the limb there to look even more feminine than would seem to come so naturally. Ivory-kissed towers flickering backwards and forwards as she waited for his response, not willing to drop the pressure of her luminous gaze until he gave in to her requests.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 09:27 PM

There would be several moments as silence as the mammoth would watch the nymph sitting before him. Her delicate salmon tongue would lash out again and again as it would swipe over her darkly stained crimson jaws, look to clean the evidence of her meal from her features. It wasn't proper for such a fine young woman to be dirty with blood. Not that Conan cared; more of the people in his tribe had almost always been covered in blood, himself included, so being dirty with blood was nothing strange to the barbarian. I did, thank you for asking. However I would feel much better if you would eat also, surely you are hungry? She would raise a dainty paw to about his eye level, apparently taking the limb under consideration of whether it should be cleansed or not. The titan took the moment to really look at Paradise, rubies dancing over her silhouette. With her paw poised in such a manner and her skull tilted at that angel, she looked downright ethereal. And that was saying a lot, coming from such a stoic man.

I am, but not terribly so. But... He would trail off, ruby gaze never moving away from hers. I can tell you probably won't be at ease until I do and since you have been so kind enough to entertain a conversation with me, I shall grant your request. And with that the behemoth would raise himself back onto all fours, giving his coat a loose shake before slowly padding towards the carcass, making his way around to the spine. Jaws would unhinge slowly, daggers slipping past the delicate skin as he began to rip away at the pelt to get to the delicate meat beneath.

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10-16-2013, 11:57 PM

She couldn?t help but feel a slight pang of guilt at his words, reclining to rest upon her belly as she offered him an almost apologetic glance. She certainly didn?t want to be the one telling him what to do, and so she quietly hoped that his feasting would be a result of his own desires, however faint. ?Only if you fancy, of course,? she was wary with her response, not wanting to throw him off feeding and simultaneously fearful of becoming too persuasive for his likings. She would hover upon his colossal form for a short while as he fed, beginning to work at the blood that stained her toes.



4 Years
Extra large
10-17-2013, 12:43 AM

He never took orders from anyone; only his father, but his sire was long dead. He served no one and therefore owed his loyalty only to his friends. But even they knew it was unwise to try and control the behemoth. He was uncontrollable. He was his own man, free to do as he wished, just as was the rest of the world if they so wished. He wanted to keep his new companion at ease, and clearly she would not be so if she was the only one dining from the meal he had taken the time to bring down. She wasn't nearly as insistent as she could've been, but her gentle coaxing was enough to persuade the man to eat a bit from the carcass. It didn't hurt to do so.

Only if you fancy, of course. Sooty ears would perk forward atop his massive skull as her words breached the air between them. Ruby gaze would lift to meet her apprehensive emerald one as powerful jaws would work away at the spine of the creature, splitting the pelt away with ease as the titan would rip away a piece of red meat to crush between his jaws only to swallow, allowing it to settle in his stomach. He would repeat the action several more times, taking considerable chunks from the spine until he was satisfied, having eaten nearly through the entire carcass to the dirt beneath it, allowing his massive skull to raise back to its former position, salmon tongue snaking out to swipe at the blood that now coated his jaws. I have to admit, I was rather hungry, but I didn't want to appear like a ravaging beast before such a lady. A touch of a smile would quirk the right side of his lips, crimson gaze never wavering from her emerald one.

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10-17-2013, 03:04 AM

She would watch, grateful as he would gorge himself upon the body of the deceased being; glad that little would be wasted as he worked so effortlessly at its fragile skeleton. He would retract after some time, licking satisfyingly at his lips as Paradise would allow vibrant lanterns to wander back to his now-familiar gaze. So relieved she was to have seen him make the most of his catch, it was expressed in a sweetheart smile, lips tweaking upwards at his mannered words. A lady? She giggled softly, parting their contact to gaze bashfully at the earth, lifting to taking a careful stride closer to him and sit upon her haunches; seemingly busy cleaning her forelimbs. As if she had thought their bodies were one, somewhat unconsciously he would spot a mark of blood against the grey and russet hairs of his broad chest; tongue straying amidst her licks to spend a few moments cleansing it for him before she would make her way back to her own chest. Wait, what? She froze for a moment, tongue still pressed against her skin as she realised what had been done, and sheepishly she would lift her eyes to peer warily upon, nervous of the expression she may have triggered.



4 Years
Extra large
10-17-2013, 03:17 AM

He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten, but he was sure that it had been several days ago. The titan need to constantly feed in order to keep himself in maximum shape, so it wasn't strange for him to be hungry all the time and this occasion was no exception. Though instead of ravaging the carcass like he usually did, the behemoth had allowed his companion to take for herself what she wished before he himself had taken to the meat. Granted, he had been a lot cleaner this time during his meal. He usually didn't care if he ended up splattered with blood all over the place, but he didn't want to appear like the brute that he surely appeared to look like. Although he wasn't usually one to care much for the opinions of others, he didn't want to scare Paradise away. She was the first wolf to talk to him since having arrived in the strange land and he felt something for the nymph. Just what exactly he couldn't say, but he enjoyed her company and wanted to keep her around for as long he could.

She would giggle at his words, the sound melodic and tinkling, like a chime in its nature. Such a delicate sound; it was fitting to her. She would break the contact between their gazes to direct her own towards the earth, simultaneously lifting herself to close the distance between them. The titan would use his forelimbs to push the carcass aside until it was no longer sitting between them, leaving only about a paw step of distance between them. She would begin to groom herself and the titan would take no notice, his mind wandering back to the past. It was during his reminiscing that Paradise would do the unexpected. She would reach over to him, like it was the most natural thing in the world, her delicate salmon tongue swiping over his massive chest to cleanse it of the impurities from his meal only to return to her own grooming, seemingly unaware of what she had done until moments later. Conan would freeze, his memories of the past dissolving immediately as ruby gaze would tilt downwards to meet her own sheepish emerald one. Why had she done that? The touch was to tender, so affectionate...he hadn't felt something like that in quite some time...The behemoth stood frozen in his spot, unable to tear his gaze away from Paradise, unable to form any kind of coherent reaction. What was he supposed to do?

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