
Start Again



4 Years
07-05-2014, 03:19 PM

Baldur was feeling dizzy and he flinched a bit at Aksel's squeaky voice and active exuberance. "Thank you Aksel?" Baldur said sarcastically at the pups comments on his appearance but a soft smile did grace his maw as Thor moved closer to him and Aksel promplty stated how stupid he was. Yea? that was stupid. It was slowly starting to sink in that Baldur had more or less attempted to commit suicide and that realization was starting to scare him. He flinched a bit at Thor's question.

"I uh? was crossing a frozen lake and not paying attention. Fell in. Managed to get out but I fainted, got help from a healer." He shrugged, not quite ready to tell Thor about Linne? or any of his recent feelings. Not in front of the kids any how. "Ok, Aks-" and the pup was gone. He gazed at the pups that Thor had managed to round up and rescue while he and Sk?ll combated their uncles. Ohhh boy were they a motley crew. His gaze shifted to the yearlings, Dyani and Ullr. "Dyani? Ullr? Would you be able to bring more of the carcass back here?"




2 Years
07-18-2014, 02:13 AM

When her brother launched to his feet and started tramping towards the group, the pale coated femme leaped up to join him, making sure she was close enough to him that no one would get any funny thoughts. He paused constantly, sniffing this and that as she had taught him a while back, to see how others would react to him before jumping into things. Good, she didn't quite want to have to jump into the fray so soon after their long trek. Her gaze followed her brothers, to the brown and golden features of their uncle, and nodded slowly to second Ullr's speech. A speckled face poked out from behind one of the pups, one of her cousins, or siblings, it was really a fuzzy subject to her. She hadn't exactly stuck around when their parents had left them behind. No, she and Ullr had drifted to the safer outskirts of the territory.

Thor's reaction was gentle, a nod that was passing briefly if anything. However, when his attention snapped back to Ullr, and a frown creased his face, the dark hackles of the femme rose automatically. It was a reflex, because those were the motions of someone readying themselves to discipline her brother or herself. Lips began to curl, but slowly lowered again, along with her hackles, when Thor's attention returned to Baldur. Holy shit, Baldur was in rough shape. What had he done, gotten into a fight with a sunken log? When a query was posed of her and her brother by the injured monochromatic male, she offered only a short nod. Food was important, and surely it would help out her brother- and the rest of the family. Of course, they were just as important as Ullr. She nudged her brother with her shoulder, lowering her crown between her shoulders to motion in the direction that Baldur had come from. The scent of meat wouldn't be hard to miss, and Ullr was a fantastic tracker anyways.

With her brother at her side, she would set off in search of the food in question.

.:Momentary exit from thread:.




5 Years
07-18-2014, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 10:23 PM by Ullr.)

"Hi Eostre!" Ullr chirped in greeting at his little sister, he moved to sit down next to her and Bera to try and offer some sort of comfort. He had pretty good intuition when it came to others and Thor and company didn't really feel all that bad to him. But then instincts good be wrong and fortune favored the prepared. But how could he worry with Dyani around? She'd protect them, she always did.

"Yes, sorry, of course Thor, s-?.. Thor? ermm? cousin?" It felt a little strange using such familiarities with a wolf he hardly knew but if they were going to be family now he supposed he better get used to it. Ullr's ears perked up as he was addressed by Baldur, something about tracking a carcass down? Tail set to wagging. "Yea! I can do that! I'm a great tracker." It was one of the few things he'd really excelled in, even if he still lacked in the actual hunting part.

The yearling moved over to the leg and sniffed lightly at it, taking the scent into his nostrils in slow easy breaths. His stomach growled and he was half tempted to dig into the leg right then and there but?. no, no there was more and he should be a good brother. Oblivious to personal space Ullr then moved to take in Baldur's scent. It would be easy to track the scent of the brute's blood back to the kill he'd found. Nose to the ground he set about picking up the trail, knowing his sister would be right behind him.

:momentary exit from thread:
