
Animal [Open]


04-02-2013, 02:25 PM


Champion had stopped, rather in shock, at that pat on the head. For a moment she remained there with her head lowered as she?d dropped the boar. What in the world? Now her brow twisted up in question and her muzzle changed into a strange grin. She liked this guy.

She heard his words about deer and at first she was confused. Certainly any herd within earshot would?ve heard the squeals of the pig and been alerted to predators? They?d have to be long gone! But Champion was underestimating the blind wolf?s hearing. Apparently. With an exhaling sort of chuckle, Champion dragged the pig carcuss to the roots of a nearby tree, dug a bit of a pit, and covered it over with dirt and leaves. It wasn?t much but hopefully there?d be even more meat on the menu ? and if not then they?d be back soon enough to claim Champion?s kill. For her sake they hoped it wouldn?t take too long. The hunt had made her hungry. Oh so hungry.

Champion followed along behind Roman, waiting at the edge of the treeline when he signaled they were close. His words made her face twist up in confusion ? which of course went unseen. That monster of a buck? Him? By himself? This she had to see.

But sure enough , the blind wolf slunk around through the shades like a ghost ? making sounds even a mole would have trouble picking up. Champion shook her head in disbelief as the male ran out ? heading in a perfect bee line to the buck and taking it down front ways.

?You?re crazier than ME!? Champion shouted out as chaos broke loose. A take down like that ? put a wolf right in front of the deer?s pronged fore hooves. If the buck had been a bit stronger, or quick or more balanced by just a hair ? Roman could?ve had his guts ripped out for them all to see. (Champion had come close enough to such a fate enough times to know) But the blind wolf had some rare form of luck with him ? the deer went down clean and he was able to kill it before it could get it?s hooves back under it.

Champion had starting racing out into the clearing as soon as Roman had gone down ? just in case she was needed. But now she just threw back her head and laughed ? that calm and simple ?You hungry? had been too much to bear. A clear ringing sound she hadn?t let herself hear in a long time. ?Not bad, Roman! I think this one goes to you!?

And now for the meal. It was a nice change to have someone to share one with. Champion contented herself with nice thick hind leg ? growling and salivating over it like she was coming out of a seven year famine. It was a habit of her. In her birth pack her elders had always wanted her to eat in a more collected and lady-like fashion. Nuts to that. Champion ripped off a slice of meat and gulped it down without so much as a breath in between. ?Lovely.?

And when she?d eaten her fill, the she-wolf let herself relax in the clearing ? which was now devoid of all life save lupine. With a little circling and stretching she laid herself down in a sphinx like manner ? which was her custom, particularly after meals. And she cocked her head in the blind wolf?s direction. ?I must say, this has been fun, Roman. It was a pleasure meeting you. But tell me ? where do you plan on going from here?? Did he have some sort of direction? Or was he a child of the wander lust like her?


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-02-2013, 09:57 PM
Rather sitting in the quaint area roman saw that she enjoyed the meal im glad you enjoyed the meal it was my pleasure getting it he heard the content sound of her tail wagging and now they both sat there sitting and talking and champions question came up and asked where he was headed next? he replied hmm thats a good question i really don't know where to go i have no family any longer and im just seeking a new home or someone meaningful to call my own you know ran said that with a sad tone in his voice and put his head down in the ground and his ears flopped down in sadness i just...i just don't know i left because my family were ashamed of me because i couldn't see or make friends or interact with others due to my problem he remained with his head planted down trying not to remember those troubled times and past but he was glad he had champion here to help him out and not reject him like the others have when he was a pup aside from all he was happy to be here with champion and see if they could travel together for a while.


04-03-2013, 07:26 AM


This ring of sadness in Roman?s voice was new to Champion?s ears. She grew more sober and listened intently. It was interesting, he truly missed a sense of belonging. He probably wouldn?t remain a rogue for long .But then, why had he become one in the first place? As the she-wolf listened, Roman?s next words told her. His blindness. She ought to have guessed. Apparently not all wolves thought his ?sixth sense? as impressive as she did. What a shame.

?Their loss.? Champion said sharply. ?They didn?t see the potential you had and your birth pack missed out an able wolf ? a little mouthy and brash and times, but ?? Champion finished her sentence with a tail wag and low chuckle. They all had pasts, but it was nothing to down your present with.

?As for me, well I guess you could say my story is similar, only my packmates looked down on me because I was female. I wanted to be a warrior, they wanted me to make pups.? She shrugged. ?So I left to find my own path. Maybe one day I?ll join a pack? but I don?t know ? if would have to be someplace where I felt I could make a difference not be just another face in the crowd or claws on the hunting trail. For now I?m a loner, and I?m perfectly content with my life. I hone my skills and see new lands ? not to mention meet interesting wolves. What more could a gal want??

She meant it. Every word. She had no bitterness about the old days ? she?d only ever done what she wanted and what she believed best. How many could say the same? Sure she?d nearly gotten herself killed, oh, a handful of times, but that was a part of the fun!

?As for companionship,? Champion began quietly. ?Well I?m usually more a loner type? but I?ve enjoyed your company ? I wonder Roman, if you?d like to travel together for a ways ? maybe for a week or so ? if you?re new to these Alacritis lands, I could show you some of my favorite haunts.? It was an open invitation. And the truth was, even after the loners parted ways, be it that day or six days later, with them both settling in these parts they were sure to cross paths again. The thought appealed to Champion. She liked this male; with talents like his, she believed great things could come of him.

[I think this is Champ's last post here]


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-03-2013, 01:32 PM
Roman enjoyed the enthusiastic tone of champions words of wisdom and felt delighted that she could see potential in him a destined for great things ahead even if others couldn't see it Thanks champion that means alot but roman liked her idea for her to be greater and be mistreated by others and outting her down just because she's female he spoke with an angry tone what's the matter with those wolves have they no respect for a lady that is an out rage but i can see why you left but me im looking for a home or family maybe a pack not sure yet i didn't decide to be a rouge i just left home i wasn't a part of a pack from the start actually[\b] he said to champion with a normal bland tone he wasn't a part of anything just a wolf who ran from home and seeking someone new to accept him.

while the two talked roman stood up and answered [b] Champion this has been delightful and i feel sad you won't stay long but we should go up on an adventure its sounds fun to see what kind of messes we can get into! Cmon get up and lets go!
and so the wolves stood up and ran off onto some new adventure even if it was for a little while but they company would be worth it for him and champion.

End Of the thread