
close but no cigar




Novice Navigator (20)

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2 Years
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09-22-2024, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: Today, 12:46 AM by Lailah. Edited 1 time in total.)
The swim from the islands had been horrid. If that wasn't bad, there were other things she had to worry about. One thing after another. The ground here was muddy and covered with a layer of water that washed in from the ocean. It was nasty. Her paws sunk in the muck, which was sticky and grimy all in one go. Her nose was burning from the smell of salt water as well.

Her pelt was clinging to her and she hated every second of it. She could swear Ultyr was probably laughing at her several times when she had inhaled water on their swim over and ended up silently coughing it up. How horrid the taste of salt water was. She was hating every second of this.

She pressed her ears back. Hopefully Ultyr wouldn't start thinking her useless yet. If he did then she would likely be deemed trash and disposed of. That was one of the worst things that could happen. Her eye moved across the water and her tail tucked. Was that a log? Wait a minute.... it was moving towards her? Shit! That was no log! She jumped and darted to be behind Ultyr, she was no fighter. Hopefully he could fight it for them.

"Things I Hear"

1/3 explore new area(sea's Plain)



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-23-2024, 01:49 PM

Growing up on the edge of the ocean gave one a certain opportunity to hone their skills. Namely swimming. He was on the verge of leaving her to drown as he swam ahead but something in him told him he probably shouldn't. There was something about the girl that he didn't want to let go of. When he stood up in the shallows he grasped her scruff to save her from flailing about and dragged her unceremoniously onto the muddy shore. He said nothing about it. He didn't laugh or chuckle. She was so slight in frame, even lighter than his Abbadon, that he easily lifted her up like a kitten.

Prince Ultyr huffed the salt water out of his nose and peered over the terrain as she got her feet out from under her. It was interesting to say the least, the trees grew as if from the water instead of soil. He was looking up into the canopy when he felt her sudden presence behind him, shaking in fear. His brow furrowed in confusion, it was the first time she had touched him of her own volition. The shadowy log finally came into view as the crocodile lifted his nose to show a handsome row of sharp teeth.

He snarled at the strange reptilian beast. With a hefty swipe, he struck out at the snout. That seemed to make it angrier. It thought it could make the God-Prince into a meal? He smirked.

He saw a low crooked bend in a tree where he could easily reach. He needed to get this girl out of the way of these teeth first or else he'd just be tripping on her.

Ultyr aimed another smack on the beast, spun around, grabbed the girl again by the scruff, and hefted her up into the seat between some tree branches, well away from this croc beast. Then he pushed away from the tree to lead it away from her.



Novice Navigator (20)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Toy size
09-25-2024, 08:28 PM
As Ultyr gripped her scruff she gave a silent gasp. She hadn't expected him to touch her. Her tail kissed her belly and she curled up the moment he did though. She was miniscule compared to him. One wrong move from her and he could end her life. It was best she didn't struggle, thrash or anger him.

He placed her in the crook of a tree and she scrabbled to stay put. Her toes splayed and the moment he released her She was wide eyed looking after him. Had he just? But it made no sense. Why would he put her out of harms way? Why would he care what happened to her? Her brain was all puzzles now.

Her eye moved from him to the creatures of the swampy area. So crocodiles and likely snakes would be common here. The trees were creepy too. Not her ideal place for a vacation spot. Not that this was a vacation. Hell what even did a vacation feel like? The noise of him fighting had her ears pressed back. Should she try to help? She wasn't a fighter but she could definitely try. Though she might be in the way if she did. Best to stay put.

"Things I Hear"

2/3 explore a new area(sea's plain)



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-25-2024, 09:04 PM

The girl was thankfully good about him handling her. She also had a particular kind of training he was very aware of.

The croc nearly took his tail off and snapped its jaws shut on the air as Ultyr spun around. With the girl safe he sprung into action. First several lengths away from her tree then as it chased after him he leaped up onto its strange bumpy back. He tried to take a bite of it behind the eyes but the skin was too tough and it thrashed with as much energy as to destabilize him and he stumbled off it.

He quickly glanced at the girl and saw her urgent look. He barked, "You stay there!" Then he bounced back as the hissing rumbling creature snapped an inch away from his heel.



Novice Navigator (20)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Toy size
Yesterday, 05:12 PM
Just as she was about to jump down and help his voice came out loud and clear. "You stay there!"Her ears pressed. She knew better than to disobey. But that was a very big predator. Could he handle it alone? She wasn't sure, but she also didn't want punished for not listening.

She leaned back and settled on looking about the area and trying to ignore the fight. There were vines hanging from some of the trees and if she could remember her time before she was a slave she might be able to put a name to some of it. As it stood though she couldn't remember that part of her childhood. She could tell these trees had stood for years here too. Did their roots intertwine in the ground she had to wonder. Her eye wondered about taking in the scenery, while also looking for anything that could be helpful to them. Could Ultyr fight the croc alone and live? Did she want him to live? He was definitely a safer alternative to have with her than to wander these lands alone. For all she knew she could find another Aryn.... that was definitely less than appeasing.

"Things I Hear"

3/3 explore new area(sea's plain)



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Today, 12:40 AM

His entire focus zeroed in on the beast. He was done testing its speed and maneuverability. He wasn't about to let this earthly creature get the best of him, the God-Prince of Archnemes.

He launched his attack at the side of its face, aiming for its eye and scored as it moved to intercept. With a snarl he raked his teeth over its snout. It twisted as he leaped over its back and dug his claws into each eye hole, and rolled off it as it started its own barrel roll in the mud. Blinded and in pain it slipped back into the water. God-Prince Ultyr chased after it swiping at its tail for good measure and wading into the waters with a huff. He swished his way into the water and swiped at any other curious "logs" daring to come in close.

When he was thoroughly satisfied they were no longer in danger, a hunger rose up in him. A hunger to celebrate in the only way he knew how. He slowly approached the tree he had left the slave girl in. He didn't know her true name, only the name his father would call her. His father mistreated his slaves and Ultyr... Ultyr was a benevolent God.

"Come down." He commanded simply, offering her his shoulders for her to step on to assist in her descent.

He glanced around for a soft dry place above the mudline. A place more comfortable for them both. He nosed her, and the scent of her recent loss of litter and subsequent reset of her cycle brought his head up as he looked down at her minuscule body, measuring, calculating. Her talents were still unknown to him.

"You were once my father's." He stated lowly, "As I am your god, I will feed you, and protect you, because I am benevolent. You saw how well I kept Abaddon, I will keep you also." He decreed, and gently pushed her in the direction he wanted her, "Pain will no longer be in your life, nor hunger." Another gentle leading to the place he decided would be theirs for the duration.

He sat and sank to his elbows, "Here." He pointed to the space between his paws, he wanted her to settle there.



Novice Navigator (20)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Toy size
10 hours ago
The sounds of fighting stopped, drawing her attention back from her mental mapping of the place. Her eye moved to him for a moment before dropping from his form as he turned. He didn't look hurt. Perhaps the worrying was for nothing.

"Come down." her ears pinned at the command but she still dared not disobey. She spread her toes to help her grip the tree and started sliding down the trunk at first, before lifting a leg and using his proffered shoulders to hop down. She did her best to make it quick and shook her pelt to straighten it back out.

If she could of thanked him she might have, though that would of probablymeant another beating or worse so she was glad she couldn't. Though the feeling of his nose near her most intimate parts had her wide eyed and her tail curling as far as it could under her. "You were once my father's." he was stating the obvious. She disliked every moment spent with that man. "As I am your god, I will feed you, and protect you, because I am benevolent. You saw how well I kept Abaddon, I will keep you also." she was aware she was a slave. But she had no gods.... did he know? A gentle nudge and she was moving.

More words as he maneuvered her where he wanted. He seemed obsessed with Abbadon.... but she could still smell his musk in the air around them. "Pain will no longer be in your life, nor hunger." he was leading her to shallower and shallower water. She had to question that statement silently though. No longer know pain? That's all she had learned about under Aryn. No longer hungry? That had to be some cruel ploy to get her hopes up. Food wasn't always freely given she knew that.

"Here." she stopped in place. A brief moment of either stupidity or courage she wasn't sure which, had her looking to where he gestured. Between his paws.... in front of him. A tremble passed through her. She didn't dare disobey though, lest his good mood turn sour. She gingerly stepped over his legs, careful not to touch him. Her tiny body coming to be in-between his paws. But she dared not sit or move in a way he didn't instruct. She knew these giants had a temper, and she was but the smallest flick or bite from death.

"Things I Hear"