
Spooky Pack Contest



4 Years
10-15-2018, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2018, 08:44 AM by Tyranis.)
<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="">Tyranis</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b>Erövrare
<b>Proposed color:</b><font style="color: #e25211;"><b>#e25211</font></b>
<b>Proposed lands:</b> Sunset Falls and Redbud Nook
<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b> Erövrare will become the flagship pack for the Praetors but will favor bastards and the adopted rather than the official bloodline. members of Erövrare are expected to train and work hard both to defend their lands and should the need arise to wage war against their enemies. The intention is not to spread a bloodline or indoctrinate others to a way of life or belief but to host the strong and create warriors. This pack will feature pack points and rewards to help place members in ranks and to gain standing within the pack from fellow members. There are a lot of changes to the original design of Dauntless, particularly while pertaining to other species which are going to be welcomed as equals.

Erövrare holidays will be geared toward improving skills and will feature challenges such as fighting tournaments, the summer fox hunt, a blind race, a puzzle challenge geared toward intellect and a sort of easter egg hunt for healers. There will be one game per season to encourage activity and each challenge will have a grand prize of one accessory or companion purchased from the gem store by yours truly.

—  The High Lord (1) - The High Lord is the highest authority within Erövrare, while other members, either tier three or higher, may make decisions without the High Lord's permission the High Lord always has the final say in what happens within the pack.
— Viceroy (1) - The Viceroy acts as the second in command to the High Lord as well as an adviser, they aren't given a specific task but are expected to learn from all fields and ranks, their council is held with the utmost regard and their rulings can only be overturned by the High Lord.
— Prince/princess in waiting (1) - The chosen heir to take over Erövrare after the high lord abdicates, it is not required that they are of the high lord's direct bloodline or of any particular age, this position can be challenged for by any member of the pack, however the nature of the challenge will be determined by the high lord

Tier 2

— Chancellor (1) - The overruling judge of Erövrare who presides over all rites of justice and matrimony. The Chancellor is judge, jury and executioner in Erövrare and their ruling can only be overturned by either the Viceroy or the High Lord. The Chancellor will also oversee fighting tournaments and fight training and is expected to declare a winner {To ease stress on our actual judges}
— Taskmaster (1) - the overseer of bond servants and disciplinary offenders within Erövrare, they have the duty to make sure none of Erövrare's less fortunate escape and ensures they are not being particularly abused. A taskmaster may also be charged with determining what role will be best suited to a bond servant, who should have ownership of an unowned bond servant, or if a bond servant can rise to the rank of court member. Additionally the taskmaster is in charge of ensuring that bond servants become obedient by whatever means they deem necessary.

Tier 3
—Coterie (4) - those who have proven their loyalty to the high lord and Erövrare, the Coterie is a group of wolves within the pack who protect the pack's best interests. Members of the coterie are closely knit and select a leader among themselves who reports to the highlord directly. There is no set skill needed to be a coterie member, only a desire to see Erövrare prosper and to serve the high lord faithfully
— Oracle (1) - Those born with the skill to communicate with spirits and demons may be given the role of Oracle, unlike other tier 3 ranks this rank cannot be challenged for and can only be obtained by proving one can communicate with spirits by whatever means they choose. Oracles are tasked with predicting the outcome of future events, and convincing the spirits to lend their strength and guidance. Once someone becomes an oracle they are an oracle for life and cannot ascend further in ranking. They cannot be elected as Prince/princess in waiting or join a coterie. The Oracle is allowed to take a mate if they please, or use any means they desire to reach the spiritual world, be it through narcotics, sex, or simply prayer.
— Master of Shadows (1) - One of the three advisers to the High Lord; this position favors wolves with experience in intellectual skills and Navigation. It can only be obtained either by vote or by being selected by the High Lord as per the High Lord's decision. This position also commands all wolves assigned as Intelligence Officers and outranks all Specialist rulings.
— Quartermaster (1) - One of three advisers to the High Lord; this position favors wolves with experience in Hunting and Healing skills. It can only be obtained either by vote or by selection of the High Lord as per the High Lord's decision. This position is responsible for maintaining and keeping inventory of the pack's food stores and the pack's herb stocks and commands all wolves assigned as Game Officer or Medical Officer and outranks all Specialist Rulings
— High General (1) - One of three advisers to the High Lord; this position favors wolves with experience in Fighting skills. It can only be obtained either by vote or by selection of the High Lord as per the High Lord's decision. This position is responsible for overseeing the training and assignment of all Infantry Officers and outranks all Specialist Rulings
Tier 4
— Priests (2) –  Priests are wolves that favor intellectual skills and are in charge of arranging festivals and empowerment rituals; rallies to raise the spirits of the pack through spiritual means. Priests are able to communicate with spirits and ask for guidance at the request of other members or for their own needs. Priests are not required to be celibate and can choose any mate they please.
— Wardens(3) - The peace keepers within Erövrare tasked with making sure the pack laws are being followed and enforced. The wardens may demote anyone with a tier 4 or 5 rank to tier 6 however the decision can be overruled by a tier 3 wolf or higher. This rank can be challenged for at any time and if one of the wardens is abusing their power it is expected that they will be.
— Intelligence Specialist (2) – The lead navigators and intellectuals within the pack; tasked with apprenticing all Grunts wishing to become intelligence officers themselves and reporting information gathered by Intelligence officers to Tier 1 and 2 wolves. Intelligence specialists are also expected to keep up moral within the pack by organizing festivals, and overseeing trading between packs. This rank can be challenged for at any time.
— Game Specialist (2) – The lead hunters within the pack; tasked with overseeing hunts with the exception of The Summer Fox Chase as well as apprenticing any grunts that wish to become hunters. They are responsible for filling and controlling the food stores and distributing rations in times of famine. This rank can be challenged for at any time.
— Medical Specialist (2) – The lead healers within the pack; tasked with apprenticing all grunts wishing to become Medical Officers. They are responsible with maintaining the herb den and overseeing all healers as they perform their duties This rank can be challenged for at any time.
— Infantry Specialist (2) – The lead fighters within the pack; tasked with apprenticing all grunts wishing to become Infantry Officers. In times of battle they are expected to be on the front line where the fighting is thickest as well as overseeing  patrol of the borders and processing any potential members found at the borders or within the battlefield. This rank can be challenged for at any time
Tier 5
— Friar (∞) –  The spiritual guides of Erövrare, these wolves are tasked with assisting the priests or oracle in whatever needs they might have and ensuring that members of the pack are motivated and faithful to the laws of Erövrare.
— Infantry Officer (∞) – Fighters within the pack tasked with patrolling the borders and fighting off potential invasions or attacks
— Game Officer (∞) – Hunters within the pack, tasked with supplying food for the stores and observing the movements of herds of prey.
— Medical Officer (∞) – Healers within the pack, tasked with treating ailments or wounds of pack members and gathering herbs for the herb den. A medical officer may withhold treatment unless ordered by a tier 3 ranked wolf or higher
— Intelligence Officer (∞) – Navigators or intellectuals within the pack tasked with exploring the lands outside of Erövrare and maintaining relationships between allied packs.
Tier 6
—  Court Member(s) (∞) - Unranked wolves over the age of 2 years or wolves who have been moved from the rank of either prisoner or disciplinary offender
— Grunt (∞) – Adolescents given apprenticeships, grunts may change their chosen apprenticeship at any time.
— Younglings (∞) - The children of Erövrare too young to be given apprenticeships, are expected to begin learning the skills and roles within Erövrare as early as possible.
— Veteran (∞) - The elderly in Erövrare no longer able to perform their duties.
Tier 7
— Prisoner (∞) – Simply put, a prisoner of Erövrare, they are not to be harmed or mistreated but cannot leave Erövrare at any time unless they have been released by a tier 3 ranked wolf or higher. Prisoners may not leave the pack lands under any circumstances, and will be subject to maim if they are caught anywhere else.
— Bondservant (∞) – Slaves within Erövrare expected to do the bidding of their masters. Slaves can be taken by any tier 4 ranked wolf or higher. Punishment and mistreatment is the responsibility of the bondservant’s master. Bondservants are not allowed to leave Erövrare territory under any circumstances.
— Disciplinary Offender (∞) – A temporary rank for pack members being punished, a disciplinary offender is able to plea their innocence at any time, however if they are found guilty the span of their punishment may be extended.  

✭ All non-Erövrare wolves who enter Erövrare lands are considered prisoners until they have either made an appeal to join their ranks or are granted amnesty by a tier 3 ranked wolf or higher. The ultimate fate of the prisoner however can only be decided by the High Lord or the Viceroy.

✭✭ Ranks are based on skill and performance, marriage or paternity to a high ranked wolf will not carry over to the mate or child. Ranks are only to be given on the basis of capability and merit, children in particular must make a name for themselves rather than inherit titles. Furthermore high ranked wolves cannot nominate their own children or mates during rites of election as it is a conflict of interest.  

✭✭✭ Slothfulness and apathy will not be tolerated within Erövrare. Only the strong shall prevail and those that would lounge on the hard work of others are not welcome within Erövrare. If a tier three wolf is failing in their duties or abusing their power it is expected that their rank be challenged for. If the challenger should fail they may still demand a rite of justice, providing they have proof.

✭✭✭✭ The will of the High Lord is law and therefore the laws of Erövrare are subject to change as they see fit. Insubordination and disobedience are subject to harsh punishment and cannot be overruled by a rite of justice. The punishment for committing these crimes can only be decided by the High Lord and no one else.

✭✭✭✭✭ By force or feather all pups born to Erövrare wolves belong to Erövrare or must be disowned. Caring for others outside the pack is considered a capital offence and may be dealt with accordingly. Before joining Erövrare all wolves must renounce their ties to any family that refuses to join Erövrare themselves, however if a family member should seek to find their loved ones by entering Erövrare territory an appeal to join their ranks can be made.

✭✭✭✭✭✭Marriage is a sacred bond that must be treated as such. Committing adultery is a heinous offence and one that should be punished as the affronted partner sees fit. Having children out of wedlock is considered disgraceful, however honor may be restored to the discredited party if either the partner or anyone else demands a Rite of Matrimony after the fact. Rites of Matrimony may be dissolved by rites of justice as long as there are grounds for annulment

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

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1. Spooky Pack Contest Updates/Events Archive 03:02 PM, 10-15-2018 09:36 AM, 07-02-2024