

mandatory dunamis training



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-20-2024, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2024, 01:20 PM by ENYO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Enyo paced across the stone floor of the cave, her heavy steps echoing through the vast chamber. She had been warned of dangerous predators and to be cautious when venturing too deep into the cave system that housed Insomnia. Though she hated being underground, she would make it work. The cave was one of the larger and cleaner ones throughout the gorge, it provided much-needed space for the Dunamis. Being as large as they were, they all needed to have ample room to achieve what Enyo had in store for them. With her distinctive piebald pelt, heterochromatic hues, and arrogance she seemed almost to embody the very essence of the Dunamis' prestige and power. Her piercing silver-blue and icy-blue eyes flitted over the room, assessing each of her brothers with a critical glare.

As the Dunamis Matriarch, Enyo’s authority should be indisputable, yet her resentment and envy towards her male siblings simmered beneath her polished exterior. For she knew that some of them still saw just a woman. No matter how much she was better than them, she always had to work harder. The males could get away with mediocrity but a Dunamis woman needed to excel to even be acknowledged. Today’s mandatory fighting lesson was not just a demonstration of skill, but a stage for her to assert her dominance and subtly remind them of her superior abilities.

“Gather around, brothers,” Enyo’s voice rang out, deep and imperious. Her tone held an edge that demanded immediate attention. “It’s time for our mandatory training session, and I expect each of you to display the same level of excellence that defines our lineage. As always, the standards are exceptionally high-no less than what is expected of the Dunamis.”

It had been too long, she was eager to see who had kept themselves in shape and who failed to maintain. Either way, everyone would be sore by the end of it.

She turned to face them. The tension in the room was quite obvious, and Enyo relished the control she wielded. Her gaze lingered on her reflection in a nearby polished stone, a brief moment of vanity that she couldn’t resist, before turning back with renewed focus.

“You are all aware of our family’s distinguished history,” she continued, her voice laden with a mix of pride and disdain. “Our name commands respect, and with that respect comes the expectation of unrivaled competence. Each of you is to remember that today’s training is not just about honing your skills, but about proving your worth. Failure is not an option; it is an affront to the Dunamis legacy. Those who are from these lands have yet to understand why they should fear the Dunamis.”

Enyo’s eyes narrowed as she regarded her brothers, her frustration barely contained. The innate sense of superiority she felt, driven by her envy and her belief that her potential had been undermined by her gender, fueled her relentless drive. Despite her facade of control, the sting of Nike's casual remark that she would have been remembered as a great had she been born a son still burned within her.

“Let me be perfectly clear,” she said, her tone growing colder. “Any sign of weakness or incompetence will not be tolerated. I will not coddle you or offer leniency. If you cannot rise to the occasion and demonstrate the prowess expected of the Dunamis, you will have to contend with my displeasure. Or worse, answer to Nike and Father as to why you were deemed ineffective to our mission.”

With a sharp nod, she gestured towards them. Making sure to count heads and take attendance for every one of her brothers should be present. She had a plan to pair them together into sparring duos. Then swap and swap and swap and swap. Eventually, they would finish outside the gorge. Running till they could not run, and only then would she let up.

“Now before we begin, would anyone or Erebros like to add anything? Prepare yourselves,” Enyo commanded. “We begin immediately. Show me that you are deserving of the Dunamis name, and perhaps, you may earn a shred of the respect you seem so desperately to crave.”

As her brothers moved into position, Enyo watched with a critical eye, her own frustrations and ambitions intertwined with her role as their instructor. Her demeanor remained unyielding and authoritative, a facade of perfection masking the complex emotions roiling beneath her surface. She would allow her envy to taint their lesson. Pushing them harder and faster than they had been in quite a while. The lesson would be rigorous, and she would see it through with the same intensity and precision that defined her very essence. It may even be a trial or test of her own, no longer tested by their father... It would be Enyo who weeded out the weak today.



Led fight training, with 3+ other characters 1/3


Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
08-20-2024, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2024, 04:53 PM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)
he followed Enyo into the gorge, deep down until they found a clear expanse. he moved at her side, his littermate, as they then halted after some minutes. the wolves all gathered near and he slunk off to the right, seating himself near the cave wall as his attentive gaze flickered over the males that came for Enyo's testing. a family tradition it was to weed out the weaker ones in the group to then target them for the rest of the season before they were due a rematch with the family warlord. Enyo was relentless, and perhaps too enthusiastic about it all(as she usually was). he knew why that might've been, but he doesn't speak on it; rather, he found it fitting for todays practice. she'd hit them harder because she could. and he was all here for it-, the dunamis had to be worked like this for the battles and enemies they'd trample over later.
his ears swiveled as the matriarch spoke, delivering a lecture and warning to them all. he's silent for a moment after, his gaze now critical and hardened as he read them all before adding in, "Give it your best shot boys. Enyo will not take it easy. Remember, never underestimate the opponent." his booming voice rang over the crowd, authoritive and stern as his brows furrowed. a growl following his words in result to the tension that created itself between them all. their aromas burning his nose at the smell of adrenaline them seemingly rose by the second. the primal urges to break into a frenzy made his muscles twitch as his hackles rose,- his body remembering father's harsh tests. Érebos somehow expected worse from his daughter.
the dominant patriarch itched for conflict, itched for a reason to purge his wraith. his inky nostrils flaring like a mad bull as his tail rose with the thickening of his ego. he asserted himself over each & every one of them before his demand spun aloud. "Nikolaos." his daemonic depth was spine shivering, his eyes shooting forth an unwavering glare that choked the male addressed. "You will be first for your indecency at the insomniac borders. you represented me and you looked like a fool." he glanced at the singled out male, his face empty of consideration and emotion. he then looked at Enyo before tossing his head towards Nik, gesturing she approach. "Harm him." he gave the offset, demanding action against Nikolaos for stepping out of line previously. even the slightest disregard would be met with a swift match of pain. as cold if not more than his father, Érebos enjoyed what was to come before meeting his sister in battle after them all.

"Talking" - "Thinking"

table by scarlet
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]

Atticus Dunamis


Intermediate Navigator (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Extra large
08-21-2024, 07:13 PM

Truth was that Atticus wasn't far off from his beloved sisters call rang out. He known that she meant business today. Something that needed to be seen and be done. It was all apart of their blood line, the Dunamis blood which flowed thick within each and everyone of them. Respect and diginity went a long ways within the family that he was blessed to have. Something that the masculine honored and loved. And hopefully one day pass down to his children. That is when it was time for the male to settle down.

So here the ivory painted brute stood, Enyos vocals ringing to him. Demanding respect. What she spoke was honesty and truth. A training session was however dearly needed. Not only did it keep her on her toes it kept Enyo's brothers on their own as well. When she had fell silent from her speach, Atticus listened while Erebos rang out for them to hear and listen.

When Erebos came to stand infront of each of them, Atticus watched and listened. His attention never waivering or doubting. Then he had come to stand infront of Nikolaos. Ears swiveled upon his skull as he peered coldly at their brother whom had made a fool of them. Although today he may gain that respect he had once had if he was lucky. However that didn't stop Atticus's heart from thumping within his chest, a shiver playing over his spinal cord. But he stood there still and calm - for the time being.


Atticus Dunamis



Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dragon Mod

08-31-2024, 01:50 AM

It went unsaid that Kronos wasn't the type to fight his battles with brute strength, no. He preferred the more intellectual approach. He was never a true fighter, but a strategist. He fought with his words. His mind. Using his intellectual capabilities and knowledge of his surroundings above all else. Still, he'd fight when necessary and when expected to. It just simply wasn't his preferred method. For that, he left the brute strength part mostly for the others. However, he still wouldn't ignore Enyo's call, and he wasn't far off when she did so. He arrived with the others, ears swiveling and gaze locked on her as she spoke. His face betrayed nothing as he listened and watched, and when all was said and done and when he expected them to pair off and begin, Erebos decided that Niko was to pay for his insolence at Insomnia's borders.

Part of him felt sorry for his brother. But the other part knew that his brother knew better than to act that way, especially in front of a Queen. It made them look poorly, after all, the action of one generally fell on them all. Still, Kronos sat back and watched as things unfolded. He wondered though, if this Medusa would ever step in to quell a family affair such as this. Or if she left things to sort themselves out. He was still curious about her, after all, and how she ticked.


Nikolaos Dunamis


Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

2 Years
09-11-2024, 10:44 AM
Unknown to Niko he was about to receive a rather harsh lesson in his sister's superiority. Something that he payed little to no mind to as after all, she was just a female. This lesson that his sister seemed to have in store may have well have been directly aimed at him, He was annoyed at been summoned by a female. His faced showed it. As usual he did not pay attention to her droning speech, legacy, upholding the name bla bla bla he had heard it all before and he was now both annoyed and bored.

Erebos' call immediately wiped the annoyed look off of his face and it was replaced by anger, was it not already clear that he was sorry for his actions? Had he not been put in his place at the border? He growled, stepping forward and ready to face anything that came at him. Testosterone and adrenaline suddenly filled him and he lowered his head, spread his leg to take on a defensive stance. Ready for whatever his sister had planned. He half wondered if this hadn't been planned to teach him a lesson.

Words: 190
Skills claim: Fighting 1/3 Recieved a fighting lesson



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-17-2024, 02:47 PM

Ellara Praetor

Enyo’s lips curled ever so slightly, her gaze locking onto Nikolaos as Erebros called him out. The surge of adrenaline in the cave was palpable. The scent of anticipation clung to the air, making it tense. She relished it. The opportunity to demonstrate her dominance, especially over one who had shown such foolishness, was far too sweet to pass up.

Nikolaos stood rigid, his muscles tensed as he awaited her approach, but there was something beneath his posture... fear, or perhaps arrogance? It didn’t matter. Enyo would make sure it was extinguished. With deliberate steps, she moved toward him, her towering figure casting a shadow over the younger male. “You have embarrassed the Dunamis,” she growled, her voice deep and unforgiving.

Nikolaos didn’t have a chance to respond before Enyo lashed out. Her powerful jaws snapped around the back of his neck, her crushing force pressing him into the stone floor beneath them. A low, rumbling growl emanated from her chest, vibrating through his body as she held him there, not enough to draw blood, but enough to remind him who was in charge. His legs buckled slightly under her strength, and she could feel his pulse quicken. With a snarl, she released him.

She flicked her head toward her brother, silently acknowledging that Nikolaos had learned his lesson, at least for now. "Stand. If you can," she said coldly.

“Let this be a reminder to you all,” Enyo said, her eyes sweeping over the gathered wolves, her tone hardening once more. “I will not tolerate incompetence. Nikolaos is fortunate today. Next time, the consequences will be far worse.”

Without missing a beat, she moved back to the cave's center, her form regaining its composure as if nothing had happened. "Now, Kronos with Nikolaos. Atticus with Erebros." she barked, her voice commanding and sharp, "Now, pair off. Each of you will spar with your partner until I say otherwise. No holding back."

The wolves shuffled into position, muscles taut and bracing for what was to come. Enyo watched with a critical eye, ready to pick out the weaknesses and strengths of her brothers as they squared off.




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-17-2024, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2024, 08:44 PM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)
ooc: using liquid time & minor power play permission given by dragon
it had come to his attention that enyo was assertive even over the patriarch in a sense. this rubbed him the wrong way, seeing as enyo had usually ran this way since her arrival in boreas. but amongst them all.. tsk, tsk, Érebos couldn't just comply. with attention on enyo as she moved quickly towards Nik, his eyes caught the bone queen lurking in the dark only some feet away. ha. medusa had seen the entire thing play out then. and what better way to peg down enyo than the queen herself? a joke of course for Érebos, but he was sure the moment was fit for a lecture.. of his own.
he barked as enyo set them all to pairs, stealing the attention off of her for a clear moment. "I've decided to let this go, and fight Atticus. However, perhaps asking your patriarch or even your equal male members who they'd like to go against would've been more appropriate, no?" he asked, brows furrowed as he watched enyo with a tension so thick a knife could cut through it.
Érebos did not take well to being asserted over in such a fashion. sure, he had been more lax since their arrivals but perhaps it got to her head. lessons, lesson.. everyone would be getting them today. he chuckled, seemingly out of place for him as he drew in air. "Allow my mate to do the honors, yes?" as if enyo had a choice. and just like that, he sprung forward to carry on what the enthusiastic warlord ordered. indeed seizing Atticus as he aimed for them, his paws reaching as his jowls opened in attempt to latch onto and bite down on Atticus' body. any part would do.
and what of medusa? he knew she had her own shit covered & he worried of nothing. enyo was a big girl after all.

Érebos vs Atticus for Dominance
Round: 1/?
Age: over 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Titanium dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Metal skull mask with two 4'inch horns
Companion 1: Male Cooper’s Hawk - Battle
Skills: Expert fighter & Novice Healer
Specialty: n/a

"Talking" - "Thinking"

table by scarlet
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
Today, 02:15 AM

She had witnessed everything from the near start. She was naturally good at creeping around, though not always on purpose. She had been further within the caverns when she caught their scents wafting toward her, so naturally she was curious and wanted to see how they were settling in! But as she had drawn closer and heard them speaking, her steps had quieted as she took up position in the shadows to watch the goings on. While she wasn't entirely sure how their family dynamic worked, they were all under her wing. Her protection. Her whims. Her displeasure and wrath. And that included the young male that Erebos had ordered punishment upon for whatever he had done. Though she had expected a fair fight like what the usual custom was, or at least to give him a chance. But evidently, the sister of the group decided that she would take it upon herself to use excessive force against him, and it set Medusa's hackles bristling and her lip curling. Flashbacks of what the wolves of Habari had done to her.

Her gaze caught Erebos' gaze, and it seemed they had a mutual understanding in that moment. While Medusa didn't know what their dynamic was, The Wraith expected a certain dynamic within the pack, and as a lower ranking member, Enyo had no place to inflict the punishment she had just done in the manner that she had done it. And then, on cue, Medusa slipped from the shadows, dual toned gaze fixed on Enyo, head lowered as she approached like a hungry hyena, a low cackle slipping past alabaster lips as the skeleton she wore rattled ominously with each step.

"Medusa wants to raise the stakes for training," She said in a voice that dripped like venomous honey. "Enyo fights Medusa. If Enyo wins, then Medusa will promote her to a better rank. Femme Fatale." She grinned as she stopped a number of feet from her, gaze fixated still. "Prove to Medusa that she deserves it." If Enyo wanted to push others around, then Medusa would give her the opportunity to earn that right within her pack.

Medusa vs ENYO for: Minor maim - Scarring
Round: 0/?
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Sharpened claw covers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Wolf skeleton
Companion 1: Wolverine, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Cougar, Female - Battle
*Companion 3: Lesser yellow-headed vulture, Male - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Today, 04:28 AM

Ellara Praetor

The whole situation was confusing. Erebros had given her control over the situation, she had even punished Nikolaos yet again for him... and yet his ego was wounded? Enyo puffed some air from her nose in annoyance. Fragile. Did her words upset him that much? Perhaps it was for his sake that the Gods made her a woman. Lead the lesson Enyo, but tiptoe around your sensitive brothers'. Do not threaten them with your strong self-esteem. Wouldn't want them to feel threatened. Have ambition Enyo, but not too much. Aim to be successful, but not too much so. Shrink yourself, be smaller. But she would not be, she was not designed to shrink herself. For anyone. Anger boiled inside her. Was she not to lead this session? If any of her brothers had an issue with being ordered around by a woman, then they should ask themselves why they were not chosen to stand where she stood now.

Enyo’s eyes flickered toward Medusa as the skeletal queen emerged from the shadows, her grin twisted and unsettling. She was a little caught off-guard, the woman wasn't supposed to be here? Especially why she looked at Enyo with such apparent disdain. This was a family-only session, there shouldn't be any plus ones. Leave it to Erebros to make an exception.

Medusa would begin to speak and Enyo had to make an effort to keep her face stoic. This was not what she was expecting. Her broad chest expanded as she stood tall, a fierce and domineering presence against Medusa’s unsettling silhouette. The offer hung in the air between them, venom-laced yet tantalizing. A chance for a higher rank.

For a price.

Enyo’s icy eyes narrowed, the flames of challenge igniting in her chest. This would not be a spar, this would be the real deal. No holds. Medusa’s low cackle echoed, dripping with malice, but it only fueled Enyo’s ambition further. Her pride would not allow her to refuse- especially not in front of her brothers. The Dunamis woman was born for greatness, and if she had to carve her name into the ranks of Insomnia with blood, so be it.

“Medusa wants a fight, does she?” Enyo growled, her thick voice dripping with disdain, yet laced with a hunger for victory. Her head tilted upward, posture rigid and commanding as she took a step forward, her massive paws pressing into the stone floor, each step a declaration of her confidence. "Very well, I accept."

She cast a glance toward Erebros, catching his eyes before turning back to Medusa. It seemed he would not speak up for his sister. Perhaps he knew Medusa's offer was one too sweet for Enyo to deny. At least he knew when to shut up. There was no fear, only the raw determination of a wolf who knew her worth. Femme Fatale. The title rolled in her mind like sweet music. Enyo would prove herself worthy.

Her lips peeled back into a snarl as she squared her hulking body, muscles coiled and ready for combat. Enyo snarled as adrenaline-fueled rage and hunger for power coursed through her veins. The tension between them thickened, like the first moments before a storm. Enyo knew she could not afford to lose. This wasn’t just about earning a higher rank. This was about reminding Medusa and the others just who she was. Her reputation, her pride, and maybe her very place in their hierarchy depended on this moment. If Medusa thought she could rattle her, she was sorely mistaken. All eyes were on her and Enyo felt hate boil inside her. Hate for this situation. Hate for Medusa and Erebros both taking their turn to embarrass her. Hate that all the men were watching her, wanting her to fail. Men who should've supported her as she did. Men who did not love her. Hate for the pressure constantly upon her. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't. Part of her hated being a Dunamis. She hated herself for jumping at this scrap tossed to her like a starving whelp. Embarrassed.

With a feral growl, Enyo lunged, initiating the spar with the force of a battering ram. Her powerful limbs propelled her forward, claws digging into the earth as she aimed to overpower Medusa with raw strength. The clash was unforeseen but Enyo welcomed it. She would not only fight for rank but to solidify her place, a testament to her relentless drive and superiority. Her heart hammered with exhilaration, her body a weapon honed for war, ready to take what was hers.

Enyo continued to surge forward with the power and speed only a dire wolf could muster. Her large paws pounded against the stone floor, sending echoes throughout the cave. Her eyes were fixed on Medusa’s slight frame, and she aimed her first strike low, planning to use her weight and strength to bowl the Queen over. Should Enyo’s broad shoulder make contact with Medusa’s ribcage, her powerful muscles would ripple as she sought to knock the wind from her opponent’s lungs and send her sprawling.

But Enyo didn’t stop there. She knew Medusa’s reputation and knew she was cunning and quick despite her frail appearance. Their spar together having taught Enyo quite a lot. So, as soon as she made contact, Enyo would snap her powerful jaws toward Medusa's neck, aiming for the vulnerable underside of her jaw where flesh met bone. Her capped teeth, sharp and built for breaking bones, glinted in the dim light as she aimed to clamp down hard to maim as the Queen had demanded.

Enyo’s mind raced with calculated precision, every move meant to assert her dominance, every snap of her jaw meant to show Medusa that she was not to be trifled with. This was no mere fight for status. This was a declaration. I am stronger. I am better. And you will remember my name.

“Come, Queen,” Enyo snarled, her voice dripping with both mockery and fury as she pressed harder, muscles straining as she wrestled for control. “Show me what makes you worthy.”

ENYO vs Medusa for maim- scarring
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Canine caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Daedric armor
Companion 1: Peregrine Falcon, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Hunter
Specialty: none




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated

Atticus Dunamis


Intermediate Navigator (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Extra large
8 hours ago
Atticus was level headed as he heard that of Enyo speak out. Watching that of his brothers steps and how he carried on too Enyos commands. Caculating carefully, making sure that his timing was just about right and moved as if he was a dancer with his massive body. His build which was light allowed the ivory brute with a black face and chin to move with ease, meeting his brothers attempt. Feeling that of Erebos's teeth grab at Atticus's scruff just in time.

He would not bring harm, because lets figure it was only training and also understood that there were things you do and just don't do within a spar. A thick deep growl rolling out from Atticus's throat pushing with his hind quarters, in attempted to push his brother from his own body, their large arms holding one another at a safe distance.

Atticus Dunamis vs Erebos for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Skills: Intermediate Navigator & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: -
