
An Oath of loyalty


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 09:42 PM

I am the righteous hand of God

He had saved Oath for the last of Atreyu's siblings. Not because he was least important but because Azriel wasn't certain of how to approach the situation with him. He had expected threats, had expected the protective brother thing, but he hadn't expected them to not see him as good enough for Atreyu. It had been a knife to hear it implied by Oath in his chest. A sad fact that he couldn't be seen as worthy enough after being so loyal with the family for almost two years of his life. He had almost died for them. Oath even knew but still he had shoved the knife in his chest metaphorically.

Az shook the thoughts from his head as he padded down the path to the shrine. If he knew Oath like he thought he did, such a place would attract and facinate the other man's interest. Hopefully he was there if not then he was guessing wrong.

The sun had just begun to sink as Azriel moved towards the shrine and he sighed. The heat had him testy for certain. He despised how hot it was, but he wasn't going to force the lot to move for his comfort.

Walk, "Talk", Think

And I am the devil that you forgot

Art and code by Asena; lines by Srynix

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 10:57 PM

Oath lingered at the shrine, the dimming light casting long shadows across the stone structure. The faint echoes of distant hymns from his childhood seemed to swirl in the evening breeze, making the shrine feel alive with memories long buried before he'd come here. He took in the ornate carvings, tracing the faded patterns of the Morningstar deities that he had added with his eyes, his mind busy with the weight of recent revelations.

He wasn’t angry, not truly. But the admission had been… unsettling. Azriel, betrothed to his sister? It was as though the ground beneath him had shifted, and Oath wasn’t certain where his footing would be next. Atreyu was the closest thing he had to peace, and the thought of someone stepping into that sacred space had left him off balance.

He heard the familiar sound of Azriel’s footsteps long before his friend appeared. Oath’s ears twitched, and his cyan eyes narrowed slightly in thought as he debated how to approach this conversation. But the truth was, he didn’t need to pretend with Az. They had been through too much together.

"Azriel," Oath greeted, his voice soft but carrying the weight of the setting sun. He didn’t move from where he stood, still focused on the shrine. "How long did you wait before telling me?"

There was no anger in his tone, only the faintest tinge of disappointment; a wound still fresh, but not entirely unexpected. Oath knew he could be overprotective, a bit of a perfectionist when it came to his family, especially when it concerned Atreyu. But this… this hurt in ways he hadn’t yet begun to articulate.

After a long pause, he finally turned to face Azriel, his gaze searching. "So, what now? You going to pretend this doesn’t make things different between us?"



Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 04:26 AM

I am the righteous hand of God

The demigod padded into the shrine's area and as he predicted, there was Oath. His ears swiveled back and he lowered onto his haunches just outside the circle as Oath spoke his name in greeting. He had come with his guard up. The hurt of Oath's most recent words at their meeting fresh enough he wasn't sure how to even approach the holy man in front of him. His quills were lifted and his eyes stayed on Oath. He'd expected a lot, threats, anger, or even Oath wishing to be left alone for now. The calm he was displaying though? That was enough to unsettle most men.

"We've known we were betrothed since right before Judalia fell.... Neither of us liked the idea then, she was one of my closest friends and I hers, so I didn't expect her to even consider it an option if she ever saw me again..... Our mothers chose it for us, and I do not wish to dishonor Queen Chevelle nor my mother." he let the words sink in. there was no point in lying to Oath, he needed the whole truth. If they would ever mend this rift the truth was needed. Az was loathe to lose his best friend. "She found me at the end of last season... We came to the mutual decision we want to try this, she as her reasons and mine are simple. Our mother's memories can be honored if I continue to be betrothed to Atreyu, as well as it keeps her safe from other less.... desirable men. This also will secure the future of Judalia for everyone." He stood and moved closer to Oath, he didn't see a reason the male didn't need to possibly hate him for the bomb he was delivering.

He pinned his ears and narrowed his eyes. If Oath thought the demigod would give in and back off their friendship or the agreement between him and Atreyu he would be sorely disappointed. "No I won't pretend, nor will I let my best friend walk away right now. Nothing changes either, being your brother-in-law will make me no different than just the best friend who also happens to be your guard. And until vows are spoken and a marriage finalized Atreyu has every right to walk away and I have made that clear to her. But what of you Oath?" There were a lot of tensions in the air between them right now. Azriel wouldn't raise a paw against Oath, but that didn't mean he would just let Oath walk all over him either. There were other questions that needed asked though and Azriel was about to be blunt and make the other male think hard.

"Are the words you said before because you think me really that bad of an option for Atreyu? Am I that undesirable and unfavorable in your eyes? Or is it something else? Was it jealousy, or the thought you would lose me as your friend? Or did you hope for something more than friendship with me? Answer me honestly, and take your time with it." He stepped into Oath's space now. Those deep rumbles quieted but loud enough only Oath would hear them. His eyes never left Oath's. Oath needed honesty and Azriel was brutal with it all. He lashed his tail as he opened the floor for Oath to think though and answer him.

Walk, "Talk", Think

And I am the devil that you forgot

Art and code by Asena; lines by Srynix

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 04:41 AM

Oath’s gaze never wavered as Azriel spoke, though the words sank in with the weight of stones. Judila, their mothers, the reasons behind it all - it made sense in a cold, logical way. And yet, it did nothing to ease the sting in his chest. Oath stood still, his usual soft countenance replaced with something more measured, more guarded. The truth that Azriel laid bare demanded honesty in return, and Oath knew he couldn’t hide behind the guise of calm any longer.

The rumbles in Azriel’s voice, the questions he posed, forced Oath to reflect in real time, his mind racing to catch up with the barrage of emotions stirred inside him.

"Jealousy?" he muttered under his breath, almost as if testing the word. The concept itself felt foreign to him, absurd even, though he couldn’t deny the uncomfortable tightness that wrapped around his chest when he thought of losing the closeness he and Azriel had. Best friends, brothers-in-arms - they had shared countless moments that most would never understand. But this… this was different.

Finally, he inhaled deeply and spoke, his voice quieter now, more personal. "Azriel, it's not that I think you’re a bad option for Atreyu. You’re not. You’re one of the best. You’ve bled for us, fought with us. I know that. I trust you." He paused, the weight of the words hanging between them as his cyan eyes met Azriel’s unwavering gaze. "But…"

He shifted, the confession tumbling out like stones loosened from a wall. "You’re right. It’s the idea of losing you that’s gnawing at me. Not just as a friend or a guard, but…" His voice faltered, a rare vulnerability showing through. "Everything will change. I won’t lose you as a friend, not truly, but we won’t be the same. You’ll have other responsibilities, deeper ones, to Atreyu, to Judila. You’ll be bound to her, and where does that leave me?"

His brow furrowed, the tension building in his chest again. "And maybe… maybe there’s some selfish part of me that resents it. You and Atreyu deserve happiness. I know that. But I never wanted to feel like I was being… left behind."

Oath’s voice grew steadier, as if the weight of his own confession had lessened the burden somehow. "I’m not jealous in the way you might think. I don’t want more than friendship from you, Az. But I can’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt, thinking I’ll never be able to come first in the way I used to."

He fell silent then, his ears flicking back, unsure of how Azriel would react to such raw honesty. He wasn't sure how to react to it himself - as the truth surprised even him.



Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 05:50 AM
His narrowed eyes stayed level with Oath's cyan gaze. That tail slowly lashing as Oath took everything in and thought long and hard about the questions posed by Azriel. Oath had been with him for almost a year, and in that year Azriel had seen Oath never once take a woman or man, which left something else in his logical brain. Oath tested the word Azriel had posed before he seemed to think more. Az let him, gave him all the time in the world to consider the truth and to consider himself.

When finally he spoke Azriel seated himself once more, ready to listen. He had to agree, he had bled for Judalia, would die for it. Almost had. He had taken vows of loyalty to the royals and the pack when he became a soldier. But Oath had a but to add and it made him narrow his gaze and harden it. There was always a but and Az was ready to feed more truth to Oath if he needed to so the other would see the logical step this was. That furthering Judalia should be the most important thing right now. They would need time and he would have to give training to the royals that he hadn't ever wanted to before. Defense would be their best offense.

He listened as Oath spoke his own truths. Jealousy was his driving emotion then, Azriel had guessed right and he could proceed now easier. Now that he knew the issue he could work towards fixing it, or at least making Oath feel better about his and Atreyu's arrangement. He waited for Oath to finish, a brow lifting and a scoff at the thought that Oath was going to lose him. He owed Oath something that he owed no one. "Yes I shall be bound to her sister, but that makes me more than just your friend when that happens. I shall become family to you, and I will not have my family left behind. You may not be my first priority at that time but do not forget, I owe you a life debt. You are the one who pulled me from the brink, brought me back from the grasp of my father, no one else even knows how close we came that day. You were there when I faltered on that day, when I couldn't kill him. You are my best friend and I will not change that Oath. There will always be a place for you near my side, and I offer you this. Become Judalia's head priest, busy yourself when we cannot find time to have our time together, educate others on our gods, help those that need it heal spiritually. None know the gods better than you in my opinion." He Was giving Oath an option other than just pinning for time to spend with each other. A new purpose and a way he could even try to heal others.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 06:02 AM

Oath stood silently as Azriel spoke, his tail flicking in small, restless movements. He had expected something more defensive, something that would create further distance between them, but Azriel's words carried a warmth and steadiness that cut through the uncertainty brewing in Oath’s heart. He felt a lump form in his throat at the mention of that day- the day. The memory of it had become a cornerstone of their bond, the moment Oath had pulled Azriel back from a darkness that still haunted his best friend.

The offer to become Judila’s head priest, to have a new purpose beyond what he already held, took Oath by surprise. He wasn’t sure if Azriel was offering it out of genuine belief in his ability or just to give him something to keep him busy, but the sincerity behind it couldn’t be denied.

For a long moment, Oath said nothing, his gaze locked onto Azriel’s. The weight of his friend’s words, the life debt he spoke of, stirred something deep within him. It wasn’t about losing Azriel to Atreyu, not truly. It was about this shifting landscape of responsibilities and loyalties. But Azriel, ever practical, had already seen the solution, offering not just reassurance but a role that could help Oath carve out his own place in this changing world.

Finally, Oath’s posture relaxed slightly, though his cyan eyes still glimmered with a blend of emotions. "Judila's head priest," he murmured, as though testing the title in his mouth. "You always know how to find the right way forward, Az." His lips curled into a small, wry smile. "It’s not a bad idea… certainly better than me sulking around, wondering where I stand."

He took a deep breath, the tension in his chest loosening ever so slightly. "But I won’t lie and say it’s easy. I don’t want to feel like I’m just… being managed. I know this is bigger than either of us, but it doesn’t change that this whole thing feels like it’s driving a wedge between us. I don’t want to lose you, Az, not to duty, not to tradition."

Oath stepped forward, closing the space between them, his eyes softening. "You’ve always been more than just my friend, more than just a soldier or a guard. A brother. Now.. quite literally. And yeah, I’m afraid things will change between us, but… maybe they don’t have to. Maybe we just make sure they don’t. So let's promise each other they won't, alright?"

He tilted his head, a quiet resolve forming in his voice. "If I take on this role, I won’t just be doing it to keep busy. I’ll be doing it because I believe in the Morningstar Gods and what they stand for. And I’ll do it because I still believe in us. You, me, and Atreyu. We’re stronger together, right?"




Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-16-2024, 03:53 AM
Azriel stood firm in place as he watched Oath think. Waiting while he sorted his thoughts, while his tail lashed. He was patient with Oath. The demigod knew how emotional this might have been for the spotted man. His eyes stayed on him, even as he relaxed. Ears pressed forward. He knew he had brought up painful memories but those were memories that had shaped them all.

He listened as Oath spoke, waiting for him to speak his mind fully. Though he did lift his brow at the thought of Azriel "managing" Oath. Preposterous. Azriel was only wedding into the royal family and Oath was born into it. In a way, Oath would always hold more importance than Azriel. Though Azriel himself held importance for the future, Oath had even more as he held royal blood in his veins by birthright. Azriel was a mere piece to their home, his only importance would likely become breeding the next heir, unless Atreyu deemed him unworthy before they were truly wed.

When Oath asked him to promise Azriel nodded with a grunt. "And you promise me that if you start feeling left behind or feeling like you are not important, that you will seek me or Atreyu out. We aren't looking to make someone feel ousted, but this is a chapter we feel in our lives is important for Judila, and for your family." he quieted then but nodded letting Oath know he believed them all stronger together. The Morningstar's name would expand greatly in these lands if he had his way. Though right now he had to make certain Judila became great.

"So how about a spar then my friend? A friendly match to see if you can remember the shit I tried to teach you while we traveled." His form rose and he smirked at the mauve colored man. His dual toned eyes twinkling with a bit of mischief.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-16-2024, 07:53 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2024, 07:57 AM by Oath. Edited 1 time in total.)

Oath’s brow furrowed slightly at Azriel’s words, though there was no offense taken. He understood the weight of what was being asked, both of him and of Atreyu. To keep Judalia strong, to grow the Morningstar name, it required sacrifices from all of them, but it also required trust. And Azriel, ever pragmatic, was right. They were all pieces of a larger whole, all working toward something that stretched far beyond personal feelings.

He managed a half-smile when Azriel grunted his agreement, and Oath nodded in return. "I can promise that much. If I start to feel like I’m getting left behind, you’ll hear from me. No point in sulking alone when we’re supposed to be doing this together." There was a warmth in his words now, a soft undercurrent of gratitude for Azriel’s unwavering loyalty, not just to Atreyu but to him as well.

The invitation to spar, however, caught Oath off guard. He hadn’t been expecting it, especially not after the conversation they’d just had. A sparring match wasn’t exactly the solution he’d envisioned, but then again, it wasn’t a bad idea either. There was something in Azriel’s mischievous smirk that coaxed a laugh out of him, and Oath’s tail flicked with a little more energy.

"Oh, so now you want to test if I actually learned anything from you?" Oath teased, a playful glint returning to his cyan eyes. "Alright, Az. Let’s see if you can still keep up.

He shifted into a ready stance, feeling the familiar adrenaline start to course through his veins. Oath hadn’t sparred in a while, and the thought of going up against Azriel was both daunting and exhilarating. The demigod had always been a fierce opponent, and while Oath’s strengths had always been more cerebral, he wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.

"Don’t expect me to go easy on you just because you’re about to marry my sister," he quipped, a grin breaking across his face as he crouched low, waiting for Azriel to make the first move. His playful demeanor didn’t diminish his focus; in fact, the banter was only sharpening his instincts. Without waiting for Azriel to fully settle into his stance, Oath made his move, darting forward with surprising speed.

He aimed low, angling his body toward Azriel’s left side, attempting to use his smaller, lighter frame to his advantage. With a quick burst of energy, he aimed a well-timed shoulder slam, hoping to knock Azriel off balance before the demigod could fully react.

Oath vs Azriel for Spar
Round 1/x
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bladed collar
Defensive Battle Accessory: Fang caps
Companion 1: Red-tailed Hawk, Male, Battle
Companion 2: Red-tailed Hawk, Female, Battle
Mutation 1: Horns - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Intellectual



Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
8 hours ago
As soon as Oath accepted the spar Az rolled his shoulders and kept that smirk in place. Did Oath know he planned to put him under him? Probably not. "Wouldn't dream on it.... be ready to be on your back under me." He gave a chuckle before lifting his tail and turning serious. And Oath came at him.

It was a small surprise but Az grinned. He let Oath "unbalance" him. His hips met the ground as he pivoted slightly to his left and he aimed to simultaneously wrap both his legs around Oath's neck. An attempt to grapple him. His jaws came snapping in the same moment towards Oath's scruff, aiming to get a good hold of the muscle there. His lips peeled and muzzle wrinkled but no anger was in it. If he had his way he would drag Oath with him in the next second. He kept his quills pressed flat to avoid an unwanted injury on Oath with them.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel vs Oath for spar
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Quills - Defensive
Mutation 2: Elongated canines - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.