
Spooky Pack Contest



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-29-2018, 10:33 PM
<i>sigh</i> I had a whole new thing I wanted to put up for newer version of the pack but it's on my laptop and I don't have it with me today so old info it is :c (this took me forever with the phone ToT)

<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="">Dragon</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b> Talis (may change, haven't decided yet)
<b>Proposed color:</b> <font color="#DE4A00">#DE4A00</font> or <font color="#1589ff">#1589ff</font>

<b>Proposed lands:</b> Soul Sand Cove & Waterfall Peak

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b> <s>birthday present? Lol</s>
Currently working on a new pack system that should be done real soon! This newer version will have new features that the old one didn't. Trading is among one of them (I don't want to spoil too much!). There is also a new hierarchy/ranking/recognition system that I am working on as well! Skills will play a part in this, but that won't be the only deciding factor! I'm in the process of making new changes, so stay tuned!

Other than that, Talis(?) Is geared towards those who want to better themselves and their abilities. Wolves from all walks of life are welcome, though keep in mind that individuals with darker tendencies will be carefully watched until the Alphas feel they have earned trust. Keep in mind, however, that wolves who seek to join for the sole purpose of only receiving and not helping the pack will not be tolerated.

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</b></u>

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>:
Drakon: The Drakon is the absolute king of Talis. Every decision he makes is final, and his word is law. Handles most major affairs concerning the pack, and ultimately decides who is allowed to join. Rarely will he allow someone else to make decisions for the pack, save for the Drakaina.

Drakaina: The queen of Talis. This position is only given to the Drakon’s mate should she be a good fit to lead along side him. In the event that she has no interest in leading, or is not a good fit, then another female may take this role (in this case, a non-mate). The Drakaina has as much power as the Drakon, though may not surpass his decision should it be final. The pair works closely together, and are equal in position, thus sharing many of the responsibilities.

<b>Tier 2 Rank</b>:
Anakrino: The judge of Talis, also serves as the lead beta rank. He/She is entrusted with the task of ensuring each member receives the proper praise or punishment based on the member's performance within Talis. The Anakrino has the ability to promote and demote members as they see fit, as long as it's within reason. This wolf may greet wolves at the borders, and test the skills of potential members to gauge their abilities to determine whether or not they are a good match for the pack. This wolf also doubles as an advisor to the Drakon and Drakaina, and their input is highly valued. Whoever holds this rank must be extremely loyal to the pack, and is to be respected.

Taxiarchès & Taxiarchos: Primary and Secondary Beta pair. Positions to be held by one female (Taxiarchès) and one male (Taxiarchos). Does not have to be a mated pair. These are the commanders of the Tier 3 ranks, and oversee training as well as distributing jobs and duties to the rest of the pack. They aid the Tier 1’s with duties such as patrolling, greeting new arrivals at the borders, testing potential members, and may sometimes be asked to venture to other packs on business occasions. The beta pair must get along and work as a single unit to ensure the rest of the pack is strong, and are to put the packs well being above their own. Talis is their main priority, and taking this rank is a commitment. These two must answer to the Anakrino when required, as well as work closely with him or her to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>:
Crimson Knight: Elite warriors of Talis. Several members may hold this rank, but only one will serve as a Squad Leader.
These wolves have proved themselves to be the best of the best when it comes to fighting. They have no fear, and never back down from a challenge. Crimson Knights are the first on the front lines in times of combat, and their skills are highly valued. Crimson Knights are highly loyal to the pack, and they serve Talis without question.

Crimson Guard: Elite guardians of Talis. Similar to the Crimson Knight, one will be selected as a Squad Leader. These wolves are the defenders of the pack, defending it from intruders, trespassers, raiders, etc. These wolves are generally more bulky and heavy built, though not always. They are first to meet the enemy the moment the boundaries are crossed, and also serve as a second line of defense or attack during times of war.

Crimson Mage: Elite healers of Talis. One will be selected as Squad Leader. The wolves in this rank have proven to be the best healers, and loyally serve the pack. Their skills are highly valued, as they are tasked with keeping the pack healthy and prepared. These wolves are often looked up to for their vast knowledge of herbal remedies among other things. The wolves in this rank are expected to pass on their knowledge to the other members of the pack, and to make sure each member knows at least the basics in the event of an accident.

Crimson Fang: Elite hunters of Talis. One will be selected as Squad Leader. The Crimson Fang are in charge of coordinating hunts and making sure the food stores are full and the members fed. Granted every member is capable of hunting for themselves, the Crimson Fang are still a valuable asset to the pack. They are often charged with tracking prey and finding the best hunting grounds, as well as other potentially discreet tasks given to them.

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>:
Knight: The main fighting force of Talis. Generally the fighters still working to improve their skills. Once they have proven themselves and their loyalty, then they may be promoted to Crimson rank. Knights must attend all fight training, and they must join in combat when required.

Crusader: Crusaders are the main force used for raiding. These wolves are the infantry, often going in for the first attack when ordered. They work with the higher ranks, and must attend all fighting and defensive training. Crusaders are required to participate in all combat related situations, and wherever else that they are ordered to.

Talon: Talons are specially chosen within Talis for a job more dangerous than the rest. They are Talis’ bounty hunters, a job that requires absolute dedication and focus, as well as strength and excellent tracking skills. Wolves who take on a Talon rank understand the potential dangers and difficulties behind the job. This rank is best suited for wolves who have great fighting ability, and the ability to remain undetected when stalking their targets. Their mission is to track, find, and capture their targets. Should they succeed, then they are rewarded for the completion of their missions.

<b>Tier 5 Rank</b>:
Unranked: Wolves who have not chosen a specialization or rank. New members are temporarily placed here until skills are assessed.

Fledgling: Wolves between the age of one (1) season to one (1) year. This is an in training rank. All Fledglings must attend every training called by higher ranking members regardless of which field they wish to pursue, and must obey the laws or risk a delay in their promotions at the end of their training. They must respect and obey all higher ranks, and must train with their assigned mentor(s). Fledglings aren't necessarily respected, but neither are they treated with disrespect. As long as they adhere to the laws and do what they're told, then they will be promoted upon the turning of their first year.

Hatchling: The children of Talis who are under a season old.

Loyalty is expected to be given to the Alpha(s) and the pack as a whole first and foremost. Outsiders and those who do not reside within Talis are not a priority. Family outside the pack may be an exception depending on the situation. You are expected to work hard, putting all your efforts into your duties and devoting yourself to your home -- your family -- though not everyone is related by blood, those who reside here will be considered as family. Protect each other like you would true blood.

✠ Trust is a key part within the pack and without it, you will not go far. The Drakon takes trust very seriously, and those who break it will find themselves facing the consequences. The Alpha expects members to get along and work together, regardless of your misgivings or feelings towards other members. Should there be any disputes, then members are expected to work them out. Refusal to do so will get the Drakon involved.

✠ Respect is not something that is given freely, and the Drakon understands that. However, while you are not required to respect lower tiers, you are expected to respect those above you and those equal to you, regardless of who they are. If you willingly choose to act like a jerk and a punk, however, then don't expect to be respected. If you want to be respected, then threat others how you'd want to be treated. Simple.

✠ To attain a higher rank requires hard work and effort in the necessary skills as well as within the pack. Promotions will not be given to those who do nothing, and the Alpha knows who does what around the pack. When you feel you are ready to challenge for a rank, speak with a Tier 1 or Tier 2 and they will determine whether or not you are allowed to challenge. Keep in mind, if your activity is low within the pack, you will not be granted the position regardless of your winnings. Lack of effort and duty will result in demotions with or without warning.

✠ Activity within the pack is your key to success. The Drakon is more likely to grant your challenges for higher ranks and possibly even grant special privileges. However, if your activity is low to none he will not, and may even completely deny your challenges and demote you until you prove that you truly want the position. Those who sit around on their backsides and do nothing, will be demoted down to Omega and will remain there until they work their way back up, or leave.

✠ When it comes to love, the Drakon does not care who you choose to fall in love with. However, keep in mind that mating with wolves from other packs is not allowed, unless that wolf chooses to leave their pack to join Talis first. If a Talis wolf and a loner should have pups, then those pups are expected to join Talis, else the pack member risk being demoted to an Omega for breaking the rules. In the event of a Talis wolf having pups with a wolf from another pack, then the Drakon will get involved, and the Talis member demoted to Omega for breaking the rules. In other words, don't risk breaking this rule, or there will be consequences. Failure to comply may, at some point, result in punishment beyond just demotion to an Omega.

✠ Not everyone may get along, and those who have gotten on each others nerves may settle their disputes however they wish, but may not go beyond moderate maims. Simply inform a Tier 2 or higher member to oversee the fight. Keep in mind they will not be allowed to interfere in any way without good reason.

✠ Trespassers are to be attacked on sight, no exceptions!!! Trespassers or those who show up at the borders and act with hostility are to be force claimed as a Doulos or Tresantes. Talis is not a pack of snowflakes, and will not tolerate such behavior from outsiders and those who choose to disrespect them. The only wolves who are exempt from this rule are the ones who have been granted permission from the Drakon, and the pack will be informed of those who are allowed on pack territory. Allies or outsiders wishing to see the Alpha(s) must stop at the borders, else they risk being attacked. Talis' safety and privacy comes first and foremost, and outsiders who trespass may be seen as threats. Failure to stop at the borders will result in consequences regardless of who you are. But as mentioned before, only those with permission to cross the borders are allowed to do so. All others are subject to a variety of things. Don't do it.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.

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