
Not So Merry-gold

solo healing seasonal



Master Intellectual (257)

Expert Healer (220)

An icon representing the specialty Merchant Merchant

3 Years
Dragon Mod
09-16-2024, 06:39 PM

The weather had been unbearable lately. It was far too hot, and her garden wasn't doing very well with the heat. A lot of what she had gotten to grow was wilting, rendering nearly more than half of her supply useless. She was frustrated and pissed, but there wasn't anything she could do to change the weather other than curse the sun. She had no choice but to start over by the time summer came to an end...unless of course, she managed to save the rest of what she had. Already her mind was working to figure something out, but she couldn't think clearly enough to figure out an immediate solution. Instead, she plucked a couple of basic plants so she could make a paste that would help with bleeding and reduce scarring. She had to figure out a way to make her supplies stretch now that she was running dangerously low on even the basic stuff. For her experiment, she required the assistance of her mandrill companion. He had a cut on his arm, and she was going to see if what she had in mind would work.

The pair took shelter within the gorge where she quickly laid out her meager supplies. She had one pitifully small bundle of lambs ear, which she doubted would do much to cover the wound, and a few heads of marigold. Staring at what she had, she frowned as she slowly went to work. She collected some water dripping from the wall of the cave and used some of it to clean her companions wound, and then proceeded to toss in a couple heads of the marigold. Mashing it up into a paste, her frown deepened when she realized it wasn't quite enough...

More water, perhaps? Was she going to have to dilute it further to stretch the dosage? Sighing, she added a bit more water, but it was too watery for her liking. Still, it would have to do. She would just have to keep an eye on the wound to make sure the effectiveness of the herb wasn't compromised with the additional water. Placing that on his arm, she watched as most of it dribbled down rather than stay where it needed to be. Growling, she hurried to place the lambs ear for a binder, but of course, it wouldn't stick as well since her watery paste was...well...too watery. "Dammit, that's not going to work to keep the wound closed..." She sat back in thought, red gaze scanning the room before she found a cluster of cobwebs in the corner. It took her a minute or so, but then the lightbulb went off in her head! Of course! That would help to keep everything on! She hurried to scoop what she could with her paw and returned to her companion, carefully separating some of the cobweb and wrapped it several times around his arm like a bandage.

Once she was done, she sat back to double check her work. While it wasn't ideal, the cobwebs were sticky enough that she was confident that that at least would stay in place. Though she knew she'd have to keep an eye on the wound and check more often to see if her liquid "paste" was working, or if she had just wasted what precious little resources she had.
