
ask and you shall receive




Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Toy size
6 hours ago
Lailah moved like a drone, her pace as quick as she could make it. Her master behind her, though she wasn't certain what he wanted of her, not since his father had thrown her out. He'd pulled her out of the trash not long ago, though what he was doing there was still curious. Her pelt was still soaked with salt water as she hadn't stopped to let it dry. Though that wasn't her biggest discomfort. Her abdomen cringed again, not unlike a hunger pain but it had been happening since their stay on the boat, the night she hated most so far. She had refused to show her tears though, that would of likely gotten her another beating. She could remember the scent of blood and the pain that passed through her. The panic she had felt. She had tried her best to hide it, but he likely still knew, even though she had thrown the evidence overboard.

She gave a pause, stumbling slightly as another pain hit her. They were the after effects of the miscarriage she knew but they didn't feel great. If she could of cried out she would have, but that ship had sailed long ago. She stayed still on trembling legs, panting through the pain until it was done. Her tail instinctively hugged close to her body and her eyes didn't look to the man she led. How she thought he would find prince Abbadon she had no idea. Her ears flattened to the sides of her head as the pain finished. She didn't want to disappoint though.

Her eyes looked about the area they had come upon. There were birds about. The trees were tall, leaves long and tropical in nature. She'd never seen trees like these yet but they definitely were something she would commit to memory. She cast a brief eye to her companion to see if he was happy yet, though was very quick to remember her place and drop those baby blues to the white sands beneath her paws, her only way of apologizing to him. Her paws started forward again, careful to not hurt herself more. The scent of salt water was heavy here and she wasn't sure either would pick up a scent of familiarity here. She was certain she would get beat by the earthen master soon for bringing him here.

"Things I Hear"

1/3 explore a new land



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Dire wolf
5 hours ago

His fathers scraps. Ultyr's nose practically held a perpetual half snarl since he was relegated to his father's trash heap. How dare he consign the God Prince to this, marr his face in such a shameful manner? The half snarl was both his mood and his flinch of pain as the scrape over her nose and brow continued to heal.

Eyes of saffron watched the scrap of a thing pause in her pain on the beach. Had he been nothing but a whelp of his own father's slaves? Was the story of how the goddess birthed him simply a ruse? Ultyr had watched her in the dark, silent and observing, as she labored. The ocean sounds and rigging against the hull was the only backdrop to her agony. Tiny unfeatured underdeveloped vermin with a mix of his father's coat and hers were carefully given to the waves, unbeknownst to her witness in the shadows.

Now he coldly watched her writhe in the pains of her after birth. She was struggling to hide it. Moons ago he would have pressed her on and tossed her aside to stop her sniveling. But now... She was holding them up on their quest to find Abbadon. No wonder he found Aryn's favorite plaything among the trash, she had been too weak to carry his brood and he knew it.

Ultyr caught the scent of some island chicken. They came in flocks, so of course, if he found one, he could find others. The trip over water had been grueling and his stomach rumbled.

"Sit here." He commanded gruffly and without so much as offering her a questing glance to be sure she obeyed he started on his hunt. She was already well trained. She had no voice to ask for help, and she already knew what he had done to servants in the past who decided to move more than a foot in either direction from where he placed them.

He stalked forward into the underbrush, leaving her to bake in the high summer sun against the pale sand. A faint clucking could be heard just ahead.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Toy size
4 hours ago
She didn't mean to make him upset with her, she really didn't mean to hold him up. His disdain for her was a known thing in her eyes. She wasn't pretty or the best at anything. She was discarded trash. Left to die, to rot with the rest of the used things the demon king had kept and discarded.

She had tried her best and still was to not disappoint her new master. She didn't wish for pain so why would she? Her eyes wandered still, blind eye seeing nothing but still working in tandem with her good eye. "Sit here." His gruff voice left no room for debate. Not that she would of. She had lost all hope of help and rescue long ago. Her haunches lowered and she sat delicately, body thin from months of barely getting what she needed for food. Her little triangle auds perked at the sound of the island chickens. A tidbit she could file away for later. Her stomach growled at the thought of possible food, but she didn't think any would be for her. She was after all lucky to even get to lick the ground of scraps since her enslavement.

She kept her eyes on the sands as she listened to Ultyr move off. Once he was gone she lifted her eye to observe more. A deep breath was brought in as she let the relief of being left alone for the moment settle on her. She took the moment to take in even more of the land. There were some islands she could see in the distance and she loathed the idea of having to swim to them, the waves would likely be strong enough to take her out to sea if she didn't be careful. She wondered if drowning would be a gentle death. Would Ultyr let her drown? She doubt it. His father had for some reason seen her as useful once and if she had learned anything in her time as a slave, it was that if you were still breathing and useful then the masters wanted you alive. Her eye cast to the sun for a moment, squinting against its brightness. It was hot here but she didn't mind right now. With a wet pelt it kind of felt nice especially with the ocean breeze.

Another pain hit and she flinched and tucked her chin. She could deal with a lot, but the internal pain really didn't feel great. She held back tears as the pain wracked her, only for her to lower herself. She curled up into herself and waited. She wouldn't move. This was where she was told to stay and so she would. Though nothing had been said about her not taking in the land for now.

"Things I Hear"

2/3 explore a new area



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Dire wolf
3 hours ago

Paws of chocolate slid over the earth, grateful for the first time that about having his livery stripped from him. It had clanked and clunked as he moved. No matter, he will find new armor and a new sword.

He paid no attention to the girl, he had even forgotten her name. It wasn't like he could ask it of her anyway, she wouldn't tell him.

A cheeping sound entered his ears then as he slid through the thick underbrush. His paws would whisper over the ground cover and sink into the patches of sand. A hen... with chicks. Marvelousss...

He did for one moment glance back. He saw her, dutifully staying where he placed her. Good. He turned back to his task and peered through the large leaves.

A clucking flock, a fighting cock, and several hens with chicks! He crouched down low and waited. His breath was even and controlled. A moment passed by and the flock grew complacent, another moment... another... the rooster came close, so close. Just close enough for him to... STRIKE. His jaws opened and crunched the neck of the rooster before he could even croak an alarm. Nothing stirred but a quick flutter of half-disturbed wings.

That was when he launched himself at the biggest tastiest hen of the crowd. Scattering the birds over the sands in every direction. His teeth are nearly on the bird's tailfeathers.

"Get it!" He barked at the slave, he was chasing the hen right toward her.