
they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!!



Master Healer (250)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

6 Years

11-20-2023, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2023, 10:14 AM by Kiriko. Edited 1 time in total.)

They'd come. They'd come for her. Kiriko's heart pounded in her chest, her head spun. She raced through the bamboo, doing her best to dart among it, to hide. She needed to hide. The fear coursed through her system, thick and hot. Everything hurt. Her lungs ached. Her muscles ached. Her chest ached. Head spinning. All of it. Everything memory of the original fall of the empire flooding back to her system, Kiriko could feel it. It hurt. How did it physically hurt so badly?

It's then that she realizes, she's stepped into some sort of trap. Though the bleeding wasn't bad yet, the wire had sliced into the flesh some. That's where the ache was coming from. More red splashed on her red and white coat. No, it wasn't a trap Kiriko had stepped into. It was a trip wire. There was an alert of some sort that rippled through, and suddenly she was under hot pursuit. The hottest. Though the creature making the noise was far smaller than herself, it was also far more vicious.

The creature had advantage on her, cutting through the bamboo brutally. Kiriko lashed out with a yelp, a snarl. Hattori's voice calling to her-- her heart. He knew they were here for her. The beast, the intruder, reaches out and grabs her hind leg. The red koi turns and snaps, a yelp ripping free from her chest. Pain bloomed heavily through her system. She couldn't keep running. Though the intruder tried to trip her up, tried to tangle her, Kiriko dove forward. She kept running. "Hattori!" Breathless, all she can do is call his name right back.

Bursting through to where Hattori stood, bleeding from her right rear leg, Kiriko made her way to Hattori's side. She couldn't help but whimper, doe eyed, as she stood by his side. Standing tall, trying to look every bit as regal as she usually did, though she could only mostly conceal the trembling.




Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
11-21-2023, 01:18 AM
Before Yarou could reach her target, she felt a weight against her side-- dual impacts before teeth closed on her back in an attempt to break her spine. Yarou screamed.

Her scream was not one of fear,

But mingled rage and pain and hatred. A spasm took her hind legs as the wolf tried to crush her down, but Yarou braced herself and lurched forward, blood spattering from the wound on her back. The akita cross cursed the packmates that did not help her, but so many of them were also struggling with their own fights. Yarou scrambled from the wolf that accosted her, dodging a second snap.

A desperate burst of strength took her, and she closed her jaws on a bamboo shoot. Her body twisted, and she broke the shoot, turning before jabbing with the shoot.

The wolf charging her recoiled-- Yarou's strike didn't kill it, but did impale its right eye, sending it rearing up, screaming.


"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
11-25-2023, 09:31 AM

The woman was swift but not swift enough as Áskell's fangs found purchase on her belly. His abnormally long fangs sank in deep, spilling blood and tearing flesh. The woman screamed and twisted, her fangs digging deep into his back, just in front of his hips. Pain lanced through him like electricity, firing on every nerve. His legs quaked, suddenly struggling to support himself but he didn't need to worry as the far larger woman ripped him from her, throwing him into the bamboo. She swore violently at him before retreating to nurse her wounds. From his spot on the ground he could see what looked like her entrails starting to creep from the gaping wound he'd inflicted.

Áskell struggled to his feet, noting how strange his hind legs felt, like pins and needles racing all the way down them. Blood sopped down his sides. Ari shrieked out a warning and Áskell turned just in time to save his throat from a massive, rust-pelted male. The man bowled him back. Áskell's own fangs snagged the man's knee, digging deep just behind the patella and popping it loose. The man yowled and spun in rage, snagging Áskell's left hind leg in his massive jaws and with a powerful bite snapping it. Áskell screamed in pain, his vision swirling. Out of the darkness he saw Ari spring onto the wolf's back, wrapping a clay cutting wire around the beast's neck.



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-27-2023, 07:31 AM

The enemy was relentless, but so were they. Through the cacophony of the bamboo, he knows not only are his pack mates injured, but so are they. Rage surges through the pup as he pushes forward in front of his sister. As much as he wanted to stay and protect her, his mother, and other siblings, he knew that they weren't the ones the enemy was after. His assumption was confirmed when Hattori's roar for Kiriko burst into the air.

Kicking out at a shadowed figure, Akito grinned at the replying yelp. Swinging his head toward another as his horns dug into a throat, he felt the slice of sharp claws down his shoulder. Ignoring the swelling pain, he broke into the clearing just as Kiriko dove to Hattori. His breath is heavy, sides heaving as he fights to breathe through blood and humid air. Swirling around, Akito faces the enemy. Backing up so that he can help cover the other side of Kiriko, he snaps and lunges at the oncoming predators. There were so many of them. Too many of them.

Fuck running. He knew Hattori had advised him of this tactic when there were too many. But he couldn't. Not when other's lives were at stake. His eyes darted back and forth as he assessed the pressing attack. What was he to do? There he sees a broken stalk of bamboo off to the side. Ah, yes, his answer. Darting over to the bamboo, Akito picks it up between his teeth. Swinging it back and forth, he uses it to his best ability to keep the dogs at bay.

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
11-30-2023, 02:32 PM
[Image: d39nwqw-e041f92d-eb72-4624-9185-e53aa720...bdBUyWKRFY]

Realising who he'd attacked, he reeled away with a curse, only to spin and face the true attackers. With a snarl and maybe because he felt judged since he was no longer alone he reeled on them, barging forward with teeth snapping. His fangs were sharper than most, and he found himself wrestling a dark attacker to the ground, a violent tumble that had his muscles aching with the strain. He tried time and time again to make a grab for their muzzle, teeth flashing in the dark as he finally managed to clamp his jaws around their mouth, stopping them from being able to bite him again. Sensing Tojo was starting to retaliate in earnest and wouldn't go down without a bloody fight a tension settled. Caution perhaps?

Ignoring all that, he shook his head, dragging the wolf back with his spine arching with the strain. If they all worked together they'd be sending out these invaders in no time.




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
12-05-2023, 10:13 AM

The wolves of Tojo-Kai spilt out from the darkness as much as the wolfdogs that attacked. Though it was dark, Kuroo could tell help had come. His brother was there and so was Askell, Yarou, and Sakura. Another form that races forward, just as he turns to lash back at the wolfdog that attacks him, makes his eyes widen slightly. Nami. No, no, she could get hurt! His fur bristles as he watches her try to latch onto the wolf that attacks him.

With the others distracting the attacker, Kuroo lunges forward. Water sprays up behind him as he digs in deep and grabs ahold of the attacker's throat. Thrashing back and forth until skin is ripped and blood is spilling across the beach, Kuroo doesn't stop until he feels the body go limp. Dropping it quickly, he looks to see if the others are alright. His breath is ragged, his heart beating fast, he steps closer to Nami and also ensures he can see that his brother is okay.

[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-27-2024, 04:14 AM
There was so much going on. So many bodies being thrown about and clashing against one another. She growled and snarled as bodies came flying out of the bamboo, one even colliding with her and snapping at her. She almost didn't realize it was a pack mate, claws ready to cut him down but she held back at the last moment as his scent hit her. It seemed he too, realized she was not the enemy before he threw himself at another. Breaking away from them, she dove into the depths of the bamboo, looking for any other attackers that might have infiltrated their defenses. And it wasn't long before she found one that had ended up in a dead end. Beneath the light of the moon, her opponent looked at her. They both squared off, but...something was strange about this one. He snarled at her, lunging as he snapped at her. His teeth connected with her chest before she could react, but as soon as she did, her teeth found purchase with his scruff.

She dragged him away from her, tossing him against the dense bamboo before going at him, the pair tussling with one another with tooth and claw as they tried to overpower each other. "Who are you and what do you want!?" She demanded. She felt the others muscles tense more than they already were. And beneath the light of the moon, his eyes seemed to flash with something she couldn't pinpoint. "Sakura...?" Her eyes widen when he said her name. She pushed him away in alarm, taking a few steps back. "How do you know my name?"

She didn't recognize him, of course. He was wearing a disguise. Something about him, however, seemed...vaguely familiar...his voice... She hesitates due to her shock. And that was all the other wolf needed to get past her. He didn't attack her. Didn't bother saying anything else. She felt his fur brush hers as he moved past, and when she realized he was running off, she gave chase. "Wait!" She wanted answers!

As she chased him, another body flew into hers, knocking her off her feet and sending her to the ground. She got up as quick as she could to face the new attacker who was lunging toward her. She smacked him with her claws, slicing his shoulder before he decided this probably wasn't worth it. But she wouldn't let this one go. Not yet. As he turned to flee, she hooked her claws into his rear leg and dragged him back, flipping him over onto his back as she stood over him, teeth bared. "Who are you! Where are you from!?" The wolf growls in pain as he struggles against her, but realizes he can't quite escape. "Orokana musume yo, son'na koto wa iimasen yo! Watashitachi wa anata no tame ni koko ni iru wakede wa arimasen!"

His accent...she recognizes it. Well, perhaps not his specific voice, but she recognizes where the accent is from. "Leave before I kill you." She threatens, letting him get up to flee. He does run, and she follows to make sure he does not come back.

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1. they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!! Bamboo Maze 08:57 AM, 10-30-2023 04:43 PM, 02-28-2024