
let the ravens gather

Helios I


9 Years
09-21-2014, 10:57 PM

Helios was gaining ground, Katja forced to backpedal as he pushed forwards into her. The woman really dug in then, he could feel her shift. The teeth were leaving his scruff just as he felt his head collide with something solid, the back of his skull slamming into her jaw.
Instinctively he dropped his head again, covering his throat and pushed ever further in, which proved to play into her hand. Katja seemed to take a quick step back with one paw and as he pushed in towards her, her position changed. Helios suddenly found himself facing empty air, the woman now at his right shoulder. Her legs shifted position wrapping around him in much more easily accessible spots. Keeping his legs staggered and bent, keeping his tail out and his toes splayed in the event Katja once more chose to slam her weight into him.
Helios tucked his head, narrowed eyes locking on her right foreleg and jaws once more opening to latch onto the appendage. Helios felt fangs burry themselves in his neck, more in the middle of his neck due to the ducking of his head. With a roar Helios snapped his head as far down as possible hoping to grip her foreleg. At the same time he shifted his weight to his right with as much force as possible, trying to literally throw himself at the woman.

Katja vs. Helios for Olympus
Round 3/3
Bent knees, tail straight, toes splayed, ears back, narrowed eyes, Hackles raised, head lowered.
Aiming to once more grip her right foreleg, while throwing himself to the right, literally into Katja.
Moderate-severe puncture wounds at the base of his skull, moderate tearing of skin at the base of skull. Minor puncture wounds in the middle of his neck, light bruising on the back of the skull.
WE DID IT! Good Luck Tea :3 (As always PM or skype with questions)

talk, think

Katja the First


8 Years
09-22-2014, 07:27 AM

Her forelegs attained their grip, and her jaws snapped into fur, but oh so frustratingly lower than she'd wanted, oh so frustratingly full of fur and skin. Snarling she attempted to jerk her head back, trying to tear flesh where she'd connected with his scruff since she hadn't managed to obtain a more paralyzing grip. Still, she took the moment to carefully adjust her balance, making sure her stance was wide and her feet were back to widen the angle between her back paws and where she rested on Helios to allow her better leverage if she was shoved. Her weight was distributed evenly between both feet, with her attempting to put as much weight on Helios as possible to even out her balance fore and back. Her knees were bent slightly rather than locked out, and her hind toes were splayed with the claws digging into the dirt for traction. Likewise her foreclaws were spread and attempting to clutch at Helios where they touched. Her hackles were still raised, her ears pinned back against her head and her eyes were narrowed, the skin of her brows and cheeks wrinkled to better protect the eyes with folds of loose skin. Her tail was held level, whipping back and forth like a rudder to balance her in her precarious position, and her shoulders were hunched forward both in an attempt to put her weight on Helios and, as she also pulled her head back as far as her position allowed, to bunch up the skin and fur of her scruff.

Fangs buried themselves in the middle of her foreleg, between elbow and wrist. It was a precarious grip to obtain as it rested against his chest but not impossible - his upper canines slid along the shallow bone there to lodge in the skin and muscle on the exterior side of the leg. Simultaneously, he threw himself at her.

Had the fresh bite not captured her attention with the fire that blossomed along the shallow grooves leading a short ways to the moderately deep punctures left by his canines, she may have been able to push against him with the leverage provided by the angle of her body. But the bite to her foreleg had loosened her grip around his neck, and the frustration of having failed to cripple the Olympian had distracted her, and her muscles slackened as she pulled away slightly, her jaws having left his neck in preparation for another attack. His strong shove sent her over backward.

Her tail tucked automatically to protect it from being caught between her and the ground, and Katja twisted in midair, catlike, but she was too close to the ground and the wolf body more cumbersome than a feline, so the best she could manage was to twist her upper body to the right, to come down heavily on her right side with her upper body trying to parallel Helios instead of on her back. She grunted as the breath was nearly driven out of her, moderate bruises forming along her ribs where they struck and an ache forming in her lower back from over-taxed muscles there. Already she was hunching her body, bunching up her scruff to protect her now-vulnerable scruff, but she braced herself on her right foreleg and attempted to lunge forward, jaws trying to reach for his right foreleg, teeth bared in an attempt to cut tendons there in the back of the foreleg. At the same time she was lashing out with her left hind leg, attempting to knock Helios' hind legs out from under him.


Round 3/3

Defenses: first paragraph mostly

Attacks: Attempt to rip the scruff where she got a grip, attempt to kick Helios' back legs out from under him, attempted to slice the tendons in right foreleg

Injuries: short shallow cut leading to moderate puncture wounds on right foreleg (exterior side), moderate bruising along right side ribs, mild muscle strain over lower back

OOC Notes: is this a new record for fastest pack challenge? Go us!



7 Years
09-22-2014, 07:03 PM

This was a fight for Olympus. It was to preserve their home and the safety of their many children. It was to preserve what they had worked so hard to prepare. It was to have something to pass on to the future generation. It was to show Helios's strength as a male of Olympus and as an alpha. It was to receive the judgment of the gods.

It was not a place for others to create their own quarrels. It was not the place to endlessly dispute beliefs. That was why Natalya ignored snarky words from a supporter of the challenger. It was why she restrained Poe with a whisper and held back her growl when Chryseis arrived and spoke to Hypnos of his existence. She did not even turn her head in the direction of the woman, at least until the child spoke. His words were an attempt to show courage and strength.

She waited until the battle was finishing before turning her head toward the child and smirking. She was filled to the brim with rage, but she would not act on it. Not here and not now. Instead, she told the pup the ugly truth of how wrong he was and why she did what she did. "Our sins, you say? Your mother has failed to tell you that the gods are the reason for my disposing of you. Our laws, created by the very gods you wish to smite us, require the death of any child unfit to live in our ranks. With your disability, you joined that group. I should have crushed the life from you rather than dropping you off the cliff's edge."

Her voice was cold and monotone, showing no emotion whatsoever. She sounded truly heartless. "But perhaps you should thank me for what I did. You would not have survived a week in my den. By doing my job halfway when I sought to mercifully take your life and prevent you suffering, I gave you the opportunity to be raised by a mother who requires nothing of you. Now you can both return to life on your own, with my traitorous son Apollo. This family will support you no longer, whether we leave with a home or must claim a new one."



1 Year
09-22-2014, 09:54 PM

Disbelief pulled his attention away from the fight and towards the disgraced Olympians as Hypnos spoke up against Helios. Much was at stake, and yet, the words were briefly elevated above the challenge. Bitter words fell from the mouth of the younger Olympian, tainting the air with an unmatched venom. Stunned that one so young could be so hateful, Nemesis turned wide blue eyes to Hypnos, a twisted sense of curiosity riveting him to this new conflict.

Enraged, Natalya turned on the boy and Nemesis, having no prior knowledge of the situation, was left to piece it together. His aunt's words left little to the imagination and the autumn hued Olympian was quick to gather the gist of what was going down.

His aunt spat at Hypnos, casting hateful, ugly words upon a small boy's head as if he were an adult and not a child. Rage that such a disgraceful display would come from the one who'd taken his mother's place would compel him, and in a flash Nemesis was standing, his hackles rising. He shook, righteous anger filling him. ?Natalya,? he would utter her name, his tone frosty and shaking with emotion. ?You are blind.? If Hypnos had been cast aside because of his leg, why hadn't the same been done to his aunt? Why had she, one who was equally flawed, been chosen as Helios' mate? How about her position as alpha? More importantly, what of Gaia? His voice would rise with his next words, indignation lacing each syllable. ?Are you saying that Gaia should have been tossed off a cliff too? Or crushed while she was still helpless??

Disgust painted his features as he looked upon his aunt with new eyes. 'You hypocrite' they seemed to say.

If only she could see the look on his face.

"Speaking" Thinking



8 Years
Chrono I
09-22-2014, 10:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2014, 10:17 PM by Chione.)

As they stood cheering silently for their own victor, a small boy came toward Natalya and spoke of wishing the gods to strike them down. And through her mother's words, Chione looked up to her not understanding what they were speaking of. "That little boy is your brother," the voice of Charon whispered to her, "He hates you and your family, you should tell him how it is."

And realizing that Natalya was agreeing to this absurd foolishness, she would look to her with hate in her eyes. "If what you say is true," She would then turn to the demented boy to direct her next words to him, "I wish you to burn for daring the gods to strike our parents and losing our home."

"How selfish of you." Charon would speak heavenly, "You did well."

Chione would throw her gaze at Nemesis, but slowly turned back to Hypnos as she spoke,"I can see why she tossed you over a cliffside." Her dark optics flicked back to Nemesis speaking to the both of them now, "I will see for her."

Walk "Talk" Think


09-22-2014, 11:28 PM

He didn't cry, even as his gaze fell to the floor. She would watch him closely. His head would lift, a fire burning in his eyes. Venomous words would leave his lips and a wicked smile would curl her lips. He was a good boy. When he spoke again, it was directed at her and her smile would soften as she leaned down, placing a kiss on his head.

Venomous words would assault her ears, pulling her gaze from the fight that was dwindling and towards the Queen. Lips would unfurl as her hackles bristled. Standing, she would turn to face the woman and her foolish child. A guttural growl would break free as she prowled forward, attempting to close the distance between herself and Natalya. The voice of a child would speak up in outrage against his mother, but she paid him no mind. "Perhaps I should finish what the gods failed to do with you." The blind bitch would suffer. She would feel no mercy.

Defenses fell into place with ease. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, her hackles already raised. Her crown would fall level with her spine, chin tucked against her throat, her tail would straighten and align with her spine. Legs would spread equidistant and bend at the joint, her weight would be evenly distributed as toes splayed and her claws dug into the ground. Shoulders would roll forward and her neck would scrunch. Lips would unfurl, jaws unhinging as a booming snarl left her lips.

She would not waste another minute. She would attempt to approach Nat from her (nats) right. Long legs would break into a sprint, attempting to close the distance between herself and her new opponent. She would aim to collide with the woman, she wanted the flat of her chest to strike the flat part of the woman's right shoulder, hoping to knock her off balance. Gaping jaws would then seek to grasp the right side of the bitches upper neck, several inches below/behind her right ear. She would aim to grab a powerful hold so she could gain some control over the woman. Following her bite, her right forepaw would lift, her weight shifting to her remaining three legs and her weight disrupting accordingly, and she would aim to slam it down with force on her opponents toes of her right forelimb. If all went well, then she hoped to break the bones in her toes. The dark queen was out for blood, wanting the wench to feel pain, to suffer.


OOC: I know raii is busy, so I'm not concerned about defaults. Also, Im not sure where Nat is in relation to Chrys, so I left it kinda open in the beginning.


The Judge


09-23-2014, 10:48 PM


Round 1

5 for clarity- where exactly to her right is he positions? -1, what sort of damage is he hoping to inflict by ramming her throat? -1, where at her right side is he stopping? -1, where on her shoulder is he trying to bite and what is he hoping to accomplish? -2

8 for powerplaying. there is no attempt to close the distance between them -1, you assume that she wont move when he stops at her right side -1

9 for defenses. knees bent, toes splayed, tail flat, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, lips curled, head lowered, shoulders rolled forward

5 for attack. aiming to ram his shoulder into her throat +2, bite to her right shoulder +3

10 for injuries.First round

Round one HELIOS Total: 37/50


7 for clarity- I cant envision how she is gripping his neck, are her legs on the left and right side, or the back of his neck and throat? -2, how hard is she throwing her weight forward? I know you said ?slam? but do you mean hard enough to cause a bruise? -1

9 for powerplaying. Not to sure how she could wrap her legs around his neck if he has a hold of her upper leg -1

9 for defenses. stance widened and squared, weight distrubted, knees bent, toes splayed, claws gripped the ground, tail raised to align with spine, head lowered, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, curled lips, rearing up onto hind legs -1

6 for attack. rearing up and attempting to wrap her front legs around his neck +2, bite to his scruff, near the base of the skull +3, attempting to thrust her weight forward and down to put pressure on his neck and add force to bite +1

10 for injuries.minor bruise to her chest, moderate bite to her upper front right leg (elbow).

Round one KATJA Total: 41/50

Round 2


5 for clarity- how severe the bite to the base of his skull? -1, did he receive any bruising for her slamming her weight forward? -1, where did her body strike his? -1, how hard is he pushing against her? -1, where is he pushing against her? -1

9 for powerplaying. strengthening his hold on her leg, minor powerplaying -1

2 for defenses. knees bent, head tucked. Defenses must be listed in the actual post, not the OOC notes

4 for attack. pushing himself forward +2, throwing his head back to attempting and strike her jaw +2

7 for injuries. moderate bite/tearing to the base of his skull -3

Round two HELIOS Total: 27/50


8 for clarity- how severe is the bite to her elbow? -1, how severe is the gash on her lip? -1,

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, brow and muzzle crinkled, ears pinned, hackles raised, hindlegs spread wide, toes splayed, claws digging into ground, tail flagged, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, chin tucked

5 for attack. bite to the base of his skull +3, wrapping her forelegs around his neck +2

5 for injuries. severe bite would to her right elbow -2, severe bruise to the right side of her jaw -1, minor nick to tongue -1, gash to her right lip -1

Round two KATJA Total: 38/50

Round 3

9 for clarity- where exactly on her leg is he triyng to bite? -1,

9 for powerplaying. ?jaws once more opening to latch onto the appendage? watch your wording -1

2 for defenses. head lowered, eyes narrowed, again you must write defenses into the post

5 for attack. attempted by at her right foreleg +3, throwing his weight into Katja +2

0 for injuries. severe puncture wounds at the base of his skull -3, moderate tearing of skin at the base of skull -2, minor puncture wounds to his neck -2, severe bruising to his skull (judge decision) -3

Round three HELIOS Total: 25/50


6 for clarity- You didn?t mention what happened to Helio?s grip on her leg when she fell -2, where exactly on his leg is she biting? -1, where exactly is she trying to kick on his leg? -1

your attack following her fall assumes that Helios released her leg -1, your attack assumes that she is able to get up after falling -2

10 for defenses. legs spread, weight distributed, knees bent, toes splayed, claws digging into ground, fore-claws gripping Helios, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, brows and cheeks wrinkled, tail leveled, shoulders hunched, neck bunched

6 for attack. attempted bite to his right foreleg +3, kicking his hind left leg +2

4 for injuries. moderate bruising to ribs -2, muscles strain -2, moderate puncture/tear (judge decision) on right foreleg -2

Round three KATJA Total: 33/50


HELIOS: 89/150

KATJA: 112/150

And the winner is...

Katja! Helios must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Olympus now belongs to Katja.


HELIOS- severe puncture wounds at the base of his skull (1 ooc week), moderate tearing/puncture wounds of skin at the base of skull (5 ooc days), severe bruising to his skull (judge decision) (1 ooc week)

KATJA- minor bruise to her chest (3 ooc days), severe bite to her upper front right leg (elbow) (1 ooc week), severe bruise to the right side of her jaw (1 ooc week) , minor nick to tongue(2 ooc days), gash to her right lip (3 ooc days)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Lolaf
Work on adding more details to your posts. Remember all your defenses, and add in more complex attacks. Its very important to remember to explain exactly where you are aiming/positioned, and what exactly you are trying to do.

For Tea
Just watched out for clarity and how you explain things.

- By [saffie]

Helios I


9 Years
09-23-2014, 11:24 PM
((OOC. First off, good fight Tea :)
Secondly, Olympus is not done, Raii and I had a backup plan and while it will take a little time to put into motion we ask that no family members go running off, they are free to explore but a family meeting might be held sooner than you think.))

They tumbled unexpectedly, his weight pushing into hers and the pressure on his neck dissipated. He didn?t have the forethought to adjust his fall landing heavily upon his right side with a gasp. Rising to his paws as quickly as he could he soon found himself once more flat upon the ground. Teeth pressed into his foreleg.
Helios was slipping, the blood pounding in his ears, a pressure descending upon him; darkness pushed at the edges of his vision and Helios suddenly felt scared. His mind instantly flashed to his wife, to his children both blood and adopted and the man made a snap decision.
?I submit.? He croaked, too quiet. ?I submit.? He said louder so that the woman could hear. Then he did his best to free himself, rising slowly to his paws.
Guilt was flooding into him and as he turned to face the chaos his voice rose into anger, covering the self-doubt. ?Olympus is not done, so long as Natalya or I stand. This woman, he spat indicating the gold and black deamoness, ?Has not only disrespected our family but directly attacked it! Defend it!? He did not care who answered, someone had to help Nat. ?There will be time for discussion late but for now, subdue her, knock her out, I do not care but that woman is not to leave this field, not until I say so!?
With a groan he limped towards his sister, whispering to her. ?Grab the child, keep a secure hold on him.? He indicated the crippled pup.

talk, think

Katja the First


8 Years
09-24-2014, 06:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 06:57 AM by Katja the First.)
OOC: yes, good fight Lolaf. As for the following post, Nyx and a few others can attest that I've been planning this for a while so please don't take it personally.

They had tumbled together, but her teeth had managed to find purchase in his foreleg nonetheless. It was not in her to relish the taste of blood but the tang on her tongue - mostly hers, from her battered muzzle - and the adrenaline combined into an exhilaration beyond anything earthly. Freyja's hands were upon her, guiding her and strengthening her, and Katja would not fail her. Briefly as her jaws closed she wondered if Auora were watching her in approval.

The Olympian called out to submit to her, and her jaws immediately opened to release him once more. As he turned away from her she pushed her self back to her paws with grace despite the pain in her leg, and the bruising. She took a moment to lick the wound on her leg as she eyed the argument that had broken out among the members of Olympus. Members of a pack that was now hers. Helios gave the order for them to hold the gold-marked female, then whispered to the heavily pregnant Olympian. No, this would not do. Not at all.

"They do not take your orders now, Olympian," her voice cracked out over the chaos, sharp as a whip, and cold. "You seem to mistakenly believe that they are still yours, but you submitted to me and that makes your pack... all of your pack... mine."

She paused to allow her words to sink in a moment. "The woman and the child are members of my pack and therefore... as members of my pack... anyone laying hands upon them on the order of an outsider will be maimed." She cast a languid eye over the gathered Olympians. How would they take that? More, how would they take this? "The Olympus family is dismissed from the pack. Take your children and your supplicants and go..." Not unexpected, it seemed fairly traditional in these lands to release the old members when one won a challenge, but.. "...but... Virgil's children... all of Virgil's children... will remain with me - where they will be safe from Olympus' influence. Too, the Olympus slaves will be freed from slavery and made full members and gain the complete protection of the pack, which will no longer bear the Olympian name but will henceforth be known as Yfir." It was a good name, meaning "above" in the Old Norse language that she had shared with Auora even before she'd learned to speak Auora's Norwegian. "Any other wolf present is free to request asylum with Yfir if they submit themselves to my judgement."

She stepped forward, toward the Olympians, her cold, intent manner gone sharp with menace. "If any any former member of Olympus dares touch one who is now under Yfir's protection they will find themselves a useless cripple." A particularly cold smile graced her torn muzzle. "And we know how Olympus treats their less fortunate."

A long speech, for Katja an extraordinarily long one, but she had been thinking about it for quite some time and Helios - daring to give orders to the pack she had just won from him - had simply cemented her decision further. Virgil's children - the four Raisa had helped raise, and the new litter Virgil had abandoned - would remain in Yfir. Their property - in the form of the two slaves - would remain in Yfir, leaving the Olympians destitute as well as homeless, and a slap in the face by making them full members of the pack. They thought the challenge itself was her vengeance? They had been wrong. Thank you, Freyja, Odin, Thor, and mighty Tyr for giving me this victory.

One more blow to the esteem of the Olympians - she would allow no interference as the former slave sought to avenge herself and the crippled pup against the former alpha of Olympus. "Clear away and let them settle this honorably between themselves." Her tone left no doubt that she inferred Helios' interference to be the dishonorable action here.


Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
09-24-2014, 07:23 AM

To begin with Andromeda had remained within the pack lands as the call sounded. She was curious of course, this call was for her family pack and whilst she held no power herself within it, it was still very much a part of her. In the end she could not stand the tension, the unknowing any longer and would venture forwards and join the gathering wolves in the battlefield.

To begin with she still wasn't sure quite what was happening. The air was thick with drama, the sounds of a fight audible though with the gathering she could not see who or what was happening. Moving closer she would join her brothers, orange gaze now watching carefully as she caught a better view of the battle. There was her great uncle caught in a fight. Briefly she would glance to Hephaestus before letting her gaze linger upon the battle once more, attempting to make sense of it all. "What is happening?" She would question him.

Distracted by her own thirst for knowledge she would miss the further drama kicking off from within the family itself, it was only as Nemesis stepped forwards and suddenly gave his own input into the situation that she would begin to pay attention. Out of the loop of everything it seemed she remained stood behind her brother, confused as to what had suddenly brought on this anger, or these words. What was happening with Gaia?

It was her uncle's voice however that would distract her once more, submitting to the dark female he had been fighting. The golden girl would once more look towards the bloody scene that had now drawn to an end just as another was beginning. Once more it seemed that drama between these two sides of Olympus would emerge, the very thing that Helios had feared in the recent meeting. She didn't know what to focus on more however, the attack on her great aunt or the words that Katja was now speaking.

Olympus was lost, she and her siblings would be split from their family they had grown up around, stuck with these ones descended from traitors within the Olympus bloodline, that were now fuelling drama once more. Why were Virgil's children signalled out anyway? There were others in the pack, and she and her litter mates were adults, the younger children surely more impressionable if she wished to try brainwash them or whatever her plans may have been. Not that Andromeda wished to part from the younger litter, she sought to keep them safe whilst her mother was away. The gilded girl's confusion would remain, still rather unsure on how to deal with this rather messed up situation.

image by lunarcat7



7 Years
09-24-2014, 08:35 AM

Nemesis would be the first to speak, spitting venom at his great-aunt unabashedly, thinking he understood the workings of the world. She heard Helios's submission, but paid it no heed. That would be dealt with later. Instead, she rose and approached the child who had spoken out against her, placing herself nose-to-nose with him and speaking in a harsh almost-whisper. "You understand nothing. It was because of my mother's weakness that I was allowed to live. They did not know of my inconvenience until after my eyes had opened, and for them it was too late. But blindness is just that - an inconvenience, not a disability. MY other sense adapted well without sight, but tell me what senses fix a mishapen leg? Tell me how that wolf would ever be able to move normally? The laws of our gods are clear. We kill those who would be unlikely to survive. IF the gods wish this one to survive to prove himself, so be it, but that was not my call to make."

Her head turned in Gaia's direction briefly before turning back to Nemesis. "Your sister was allowed to live because I had proven that blindness was not an issue," Chryseis's words caused her head to swivel and she barred her teeth, "And I will prove it again." She turned to face the traitor-cousin, smiling at Chione briefly she felt a surge of pride and clicking her tongue already to gauge the distance. She heard the words of the victorious female in the distance and gave them only a moment's attention. Someone needed to hurry back to the packlands to retrieve her other children. They needed to protect their young as best they could. She hoped the others would run, but she knew that Nemesis was likely to go into the woman's open arms. He had so little faith in the religion of his family and the ways of the gods already. She wanted to reach out to them all, to tell them to flee, to tell Solo to protect his Princess, the future of Olympus. Natalya could say nothing, though. She needed to focus on the task at hand.

(ooc;; start fight stuff here! no defaults would be great, but hopefully we can finish this before the weekend anyway xD GL - PS: starting distances agreed on by Raii and SAF -)

Her eyes narrowed into a ster, unseeing glare as she set her defenses, spreading her legs and toes slightly and bending her knees to center her weight. She pushed herself slightly forward to focus her weight on her toes for quicker movement as her shoulders rolled forward to give added protection to her neck. Her head dropped and her chin tucked against her throat to cover the vital area, her ears pressed against her skull and her tail stuck straight out behind her for added control. Finally, she tightened her abs in preparation of movement and her hackles raised as a sign of her anger. Her jaw remained slightly open to allow for continued location of her foe. Her tongue clicked again and again, the sound bouncing off of the female as she approached from what Natalya had determined to be, through this method, her right side.

Natalya waited until her opponent was within a wolfslength before stepping to her left to reduce the directness of the attack upon her and sprinting at Chryseis to meet her. The clicking emitted from her sped up as she ran, ceasing when contact was made between the two. Natalya lowered her body almost all the way to the ground before pushing her front legs up off of the ground in order to lessen the blow when Chryseis hit her by countering with her own weight. She felt a bruise blossom on her right shoulder and hoped that the impact of her own weight would throw off the bitch's balance while simultaneously causing bruising. They two sable women were nearly the same height, but Natalya had almost thirty pounds' advantage on her challenger.

She felt the scraping of teeth attempting to find purchase against her neck as she drew her chin even further against herself and continued in her forward momentum to attempt to ram her forehead into the spot where the right side of Chryseis's neck met Chryseis's right shoulder, an area exposed by her attempt to bite Nat's right side of her neck. She would not know if her attack hit its mark before she felt the bitch latch onto the edge of a thick roll of scruff on the right side of her neck, the target being further to the left (Chrys's right) than the attacked having originally intended because of Nat's shift in that direction. She winced, but the skin there was tough and the bite was not enough to make her howl in pain.

Natalya's paws would come back to the ground then, simultaneous with Chryseis's attempt to crush a foot that was not yet there. Natalya would be unaware of having avoided such an injury, the only reason being the nature of her counter. She would shake her head viciously in an attempt to get Chryseis to relinquish her grip as she tried to slide her right foreleg from inside to outside, hoping to sweep the challenger's left paw out from under her.

Round 1 of 2 | Dominance

Attacks: Attempt to knock Chrys off balance and cause bruising by leaping at her, attempt to ram head into spot between right neck and shoulder, attempt to sweep left paw.

Defenses: Eyelids narrow, ears flat, tail raised, head lowered, chin tucked, knees bent, widened stance, weight focused slightly toward toes, toes spread, ears almost flat, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, and tightened abs. Clicking tongue used like echolocation ( - it is successfully used by humans IRL and something I included in Nat's development, if you have any issues with this let me know) Stepping to the left to make the attack more indirect. Countering Chrys's weight with her own to lessen the impact.

Injuries: Moderate bruising to right shoulder, puncture wounds on right side of neck.


09-24-2014, 10:18 AM

He would watch in silence, almost horrified by his own disinterest in the bloodshed. He had been around this too much lately... He would press himself into Gaia, bicolored eyes hooded as he watched each and every movement the wolves before him made. Every so often a splash of crimson would be thrown from the battle and his eyes would follow it with a mild interest. He was not really paying attention to the bickering behind him, at least not until he heard Gaia's name. Immediatly his ears would prick and skull would snap around to finally tune into what was happening. Gaia killed at birth? Immediatly he was up, ears pinned and piped curled as he put himself between Gaia and her aunt as if she might turn around and kill her niece at any moment. How dare she! Natalya's response was rediculious and Solo found himself snorting in disgust. "Other senses? Ha! I have family who is blind, they embrace it but you... You couldn't even be bothered to lift a paw in defense for your own pack." There was rage there, it churned and bubbled within him then young male as he bristled.

He shouldn't be talking back to her but if the gods wished to smite him for talking back to his alpha then so be it. "On day Gaia will be 10x's the leader you ever were..." You worthless hasben, he spat mentally. And thats when all hell broke loose, Helios submitted, the black woman won and Natalya attack some black and good lady with the crippled child. Fuck sakes... He listened to the black woman for a time, force claiming Virgil's children...? His eyes flew wide and that rage disapated. But there was a chance. He could submit himself to her and be part of her pack. If that was what Gaia wanted... He looked at her, hoping to see some, any, emotion that might give him guidance. But whatever he was looking for was not found in her features and he would turn to look the to black woman. "I will submit myself and await judgment when you are less preoccupied..." His words were sure, they were solid. Hopefully she would hear him over the sounds of new battle. He was rewmbling now, shaking with rage more then anything. He wanted to hurt Natalaya now...



8 Years
Chrono I
09-24-2014, 10:56 AM

They would dare defy her mother, defy who she was and who Helios was. They all disgraced the family in her eyes, and she hated them all. "Tell them. Make them feel how you feel."

Charon would make her infuriate, he controlled her emotions, her anger. And he was flaring inside her. "Make sure they know who you are."

"SHUT UP!" She would scream, trying to avoid the fact that they truly had lost their home and that Charon was right. "All of you," Her voice would hush almost silently, "ALL OF YOU," There would be no breath in between her tongue, "Will pay for disrespecting us. Will pay for what you've done today! " She would bark and pounce around throwing her tiny paws against the stone and dirt. It may have looked pathetic, she was barley half a year old. But she would plot her revenge until the day she felt worthy, wether her parents agreed or not. And this wasn't directed to the new queen, or her followers, but also to those who went against her mother and her father. Solo, Nemesis, her newly found brother and his wretched mother. She wished them all to suffer under her chin.

"And one day you shall my darling.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
09-24-2014, 11:05 AM

Glorious! Excitement and jealousy bubbled through D?gmar's veins as she watched the competitors tear into one another. So much so that she barely registered the presence of Laufey, her ward turned soldier. D?gmar was no mother, but she could be a general and thinking of the young boy as a piece of her army rather than a lost orphan had made it far easier to set about taking care of him when he was ill. She wondered if his sister, this Esti, was as fine a specimen. Perhaps the girl could be added to her little collection as well?

The thought would have to wait as the battle picked up in intensity. The wolves dove into each others flesh with gusto and D?gmar found her eye lingered most upon the female warrior. The ebony femme fought with seasoned practice and grace that only wisdom and experience could give. Secretly, she rooted for this dark fatale that had so boldly sought to drive this pack from its lands. She was a femme after D?gmar's own heart. Not one for pretty speeches or ignorant ideas of heroism.

Fate smiled upon D?gmar as the ruddy male was beaten into submission. She grinned and decided to try once again to be part of a pack. Third time's the charm right? She stayed a respectful distance back, ignoring the packs family drama in favor of hearing the new Queen speak.

Grin only grew wider. This new Queen was relentless. D?gmar found herself liking this new leader more and more with each word, now hopefully she could back it up. The mottled wraith didn't know what she'd do if yet another pack dissolved under her feet. Ears perked at the mention of maiming. Ohhh? perfect. D?gmar still had a mass of violence held within her bosom she'd had yet to unlease and the site of the ruddy? and goodness red pelted wolves was only fanning the flames. Emerald pools rested on the young red male for a moment. It had to be one of Vi's spawn?. but that was the past. D?gmar reminded herself that her first concern was now her future.

And we know how Olympus treats their less fortunate.

D?gmar chuckled to herself. Masterfully played, daring Queen. Now the question. Would this new Queen have any use for the likes of D?gmar?

"Queen of Yfir! That battle was expertly fought. I am D?gmar Thyre, a kindred soul when it comes to the love of battle. I have had? poor luck finding a stable leader to grow under. Would your fledgling pack have room for one such as I? Oh? I should introduce my charge, Laufey. A soldier in training." She dipped her head to the large male before turning her attention back to Katja to await her answer.




1 Year
09-24-2014, 05:03 PM

Hemera stood beside her brother, having just came. When the man submitted, the brown coated pup bristled. There seemed to be an argument between her family, and irritation surged through her until she spoke. "All of you just shut up!" She glared at the gray female, her voice raised as she spoke. "You challenged us for our home? What's wrong with you? Did you ever think about where they would go? I know what you are. You're an archimalakas." With that, she turned to Helios. She said nothing to him, but nudged Thany and moved away. Hopefully he would follow her. She wasn't going to leave, exactly, but she was mad. She needed somewhere to calm down. Hopefully where she could calm down. When she heard Katja's words, she whipped around, her ears flat.

"I am not yours. I will die before I'm ever claimed by someone like you." Of course, she wouldn't leave. Unless she thought she could. She glared at the black woman. If she thought that she could break the child of such traditions so easily, she was dead wrong. The pup would simply speak in Greek, and hopefully force Thany to speak in Greek. With that, she spoke, hoping her family would understand her. "Hear Me Talk,"

"My mother was a good wolf, and she still is. I may not know her, but you call her Virgil. I am her daughter, the only daughter in this litter, and I will not forget my traditions. You can try to, but you will never succeed. I am Hemera Olympus, and I am not going to give up!"
'Read My Thoughts.'



1 Year
09-24-2014, 08:11 PM

Natalya's response was startling, causing the boy's ears to pin and his pupils to dilate in preparation of an assault. In response to Natalya's nearness, Nemesis bared his teeth at her in warning--before remembering that the gesture was useless--and then backed it up with a low growl. She may not have liked what he had to say, but that didn't justify her invasion of his space.

While he wouldn't be the first to admit that he didn't know everything (pride was, perhaps, an issue), he was aware that it was true. However, the things he did know or feel strongly about were things he would strongly defend. Matching her tone, he quickly responded, "No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of this." Natalya was wrong, he was certain of it. That in no way lessened his affection for his great aunt, but it did put them at odds. If she wished to disown him for his opinion, it would wound him, but that was her decision to make. His voice would be heard. "I should think that being blind would be harder to overcome than a limp." That both Natayla and Gaia were so capable was amazing, but shouldn't that child have been given the same opportunity?

His hackles would rise as Natalya was challenged and turmoil would swirl in his gut as he considered going to her aid. For several long seconds he would labor over the choice, the boy standing ridged and wide-eyed, before deciding that Natalya needed to own her words. If he didn't feel strongly compelled to intervene then it must not be his battle to fight. The gods would use the fight to make their will known.

It was then that the newly crowned alpha's words would click and the boy, in his shock, would chill. His tail, once held high behind him in outrage, would droop as his mind struggled to process what had been said. Was he a slave now?

"Speaking" Thinking

Helios I


9 Years
09-24-2014, 08:16 PM

A growl bubbled in Helios? throat at Katja?s response. ?Fine then!? He hissed. ?You can have the woman and the whelp, I hope it brings you great peace at night knowing you willing took traitors into your midst. They?ll fit right in!? Then she spoke again and Helios felt anger once more take hold. The man made to lunge at her, but his wounds suddenly flared painfully and he winced, stepping back.
?Know this! They will always be Olympus! Olympus does not forgive and does not forget! They will not be your thralls, this I can promise!? Gods but if he had the strength he?d kill her right now, for daring to tear his family apart. Especially the young ones, his adopted children! Then he?d whirl upon Gaia?s promised, the red boy. Taking a few limping steps towards the child he pushed up before him, baring fangs. ?Go willingly into that woman?s lap and I promise that when we reclaim those family that are lost, you will not be coming with them. If you have any love for my niece you will work to free her! We will suffer no more traitors!?

talk, think

Virgil I


4 Years
09-24-2014, 08:52 PM

She comes like a goddess. There is nothing in her features, not but sternness on her golden face that does not so much as flicker as she moves to the arena. She sees the aftermath, the ruins, the fires that she has left to burn. There is nothing left in her chest anymore, nothing but a maternal sense of duty which will never flicker off. Duty to family, duty to her children, duty to the pack she had crafted.

The pack the ebony coward now sought to steal away.
She stands firm in her defenses; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed across all four of her grounded limbs, toes spread, claws bite lightly into the soil, limbs bend, tail lashes out behind her body for balance, hackles raise, shoulders roll, head lowers to align with her spine, neck scrunches, chin tucks, jaws part, eyes narrow, ears pin back, lips curl upwards into a sinister snarl, muscles tense in the slightest of ways in preparation.
She brings herself before the scene without a word. Perhaps her presence goes unnoted, and she does not cower as she approaches Katja head on. ?You,? she says. Her voice is wrath, lightening, the spite of the gods brought down to Earth. She is their chosen, she knows this now, their weapon. ?You could not beat me yourself, and so you wait until I am away to bring your issues with me upon innocent children, upon my family,? she snarls. She has defeated Katja multiple times on the same day, and to her it seems the Viking had waited for the perfect opportunity, waited until Virgil was gone from these lands to strike.
And now? Now she seeks to rip children from their family, children that had nothing to do with Virgil?s impulsive, heartbroken actions.
?You will release my children, Katja. You will give them their choice. Or I will kill you. If you refuse I will give you a week, for unlike you I am no coward and will only grant a fair fight. And then I will kill you,? she snaps. There is no question; she will kill the alphess one way or another. There is murder in her eyes, power in her stance. Virgil Olympus, wrath of the gods, power of the Olympus family, is back to finish what she started.
OOC: I realize that DMs have to be player-agreed or staff-approved, but Virgil honestly wouldn?t do/say anything else so idk. If it comes to it I guess she?ll just try to keep maim matching Katja or something? CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE GET THERE.


09-24-2014, 09:27 PM

All hell had broken loose. Natalya would rise, spitting venom at another another child before turning to face her. The ebony bitches movement had placed them in a head on position, causing her to collide to shift, though still successful. Her opponent had lowered nearly to the ground before rising up to meet her (chrys). They would collide with force, her intended mark still met, but their force would knock her back a step, hind legs scrambling for grip as they slide against the ground. A heavy bruise would flare across her chest, but the adrenaline that flooded her system would mask the pain for now. Fangs would also find purchase, though not exactly where she had originally intended. Jaws would immediately clamp shut in an attempt to keep her grip, even as her opponent thrashed her head back and forth. Her opponents head would collide with its intended target, the lower right side of her neck, a moderate bruise flaring up from the momentum. Much to her dismay, her paw would only strike the earth, her opponents own paw out of reach.

The back of her mind registered voices. Helios demanding an attack on her. But the victor claiming her under her own protection and therefore unable to be harmed. A victorious snarl would breach her jaws as she attacked with renewed vigor. Her adversary would attempt to sweep her left forelimb out from under her (chrys), so in retaliation she would attempt to lift her left forelimb, curling it in towards her body and redistributing her weight on her remaining three limbs. Hindlegs would spread several inches wider, joints bending deeper as she attempted to rise up into her hind limbs, her tail would also curl, aiding in her balance. Her left foreleg would rise in an attempt to drape across her opponents shoulders and her right forelimb would attempt to wrap around the front of her adversaries neck in an sort of bear hug. She hoped that the action would keep the bitch close. Following her attempted bear hug, her skull would shake violently back and forth in an attempt to inflict maximum damage on her already obtained grip on Nats scruff. Using her coiled back legs, she would attempt to push forward and into Nat, hoping to push her chest against right side/front portion of her opponents neck. She wanted to put pressure on the whores neck to cause her as much discomfort as possible.

All the while her defenses remained in tact. Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised. Her head was level with her spine, chin tucked tightly against her throat. Her shoulders rolled forward, and her neck was scrunched to protect her vitals. Her legs would spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes were splayed and her claws dug into the ground. Her tail was straight with her spine and curled to aid in her balance. Her back hunched as she rose onto hind legs and her core tightened to help aid her balance. Her lips remained curled back, revealing daggers and pushing extra skin around her eyes.


Injuries: heavy bruising along her chest, moderate bruise to the right lower side of her neck, were her neck meets her shoulder.



09-24-2014, 11:57 PM

Everyone was shouting, whirling, trying to make everyone else shut up. Another fight had broken out, other pups were yelling and angry and there he stood angry and trembling. His eyes would dart too and fro, his lean fame placed protectively before Gaia. He was ready to destroy anyone who even looked at her wrong now. And someone seemed to be up to the task. Helios. He was already wounded but as the hurt male shoved his face into Solo?s the red male would bristle, growling harshly and glaring at Helios angrily as he pushed right back. His former leader was smaller then him and though Solo was young he was not backing down on this. The male spat words and Solo would lift his lip in a sneer. ?I will work to free her? Like you did? Unlike you I won?t fail. If that is what she wishes I will die to make those wishes come true.? His words were soft, for Helios only, but they hissed from between his teeth, lips curled back into a snarl as he took a step forward in an attempt to completely invade Helios?s space, hoping to use his superior height and weight to force the male back. Fucker?

For a moment he would stand, hackles bristled like an angry porcupine and chin tucked close to his neck just in case Helios decided to attack him. Stance was spread wide, joints loosened and toes spread to claws could dig into the dirt. One hind leg would slide back in preparation for a collision. His shoulders would roll forward, back arching slightly and stomach tucking to gather his core strength. Tail would lash out angrily behind him before coming to settle in line with his spine. Ears pinned to his skull, eyes narrowing and lips pulling up to gather excess skin around his face. Fucker? ?How dare you give up, how dare you submit. No real leader would do that, you?re the traitor to this pack and this family. I will be the one who does what needs to be done. I will be the one who protects Gaia, no matter what, even if that is from you and your wife who thinks Gaia should have been killed at birth?? Again his words were soft, dangerous, threatening.

He was ready to kill this man, throw down with Natalya and if Gaia asked him he would kill Katja or die trying. But the gods seemed to have something else in mind as the golden woman swept into the scene. She would stand before she spoke and Solo would finally ease up on Helios, retreating to Gaia?s side as if pushed by an invisible hand. ?Gaia? She?s here? Your mom is here?? His words were soft, awe stuck. Her arrival reminded him so much of his own mother, she was a goddess among these peasants and he was just as in awe as everyone else. Would this be his mother one day? Coming back after leaving her pack for one last grand gesture. It was like something out of a story, and honestly all that rage he felt melted away. Virgil was Gaia?s mother, she would understand, she hadn?t cast any unwanted children aside. Solo could trust her, she would keep Gaia safe?