
Spooky Pack Contest



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2018, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2018, 08:44 PM by Branch.)
<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="">Branch Wreckage</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b> Kesali
<b>Proposed color:</b> #6a93ae
<b>Proposed lands:</b> Weeping Woods & Tall Grass Plains

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b> Kesali will be a true neutral pack that strives to create relationships with other packs by trading what is unique in their area and treasures they find with things unique in other packs territories. Their business will be with good, Neutral, and dark aligned packs. Kesali will not partake in raids, sieges, wars, or anything of the sort. They will not pick sides and in times of need will provide for any pack. The pack is vary dependent on their healers, but the pack also strives to provide ranks for any skill or interest (including crafting, hunting treasure, hunting, fighting, ect). They also want to freely extend trading to any loners who are in need of things. There is some unique qualities I intend to include with the pack. One being the higher ranking wolves will wear jewelry, or something to tie them to the pack and their standing rank. Since this is just starting out this gives some freedom from ideas from other members as far as what they think should be used. It could be as complex as a intricate necklace, or as simple as a bandana or cloth band. Another thing is that the pack has their own official in pack color which is their ooc color. Jewelry and cloth will be in this color helping others recognize who Kesali wolves are. The third thing is a pack symbol which will be unique because this will include fur die tattoos if there is interest. Lastly pack points will also be created for Kesali.

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</b></u>

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>
Rom-Baro: The main alpha of the pack and also the main decision maker for the pack. Whatever the Rom-Baro says will go no matter what. The Rom-Baro always has the pack's safety and survival in their mind and tries to make the best decisions from there. He will collectively take opinions from others to thought in his decision making.
Phuri: The second in command and the wolf who works directly under the Rom-Baro. Generally this is saved for the Rom-Baro's mate, but this will not always be the case. This is the one wolf that the Rom-Baro trusts above all others and is generally the closest to him. Together the Phuri works to help make the pack work like a team and also helps to take some of the leadership responsibilities.
Chava/Chavi: male/female heir to the pack. 99% of the time it will be the Rom-Baro's own children or family that will gain this rank, but again there may always be a chance were he feels there is another wolf more fitting.

<b>Tier 2 Rank</b>
Drarnego: One of the Rom-Baro's council of three. This wolf is also the master healer of the pack and knows as much as there is to know about healing. This wolf is in charge of keeping track of the herb stock, instructing other healers what is needed to be collected, enforcing regular healer training, and determining what level of skill a healer in the pack has.
Amria: Is the master in battle and defense knowledge. This wolf is in charge of tracking border patrols, enforcing fight & Defense training, and picking the head traveling guardians that go with those wolves who are sent out to trade with packs and loners. This wolf is also the guardian of the council members, the Phuri, and the Rom-Baro if they choose to leave the pack lands and request aid.
Baxtalo: This is the one and only diplomat of the pack, the wolf that oversees anything pertaining to pack and loner relations. Working with the Drarnego they aid in the herb stocks, food stocks, and the trinket stocks. They organize the groups that travel pack to pack to trade and ensure relationships between other packs and our own. The Baxtalo also serves as the festival organizer and the priest for more ceremonial things the pack does.

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: Rank
Drabéngro: These are the expert healers of the pack and work directly under the Drarnego. They are in charge of getting apprentices paired with trainers and to keep track of how they are doing. They also aid in the testing of advancement for the lower ranking healers in the pack
Kooli: Working directly under the Amria this is the pack's main line of defense and protectors. They are also the trusted guardians that are to travel with the groups going out to trade with other packs and bands. If the pack is ever attacked they are the front lines and the merciless fighters that will defend the pack.
Lel: These are the eyes and ears outside of the packs. Their duty is collect information on packs, territories, and bands. They are also considered the pack's scholars and should have knowledge on the weather, the moon phases, and the stars.
Barvalimos: These wolves are the main traders for the pack. They are the wolves chosen to travel to places to trade with others. They also should have decent knowledge of herbs, game animals, and crafts so they know their worth when trading with others.
Doodah: This group is in charge of feeding the pack and bringing in game to keep the food storage stocked. They organize pack hunts and work with the lower level hunters in training them. They also work with the crafters in the pack to gain knowledge in traps and tanning furs.

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>:
Pattríensis: Intermediate to advanced healers in the pack that are working themselves to settle into the Drabéngro rank. Most often these wolves will be the ones taking on apprentices and going out to gather herbs.
Ferari: The crafters of the pack, experienced in making various things for the pack to use or to be of value to trade. They could know anything from simple bandages to making beds or traps. They normally have creative minds and are always looking for things to use to make into something.
Gavver: The second line of defense and offense in the pack. They are more inexperienced and are often being taken on and trained by the Kooli. They are to attend every fight training session as well as sparring with fellow pack mates.
Mas: Lower level hunters in the pack that are still working and gaining knowledge in their trade. Most are easily able to hunt small game in their own and able to do fairly simple tracking. They are the apprentices that the Doodah take on and are to attend every hunt training session and every pack hunt that is called.
Patrin: The travel bugs that have the knowledge and skill of navigation. They like to travel and to learn about the various territories of Ardent. They learn and report back to Lel to report their findings so that it may be passed on to the other members of the pack. They may even travel with the healers on their quest to gather herbs to explore and help find herbs that are needed.

<b>Tier 5 Rank</b>:
Gabori: These wolves have a like for shiny things and look for things such as jewelry, to bags, to anything they could find left over from the humans decades ago. They tend to have good noses like the hunters and like to travel like the Patrin.
Churara: Lowest level of fighters in the pack. Their main duties are to learn and to be the pack's main border patrol. They are early in their learning stages and take most of their time to train their bodies to become higher level.
Drab: These are Novice healers, ones that know enough to treat minors wounds and minor illness'. These wolves are still expected to attend all training sessions that are called and to test each other. They also help the Chitries with their duties
Chitries: Beginner healers, the first step in their skill set within the pack. Their duties consist of studying, learning, and learning basic care. This starts with aiding the elderly of the pack and babysitting the young pups of the pack. This also means they help make sure expecting and new mothers have everything they need to remain comfortable.

<b>Tier 6 Rank</b>:
Manush: This is only meant to be a temporary rank. When first joining the pack if you are unable to decide on a rank or need to be tested you will first be placed here. This is also a rank designated for young wolves in apprenticeship and are working their way to know where they want to go within the pack.
Tenimos: The youth of the pack. They gain this rank upon their birth up until they are in apprenticeship. It is another rank that is only temporary.
Lashav: Omegas

  • Rom-Baro's word is law. Though he is highly considerate of his members thoughts and opinions he tries to make decisions based on what is best for the pack as a whole and his word goes. Do not question and respectfully listen to what he has to say.

  • Honer and be considerate of your pack mates. The pack is family which means fighting among the pack won’t be tolerated. If you have issues with another member and don't know how to handle it, feel free to come to the Rom-Baro for help and he will help you work through the issues.

  • Privacy is a must, no need to share information other's don't need to know. We would like to stay clear of quarrels between other packs, this means who and what is traded to who shouldn't be discussed with other packs.

  • Respect and be kind with other packs. We do not want to start fights or a war with another pack so we must remain respectful of their rules when we go to trade. If you prove you are unable to do this your rights to be a trader for the pack.

  • Rank Challenges are allowed for certain ranks. Challenges can happen for the fighting ranks only. Healing and hunting ranks are based on the knowledge you can show in your posts and your skill numbers.

  • Teamwork is highly encouraged. Everyone will have their rank, but this does not mean this is the only thing you do in the pack. It is highly encouraged to learn and help other ranks within the pack, knowledge is the key to life in the Rom-Baro's eyes. Those who pitch in wherever it's needed will not go unnoticed and will be praised for doing so.

  • Start Young, but we remain careful. We try to start as early as possible when teaching the youth, but this doesn't mean they can be taken out of the pack to do so. All training will remain within the pack borders until they are closer to a year and a half. This also means until they are a year old of age they will remain in the Tenimos rank.

  • Love is encouraged, but respectfully ask! We allow others to find mates and to bare pups, but we do request that you ask the Rom-Baro before conception has happened. The reason we request this is because we need to ensure there is enough food and supplies and room to ensure your young will survive and thrive.

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1. Spooky Pack Contest Updates/Events Archive 03:02 PM, 10-15-2018 09:36 AM, 07-02-2024