
Plot with Blue



4 Years
Extra large
09-22-2018, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2018, 10:01 PM by Bluetick.)
Acapella Adravendi
female • 6 yrs old • loner • Heterosexual
Hunting & Intellect

Ella has become a reserved type individual with an open mind the type that has fallen for the vary man who stole her site from her during a pack raid. She had been shunned/kicked out of Celestial to never be able to return and is now making her own choices in her life

Currently: Ella is currently lingering with Dragon and Greed awaiting for the day Talis rises again. She will be joining Talis when it's recreated

Open for: I would love for something to help reteach her hunting without her sight. Would love to get both of her skills up, meeting other wolves that will be with Talis when is rises. Maybe even some of her extended family that is no longer with Celestial.
Closed for: Love/Romance & Pack life, also she can not return to Celestial and will be doing her best to stay clear of lands directly around it.

Actaea Praetor
female • pup • Loner • Heterosexual
Healer & Fighter

Actaea is my more darker girl that will be a dark healer for Ruina. Now when I state dark healer it means that she will gain extensive knowledge on poisons and hallucinogenics as well as being a plain old healer. She will also know how to fight and learn good anatomy of other wolves to know where key attack spots are.

Currently: She is a pup growing up and learning in Ruina. She is doing a lot of learning and developing, but I'm missing some key things in her life right now.

Open for: Influence that steers her towards working with poisons. A teacher for healing outside of normal pack lessons. Really wanna get her skill points up! Sibling bonding, no matter how weird that may be lol. As well as learning the dynamics of the pack and what it means to be a lamb and such.
Closed for: Pack & Romance

Allegro Destruction
male • 2 yrs old • Abaven • Heterosexual
Intellect & Navigator

Son to Hymn Destruction and Oria Guaritore Gøran. He has been raised on the traveling lifestyle. Not much has been done with him so I'm playing it off that he somehow got separated from his parents and siblings. I don't have much going for this guy and I really would like to get some plots to get him active.

Currently: Wandering aimlessly, I don't really have a particular area where he is at currently

Open for: Everything!!
Closed for: Pack

Branch Wreckage
male • 3 yrs • Kesali • Heterosexual
Hunting & Intellect

Branch is a neutral minded man, the type that would help anyone if need be. His plans are to raise a pack that would be same minded like his family clan, but ran differently then the clan would have been. Hopefully once this happens I'll be able to work some trade routs and agreements with other packs. He is easy to get along with and would tries his best to please others (within reason)

Currently: He's currently living and creating the Weeping willow's to be the base camp/packland. He has bug three storage dens and I'm hoping to get these requirements filled to raise the pack.

Open for: Hunting threads would be awesome!! He needs his hunting skill points built up. I also want to build up his intellect skill as well. He had no set romance either. It was planned that him and Aranea would have a litter together, but idk where Chrono is or when she's coming back. . I have have family adopts open if anyone wants to become part of his near and extended family.
Closed for: Pack life

Chasm Agatsuma
male • 3 yrs old • Loner • Heterosexual
Hunter & Intellect

Chasm is a bit of an emotional roller coaster that doesn't quite know ho to express himself properly. When he had his siblings to care for he had been better, but now it seems bit of an emotion wreck over it. He deals with anxiety and isn't quite sure how to control it.

Currently: He's kinda wandering, assumed to still be hanging around Adore off an on. He does have a plot with Shelby for him and Etain to become a thing.

Open for: Skill threads, some darker influences, pretty much anything. Would love some threads with half siblings!
Closed for:

Corentine Skylding
Female • 3 years • Loner • Heterosexual
Hunter & Healer

Daughter of Storm Wreckage and Elias. Was living in Abaven with Brandr, both they both decided with the Abraxas inhabiting the pack they wanted to get away from it. Living like nomads is the life they chose and they also recently started a family.

Currently: Living in Wolfpaw lake, Brandr acts as an outside pack member to Celestial, but for now Corentine remains a loner. Raising her two children and living it up

Open for: Open for pretty much everything else. Would love some threads with her siblings, or extended family members on the site.
Closed for: Love & Pack living

Delaney Callen
female • 4 yrs • Niente • Heterosexual
Healing & Intellect

Delaney has kinda lost herself. Taking the sudden disappearance of her friend and crush quite harshly. She had secluded herself in the north, living in complete solitude until it began to drive her crazy.

Currently: Currently she's at the borders of Niente trying to figure out that deep down she desires to be part of a pack once again after swearing that the life of a loner was for her.

Open for: Almost everything
Closed for: She does have a plot to be Archie's sweetheart

Derecho Wreckage
female • 3 yrs • Lirim • Heterosexual
Intellect & Hunting

Daughter of Storm Wreckage and Elias Praetor. She is the long lost daughter, the one that was swept away by the rapids in Abaven and has survived to tell the tale. For about a year she lived and thrived on her own until she met with Torin. With the promise of being lead back to Abaven she joined Lirim, but when it came time to make the trip realized Lirim is where she wanted to stay.

Currently: Liquid timing between her plot from the early spring to present day. Basically she got swept away again and Torin finds her, they both figure out their feelings towards one another and she returns to Lirim.

Open for: Almost everything else.
Closed for: pack & love

Ellie Marsh
female • 5 years • Loner • Heterosexual
Hunter & Intellect

She just freshly arrived in Boras looking to start a new chapter in her life after the loss of her mate, her children, and her family.

Currently: Currently meeting the first wolf, Zell. Plotted to become his mate and move to Lirim.

Open for: Everything else!
Closed for: Love & Pack

Frostbite Wreckage
male • 7 yrs • Lirim • Heterosexual
Intellect & Hunting

For a while now the male has been the leader behind Lirim, whether primary or secondary he has done his best to keep control on his life. Even after his mate was kidnapped and disappeared for a while he threw himself into work. Now that Torin has agreed to step up to the bat Frost is slowly working his way into retirement. Starting with the birth of his children.

Currently: Currently witnessing his children being born within Lirim's borders. Getting himself prepared to become a father of 5

Open for: Open for skill points and is still secondary alpha of Lirim
Closed for: Pack & Love

Laisren Adravendi
male • 4 yrs • Celestial • Heterosexual
Fighter & Hunter

Born and raised in Celestial in the shadow of the great leaders within his family. He was originally suppose to be a big time defender, but of course due to myself he has really fallen from that plan. I would like to get him back on that path, but I need lots of help.

Currently: He lives in Celestial and has kinda fallen off the rocker from where I wanted him to be. (Which is mostly due to my fear of not being a good fighter IC). Any of his spars need a witness to count!

Open for: Everything else! And anyone willing to be his witness from Celestial I will be looking for them too!
Closed for: Love & Pack

Lucine Skylding
female • pup • Loner • Heterosexual
Hunter & Intellect

Lucine is still young an hasn't had many threads yet. I would really like to get her out there and for her to meet others. She is a bubbly creature and loves to learn.

Currently: Living in Wolfpaw lake with her parents and brother.

Open for: Everything but dangerous stuff!
Closed for: No dangerous things!

Nowa Abraxas
female • 4 yrs • Loner • Heterosexual
Healer & Intellect

Bitter, Lonely, and feeling abandoned Nowa is really taking the separation from her twin rather harshly. She is living alone with her Fossa companion that managed to convince her to be her companion rather then letting him rot and die from injuries.

Currently: Being found by Czern after the flooding and making their way back to Risen

Open for: Family plots is a must!!! Also reuniting with her twin. I also can see if she stays in Risen that she will take care of her sisters kids and actually be an aunt in her own odd way lol.
Closed for: Love & Pack

Thora Wreckage
female • pup • loner • Heterosexual
healer & navigator

Thora and her Mother Storm have just recently come back to Boras in search of close family. Thora doesn't know it, but her mother is slowly dying of cancer and she is searching for one of her children to care for Thora when she passes.

Currently: Moving around and confused at where they are actually going. Would love extended family threads.

Open for: Everything!
Closed for:

Zinnia Wreckage
female • 5 yrs • Risen Empire • Heterosexual
hunting & intellect

Just recently brought to Risen, saved in the flooding of her home. She is recovering and has decided to stay within Risen and loving the attention she is getting from Typhon

Currently: Currently recovering within Risen and decided to stay with Risen

Open for: Would love to meet and learn more about the Abraxas including their religion. Also bonding with the other mortals in the pack would be great! She is vary easy to get along with! Finally Skill points!!!! She needs to get hunting points and Intellect!
Closed for: Love & Pack