
I am one with the animal inside




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-24-2023, 12:06 PM

Alastor hadn't been the only one to learn of the intruders on Elysium territory. Scylla had come upon them just that day. Thanks to her small size and the adrenaline pumping through the marauders as they felled a fat, Elysium deer, the woman had gone undetected. She knew that they were making a fatal mistake, but they didn't. Not yet. They'd find out soon enough though.

It didn't seem as though the wolves would be going anywhere, so Scylla quietly departed the clearing where they'd begun to feed and made her way back to the mountain. They would be the perfect specimens to try one of her new poisons on and she was quite excited to test them. Plans changed, however. As the svelte fae came into the common area, blue and grey eyes landed upon the brooding form of Alastor. The big man was in a mood and, when she asked why, he told her that he too had learned of the intruders. In fact, he was on his way to dispatch them. Scylla's long tail lashed back and forth and a grin spread on her maw. Oh... this was going to be fun.

The hulking giant and the tiny fairy of a woman made their way to the steppe with ease. Alastor knew where he was going so Scylla didn't tell him that she'd been there before. The trail of scents and deer blood was clear enough to follow. They'd made no attempt to hide their scalping of Elysium livestock. The group of wolves rested around a bonfire, even more evidence that they didn't give a fuck about their act of theft. Oooo, they were going to pay and she was going to enjoy it.

As they watched their prey milling about and conversing jovially, Alastor leaned in to ask Scylla if she wanted to be a part of this. It was so very difficult to keep from laughing aloud, so the tiny woman brought one dexterous paw up to cover her mouth. Mismatched eyes lifted with mirth and Scylla shook her head, reaching out to gently pat one of the behemoths dark paws. "Are you sure that you want to be a part of this?" the fae quipped in return. Rising to her paws the blue and cream fae stretched her neck up to place a quick peck on the man's cheek. "Enjoy yourself, Alastor. I surely will."

Peeling away from the hidden man, Scylla cut around the steppe, coming out into the clearing from the opposite side. Ever the actress, her cobalt ribcage rose and fell as she pretended to breathe heavily. The group looked up, their heads turning to look upon the woman. "Help," she squeaked out, "There's a monster!" With fake worry, the diminutive fae looked behind her as she slowly backed closer to the group. There were five in total and the hunger that they had for the deer was quickly turning to hunger for something else. Ever observant, Scylla noted the changes in their demeanor, the sharp grins, the lashing tails, the way that they all rose to sit or stand. All eyes were on her. That was exactly what she wanted.

One of the wolves, a dire sized male that was brown and white in color, stepped towards her, scooping the little fae close to him with one thick foreleg. Scylla could feel the thick muscles in his chest and excitement thrummed through her. They never had any idea. "Oh yeah, we'll keep you safe," the brute drawled before looking to the rest of his friends. "Won't we, boys?" The rest agreed and they began to draw in closer, but stayed back enough for the brown brute to assumedly have his way with her first. "What kind of monster?" A paw snaked around to Scylla's rump, giving her a squeeze which brought a fake gasp from the little fae. Eyes wide with 'fear,' Scylla motioned for the man to bring his head lower. He did so and she whispered in his ear. "Me."

There was little chance for the brute to show his confusion. The serpentine dagger had already slid from the bracer upon the fae's wrist. With a push, the razor sharp blade parted the man's throat like water. Jerking the blade to the side struck an artery and claret sprayed forth, spattering Scylla's coat. Four left. As the brown and white man dropped to the ground dead, the fae turned to the group, a smile on her maw. "Let's play, boys!"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]

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1. I am one with the animal inside The Stone Steppe 07:45 PM, 03-07-2023 08:54 AM, 04-17-2024