
Why can't we be friends



Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-02-2024, 08:18 PM
Shortly after moving out of his family Deb, and taking over the treehouses with Ollie, he would decide to head back to Marinas den and check in with how she was doing. The splint likely needed changing, and he'd put it off as long as possible. She had been very… resistant to being healed. He'd never had a difficult patient before. Nor met someone so bitter.

He hoped the supplies helped. Especially with how much he was missing his plush… but at least he had the real polar bear to cuddle when he wanted to. With a refreshed bag of supplies, and a sigh, the Prince made his way into the Col. He was on a mission, and he wouldn't let anything deter him from it. Not even grumpy Songbirds. He knocked on her door and sat at the entrance. He was going to show her respect. He was going to show her so much respect that she'd be sick of it. “Marina, can I come in? It's me”
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
05-02-2024, 08:48 PM
In the couple of days that had passed since her arrival to the Armada, Marina had kept herself in seclusion in her den. Of course, that hadn't stopped nosy Warlords from poking their noses in where they weren't wanted to make sure she hadn't tried some daring escape, but otherwise Marina had been alone. Most of the time, the solitude was comforting. Other times, it left her with too much space to think—too much time to dwell on painful memories and epiphanies. She stayed in her bed, letting her aching leg heal. Thankfully it hadn't been a break, and the damaged muscles would heal over the next few days, so she wouldn't be crippled for life or anything. She just needed to rest it and not overexert herself.

As if on cue, the moment she began to think about her leg, there came a knock at her entrance. Marina knew it wasn't Basilisk simply by the softer raps against the wall, which meant it could only be one other wolf. Sure enough, Wylan's voice called out asking for permission to enter. Gosh, wasn't he just a polite chap? "You may enter," she called back to him, remaining where she lay on her bed with her injured leg outstretched to give her tense muscles some circulation. Wylan had done nothing to offend or harm her directly, and short of being a part of the pack that had literally bought her, he'd committed no offense against her. Marina's initial anger had simmered away and she actually felt a little bad about lashing out at the lad the way she had before. Lilac eyes turned to the door, waiting for the large wolf to come in.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-02-2024, 11:13 PM

Once permission was entered, Wylan trotted in, smiling at her with all the cheer in the world. His eyes glanced about her den, and he saw that she had made use of some of the things he had brought her. There was the teddy bear on her bed. Had she hugged it, as he once had? His smile grew a little more and he trotted towards her.

She lay with her leg stretched out, and he came to a stop at the end of the bed, near the injury. “I’m going to see how it’s healing” He warned her, glancing over at her for a moment. Remembering her prickliness from when they first met. He unwrapped it, checked it, applied some herbs, and rewrapped it. The entire ordeal was over as quickly as he could manage it. “You need to do some exercises to strengthen it. A short walk would do you some good, would you like to accompany me around the Armada?” He suggested. Going the healer route as an excuse to show her around.

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
05-16-2024, 08:30 PM
Wylan entered, all smiles as his usual happy go lucky self was, and looked about her prison cell den. Whatever he was looking for, he seemed pleased with what he found. Marina raised a curious brow at him. He was a strange boy, that was for sure. Wylan came up to her to begin inspecting her leg, doing the basic courtesy of informing her what he was about to do. The littler wolf just gave him a shrug. "Knock yourself out," she told him, surprisingly much less curt with him than she had been on her arrival. She didn't see a reason to continue to be aggressive towards the one wolf that had shown her even a shred of kindness.

Marina remained quiet while Wylan did his work, removing the old dressings from her leg and inspecting the healing process. She hadn't fractured it thankfully, so it would all be muscular damage, and even that pain had long since subsided thanks to his proper setting of it. She watched while he applied some fresh medicine and wrappings to her leg, setting the splint once more to give her stability and use while it healed. She had to admit, he was pretty good at what he was doing. So why the hell had Basilisk needed to buy her? Wylan declared that she needed to get some exercise to strengthen the muscles and Marina just sighed. She knew he was right, but she wasn't about to admit that out loud.

"If you'd like. I suppose I should make an attempt to learn about where I'm going to be living forever." Marina spoke that last remark with just a smidge bit of venom in her words, still making it abundantly clear that she was here against her will. With a stretch of her legs, Marina slowly rolled to get her paws underneath her, then carefully began to put weight on her leg. Her injured leg almost buckled at first, but after giving it a moment to adjust she was able to stand and support herself. She shook out her bedraggled coat and then she was ready to go. Oh, wait! Before they left, she turned and picked up the stuffed bear from her bed, handing it back over to Wylan. It was his, and she felt like he probably missed it more than she needed it. "Thanks, by the way. I think he misses sleeping with you though," she teased him with a little show of humor, her first time since arriving in the Armada. "By your lead, Doctor."


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-16-2024, 08:44 PM

That she was a little less prickly today told him he was probably on the right track in treating her with courtesy. He had been considering her situation a little, and had some ideas to toss around. But he also wanted to pass them by Marina before he acted on any of them. With permission given, he checked over the progress of her healing. He removed the old dressing, and after a moment he decided to smear on some herbs for infection when he noticed some slight discoloration over the skin. Better safe than sorry!

Confident that her leg was otherwise healing okay, he wrapped it back up again. Safe and tight so it could heal appropriately. His tail gave a couple small thumps behind him as if her agreement to a walk had been more enthusiastic than the hint of venom implied. “Are you sure? It might be a little lonely in here otherwise” He said with a hint of worry as she passed his polar bear back to him. He placed it gently on the ground, so he could either grab it after their walk, or she could change her mind and hold onto it.

“Alright, let’s head out into the words. That’s the best part of the territory” It held his treehouse, after all. He led her through the Col at a nice, sedate pace, chewing on some thoughts as he walked. “So. I take it you don’t like Bas very much” He said, knowing it was an understatement. “Do you think you’d be happier here if I asked if you could be my slave? Not because I want a slave!!” He was very quick to add. “But because you might be happier out of his reach a little, and maybe you could stay in the treehouse with me and my friends?” He suggested, his tail giving a small optimistic wave behind him.

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
05-16-2024, 11:06 PM
Marina was a little touched by Wylan's consideration for her when he offered to let her keep his stuffed polar bear a while longer, but she could see how he was sacrificing for her despite his concern. Yeah, her den might be lonely, but loneliness had been a constant companion of hers since she'd been snatched from her home. "I'm sure. I appreciate your concern, Wylan." She gave the much taller boy a bit of a smile and nudged the stuffed bear back over his way with a paw. It was a very sweet gesture, but she didn't want to feel like she was taking something from him that he clearly loved.

Wylan wanted to begin their walk out in the woods and Marina was in no position to object, not knowing anything else about her surroundings. She followed behind Wylan while he led them out of her den and through the Col headed for the natural gates carved into the rock. Their pace was leisurely, allowing Marina to put as much or as little effort into walking as she felt capable of. They walked in silence for a time, giving her the opportunity to scope out the place. Everything seemed to be built into these mountains through a network of caves and tunnels. Gods, she was going to get absolutely lost in this place!

Partway through their walk, Wylan made the astute observation that she didn't like Basilisk. Marina shot Wylan a sarcastic look that read "noooo, you don't say?" but didn't say anything for fear of reprisal for speaking out against her master. The next thing he said earned him a scathing glare from the smaller fae, her fur bristling a bit as he referred to her as "his slave". Wylan was quick to backpedal and insist he didn't want a slave but because he could give her a modicum of freedom from the Warlord. As much as Marina detested the notion, she couldn't deny that some reprieve from the sadistic giant wolf did sound good... "I suppose if I'm to stay here and be property, I'd rather be the property of someone who actually treats me like a person," she mused aloud. "Though I doubt you'll be able to convince Basilisk to forfeit ownership over me so easily." It was still a nice thought though.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-16-2024, 11:15 PM

Wylan fell silent for a moment after her words, considering them. Though he’d already given the matter some thought himself. “I’m Heir, so I have the right to a slave” He said, a little hesitantly. It wasn’t exactly a right he ever thought he would exercise. “And Bas mentioned something about you as a healer - I don’t know anything about that, or what you know or want to know, but it would make sense to put you with the healers. So we could learn from each other. He’s a big fan of people upskilling themselves.” He explained as they passed through the giant mountains, and came out the other side.

The woods grew in strange, twisted ways out here. But to Wylan, it simply looked like home. “As for what you do want, I guess we could work on that together?” He offered gently, glancing at the wolf beside him. But not wanting to hold his gaze too long. As if that in itself would be to apply pressure to her. He wanted her to actually have a choice.

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
05-17-2024, 02:00 AM
The certainty with which Wylan declared that he had the right to a slave of his choice as heir to the Armada impressed Marina a touch. The boy seemed so sweet and naive, such a pushover compared to how Basilisk was, but here he was asserting his claim over her. Well, she'd believe it when she actually saw him pull rank against the Warlord. "Well good for you, Feathers. I hope the Warlord agrees with you. He doesn't seem the type to take arguments well," she remarked, coining a new nickname for the winged wolf escorting her out into the woods on their tour. Then came the topic of her skills and Marina gave a subtle nod of her head. "Yes. I was training to be a giatrós—a healer—for my people before I was taken. I was not very far into my studies though."

Together, the pair of wolves emerged out into the massive skyscraper-like trees that surrounded the eastern side of the Armada. Marina had never seen trees grow so big or so gnarled before! All the trees back on her island home had been more... normal. Cypresses and fig trees, with the occasional oak. These forests almost felt alien to her. Gazing around in awe, Marina was pulled back to earth when Wylan continued their conversation. They met gazes while he offered to work on what she did want. The dark-coated fae cast him a suspicious glance. What did he know of what she wanted? "Please don't tease me with bargains that can't be made," she spoke in soft reluctant tones. "There are only two things I want in this world, and you cannot give either of them to me." One was her freedom. The other still hung around Basilisk's wretched neck.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-17-2024, 02:07 AM
Wylan was caught in the odd feeling that the Basilisk she knew was vastly different from the one he knew. Sure, Basilisk wasn’t always patient with him, but it seemed a good natured sort of frustration and not a malicious one. Marina seemed to think Bas capable of awful things… and he had brought her, hadn’t he? So he couldn’t really fault her for that belief.

There was good in Basilisk, just like there was good in Marina. Heck, there was good in every wolf Wylan had ever met. Sometimes it just took a little patience to see it. “Then perhaps you’ll enjoy being in a healer den?” he said, but his voice sounded a little uncertain. “No matter what, it has to be your choice, Marina.”

Her talk of bargains surprised him, that there were two things she wanted… he would have thought there would be more than that. But he wasn’t in her shoes. Didn’t she want knowledge, friendship, and the future? He could guess that one was freedom, but he wasn’t sure about the other. “What are the two things you want, Marina?” He asked softly.

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
06-01-2024, 04:56 PM
Wylan didn't force her. He didn't try to impose his will on her or command her to do something regardless of what she wanted. Marina almost wished he would, just so she would have some reason to validate her belief that everyone in this damn pack was terrible for keeping her against her will. But he didn't give her that reason. Instead, he gave her patience and understanding. He was so damn frustrating and it made Marina mad that she didn't have a reason to be mad at him or hate him. With Basilisk it was easy, but Wylan was just so dang good and pure! Why couldn't he just make life easy and be a jerk to her too?!

Marina gave a soft huff when Wylan suggested she might be happier with him in a healer's den, but ultimately he was leaving the choice in her paws. He was giving her the freedom to decide what she wanted for herself. It was more than anyone else had given her in a long, long time... Marina did have to admit that there was some appeal to not being confined to her small prison-like den, and she was sure there would be some comforts afforded to the heir of the Armada that only he had. "I don't think you'd like having me around," she admitted with a sullen voice, shooting a wry smirk up at him. "I'm not exactly Miss Sunshine, and you're just Mister Positivity all the time. I'd just bring you down."

When Wylan asked what the two things she desired were, Marina shot him an incredulous look. One of those two things should have been as plain as the nose on the end of his snout. "Freedom. The freedom that was stolen from me. And-" Marina drifted off, thinking of the medallion hanging around the fat neck of the alpha. Did she dare mention how important her mentagion was to Wylan too? She didn't think he'd be malicious enough to use it against her like Basilisk was, but what if he did to keep control over her? Maybe it would be better to play it down for now rather than let him in. "...nothing. There's nothing more important than my freedom." A lie, but a small one. Hopefully he wouldn't press the issue.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-01-2024, 05:08 PM
Wylans’ muzzle twitched, a smile threatening to break through as she told him he wouldn’t like having her around. To him, that sounded like she was leaning towards the choice of joining him. ‘I’ll just have to be cheery enough for the both of us. Besides, my brother is a grump. You two can grump together.” He teased her, though in truth as his strength grew, Ollie’s grumpiness seemed to be dying away bit by bit. Perhaps in time Marina’s grump would start to fade as well. Mister Positivity indeed.

Freedom and his expression fell neutral and he listened intently, wondering what would be equal to freedom to her on her very short list of priorities. Wylan gave a slow nod when she left it at freedom. That was okay, she didn’t have to trust him. Her life hadn’t exactly given her many chances to trust. His tail fell a little, but he hid it with a smile on his maw. “Freedom. Right, we can work on that one together, okay? All slaves of the Armada get a chance to earn back their freedom, and I’ll help you! So what do you say, are you going to join the treehouse club?”

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
06-12-2024, 02:43 AM
Marina couldn't resist the little scoff of amusement when Wylan promised to be cheerful enough for the two of them. Oh, he certainly had the market cornered on chipperness, that was for sure! At his remark about her being a grump with his brother though, Marina shot Wylan a dramatically offended look, complete with gasp and clutching at her neck and everything. "Excuse you?! A grump? Me?! I'll have you know, I'm a delight!" she remarked, teasing him back by turning her nose up in the air—which admittedly didn't work very well when the lad still towered almost a whole foot above her. "I suppose I'm going to have to do as you command, Your Grace, and show you how much I'm not a grump." Was that her accepting his invitation? Eh, it was probably as close as he was going to get out of her.

Marina wasn't blind. She saw the way Wylan's expression deflated a little and how his body language sank when she retracted her second request. She would have felt bad for concealing away such a crucial truth about herself, but the last time she'd mentioned her mentagion to anyone, they had immediately turned her most precious relic into the most deadly weapon to use against her. Trust did not come easy with the Minoan fae. Wylan then tried to frame her slavery as an opportunity for her, trying to point out the silver lining that slaves in the Armada didn't remain slaves forever. He even offered to help her get there.

Raising a suspicious brow above violet eyes, Marina scrutinized the giant lad. She still wasn't sure about him... but what more did she have to lose at this point? "You really don't give up, do you?" A pause before she finally answered, "If you can keep me away from Basilisk, then I'll gladly join your 'treehouse club'." Which, speaking of... "What is a treehouse anyway?"


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-20-2024, 05:11 PM
“I’m sorry, I’m so bad at reading body language that I couldn’t tell.” He teased right back, glad that Marina was feeling comfortable enough with him to tease him in the first place. He glanced over at the smaller wolf and gave her a light, happy grin. Already his bouncy nature was pushing him back towards excitement. Nothing could keep him down long.

Her next words sound an awful lot like acceptance of his plan, and the look he shot her was hopeful. “I don’t” he agreed. He didn’t give up, not on something that was worth it. She was worth it. “Welcome to the Treehouse. Come on, I’ll show you!” he said, which was easier than words. He trotted forward, leading her towards the treehouse which wasn’t far away now.

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
06-21-2024, 04:26 AM
Marina met Wylan's wide toothy smile with a bit more of a genuine half smile, not quite fully letting herself let her guard down around him yet, but not keeping the walls fully up either. Bits and glimpses of her true personality were starting to show through. It was easier pretending that everything wasn't terrible when she was with Wylan—far easier than it was to try to push him away at least. Stubborn giant winged wolf... Plus she felt at least a little safer around him, more so than she did with any other wolf here, and especially so compared to Basilisk.

Wylan welcomed her to his treehouse club, then picked up the pace as he led the way over to his little hideaway. With a curious tilt to her head, Marina hurried after him, her shorter legs having to pick up speed to match his gait. Eventually they arrived at their destination; Marina gawked up at the structure high up in the massive trees. "You weren't kidding when you called it a treehouse. It's literally a house in a tree." Marina gave an incredulous laugh as she looked upon the structure mounted to the trunk of the tree, held aloft almost as if airborne. "How did you even build something like that?"


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-21-2024, 03:36 PM
Wylan spread out his wings behind him as if to say ‘look here’ at the Treehouse set behind him. Marina did indeed ‘look here’ and he could see the moment she started to gawk. He grinned, pleased by her reaction. He loved their treehouse, and the friends he had living in there. “That it is” he agreed with a snort of amusement.

“My dad did most of it, Basilisk did some more. Me and Ollie have been working on some extensions.” He explained, but admittedly, they probably had it easier with the starting point of the structure already being there. Starting from scratch would be so much worse!

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
06-28-2024, 10:58 PM
Wylan's youthful enthusiasm for his treehouse was quite an endearing thing to behold. How something so simple could hold so much meaning to the adolescent wolf. Marina continued to take in the sight of the treehouse, truly bewildered by its construction and its physics. Surely the one who created such a marvel of wolven engineering was nothing short of a genius! Wylan explained that his father had been the original designer of the treehouse, and that Basilisk had added his efforts to it as well. Now it belonged to Wylan and Ollie.

"It is very impressive, Wylan," she admitted with a little smile. Marina would have been worried about the structural integrity of such a building were it not for the fact that if it could support someone as large as Basilisk, then she would surely be fine up there with her much smaller form and lighter weight. "I'm not very good when it comes to manual labor, but maybe I could find a way to help you with the extensions? Since you're giving me reprieve from the Warlord and all." Plus if this was going to be Marina's home for the indefinite future, she supposed she could help spruce the place up, make it more to Wylan's style.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.

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1. Why can't we be friends Dreamer's Col 08:18 PM, 05-02-2024 03:02 PM, 07-18-2024