
I think he's dead, doc




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-06-2023, 06:54 AM
OOC: just marked mature for gore.

Aris trotted through the entrance of the Col. Clasped in her jaws and dragging on the ground without the advantage of height was the still-warm corpse of a coyote who had dared the Armada's boundaries. As she passed through the main areas of the pack, she glanced around for either Zeejay or Ansem but neither of them were to be seen. She did spot one of what she could only assume was one of Mortis' kids, since she seemed to be the same age as that Waylen kid. Wylie? Wylen? Whatever. If she was a Mortis kid, surely she was at least a little interested in healing, and probably as soft and squishy as he was to boot so she could use a little toughening up. Pausing to drop the coyote temporarily, she called out. "Hey you, kid," and made a curt 'come here' gesture. "Follow me." Picking the coyote back up she continued through to the entrance to her den and workshop, beelining straight for the closed workshop door and then into the workshop to toss the coyote onto the low table belly up, legs splayed to the sides. "Bring that lamp closer," she said, not even bothering to look up to see if the kid had followed. Surely she had. "Time for an anatomy lesson."

Without any further ado, she popped a claw out to slit the coyote's pelt from the base of its throat to it's groin, careful not to cut into the abdomen quite yet, then peeled the fur back all along the chest and belly to reveal the wet muscle beneath. "Take a good look, kid. Coyotes and wolves have the same parts in the same configuration, so you can see here what our abdominal muscles are supposed to look like. You can learn the names of the muscles later - right now you just need to know what is normal. Go ahead and poke around if you want to, see where the muscles connect to each other and the bones."


11-06-2023, 11:41 AM
Ursa went out to the col to go searching for some trinkets. Perhaps something she could use for the garden or adorn her fur. With nothing particularly specific on her mind, the young and pudgy pup wandered aimlessly. Somewhat lost in her thoughts, she started when someone called out to her. Both eyes widen as her ears perk as she turns to look at the woman who gestured toward her. Briefly lifting a paw to her chest to say 'Who me?' Ursa glanced around, noticing no one else that the woman could have been motioning at. Brows furrow slightly before she picks up a quick pace to catch the purple-coated lady who drugs the dead coyote along the stone floor.

Curiosity plagued her as she entered the den and workshop, hurrying her steps so that she wouldn't be closed in the door that the woman rushed toward. Slightly frozen and even more confused now, Ursa stood there watching Aris throw the coyote up onto the table before telling her to bring a lamp closer. Lamp? Looking around, Ursa finally saw it. Grasping the handle between her teeth, she walked over to the table to peer at the splayed-out coyote.

"Anathomy?" Ursa asked with the lantern still in between her lips. Realizing she should probably put it down, she sets it gently beside their specimen. In amazement, Ursa watches Aris expertly slice the coyote's skin open from chin to groin. Her lips parted slightly in awe as she leaned in for a closer look at the glistening wet muscle that was now revealed. Her ears fold back for a second as she steals a look at Aris. Poke around? Like touch its insides?

From the look on Aris' face, she knew there would be no backing out now. Even as her stomach churned and she could feel bile build in her throat, she slowly lifted a paw and gingerly touched the revealed muscle. "What do you mean supposed?" Ursa asks almost self-consciously since she was one of the chunkier pups of the litter and this coyote was far slimmer than she was.

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1. I think he's dead, doc Dreamer's Col 06:54 AM, 11-06-2023 03:08 PM, 03-31-2024