
Come to Play?




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
10-01-2024, 04:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 06:46 PM by Nimue. Edited 1 time in total.)

With a bottle of booze between her paws, priceless gemstones on golden chains adorning her wrists, and a gleam of mischief shimmering in her eyes, Nimue finds herself perched on the low-hanging branch of a tree, enjoying the warm, night-time breeze. In the fern gully, the air was thick with the rich earthy scent of damp soil, and the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers- a welcoming contrast to the musky, stale scent of the ancient ruins she had raided earlier. They’d found some valuable treasures, and some artifacts that were centuries old, her group told her. But she liked the booze and the gems the most. She’d probably trade them off for something better anyway- but for now, she could wear them, and feel flashy for a night.

Taking another swig, Nimue clears her throat and looks out across the valley. Moonlight filtered softly through the dense canopy above, illuminating the forest floor covered in ferns and moss. Fireflies danced around the foliage, staying low to the ground. Seeing them from her vantage point, almost made her feel like a god. Perhaps this is what it felt like to be the moon on a warm, summer night.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-01-2024, 05:40 PM

Part of being a free spirit meant Rogue wandered wherever his paws took him. The dire brute had made his way south to enjoy the warm summer evening in the southern lands. The night was warm with a slight stickiness of humidity to it from the blisteringly hot summer Boreas was experiencing, the air perfumed with the scent of night blooming jasmine and honeysuckle. A symphony of crickets and other nocturnal insects filled the area with their nightsong and fireflies glowed like earthbound stars amongst the lush grass of the gulley. It was a veritable paradise of summer nights.

Rogue strode through the gulley, soft grass crunching delicately beneath giant paws. Kaino had been out tracking down her runaway Sidi and plotting her vengeance, so the once-prince kept himself occupied with some guy time—hunting, roaming, reliving his days after the fall of Ashen. Bathed in silver moonlight, Rogue’s rich coat that mimicked the night sky above almost seemed to glow with an ethereal light. He wasn’t exactly camouflaged against the verdant world, but neither did he stand out in the night either. Wandering through a copse of trees in the gulley, Rogue hummed a quiet tune to himself, the picture of confidence and at ease. He’d need to find a place to camp and bed down eventually, but for now the nocturnal Klein enjoyed his evening stroll, going nowhere in particular.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
10-01-2024, 06:07 PM

Taking a final swig, Nimue licks her lips and shifts the empty bottle between her tiny paws, tracing a claw along its neck before letting it drop from her grasp and onto the forest floor. It hits the ground with a thud, disrupting the symphony of crickets and sending some of the fireflies into the air. They surround her, creating a mythical, otherworldly sight- and Nimue watches them, unamused, resting her head on her paws and readying herself for a night of sleep.

Some time passes, and she’s lingering in the twilight zone- awake enough to hear changes in her environment, but dozed enough to rest her mind. Her senses are honed in on the nocturnal symphony of the gully- the insects chirping, the trickling of a nearby creek, and the rustling of foliage in the nighttime breeze. The sound of footfall crunching through the grasses. Her ears twitch, swiveling toward the sound, pinpointing its location. Soon after, his scent is carried to her by the breeze- that mixture of cypress and cedar, now laced with hints of sea salt and pine. Like that woman she found him with. Her initial reaction, is to crinkle her nose and turn her head to the other side. She had no intention of seeking him out.

At least, not until he was walking directly beneath the tree she was perched in, crashing through the underbrush with his big, dire-sized paws. Her tail twitches in silence, her head raising so she could peer down at the unsuspecting Rogue. Shafts of moonlight trickled down onto his back, illuminating his celestial coat. For several seconds, Nimue watches him in silence, studying him, and assessing him. Anger starting to boil inside of her at the mere sight of him. Of all places, how in the hell did he end up right under her nose?

Nimue wasn’t always an impulsive creature- but this was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. Attribute it to her unresolved feelings for the male, an entire bottle of booze, and the restless, almost manic energy that festered inside of her. Whatever it was, or perhaps, whatever combination it was, sent her into attack mode. In a heartbeat, she’s leaping down from her perch, propelling herself at him. Time seems to slow down as she descends, her legs outstretched, claws extended and poised for impact.

She’s trying to jump straight onto his back, so she could wrap her forelegs around his neck and grab a mouthful of the back of his skull.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-01-2024, 06:24 PM

There was no warning signs. No red flags. No sense of danger ringing in his head as Rogue passed through the unassuming tree grove. He was entirely in his own world, lost in thought and enjoying the summer night. Then his paw knocked against something solid in the grass. Clink! The sharp sound of glass being knocked broke the tranquility of the evening and stopped Rogue in his tracks. The fuck…? Curious amethyst eyes peered down at the object in the grass. An empty bottle. A cursory sniff greeted his nose with the acrid scent of whiskey. What the hell was this doing just lying around out here?

Before he could do more than lift his head up and begin to look around, there was a rustle of movement above him—and then a weight was landing square on his back. "The hell?!" Rogue yelped in surprise, taken off guard by the sudden attack. Whoever it was wasn’t very hefty and easily fit on his back, but- OW GODS WHAT THE FUCK?! Suddenly needle-like teeth were in the back of his neck, pulling at his scruff like yanking the reins on a horse until he felt blood on his neck. Rogue fumbled about, paws unsure of where to move or what to do to escape his ambusher. Who even was on top of him?! Baring his teeth and snarling against the pain, Rogue threw himself to the ground and rolled over twice to try and dislodge whoever was on his back.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
10-01-2024, 06:45 PM

Landing square on his back, Nimue is quick to wrap her forelegs around his neck, making sure to cross her paws for leverage so she can press them into the center of his throat. She was feeling for the ribbed texture of his trachea, trying to apply pressure with her interlocked paws, because she wanted to hear him gasp for her. But he was starting to thrash, cursing out in protest, trying to dislodge her. A tsk left her jaws, which she had wrapped around the back of his neck- tugging at his scruff, her teeth sinking into his skin, until finally, the sweet, orgasmic taste of his blood spilled onto her tongue. The burst of flavor sent her spiraling into bliss- it trickled out the corners of her lips, dribbling down her chin- and Nimue let out a sharp groan, savoring every moment with exaggerated fervor. With his thrashing about, her hips were rocking against his back- Rogue was a robust male, no doubt, but that did not mean she couldn’t feel the protrusions of his spine rubbing against her abdomen. Rubbing. Rubbing. Rubbing. Her cheeks flushed, and she bit down harder out of reflex. Yes, yes!

But suddenly, Rogue was dropping to the ground, throwing himself onto the earth and rolling over- not once, but twice. With each roll, Nimue is squished beneath his weight, breathless gasps slipping from bloodied lips. His body swallowed her whole, it enveloped her, devoured her. She started panting, lost in the undercurrent of desperation. With his final roll, she released her grip, allowing herself to be dislodged. But by the time Rogue had flipped off of her and back onto his belly, Nimue was on her feet, staring at him with manic glee, pulsating with restless energy as she licked his blood from her lips. “More, more!” She yelped before throwing herself at him again, craving the cataclysmic clash of their bodies. She was aiming for his neck this time, trying to grab onto the right side, so she could feel the vessels beneath his skin pulsate in her greedy little maw.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-01-2024, 07:24 PM

His mysterious attacker was relentless in their assault, savaging his neck and scruff like a feral beast. The searing pain was agonizing but Rogue toughed through it with clenched jaws and gritted teeth. It was the only thing he could do since he was unable to reach whoever had turned him into their mount. Tiny paws and forelegs wound their way around his neck and that panicked Rogue more than the teeth in his flesh did, because it meant whoever this was could easily choke him. And sure enough, the next thing the brute felt was petite paws pressing into the middle of his throat, squeezing down around his trachea and cutting off his air intake. Rogue gasped for breath, the sound coming out short and suffocated, rasping against the pressure of those paws around his throat.

A giant paw lifted to try and pull the legs away from his neck to give himself even an inch of reprieve to steal a breath. Amethyst eyes were wide in panic realizing just how bad this situation was. He needed to get out from under this assailant now! His foe's jaws bit down harder on his scruff, earning another fresh spurt of blood and a growl of pain from Rogue. The small wolf on his back was straddled securely over his spine, so dislodging them with his usual thrashing and bucking was a challenge, but thankfully his rolling technique did the trick. After the second blow of his entire weight down on them, Rogue managed to knock his attacker off, righting himself on his belly just in time to see...

"Nimue?!" At least, some semblance of Nimue. She looked entirely transformed, more akin to a wild animal than the angsty adolescent he had known before. That crazed look in her eyes, that grin on her face as she licked his blood from her lips... If it weren't for her familiar scent of a pine forest after the rain he would have doubted what he was seeing. She cried for more, and then she was rushing him again. Rogue was still in a state of shock and couldn't react before Nimue was on him, crashing into him. Rogue reached up to try and intercept Nimue's sylphic body with his large paws, the size of them almost comical compared to her, while he reached to grasp at her back and side with his diamond claws extended. He wanted to sink them into her flesh to secure a hold on her and keep her from fully sinking her own fangs into his jugular and ending his life.

Rogue felt her fangs find purchase in his throat again, though thankfully not deep enough to be a killing blow. More of his lifeblood spilled into her muzzle, earning her another snarl from Rogue as he sought to hold Nimue back with powerful forelegs and razor sharp claws in her skin. "Oh, you wanna play rough, huh?" he growled at the psychotic little bitch, the paw that had gone for her back now reaching to try and grasp her scruff and skull with his claws to literally pry her snapping muzzle away from him. He didn't care if he hurt her. She started this and he was damn sure gonna finish it even if he had to bloody her from tip to tail to subdue her.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
10-01-2024, 08:02 PM

Nimue!? It wasn’t his recognition that she craved- though, she couldn’t deny that it was quite fulfilling- hearing her name as a gasp on his lips, the shock evident on his face, as if the air had been knocked from his lungs at the mere sight of her. The broody adolescent he knew seasons ago didn’t exist anymore. She’d gone through a metamorphosis, having blossomed into the crazed, manic creature that stood before him, panting, blushing, wanting more. Because this was her way of keeping control. Contort a negative into a positive, and feed off it. Hunger for it. Always want more.

And more she would have. She lunged forward out of desperation, yelping out in glee, her tongue hanging from her maw as she breathed out hot, fervent breaths. A manic energy was propelling her forward, a mixture of lust and desperation contorting her features, as she crashed into his larger body. As she wrapped her jaws around his throat, his paws were snaking across her body, those sharp, crystal claws tearing into her skin. Another breathless moan escaped her, followed by a melody of punctuated gasps for air and wild, erratic movements. As if the yelping itself was her release.

His blood was spilling into her maw, and she drank it down, greedily, hungrily. She was becoming lost in her spiraling bliss, time seemed to slow down, the world around them dissipating until it vanished. It was only her and Rogue now. Even with him clawing at her face, she was relentless in her assault- thrashing her head to and fro, trying to worsen his wound, even as his claws slashed dangerously close to her eyes. Moments later, Rogue was able to pry Nimue from his neck, using his strength and larger size to complete the feat. She kicked out with her legs, shoving herself out of his grasp and rolling several feet away, bloodying the verdant underbrush as she went.

Having rolled to a stop, Nimue is back on her feet, glaring at Rogue with half-lidded eyes. Eyes filled with wanton bloodlust… and shimmering with resentment. “Rogue. Rogue. Rogue!” His name on her lips came out as a moan- a sharp, ear-piercing sound, that echoed into the abyss of the gully. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to moan your fucking name.” She seethed, sliding her tongue across her fangs, which had pieces of his celestial fur and flesh stuck between them. “How badly I wanted you to stay!” She's snarling now, but it is not an aggressive notion- it manifests from her euphoria, the thrill of having her once precious Rogue bleeding in her arms.

Sprinting forward, she’s lunging at him again, only this time, she’s using her tiny size to her advantage. She’s trying to slip beneath him, her splayed jaws aiming directly for the hanging, hardening appendage swinging from his belly.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!