
Have you tried not drowning?




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
09-23-2024, 09:36 PM

It had been a long time since Rivin was able to break her way back to the surface. Things had been fine, she had felt like she was gaining some sense of stability, and then… darkness. A suffocating darkness where she was both awake and yet somewhere far away. Was she dead…? Did the Raiders know what had happened to her…? No doubt any trust that had remained from them was forever broken, now. Gone twice… A fucking shame, really. They had been a family to her. The remnants of her own family had been there last she remembered. But now… now…

Green eyes struggled open.

She was achy… Nothing seemed to be broken... Ears pricked, the sound of distant dripping of water in a cavern suggesting where she was before her eyes adjusted to the darkness. No, she realized, she knew where this was. The ship… back where the pirates… what the hell had happened? She couldn’t remember. Everything was foggy and her head hurt.

“Try not to drown when your boyfriend isn’t around to save you…” The scolding came from one of her companions, a familiar voice. Rivin turned her gaze to him. “Again…?” She was confused. She hadn’t actually expected that to have actually been the case. She blinked bleary eyes, ears pinned to her skull. “How long have I…?” She coughed, chest aching. The fuck…?

“Over a season… you faded in and out, several times I thought you were going to just… go altogether. I’ve been running back and forth to the gully with all the plants to get some stuff to keep you stable, and you’ve been kind of… alert but not? Enough to get a little food and water… but I don’t know what long term damage has been done. You’ll need to seek out an actual healer… Your breathing got worse shortly after we found you on the beach. It got better for a bit then worse again… probably from the damp conditions out here.”

She was sick and had been down over a season. Rivin shakily got to her paws.

“We need to fucking leave then…” She growled. A grunt nearby told her that Feng was here too. Good, she was going to need them both. The growling irritated her throat and more coughs filled the hair, shaking her body with how hard they were.

This sucked ass.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.