
Spooky Pack Contest



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
10-29-2018, 05:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2018, 10:37 PM by Ignatius.)
<b>Alpha:</b> <a href=””>Ignatius Agnivo</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b> Fýri
<b>Proposed color:</b> #00BFFF
<b>Proposed lands:</b> Gale Gorge and The Red Forest

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me: </b>

This is a pack designed with common pack-pitfalls in mind, all in the hope of creating a pack that encourages players to be involved in the day-to-day life as well as the progression of their character through the ranks. Where the structure and hierarchy in many other packs falls short, Fýri has a unique rank system that will allow higher tier positions to be filled in other ways than just a soul-draining skill grind. The hope here is that it will allow a true pack structure to form, giving players more involvement and enjoyment, while avoiding the dynamic of one or two leaders and the vast majority of the rest of the pack being entry-level ranks. We are hoping to build a pack with a strong culture of its own, where players want to hang out in pack lands and get to know other members beyond just seeing them at meetings.

Fýri will offer Rank Specializations, a unique reputation system, emphasis on crafting, creative uses for your character’s skills and more, all while blending southern and northern European themes. The mix of Roman and Norse culture is so far unseen in Ardent, and should be a good time. <s>Also, my contract dictates that I must add “because its Monster and Monster is kewl. Vote for Mon.”</s>

As of yet the cultural aspect needs to be fleshed out, but as it develops the roman aspects and some features unique to Fýri will become apparent. Expect to see heavy emphasis on an elemental theme, most prominently found in the use of fire. And as far as pack alignment, they’ll likely fall somewhere in the chaotic good area, with lawful good tendencies. Also, common decency requires I admit that fox did extensive work on this shit, so you know the good parts are from her. Anything that sounds like a fork in a garbage disposal is me.

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</u></b>

<b><u>Tier one</u></b>

<b>Tier 1 Rank: Konungr or Dróttning (2)</b>
<i>Description:</i> He or She is the ultimate authority in Fýri. What these wolves say goes, and they should always strive to do what is in the best interests of the pack and it’s allies. The Konungr has the final say in making all major decisions. While their Hefnir and Jarls may help with the responsibilities of leadership, anything that affects Fýri’s future falls to the Konungr’s alone. They are trusted and expected to always uphold the values of the pack.

On occasion a secondary alpha may be chosen to share in the responsibilities of leading the pack. This rank required the full trust of the Konungr, exceptional skill in one’s craft as well as great leadership skills.


<b><u>Tier two</u></b>

<b>Tier 2 Rank: Jarl (2)</b>
<i>Description:</i> The ‘right hand(s)’ of the Konungr, this wolf is their most trusted allies. These wolves are expected to share all the responsibilities of the Konungr, and may call meetings, promote or demote wolves up to tier three without consulting the Konungr, doll out punishment and accept new members. Fýri’s Jarls act as the voice of the Konungr in meetings with other packs should the Konungr be unable to attend. They will advise the Konungr in difficult situations and as charged with ensuring that the wolves in Master ranks are performing their duties as expected.


<b><u>Tier three</u></b>

<b>Tier 3 Rank: Hefnir (1)</b>
Description: The Heir to the throne of Fýri. The Konungr’s apprentice, in essence. May or may not be a blood relative of the Konungr. Their main job is to learn how to be the Konungr(or Dróttning) in the event that the current Konungr should pass. Extensive training in many fields of study is required, and if the current Hefnir does not impress the Konungr with their drive to succeed, a new one will be chosen to replace them. Once the Konungr thinks them fit, and only then, the Hefnir will be granted more or less the same power as the Jarls, though the Jarls will still outrank them.

<b>Tier 3 Rank: Tiginn (3)</b>
Description: Emissaries of Fýri. They provide trusted council and advice to the Konungr, and are charged with executing most diplomatic meetings when the Konungr cannot go. Masters of navigation, they are always present when trading with allied packs, and oftentimes are the ones who broker relationships with packs Fýri is not yet familiar with.


<b><u>Tier four:</u></b> <i>These wolves have showed exemplary knowledge and ability in their craft. They are educated beyond their specializations and are difficult to match in skill. Tier four wolves are in charge of assigning tasks to those in their same career line and will be able to assign apprentices to mentors. They should keep good track of all those under them and check in on the training of apprentices in their field regularly.</i>

<b>Tier 4 Rank: Master Fighter</b>
<i>Description:</i> Master Fighters are respected and revered among the pack. They have trained at least one apprentice for the entire duration of their training, and are expected to take part in every major conflict the pack is involved in. These warriors are often commanding the field of battle, and if they have chosen a specialization they are expected to be preeminent in their field of study. Expect them to be the one’s assigning wolves to patrols and calling for fight trainings the most frequently.

• Overseeing at least one apprentice for the entire duration of their training, <b>and:</b>
• Be at least 3 years of age, <b>and,</b>
• Become Advanced in the Fighting Skill,
• <i>Or</i> take part in 10 training/spar threads for pack members, and achieve Intermediate Fighter level.
• <i>Or</i> take part in either 3 border conflicts, or a Siege,
<b>Note:</b> Outstanding individual circumstances may result in early promotion.

<b>Tier 4 Rank: Master Healer</b>
<i>Description:</i> The Master Healer is expected to have an overarching knowledge of their craft, regardless of specialization. They will have trained at least once apprentice, who is able to positively reflect the effects of their tutelage. Whether faced with wounds or illness or poisoning, the master healer is able to treat these conditions in most cases. They are expected to be a wealth of knowledge unto the pack, keepers of lore and history as well.

• Overseeing at least one apprentice for the entire duration of their training, <b>and:</b>
• Be at least 3 years of age, <b>and,</b>
• Become Advanced in the Healing Skill,
• <i>Or</i> any 10 combinations of herb gathering thread, training thread for non-apprentice wolves on or off packlands, healing wounded or ill pack members, or delivering pack pups, plus achieve Intermediate Healer level.
<b>NOTE:</b> These threads must be completed (Exited,) or they will not count.

<b>Tier 4 Rank: Master Hunter</b>
<i>Description: </i>The Master Hunter is in charge of the pack’s food supply. Beyond merely felling prey, they are tasked with ensuring that every hunter under their command is acting as effectively as possible. They are expected to understand not only the kill itself, but all tasks involved in preparing and preserving their prey for as long as possible, and keeping the pack fat even during lean times. Many pack hunts will be called for by the Master Hunter.

• Oversee at least one apprentice for the entire duration of their training, <b>and:</b>
• Be at least 3 years of age, <b>and,</b>
• Become Advanced in the Hunting Skill,
• <i>Or</i> take part in 5 specialization threads (Trapping, Fishing, etc)
• <i>Or</i> take part in either a site and pack, or two pack, hunting threads, plus achieve Intermediate ranking in Hunting Skill.

<b>Tier 4 Rank: Master Scout</b>
<i>Description:</i> The Master scouts are the brains of the pack, and their far-reaching influence is relied upon to deliver information to their Alpha’s ears. They are expected to be active gatherers of information, with keen minds and charisma bent towards furthering pack goals. Their loyalty must be unquestionable, given the far reach they are expected to have. The Master Scouts are both informants and spymasters, and will have trained at least one apprentice for the entire duration of their training. The more knowledge a Scout is able to acquire, the sooner their promotion will be in reach. A master scout may be asked to oversee the pack band, which roams the far reaches of the continent, and is the eyes and ears of the pack wherever the primary members cannot be.

•Oversee at least one apprentice for the entire duration of their training, <b>and:</b>
•Be at least 3 years of age, <b>and,</b>
•Become Advanced in the Navigation Skill
•<i>Or</i> spend at least two seasons in the Scout Band, while often reporting information back to the Alpha.
•<i>Or</i> take part in at least 10 border patrol threads, while achieving Intermediate Navigation level.

<b>Tier 4 Rank: Master Crafter</b>
<i>Description: </i>The Crafters are wonders of Fýri’s unique design. The wolves have reached beyond the usual confines of their existence in the pursuit of something more. They will have specialized in several specific arts, and are keen to continue learning as their lives press on. They have gifted the pack with many unique creations, and better the lives of the pack’s inhabitants by offering some things heretofore unseen in the rest of Boreas or Auster. Before they can be considered a Master of their art, they must have passed their knowledge on to at least two apprentices, who have completed their training under their watchful eye.

<div align="left"><i>ACHIEVE THIS RANK BY:</i>
• Oversee at least two apprentices for the entire duration of their training, <b>and:</b>
• Be at least 3 years of age, <b>and,</b>
• Become Advanced in the Intellect Skill,
• <i>Or</i> take part in 6 gathering/crafting threads, at least 3 each for two different specializations.
• <i>Or</i> use crafting expertise to assist the pack in a unique random event.


<b>TIER FIVE:</b> <i>These are the specialist ranks. They have a good foundational knowledge of their chosen trade and are ready to focus their energy on specific areas.</i>

<b><u>HUNTER RANKS-</u></b> Hunters tend to specialize in one specific niche. Masters of the art can claim proficiency in many different areas of expertise.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Fisher</b>
<i>Description:</i> These wolves have achieved the rank of Hunter and have now chosen to provide for their pack through fishing. This specialization tends to favor wolves with light and medium builds. They have no fear of the water and able to venture far and wide to bring meat home. These wolves have completed an apprenticeship in their overarching field and have decided to focus on this specific path.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Small Game </b>
<i>Description: </i>These wolves have achieved the rank of Hunter and have now chosen to provide for their pack through the pursuit of small game. Their focus aims towards the solo hunting of terrestrial prey such as rodents, waterfowl, and gamebirds. These wolves have completed an apprenticeship in their overarching field and have decided to focus on this specific path.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Large Game </b>
<i>Description: </i>These wolves have achieved the rank of Hunter and have now chosen to provide for their pack through the pursuit of large game. Their focus aims towards cooperative hunting for beasts such as moose, elk, oxen, and more. These wolves have completed an apprenticeship in their overarching field and have decided to focus on this specific path.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Trapper </b>
<i>Description:</i> These are wolves who have chosen the path of the hunter, but are keen on the use of tools as well. They will have a crafting background, and have spent at least a season studying contraptions that will help them to pursue prey even when they are not in the area.

<b><u>HEALER RANKS-</u></b> Many healers will focus in more than one specialization. The most sought-after healers will have a base of knowledge in all aspects of the art.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Wounds/Combat Medic </b>
<i>Description: </i>This healer specializes in wounds often received in combat, including broken bones and trauma. They are battlefield medics, on site during wars and skirmishes.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Illnesses </b>
<i>Description:</i> This healer specializes in everything from common colds to plagues, and is driven to keep their pack healthy and fighting-fit. The focus on preventative care, and are most often found gathering herbs both within and beyond pack borders, covering the ‘what-ifs’ of healing.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Poisons </b>
<i>Description:</i> These healers are uniquely equipped to cause as much harm as they are able to cure. Their specialization allows them to hone in on the more dangerous elements of their craft, and are expected to know both how to cause and cure a number of specific ailments.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Shaman</b>
<i>Description:</i> These healers, while able to treat a range of ailments, focus more on the soul and history of the pack. These healers are primarily spiritual guides, and are expected to be the moral compass of the pack. Healers who choose this path are respected and revered

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Alchemist</b>
<i>Description:</i> These healers are more focused on the science of their craft than the application of it. These pioneers are bent on discovering new cures and experimenting with the tools of their trade. They will pass the knowledge on to others, but to them the research is far more interesting than the application.

<b><u>FIGHTER RANKS</u></b>

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Commander </b>
<i>Description:</i> These fighters are found leading the charge. They are those most often found in thick of battle. They are expected to be compassionate towards those they lead, and exemplify both compassion and collection under pressure. These wolves tend to be a heavier build, willing and able to take blows so that those who serve under them do not have to.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Assassin/Rogue</b>
<i>Description:</i> These fighters are not often in the thick of battle, preferring to keep to the edge of things, gathering intel and nudging circumstances in their favor. These wolves tend to be of a lighter build, well equipped for subterfuge and keeping to the shadows.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Strategist </b>
<i>Description:</i> The strategists are critical, mathematical thinkers. They are well equipped to asses the world around them and deliver calculated responses. They are expected to manage the battlefield both on and behind the scenes, as well as offer insight to matters which involve environmental crises, such as famine or drought.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Special Forces </b>
<i>Description:</i> A hand-picked, selective group of wolves with unique skills and backgrounds which make them uniquely adapted to a wide array of tasks, usually at the command of either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 wolf. These are the wolves called upon when a task needs to be done quickly, quietly, and with a certainty of success.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Gladiator </b>
<i>Description:</i> Unlike the captive Gladiators, these warriors fight for for honor, renown, and entertainment. These are often the most brutal and capable warriors when it comes to one-on-one confrontation, and in facing down other predators as well. They are incredibly fearsome, and do not fear death.

<b><u>SCOUT RANKS</u></b>

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Border Patrol </b>
<i>Description:</i> The Scouts with a keen eye, charged with regular patrols of the pack borders to ensure no one who doesn’t belong can enter the territory for even a moment unnoticed. They have flawless knowledge of the terrain around every inch of the border, and no one comes or goes without them knowing. They’re the first to meet new arrivals, and on top of managing security they also keep close tabs on what prey and herbs are around. A wealth of knowledge and highly observant, they’re more well rounded and knowledgeable than their title suggests.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Roaming Band</b>
<i>Description:</i> In time, those who have proven to be exceptional scouts with great navigating skill will be allowed to join a band that is a roaming arm of the pack. No terrain is beyond their abilities to navigate through. Keeping tabs on the movements of other packs and current news around ardent is their specialty.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Infiltration/Spies </b>
<i>Description:</i> Subterfuge, deception, both as easy and natural as breathing for the Spies. They understand the psychology of other wolves, know how to play them like fiddles. Understanding of the weather patterns and terrain of both continents are key. When enemy packs arise these are the wolves who will be the first to seek them out.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Informants (OOC/non member rank)</b>
<i>Description:</i> Whether loners or even members of other packs, informants all do a special job for Fýri by delivering information on other packs that they might not otherwise be able to safely gather. They are compensated for their help.

<b><u>CRAFTING RANKS</u></b>

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Tanner</b>
<i>Description:</i> These crafters have decided to make a specialty out of tanning hides, working hard to learn how to best tan hides for use in a variety of projects. They’re usually involved in the hunt so they can ensure the hunters don’t damage the hides, especially of larger animals. Skinning the prey is an art form, one they work to perfect.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Brewer</b>
<i>Description:</i> Name your drink, and they’ll probably try to make enough to destroy your liver. Brewers have found their calling in making enough alcohol to satisfy the whole pack. Always experimenting with their recipes to make the best drink, their wares are sure to be a favorite when trading.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Potter</b>
<i>Description:</i> No matter your needs, a potter is sure to be able to craft a vessel that can transport whatever your heart desires. They have to be knowledgeable about where best to find their needed supplies, and able to travel however far is needed to reach said supplies.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Slings/Satchels</b>
<i>Description:</i> For transporting goods in slightly more lightweight and mobile containers, look no further than the crafters who specialize in making satchels. Whether by using leather from the tanners, scavenged cloth, or a combination of materials they craft sturdy bags with whatever they can get their paws on.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Nets/Ropes</b>
<i>Description:</i> For traps, snares, whatever you can think up. Other crafts are made possible by those who can make, find, or repurpose rope.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Hunting/Fishing Traps</b>
<i>Description:</i> Snares and beyond, these savvy hunters make a point of thinking up and perfecting new ways of hunting that don’t require expending much if any energy.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Trinkets/Wearables</b>
<i>Description:</i> Those who make items solely for decoration and trade with other packs. They’re usually rather intelligent and very creative, coming up with all sorts of accessories whether useful or simply meant to look nice.

<b>Tier 5 Rank: Tinker (Tools) </b>
<i>Description:</i> The glorious Crafters of Fýri making amazing things to better the wealth. What things you ask? Why, all sorts of things you’ve yet to imagine. Mon is tired, the things will be changed later if you think me worthy of winning.

<b><u>TIER SIX:</u></b> <i>Generic ranks. These wolves have a good grip of their chosen trade. They know the basics and can handle more things that come their way with the exception of exceptionally difficult or specialized work. At this stage they may take on apprentices.</i>
<b>Tier 6 Rank: Healer</b>
<i>Description:</i> Charged with tending to the wounds and ailments of their packmates, healers are to be well educated in their craft. Only difficult cases should cause trouble for full fledged healers of Fýri by the time they leave their apprenticeships. Keeping not only their own stores but that for the general use of the pack full of herbs is of utmost importance. Frequent gathering missions will be par for the course, and all the healers should have a good idea of what herbs the pack has and what they need to gather or trade for. Group lessons and meetings will be held regularly to further educate and maintain the skills of all in healing ranks.

<b>Tier 6 Rank: Hunter</b>
<i>Description:</i> Teamwork is stressed the most for this rank. While one may choose to specialize in catching smaller prey later on, hunters should make a point of regularly working with others of their rank to catch larger game and feed the pack. A basic knowledge of the land in and out of the pack should be established and maintained, as well as running knowledge of the majority of the prey that can be found nearby.

<b>Tier 6 Rank: Fighter</b>
<i>Description:</i> Defense is paramount, and the fighters are the backbone of Fýri’s defences. Maintaining fitness is highly important for fighters, and they are all required to attend all fight training. All should keep their skills sharp, though whether this happens through spars inside or out of the pack, or by fending off predators at the border doesn’t matter too much, so long as everyone does at least two of the aforementioned on a regular basis.

<b>Tier 6 Rank: Crafter</b>
<i>Description:</i> Gifted with a creative spirit, the crafters serve an important role in Fýri’s relations with other packs by making trade possible. Whether it is small trinkets or more complex creations, the crafters are always making something. They often lead trading expeditions and are required to be relatively adopt at most other skills so they can fend for themselves without always requiring escort from other ranks. They should learn to make most simple things and go on several successful trade missions before choosing a specialty.

<b>Tier 6 Rank: Scout</b>
<i>Description:</i> The messengers and eyes of the pack. A pack is weak if it does not know anything of the world around it. The scouts are charged not only with delivering and returning messages to and from other packs, but with learning as much as possible about the packs of Boreas and Auster. They should become adept navigators, keep in exceptional shape, and have good memories.


<b><u>TIER SEVEN: </u></b>

<b>Tier 7 Rank: Elders</b>
<i>Description:</i> Too old to properly perform their duties, these are the oldest of Fýri and are to be treated with utmost respect as though they held a higher rank. Some may choose to help in training the apprentices, and their wisdom is expected to be valued greatly by all.

<b>Tier 7 Rank: Apprentices</b>
<i>Description:</i> At a year of age the pups will be assigned mentors to educate them in their area of interest. If the children have not picked a career yet they may be assigned multiple wolves to mentour under until they find a job they like. At a year and a half the most committed students will be given a chance to learn from any master ranked wolves in their chosen field for a few weeks.

Apprentices may not always be the young though; if an adult is lacking in skill in the area they wish to work in they may be assigned a more experienced wolf to train with until their skill level is high enough to earn a rank up.

<b>Tier 7 Rank: Unranked</b>
<i>Description:</i> New members who have yet to choose a career path. No one should stay in this position for long. While one is unranked they should still find tasks they can do within the pack to contribute, after all, nothing is free.

<b>Tier 7 Rank: Pups</b>
<i>Description:</i> Fýri’s youngest members, the children and future of the pack. No matter the position of their parents, all pups fall under the same rank and will have to work as they age to achieve higher ranks. Even the Hefnir will not be chosen young. The pack as a whole contributes to raising, loving, teaching, and punishing the pups of Fýri. By three and a half months they will be learning the basics of the skills they will need to survive later on. Before they are a year of age they should all know the gist of how to hunt, treat minor wounds, and fight. No child of Fýri should be allowed to grow into a defenseless adult.


<b><u>TIER EIGHT: </u></b>

<b>Tier 8 Rank: Punished</b>
Description: The omegas, more or less. The lowest of the actual members, these are wolves who have broken the rules, challenged the Konungr’s authority publicly and without cause, slacked in their duties or otherwise done wrong. It is expected that they will complete punishing assignments given by a Tier one through three wolf in order to regain favor. Failure to do so will result in harsher punishment or expulsion from the pack.

<b>Tier 8 Rank: Prisoners</b>
Description: Those who were captured during times or war or because they’ve trespassed on packs lands and refused to leave. Prisoners are not to be treated poorly, though the quality of their captivity is largely contingent on good behavior. A prisoner who causes trouble for the pack will be dealt with quickly and severely.

<b>Tier 8 Rank: Gladiator (Captive)</b>
Description: When a wolf is taken captive by Fyri, they are occasionally given a choice. They can wither away in confinement, or earn a chance at freedom. A wolf who is able to prove themselves in the gladiatorial arena, while also earning the admiration of the pack, might be allowed to leave as a free wolf. You know, if they aren’t maimed or killed first.


<b><u>Tier 9: OOC Ranks</u></b>

<b>Tier 9 Rank: Exiled</b>
Description: Those who have been cast permanently out of Fýri, either for committing a heinous crime or failing severely to do their duties within the pack. Once exiled, only extraordinary circumstances could convince the Konungr to reconsider and end the exile. Therefore one should consider this permanent.

<b>Tier 9 Rank: Enemy</b>
Description: Those who have wronged Fýri in some way. Enemies are not made lightly, but once one becomes an enemy of Fýri is it near impossible to change one’s status.

<b>Tier 9 Rank: Refugee</b>
Description: Those facing persecution elsewhere may find a home within Fýri. Depending on the [Alpha]’s decision, they may stay temporarily, or choose to join the pack later on. Those seeking refuge must still contribute to the pack like a true member if they were physically able

<b>Tier 9 Rank: Borrowed</b>
Description: Wolves who are on loan from other packs. Fýri is happy to exchange the teachings of its members for the help of wolves in other packs. Borrowed members are to be treated with as much respect as regular members, though they hold little power aside from calling meetings to teach their craft.

<b>Tier 9 Rank: Deceased</b>
Description: Members of the pack who have since passed on. They are remembered specifically at certain festivals.

- - -

<b>The Konungr is the ultimate authority - </b>If you join, you ought to have faith in his leadership. To go against his orders is punishable, to insult his decision making unfathomable. While he is not perfect, he gives much of himself to the tending of the pack and expects the respect of his members in return.

<b>Attendance is not optional -</b> Attend all meetings, or find yourself punished. Meetings are where you will hear important information, received rank ups, healers will discuss the state of their herb stores and trade routes will be determined and dates set to visit other packs, among much else. Failure to attend a mandatory meeting without good excuse is sure to have consequences. Failure to attend rank-related training is just as bad. Rank ups are really not difficult but failure to get to meetings will absolutely inhibit them, even for wolves who meet the basic requirements.

<b>Just cause you want it doesn’t mean you’ll get it - </b>While rank challenges are not unheard of, they are only allowed in specific circumstances. Most often, a master ranked wolf who the Konungr believes worthy of the opportunity to challenge may try for a higher tiered rank with the exception of the Hefnir or tier one ranks. Whether or not the challenge is even allowed is entirely up to the Konungr. If he says no, respect it and focus on moving up through hard work.

<b>Help one another - </b>Fýri is only as strong as the ties between members. Becoming a cohesive unit, learning to trust and work well alongside your peers can only benefit you and the pack. If someone from a different rank needs assistance, no matter their job or yours, help them out. Go out in groups to accomplish multiple duties when leaving pack lands, spend time together and forge bonds.

<b>Don’t be helpless - </b>Don’t be helpless. This pack and these lands are no place for the inept. If you do not know the bare basics of hunting, healing, and fighting you must agree to learn, or leave. The knowledge need only be rudimentary, but it is important nonetheless. No member of Fýri should be doomed perish if they wander from the packlands.

<b>Pull your weight - </b>Whether you’ve found your life’s calling or not, every member must do what they can to provide for the pack. Even if is just helping the healers organize their herbs, or following along on a border patrol. Everyone can do something, and should. If this is your home, care for it and it’s members like they matter to you.

<b>Don’t start it if you can’t finish it - </b>While continued fighting within the pack is discouraged, if the conflict becomes great a higher ranked wolf is free to intervene and deliver an ultimatum. Cease the fighting, or battle it out physically with a witness. Battles between pack members must have one wolf of a tier higher than the participants witnessing to both determine the winner and end the fight before major injuries can occur. Do not escalate a conflict you are not willing to fight out, and accept the witnessing wolf’s final judgement.

<i>Lastly, ya get to have a sneak peek of some of the things we plan to implement into the pack. By no means finished versions, but a good idea of what is to come!</i>
<b><u>FOX’S HIVE OF MANY IDEA</u></b>
<b><i>PACK STRUCTURE</i></b>

<b>Reputation System:</b> Some sort of arrangement where pack members can get points for spending time with other pack members, threading in pack lands, working within their specialization, following laws and upholding pack values. This could allow people to move ranks without grinding skill threads. A sort of metric that is visible to all members, something to be referred to at meetings and in other interactions. Like a way for people to know who how respected another member in the pack ought to be. Apprentices who gather the most reputation in their training might get put in a higher rank when they move up in rank.

Tier 1 & 2 players would be responsible for tracking these. Maybe we could have a sub board made for people to post links to, like a mini maintenance?

<i>Ex. Points:

+1 - Attempted thread with pack members
+1 - Attempted Skill thread
+3 - Completed Thread on pack lands/with pack members
+3 - Met rogue at border
+3 - Practice Spar
+5 - Lesson with apprentice/mentor
+5 - Participated in Hunt with 3 or more wolves
+5 - Completed skill thread
+5 - Attended pack meeting
+5 - Attended Festival
+7 - Hunting and delivering food to pups/pregnant wolves/elders
+10 - Participated in pack war/siege
+10 - Sired/Birthed litter of pack pups
+20 - Victorious in battle during pack war/siege</i>

<b><u>CEREMONIES:</u></b> All official rank-ups must come with a ceremony held by a higher tier wolf, and always at least Tier 1-3. They must be witnessed by at least 2 other pack wolves, and be officially concluded by the overseer. If the thread dies, the rank change does not occur.


Specializations are, for lack of a better term, ranks within ranks. Your character will choose the path of Fighter, Hunter, Healer, Scout, or Crafter as an apprentice or new member, and over time they will be able to learn from their pack members and acquire new skills. They may at some point decide to specialize in one or more specific skills, and this is where the specializations come in. Your character will be required to complete a certain number of threads before they can be considered proficient in their skill. If they are learning from a wolf who has already specialized in the same area, the required threads will be fewer.

A character who does so successfully will find many new perks within the pack. Foremost, they may find themselves moving up the ranks more quickly. They will receive Reputation points within the pack, on top of the skill points they will earn during the process. They may find themselves on the receiving end of gifts from the pack gem fund which will correlate to the specialization chosen. Above all, this is an opportunity for the player to help develop their character in new and interesting ways, while allowing them to find a place in the pack that is unique to them. Theoretically, each member of the pack would eventually have their own unique role to play.

 <i>-Pack Lotto</i>
     -This is a way to provide the pack a working pool of gems for prizes, gifts, and rewards for achieving certain milestones within pack structure. To participate, each member can buy a Lotto Ticket for 50 gems each. They may purchase as many as they like, and each will count as one entry for the drawing. At the end of each season half of the ticket sales will be given away to the winning member, while the remainder will be added to the Pack Fund.

 <i>-Harvest Festival</i>
- An awesome concept, but it seems as though all too often the threads do not get finished. Fyri’s Festival would hopefully break this cycle. The rough idea here is that the festival would be open to all wolves, both members and non-members of the pack, with the IC rationale being to increase the pack’s network, and to both offer and receive training of all sorts. I’m envisioning it as a wolf Renn Faire and tbh, my soul needs it. Players would be encouraged to donate prizes, alongside Fyri’s Pack Fund, as well. For example a player might make a few designs to add to a randomly designated prize pool, which are given out to winners of skill challenges

A good ‘ol roman legacy. Fyri would frequently offer training threads to wolves both in and out of the pack. Their members are encouraged to gain skills wherever they might be found. Hopefully once per season, or once every other, they would gather with wolves of all skill levels to participate. Each forum would be dedicated to a certain skill, including craft, with the exception of Fighting becaauusseee….

Can’t have a Roman pack without Gladiators, and you know Nordic sorts were always down for a good brawl. It just makes sense.

 <i>-Something to entice mentors</i> to actually be active with their apprentices. Idk what, but def an area of interest

 <i>- Pack-based random events</i> created and dispersed at intervals by the alpha?

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