
Egyptian Feather



7 Years
12-29-2018, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2019, 06:40 AM by Nephthys.)
Hear ye, Hear ye,
Since I am back and shaking all this dust off is exciting as hell, I have decided to bring back this old family line. For now, I would like to extend the family; we all know that Ra was a megalomaniac and wanted to create an army of his own kind, reason why he went far and beyond to impregnate women which resulted in a bunch of half siblings for my girl here, Nephthys. It is safe to consider that after a season or two Ra vanished from any of his spawns lives, leaving them to fend for themselves.
  • They must not be below one year of age and past 2 years.
  • I reserve the right to take back the design/character if it goes longer then one month of inactivity. I want Ardent to be infested with egyptian wolves, with culture and stories. They will be legends.
  • These characters and designs cannot be used anywhere else but on Ardent.
  • Personalities may range since these are only half bloods however some things remain the same: They are a tight knit, like thieves, they may hate each other, stab each other in the back but family means everything.
  • All the names must be egyptian and they need to have Ithuriel as their last name.
  • I have some designs below that I have purchased and can be used though you are more than welcome to come up with your own! Those being half siblings, you will have more liberty with the designs but please do keep in mind the appearance of Ra as their patriarchal figure and that Nephthys was the first of his line of illegitimate spawns.


Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

Flowers in Chania

What you will need to do in order to apply:

[b]OOC Name[/b]:
[b]Character Name[/b]:
[b]Appearance[/b]: 150 words
[b]Personality[/b]: 200 words

The Ithuriel's are a malevolent breed of sensual beasts; violent aristocrats of the dying egyptian lineage. They believe they are gods ripped from their celestial chaise, and demand salvation for their family's rite to succession. Their worship is the obsession of immortality in devouring the flesh of their own kind; cannibals. They will be granted no satisfaction in feeding upon the weak or undeserving, and it is an absolute disgrace to do so. Cross them and they will shamelessly take all that you desire and design for you your own private hell. They are death dealers, cruel negotiators, mercenaries of a ravenous kind. A deal made with a Ithuriel is kept or rued, they will come for their rightful reward or rip it from your cold grasp. They are hellhounds. They hunt together. They kill together. Despite their cruel, bloodthirsty demeanors they are sensual and romantic murderers, valorous aristocrats that still value the art of chivalry and loyalty as they are thick as a close knit band of vagrants or thieves that provide an undying admiration for one another, even when disputes arise. They may seemingly loathe each other, threaten one another, exhaust their patience to a warring rivalry, but never betray or abandon that of their own blood. Their love may even border a perverse sense of intimacy that outlines their fierce possession for one another as incest is part of normalcy within their home.


Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were an integral part of ancient Egyptian society. It centered on the Egyptians' interaction with many deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces of nature. Rituals such as prayers and offerings were efforts to provide for the gods and gain their favor. I will make sure to present a list of rituals below.


Fogmoon Festival (Autumn): The Fogmoon Festival is a celebration of the lives you have lived. It is a gathering to honor those who have left an impression on you and who you wish to see again. It is a time for peace and telling of stories. It is believed that during the month of the Fogmoon, all spirits are freer to mingle, that part of you can leave to be reunited with the spirits of friends and family who have passed. It is common practice to erect alters with objects reminiscent of or favored by the spirit one wishes to invoke. Sleep is the conduit for this spiritual encounter, and so, these alters should be set near where one sleeps.

Phaethon Geminids (Meteor Shower Event) (Winter): Is considered the first day of winter, this change in seasons is beckoned in by an annual meteor shower, (known as the geminids in RL). A time for preparing for the coming hardships, this event focuses on bringing the family together and increasing morale and the overall sense of fun and unity.

Rite Of Healing: This Rite may be performed for oneself or others, to help restore the natural youthful health of the body, mind and soul after injury, illness or trauma. (Take note this is not magical, it is an incantation healers/shamans say before they start patching you up with herbs)
Flowers in Chania

Invocation of the Godself: We all "sense" the presence of Amen, the Hidden One (one of their egyptian Gods) living within us.. and all spiritual Paths attempt to connect us consciously with "him" (or "her" or "it!.") This invocation informs Amen that you "know" of him and wish for him to guide you. Used however often one wishes for guidance or luck in life.
Flowers in Chania

Rite Of Blessing: This Rite may be spoken over another person (addressing it to them by name, upon starting) to remind their soul of who they are and encourage self-integration.
Flowers in Chania


Rumored descendents of an ancient gods. Their belief is that strength and skill wills the success of the world, and all that which they deserve will be taken in blood or left in ashes. Feeding upon the strong will grant them strength. Feeding on the weak will bring disease. The full moon is believed to excel vitality, therefore most breeding, hunting and spars are valued during waxing phases, especially a day/night of the full moon. Waning moon phases are regarded with ill fate and conflicts often avoided during that time. They are indifferent to other religion than their own, but worship the force of nature therefore rituals may arise.
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together