
Spooky Pack Contest



4 Years
10-15-2018, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2018, 10:36 AM by Jewell.)
<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="">Jewell</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b>l' Asile
<b>Proposed color:</b>#6633ff
<b>Proposed lands:</b>  veterans plateau and the range

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b> l' Asile will be geared towards providing a safe haven for those that have been harmed in the worst of ways. The traumatized and fragile of mind will be welcomed here. Those that have ill intent or have proven to be untrustworthy will be banished from the pack creating a true safe haven for the members. Family is of great importance to the pack and love is encouraged no matter the participants gender or orientation. i also intend to implement a pack point system that will help to earn the higher ranks.

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</b></u>

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: meneur
<b>Description</b>: the primary leader of the pack. This wolf is to be respected and obeyed at all times.

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: champion
<b>Description</b>: this is the second in command of the pack. This wolf must be a skilled fighter to gain this rank. They are charged with answering rank challenges and pack challenges in place of the meneur of the meneur is less than capable as a fighter. This wolf does not necessarily have to be the mate of the meneur, in fact it is frowned upon to place the rank upon the meneur's mate, as this wolf is also the highest council to the meneur.

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: Héritier
<b>Description</b>: the heir or heiress of the pack. This may not always be the child of the meneur. In fact it may be the child of the champion. This wolf must be driven and the next most capable of taking over the pack.

<b>Tier 2 Rank</b>: (3) conseil
<b>Description</b>: these three wolves are the high council to the packs alphas. They need not be the best fighters, hunters, or healers but being adept in one of these skills helps. They are who the alphas consort with when big decisions are made. They are to be respected and obeyed by the pack as they are seen as the wisest wolves. Usually these are elders or those with greater knowledge than the alphas.

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: chasseur
<b>Description</b>: the lead hunters. THEse are the most experienced of our hunters and share many of the same duties as the chein but are given a pup to teach their skill to specifically when it is needed.

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: guerrier
<b>Description</b>: the lead fighters in the pack. their duties are the same as a combattant but are given a pup to train in their skill when it is needed.

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: médecin
<b>Description</b>: The lead healers. their duties are the same as an infirmière but they are given a pup to train in their skill when it is needed.

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>: combattant
<b>Description</b>: the warriors of the pack. They are in charge of protecting the lands and aiding in border security. They must prove they can protect the pack in honorable combat at the battlefield, though this is only once in their life they are encouraged to continue to do so even after they gain this rank. they are also encourage to teach basic self defense to those in the pack.

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>: chien
<b>Description</b>: the packs hunters. They are in charge of feeding those who are not capable of feeding themselves. They are allowed to call pack hunts and organize feasts in times of festivities. They are encouraged to teach others the art of hunting so they may feed themselves and the pack as well.

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>: infirmière
<b>Description</b>: the healers of the pack. they are in charge of healing the wounded and sick, keeping the medical stores stocked, and aiding those that need it. the are encouraged to teach at least basic healing to those in the pack.

<b>Tier 5 Rank</b>: citoyen
<b>Description</b>: a temporary position for those that are in need of sanctuary inside the pack or are looking to join. These wolves have a OC month to decide where they would like to be placed and to prove they are able to be welcomed inside the pack. If they cannot then they will be removed from the pack. They may attempt to rejoin but may be asked to work twice as hard to gain rank.

<b>Tier 6 Rank</b>: puni
<b>Description</b>: A rank not given out lightly. to have this rank means you have done wrong in the pack or are in need of pnishment for something. You are not allowed outside of the borders with this rank or to meet those on the borders.


The alphas word is law.

Once it has been completely approved by both alphas and the council, laws and pack decisions are to be abided by, by everyone including the alphas.

Rape, murder and other heinous acts are forbbidden to commit one of these acts will result in banishment and potentially a death sentence should you be caught in the territory or surrounding lands.

Love is encouraged here, no matter the gender of the participants in the relationship. Breeding on the other hand is to be discussed with the alphas and council members to ensure we have not only the space but rscources for pups.

In the event that accidental litters are made, the alpha's and council understand, but all your pups are to be claimed by 'l Asile. If with a loner the loner will have a chance to join or the pack member will have a chance to leave to be with their pups, but they will be asked to denounce anything to do with the litter if the pack member decides to stay and the loner not join.

Kindness is expected here espescially to your packmates, though you are tto be wary of strangers. those that cross our borders without the permissions of a teir one or two member are the exceptions to this. they are to be chased away by any means nescssary or claimed as a puni.

Keep our secrets secret. It is imperative that anything that could be used against us be kept secret. this includes our numbers, locations of dens, the names of our members, and how many warriors we have. you may share our laws, and how the pack opporates or its purpose with those that seek to join however.

use your common sense. if it feels wrong to you or seems like something you shouldn't do, then don't do it. the alphas and council don't have time to babysit you, so they trust you can do the right thing.

Work to earn a rank. Being mated to high ranked wolves or the child of one does not earn you a rank. the alphas only want those that prove they can hold the packs best interest in the high ranks.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.

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1. Spooky Pack Contest Updates/Events Archive 03:02 PM, 10-15-2018 09:36 AM, 07-02-2024